Hei Law · Jia Deng Princeton Universtiy
We propose CornerNet, a new approach to object detection where we detect an object bounding box as a pair of keypoints, the top-left corner and the bottom-right corner, using a single convolution neural network. By detecting objects as paired keypoints, we eliminate the need for designing a set of anchor boxes commonly used in prior single-stage detectors. In addition to our novel formulation, we introduce corner pooling, a new type of pooling layer that helps the network better localize corners. Experiments show that CornerNet achieves a 42.2% AP on MS COCO, outperforming all existing one-stage detectors.
我们提出CornerNet,一种目标检测的新方法,我们将目标边界框检测为一对关键点,即左上角和右下角,使用的是单个卷积神经网络。通过将目标检测为成对关键点,我们不需要设计锚框,而这在单阶段检测器中经常使用。除了我们新的检测形式,我们还提出了角点池化,一种新型池化层,有助于网络更好的定位角点。试验表明,在COCO数据集上CornerNet可以取得42.2% AP,超过了之前所有的单阶段检测器。
Object detectors based on convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) (Krizhevsky et al., 2012; Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014; He et al., 2016) have achieved state-of-the-art results on various challenging benchmarks (Lin et al., 2014; Deng et al., 2009; Everingham et al., 2015). A common component of state-of-the-art approaches is anchor boxes (Ren et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016), which are boxes of various sizes and aspect ratios that serve as detection candidates. Anchor boxes are extensively used in one-stage detectors (Liu et al., 2016; Fu et al., 2017; Redmon and Farhadi, 2016; Lin et al., 2017), which can achieve results highly competitive with two-stage detectors (Ren et al., 2015; Girshick et al., 2014; Girshick, 2015; He et al., 2017) while being more efficient. One-stage detectors place anchor boxes densely over an image and generate final box predictions by scoring anchor boxes and refining their coordinates through regression.
But the use of anchor boxes has two drawbacks. First, we typically need a very large set of anchor boxes, e.g. more than 40k in DSSD (Fu et al., 2017) and more than 100k in RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2017). This is because the detector is trained to classify whether each anchor box sufficiently overlaps with a ground truth box, and a large number of anchor boxes is needed to ensure sufficient overlap with most ground truth boxes. As a result, only a tiny fraction of anchor boxes will overlap with ground truth; this creates a huge imbalance between positive and negative anchor boxes and slows down training (Lin et al., 2017).
Second, the use of anchor boxes introduces many hyperparameters and design choices. These include how many boxes, what sizes, and what aspect ratios. Such choices have largely been made via ad-hoc heuristics, and can become even more complicated when combined with multiscale architectures where a single network makes separate predictions at multiple resolutions, with each scale using different features and its own set of anchor boxes (Liu et al., 2016; Fu et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2017).
In this paper we introduce CornerNet, a new one-stage approach to object detection that does away with anchor boxes. We detect an object as a pair of keypoints—the top-left corner and bottom-right corner of the bounding box. We use a single convolutional network to predict a heatmap for the top-left corners of all instances of the same object category, a heatmap for all bottom-right corners, and an embedding vector for each detected corner. The embeddings serve to group a pair of corners that belong to the same object—the network is trained to predict similar embeddings for them. Our approach greatly simplifies the output of the network and eliminates the need for designing anchor boxes. Our approach is inspired by the associative embedding method proposed by Newell et al. (2017), who detect and group keypoints in the context of multiperson human-pose estimation. Fig. 1 illustrates the overall pipeline of our approach.
本文中,我们提出了CornerNet,一种新的单阶段目标检测方法,不使用锚框。我们将目标检测为一对关键点,边界框的左上角和右下角。我们使用一个卷积神经网络,对相同目标类别的所有实例的左上角预测一个热力图,对右下角预测一个热力图,对每个检测到的角点预测一个嵌入向量。这个嵌入的作用是将属于同一目标的一对角点分组好,网络训练的目标就是对属于同一目标的预测类似的嵌入。我们的方法极大的简化了网络输出,消除了设计锚框的必要性。我们的方法受到相关联的嵌入方法启发(Newell et al, 2017),他们在多人姿态估计任务中检测关键点并分类。图1所示的即我们方法的整体流程。
Fig. 1 We detect an object as a pair of bounding box corners grouped together. A convolutional network outputs a heatmap for all top-left corners, a heatmap for all bottom-right corners, and an embedding vector for each detected corner. The network is trained to predict similar embeddings for corners that belong to the same object.
