- Discord
- Exercise 1 (do you need feedback?)
- Evaluation and updates (no TypeScript, more attention to learning JS)
- Schedule
You will be learning many technologies through this course. You will learn JavaScript. Standards such as SSML, SCXML (as implimented in XState library). And also, if time permits, a bit of VoiceXML.
- NodeJS
- download and install NodeJS (the LTS version)
- Text editor
- your editor of choice (e.g. Emacs or VS Code)
- Github account
- you need to have one, and also know at least a little bit about git.
Course repo: https://github.com/GU-CLASP/dialogue-systems-1-2024
Azure, XState and SpeechState
- Many systems on the market are proprietary: the code is either not available (DialogueFlow) or one need to look how things are actually implemented in the code (not in the documentation) RASA.
- In the past (before 2020) we used VoiceXML, and in 2020 we used RASA. VoiceXML was great for dialogue management, because it was very transparent: it is a standard specifically built for voice applications.
- This year we will be using state charts, which are standardised (SCXML) and are very flexible. We will employ the JavaScript implementation of SCXML — XState.
- The platform that we used in the past for VoiceXML — Voxeo — had some terrible speech recognition and synthesis and one needed to dial a phone number to talk to the system. Now everything will just work in your browser.
- The browser-based architecture is flexible. In future you can use visual modality, even virtual reality (WebXR).
You will need to learn JavaScript. Why? Because of the browser. And because of XState.
- It is not hard, you already know some fundamentals of Python. And you will only need fundamentals in this course.
- It is very useful, because it is a new way of thinking. You’ll become a better programmer.
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide
- nice free tutorial with a focus on web development: https://scrimba.com/learn/learnjavascript/
- for more experienced programmers - Douglas Crockford’s book “How JavaScript Works”
- Web Console (Ctrl-Shift-I or Cmd-Option-K or Cmd-Option-I)
- Multi-line input (Shift-Enter)
<html><body><pre><script src="program.js"></script></pre></body></html>
document.writeln('Hello, world!');
- comments:
(or/* */
) - reserved words can’t be used as variables or even object properties
abstract boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger default delete do double else enum export extends false final finally float for function goto if implements import in instanceof int interface long native new null package private protected public return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws transient true try typeof var volatile void while with
- no integers, 1 is the same as 1.0
or “not a number”.NaN
is not equal to any value, including itself. You can check it with the functionisNaN(n)
- Identation does not matter. So JS needs some brackets
(“blocks”). For example, if:
if (expression) { statement1; statement2; } else { statement3; }
No character type.
'j' + 's' === 'js' 'js'.toUpperCase() === 'JS'
Template literals and backticks (“):
`Hello, ${username}!`
(a lot of) falsy values:
All the rest are true.
2 * 2 === 4
2 * 2 !== 5
Avoid ==
and !=
C ? T : F
If C is true, then T. Else F.
Avoid var
- Object literals
let simpleGrammar = { "I want big pizza with zuccini": { size: "L", topping: "zuccini" }, "I want a small pizza": { size: "S", } };
- Retrieval:
const size = pizza.size || "unknown";
(undefined and TypeError) - Update (objects are mutable!)
- Prototype object:
let another_pizza = Object.create(pizza)
. Delegation & prototype chain..hasOwnProperty()
method. - Objects are passed by reference!
- Delete. Does not touch any object in prototype linkage!
Functions are also objects. You can define function in place:
const add = function (a, b) {
return a + b;
// or
const add = (a,b) => { return a + b }
Function can be a property of an object. We call it a method.
let myObject = {
value: 0,
increment: function (inc) {
this.value += typeof inc === 'number' ? inc : 1;
// these are the same
- Arrays are special kinds of objects
- Arrays can contain a mixture of value types.
const numbers = [
'zero', 1, 'two', 3, 'four',
let i;
for (i = 0; i < numbers.length; i += 1) {
// fix me!
for (n in numbers) {
Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build server-side and network applications with JavaScript.
We will be using Vite as runtime (dev server).
JavaScript is nice!
Douglas Crockford for Beautiful Code (O’Reilly):
Functions as first class objects: functions in Simplified JavaScript are lambdas with lexical scoping.
Dynamic objects with prototypal inheritance: Objects are class-free. We can add a new member to any object by ordinary assignment. An object can inherit members from another object.
Object literals and array literals. This is a very convenient notation for creating new objects and arrays. JavaScript literals were the inspiration for the JSON data interchange format.