There are 2 docker flavours if this repo:
- Dockerfile generated repo, with just dependeicies on NodeJS and Nginx.
- Habitat generated image, that uses Chef Habitat to build, run, configure, and supervise the spoke web server at runtime.
You can run it using docker, if you don't have node installed or need to test.
# Build the image
docker build --tag spoke .
# Run the image (deletes itself when you close it)
docker run -d --rm --name spoke -e "CLIENT_SERVER=xrchat.local" -p "8080:80" spoke
# Stop the server
docker stop spoke
Enviroment variables:
- BASE_ASSETS_PATH: [http://xrchat.local/]
- CLIENT_SERVER: [xrchat.local:4000]
- API_SERVER: [xrchat.local:4000]
- IS_MOZ: [false]
This relies on Chef Habitat Builder (Acting as a CI and a build system) Habitat builder pulls the repo from github #master then builds the image.
docker run -it --rm --env HAB_LICENSE=accept-no-persist xrchat/spoke