Another novel component of CornerNet is corner pooling, a new type of pooling layer that helps a convolutional network better localize corners of bounding boxes. A corner of a bounding box is often outside the object—consider the case of a circle as well as the examples in Fig. 2. In such cases a corner cannot be localized based on local evidence. Instead, to determine whether there is a top-left corner at a pixel location, we need to look horizontally towards the right for the topmost boundary of the object, and look vertically towards the bottom for the leftmost boundary. This motivates our corner pooling layer: it takes in two feature maps; at each pixel location it max-pools all feature vectors to the right from the first feature map, max-pools all feature vectors directly below from the second feature map, and then adds the two pooled results together. An example is shown in Fig. 3.
CornerNet另一个新的部件是corner pooling,一种新的池化层,可以帮助卷积网络更好的定位边界框的角点。边界框的角点通常在目标之外,比如圆形目标的情况,以及图2中的目标。在这种情况下,一个角点不能基于局部证据来定位。为确定在一个像素位置是否是一个目标的左上角,我们需要从水平方向向右边看向目标的上边缘,垂直方向向下看向最左边的边缘。这启发了我们的角点池化层:它以两个特征图为输入;在每个像素点上,对所有特征向量从第一个特征图向右进行max-pool,然后从第二个特征图对所有特征向量直接向下max-pool,最后将两个池化结果相加。图3是一个示例。
Fig. 3 Corner pooling: for each channel, we take the maximum values (red dots) in two directions (red lines), each from a separate feature map, and add the two maximums together (blue dot).
We hypothesize two reasons why detecting corners would work better than bounding box centers or proposals. First, the center of a box can be harder to localize because it depends on all 4 sides of the object, whereas locating a corner depends on 2 sides and is thus easier, and even more so with corner pooling, which encodes some explicit prior knowledge about the definition of corners. Second, corners provide a more efficient way of densely discretizing the space of boxes: we just need O(wh) corners to represent
检测角点比检测边界框中心点或建议框效果更好,我们认为可能有两个原因。第一,框的中心更难定位,因为这取决于目标的四条边,而定位一个角点只需要两条边,所以更容易一些,而角点池化更是如此,因为其中包含角点定义的先验知识。第二,角点给出了空间离散化的更有效方式:我们只需要O(wh)个角点,就可以表示$O(w^2 h^2)$个可能的锚框。
We demonstrate the effectiveness of CornerNet on MS COCO (Lin et al., 2014). CornerNet achieves a 42.2% AP, outperforming all existing one-stage detectors. In addition, through ablation studies we show that corner pooling is critical to the superior performance of CornerNet. Code is available at https://github.com/princeton-vl/CornerNet.
我们在MS COCO上证明了CornerNet的有效性。CornerNet取得了42.2%的AP,超过了现有所有的单阶段检测器。另外,通过分离研究,我们证明了角点池化是CornerNet取得这样优异性能的关键因素。代码已开源。
Two-stage approach was first introduced and popularized by R-CNN (Girshick et al., 2014). Two-stage detectors generate a sparse set of regions of interest (RoIs) and classify each of them by a network. R-CNN generates RoIs using a low level vision algorithm (Uijlings et al., 2013; Zitnick and Dollár, 2014). Each region is then extracted from the image and processed by a ConvNet independently, which creates lots of redundant computations. Later, SPP (He et al., 2014) and Fast-RCNN (Girshick, 2015) improve R-CNN by designing a special pooling layer that pools each region from feature maps instead. However, both still rely on separate proposal algorithms and cannot be trained end-to-end. Faster-RCNN (Ren et al., 2015) does away low level proposal algorithms by introducing a region proposal network (RPN), which generates proposals from a set of pre-determined candidate boxes, usually known as anchor boxes. This not only makes the detectors more efficient but also allows the detectors to be trained end-to-end. R-FCN (Dai et al., 2016) further improves the efficiency of Faster-RCNN by replacing the fully connected sub-detection network with a fully convolutional sub-detection network. Other works focus on incorporating sub-category information (Xiang et al., 2016), generating object proposals at multiple scales with more contextual information (Bell et al., 2016; Cai et al., 2016; Shrivastava et al., 2016; Lin et al., 2016), selecting better features (Zhai et al., 2017), improving speed (Li et al., 2017), cascade procedure (Cai and Vasconcelos, 2017) and better training procedure (Singh and Davis, 2017).
两阶段方法最早是R-CNN。两阶段检测器首先生成感兴趣区域的稀疏集,然后对每个都用网络进行分类。R-CNN使用底层视觉算法生成RoI。从图像中提取出每个区域,然后由一个ConvNet独立的进行处理,这带来了很多冗余计算。后来,SPP和Fast R-CNN改进了R-CNN,他们设计了一个特殊的池化层,从特征图中对每个区域进行池化。但是,这两种算法都还依赖于单独的建议算法,不能进行端到端的训练。Faster R-CNN提出了一个区域建议网络(RPN),从预先确定的候选框中生成建议,称之为锚框。这不仅使得检测器更有效率,也使得检测器可以得到端到端的训练。R-FCN进一步改进了Faster R-CNN的效率,将全连接检测子网络替换成全卷积检测子网络。其他工作聚焦在使用子类别的信息,在多尺度上用更多上下文信息生成目标建议,选择更好的特征,改进速度,级联方法和更好的训练过程。
On the other hand, YOLO (Redmon et al., 2016) and SSD (Liu et al., 2016) have popularized the one-stage approach, which removes the RoI pooling step and detects objects in a single network. One-stage detectors are usually more computationally efficient than two-stage detectors while maintaining competitive performance on different challenging benchmarks.
SSD places anchor boxes densely over feature maps from multiple scales, directly classifies and refines each anchor box. YOLO predicts bounding box coordinates directly from an image, and is later improved in YOLO9000 (Redmon and Farhadi, 2016) by switching to anchor boxes. DSSD (Fu et al., 2017) and RON (Kong et al., 2017) adopt networks similar to the hourglass network (Newell et al., 2016), enabling them to combine low-level and high-level features via skip connections to predict bounding boxes more accurately. However, these one-stage detectors are still outperformed by the two-stage detectors until the introduction of RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2017). In (Lin et al., 2017), the authors suggest that the dense anchor boxes create a huge imbalance between positive and negative anchor boxes during training. This imbalance causes the training to be inefficient and hence the performance to be suboptimal. They propose a new loss, Focal Loss, to dynamically adjust the weights of each anchor box and show that their one-stage detector can outperform the two-stage detectors. RefineDet (Zhang et al., 2017) proposes to filter the anchor boxes to reduce the number of negative boxes, and to coarsely adjust the anchor boxes.
SSD在多个尺度上的特征图中密集放置了很多锚框,对这些锚框进行直接分类和精炼。YOLO直接从图像中预测边界框坐标,YOLO9000进行了改进,从锚框中预测。DSSD和RON采用了与hourglass网络类似的结构,将底层特征和高层特征通过跳跃连接很好的结合起来,更准确的预测边界框。但是,这些单阶段检测器效果都没还有两阶段检测器好,直到提出了RetinaNet,作者指出,密集的锚框造成了训练中正锚框和负锚框的严重失衡,这种失衡导致训练效率低下,所以性能不好。他们提出了一种新的损失函数,focal loss,动态的调整每个锚框的权重,他们的单阶段检测器可以超过两阶段检测器的性能。RefineDet提出对锚框进行过滤,减少负锚框的数量,粗糙的调整锚框。
DeNet (Tychsen-Smith and Petersson, 2017a) is a two-stage detector which generates RoIs without using anchor boxes. It first determines how likely each location belongs to either the top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right corner of a bounding box. It then generates RoIs by enumerating all possible corner combinations, and follows the standard two-stage approach to classify each RoI. Our approach is very different from DeNet. First, DeNet does not identify if two corners are from the same objects and relies on a sub-detection network to reject poor RoIs. In contrast, our approach is a one-stage approach which detects and groups the corners using a single ConvNet. Second, DeNet selects features at manually determined locations relative to a region for classification, while our approach does not require any feature selection step. Third, we introduce corner pooling, a novel type of layer to enhance corner detection.
Point Linking Network (PLN) (Wang et al., 2017) is an one-stage detector without anchor boxes. It first predicts the locations of the four corners and the center of a bounding box. Then, at each corner location, it predicts how likely each pixel location in the image is the center. Similarly, at the center location, it predicts how likely each pixel location belongs to either the top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right corner. It combines the predictions from each corner and center pair to generate a bounding box. Finally, it merges the four bounding boxes to give a bounding box. CornerNet is very different from PLN. First, CornerNet groups the corners by predicting embedding vectors, while PLN groups the corner and center by predicting pixel locations. Second, CornerNet uses corner pooling to better localize the corners.
Our approach is inspired by Newell et al. (2017) on Associative Embedding in the context of multi-person pose estimation. Newell et al. propose an approach that detects and groups human joints in a single network. In their approach each detected human joint has an embedding vector. The joints are grouped based on the distances between their embeddings. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to formulate the task of object detection as a task of detecting and grouping corners with embeddings. Another novelty of ours is the corner pooling layers that help better localize the corners. We also significantly modify the hourglass architecture and add our novel variant of focal loss (Lin et al., 2017) to help better train the network.
我们的方法受到Newell等人的多人姿态估计中的关联嵌入的启发。Newell等人提出了一种方法,用单个网络对人体关节点进行检测并分组。在他们的方法中,每个检测到的人体关节点都有一个嵌入矢量。这些关节点基于其嵌入间的距离进行分组。据我们所致,我们是第一个将目标检测表述为用嵌入进行角点检测和分组的。我们的另一个创新是角点池化层,可以更好的定位角点。我们还大幅修改了hourglass架构,增加了我们新的focal loss变体,以更好的训练网络。
In CornerNet, we detect an object as a pair of keypoints — the top-left corner and bottom-right corner of the bounding box. A convolutional network predicts two sets of heatmaps to represent the locations of corners of different object categories, one set for the top-left corners and the other for the bottom-right corners. The network also predicts an embedding vector for each detected corner (Newell et al., 2017) such that the distance between the embeddings of two corners from the same object is small. To produce tighter bounding boxes, the network also predicts offsets to slightly adjust the locations of the corners. With the predicted heatmaps, embeddings and offsets, we apply a simple post-processing algorithm to obtain the final bounding boxes.
Fig. 4 provides an overview of CornerNet. We use the hourglass network (Newell et al., 2016) as the backbone network of CornerNet. The hourglass network is followed by two prediction modules. One module is for the top-left corners, while the other one is for the bottom-right corners. Each module has its own corner pooling module to pool features from the hourglass network before predicting the heatmaps, embeddings and offsets. Unlike many other object detectors, we do not use features from different scales to detect objects of different sizes. We only apply both modules to the output of the hourglass network.
Fig. 4 Overview of CornerNet. The backbone network is followed by two prediction modules, one for the top-left corners and the other for the bottom-right corners. Using the predictions from both modules, we locate and group the corners.
We predict two sets of heatmaps, one for top-left corners and one for bottom-right corners. Each set of heatmaps has C channels, where C is the number of categories, and is of size H × W. There is no background channel. Each channel is a binary mask indicating the locations of the corners for a class.
For each corner, there is one ground-truth positive location, and all other locations are negative. During training, instead of equally penalizing negative locations, we reduce the penalty given to negative locations within a radius of the positive location. This is because a pair of false corner detections, if they are close to their respective ground truth locations, can still produce a box that sufficiently overlaps the ground-truth box (Fig. 5). We determine the radius by the size of an object by ensuring that a pair of points within the radius would generate a bounding box with at least t IoU with the ground-truth annotation (we set t to 0.3 in all experiments). Given the radius, the amount of penalty reduction is given by an unnormalized 2D Gaussian,
where N is the number of objects in an image, and α and β are the hyper-parameters which control the contribution of each point (we set α to 2 and β to 4 in all experiments). With the Gaussian bumps encoded in
Many networks (He et al., 2016; Newell et al., 2016) involve downsampling layers to gather global information and to reduce memory usage. When they are applied to an image fully convolutionally, the size of the output is usually smaller than the image. Hence, a location (x, y) in the image is mapped to the location ([x/n], [y/n]) in the heatmaps, where n is the downsampling factor. When we remap the locations from the heatmaps to the input image, some precision may be lost, which can greatly affect the IoU of small bounding boxes with their ground truths. To address this issue we predict location offsets to slightly adjust the corner locations before remapping them to the input resolution.
很多网络都有下采样层,以获得全局信息,并降低内存使用。当对图像进行全卷积处理,输出的大小通常比原图要小。所以,原始图像中的位置(x,y)映射到了热力图的([x/n], [y/n])位置,其中n是下采样因子。当我们将热力图上的位置重新映射回原始图像,会损失一些精度,这对于小边界框与真值的IoU影响非常大。为解决这个问题,我们预测位置偏移,在重新映射回输入分辨率之前,略微调整角点位置。
Multiple objects may appear in an image, and thus multiple top-left and bottom-right corners may be detected. We need to determine if a pair of the top-left corner and bottom-right corner is from the same bounding box. Our approach is inspired by the Associative Embedding method proposed by Newell et al. (2017) for the task of multi-person pose estimation. Newell et al. detect all human joints and generate an embedding for each detected joint. They group the joints based on the distances between the embeddings.
The idea of associative embedding is also applicable to our task. The network predicts an embedding vector for each detected corner such that if a top-left corner and a bottom-right corner belong to the same bounding box, the distance between their embeddings should be small. We can then group the corners based on the distances between the embeddings of the top-left and bottom-right corners. The actual values of the embeddings are unimportant. Only the distances between the embeddings are used to group the corners.
We follow Newell et al. (2017) and use embeddings of 1 dimension. Let
As shown in Fig. 2, there is often no local visual evidence for the presence of corners. To determine if a pixel is a top-left corner, we need to look horizontally towards the right for the topmost boundary of an object and vertically towards the bottom for the leftmost boundary. We thus propose corner pooling to better localize the corners by encoding explicit prior knowledge.
Suppose we want to determine if a pixel at location (i, j) is a top-left corner. Let
$$t_{ij} = \begin{cases} max(f_{t_{ij}}, t_{(i+1)j}), \quad if \space i<H \ f_{t_{Hj}}, \quad otherwise \end{cases}$$(6)
$$l_{ij} = \begin{cases} max(f_{l_{ij}}, l_{i(j+1)}), \quad if \space j<W \ f_{l_{iW}}, \quad otherwise \end{cases}$$(7)
where we apply an elementwise max operation. Both
We define bottom-right corner pooling layer in a similar way. It max-pools all feature vectors between (0, j) and (i, j), and all feature vectors between (i, 0) and (i, j) before adding the pooled results. The corner pooling layers are used in the prediction modules to predict heatmaps, embeddings and offsets.
The architecture of the prediction module is shown in Fig. 7. The first part of the module is a modified version of the residual block (He et al., 2016). In this modified residual block, we replace the first 3 × 3 convolution module with a corner pooling module, which first processes the features from the backbone network by two 3 × 3 convolution modules (Unless otherwise specified, our convolution module consists of a convolution layer, a BN layer (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015) and a ReLU layer) with 128 channels and then applies a corner pooling layer. Following the design of a residual block, we then feed the pooled features into a 3 × 3 Conv-BN layer with 256 channels and add back the projection shortcut. The modified residual block is followed by a 3×3 convolution module with 256 channels, and 3 Conv-ReLU-Conv layers to produce the heatmaps, embeddings and offsets.
CornerNet uses the hourglass network (Newell et al., 2016) as its backbone network. The hourglass network was first introduced for the human pose estimation task. It is a fully convolutional neural network that consists of one or more hourglass modules. An hourglass module first downsamples the input features by a series of convolution and max pooling layers. It then upsamples the features back to the original resolution by a series of upsampling and convolution layers. Since details are lost in the max pooling layers, skip layers are added to bring back the details to the upsampled features. The hourglass module captures both global and local features in a single unified structure. When multiple hourglass modules are stacked in the network, the hourglass modules can reprocess the features to capture higher-level of information. These properties make the hourglass network an ideal choice for object detection as well. In fact, many current detectors (Shrivastava et al., 2016; Fu et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2016; Kong et al., 2017) already adopted networks similar to the hourglass network.
Our hourglass network consists of two hourglasses, and we make some modifications to the architecture of the hourglass module. Instead of using max pooling, we simply use stride 2 to reduce feature resolution. We reduce feature resolutions 5 times and increase the number of feature channels along the way (256, 384, 384, 384, 512). When we upsample the features, we apply 2 residual modules followed by a nearest neighbor upsampling. Every skip connection also consists of 2 residual modules. There are 4 residual modules with 512 channels in the middle of an hourglass module. Before the hourglass modules, we reduce the image resolution by 4 times using a 7 × 7 convolution module with stride 2 and 128 channels followed by a residual block (He et al., 2016) with stride 2 and 256 channels.
Following (Newell et al., 2016), we also add intermediate supervision in training. However, we do not add back the intermediate predictions to the network as we find that this hurts the performance of the network. We apply a 1 × 1 Conv-BN module to both the input and output of the first hourglass module. We then merge them by element-wise addition followed by a ReLU and a residual block with 256 channels, which is then used as the input to the second hourglass module. The depth of the hourglass network is 104. Unlike many other state-of-the-art detectors, we only use the features from the last layer of the whole network to make predictions.
我们还在训练中加入了中间监督。但是,我们没有没有将中间预测加回到网络中,因为我们发现这会损害网络的表现。我们对Hourglass模块的输入和输出都用1×1 Conv-BN模块进行处理。然后使用逐元素相加进行合并,后面是ReLU层和256通道的残差模块,然后用于第一个和第二个hourglass模块的输入。Hourglass网络的深度是104。与其他很多现在最好的检测器不同,我们只使用整个网络最后一层的特征进行预测。
We implement CornerNet in PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2017). The network is randomly initialized under the default setting of PyTorch with no pretraining on any external dataset. As we apply focal loss, we follow (Lin et al., 2017) to set the biases in the convolution layers that predict the corner heatmaps. During training, we set the input resolution of the network to 511 × 511, which leads to an output resolution of 128 × 128. To reduce overfitting, we adopt standard data augmentation techniques including random horizontal flipping, random scaling, random cropping and random color jittering, which includes adjusting the brightness, saturation and contrast of an image. Finally, we apply PCA (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) to the input image.
我们在PyTorch中实现CornerNet。网络在PyTorch的默认设置下进行随机初始化,没有用任何外部数据集进行预训练。我们使用focal loss时,遵循前文的方法来设置预测角点热力图的卷积层中的偏置。在训练过程中,我们设置网络的输入分辨率为511×511,这样得到的输出分辨率为128×128。为降低过拟合,我们采用标准的数据扩充技术,包括水平翻转,随机尺度,随机剪切,和随机色彩抖动,即调整亮度、饱和度和对比度。最后,我们对输入图像进行了PCA处理。
We use Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) to optimize the full training loss: 我们使用Adam来优化全部的训练损失:
where α, β and γ are the weights for the pull, push and offset loss respectively. We set both α and β to 0.1 and γ to 1. We find that 1 or larger values of α and β lead to poor performance. We use a batch size of 49 and train the network on 10 Titan X (PASCAL) GPUs (4 images on the master GPU, 5 images per GPU for the rest of the GPUs). To conserve GPU resources, in our ablation experiments, we train the networks for 250k iterations with a learning rate of 2.5 ×
其中α, β和γ分别是pull、push和offset损失的权重。我们设α, β为1,γ为1。我们发现α, β为1或更大的话,会得到很差的结果。我们使用的batch size为49,在10个Titan X(PASCAL) GPUs上进行训练(主GPU上4幅图像,其他每个GPU 5幅图像)。为节省GPU资源,在我们的分离试验中,我们使用的学习速率为2.5 ×
During testing, we use a simple post-processing algorithm to generate bounding boxes from the heatmaps, embeddings and offsets. We first apply non-maximal suppression (NMS) by using a 3×3 max pooling layer on the corner heatmaps. Then we pick the top 100 top-left and top 100 bottom-right corners from the heatmaps. The corner locations are adjusted by the corresponding offsets. We calculate the L1 distances between the embeddings of the top-left and bottom-right corners. Pairs that have distances greater than 0.5 or contain corners from different categories are rejected. The average scores of the top-left and bottom-right corners are used as the detection scores.
Instead of resizing an image to a fixed size, we maintain the original resolution of the image and pad it with zeros before feeding it to CornerNet. Both the original and flipped images are used for testing. We combine the detections from the original and flipped images, and apply soft-nms (Bodla et al., 2017) to suppress redundant detections. Only the top 100 detections are reported. The average inference time is 244ms per image on a Titan X (PASCAL) GPU.
我们没有把图像大小变为固定大小,而是保持图像的原始分辨率,送入CornerNet之前补零。原始图像和翻转图像都用于测试。我们将原始图像和翻转图像的检测结果进行综合,并使用soft-nms来抑制多余的检测。只给出最高的100个检测。在Titan X(PASCAL) GPU上的平均推理时间是每幅图像244ms。
We evaluate CornerNet on the very challenging MS COCO dataset (Lin et al., 2014). MS COCO contains 80k images for training, 40k for validation and 20k for testing. All images in the training set and 35k images in the validation set are used for training. The remaining 5k images in validation set are used for hyper-parameter searching and ablation study. All results on the test set are submitted to an external server for evaluation. To provide fair comparisons with other detectors, we report our main results on the test-dev set. MS COCO uses average precisions (APs) at different IoUs and APs for different object sizes as the main evaluation metrics.
我们在MS COCO数据集上评估CornerNet。MS COCO的训练集包含80k幅图像,验证集40k,测试集20k。训练集的所有图像和验证集的35k图像被用于训练。验证集剩余的5k图像用于超参数搜索和分离试验。在测试集上的所有结果提交给外部服务内进行评估。为和其他检测器进行公平比较,我们在test-dev集上给出主要结果。MS COCO使用不同IoU上的AP,和不同目标大小的AP作为主要评估标准。
Corner pooling is a key component of CornerNet. To understand its contribution to performance, we train another network without corner pooling but with the same number of parameters. 角点池化是CornerNet的关键部分。为理解其对性能的贡献,我们训练了另一个没有角点池化的网络,参数数量是一样的。
Tab. 1 shows that adding corner pooling gives significant improvement: 2.0% on AP, 2.1% on
Table 1 Ablation on corner pooling on MS COCO validation.
AP | ||||||
w/o corner pooling | 36.5 | 52.0 | 38.8 | 17.5 | 38.9 | 49.4 |
w/ corner pooling | 38.4 | 53.8 | 40.9 | 18.6 | 40.5 | 51.8 |
improvement | +2.0 | +2.1 | +2.1 | +1.1 | +2.4 | +3.6 |
Corner pooling pools over different sizes of area in different quadrants of an image. For example, the top-left corner pooling pools over larger areas both horizontally and vertically in the upper-left quadrant of an image, compared to the lower-right quadrant. Therefore, the location of a corner may affect the stability of the corner pooling.
We evaluate the performance of our network on detecting both the top-left and bottom-right corners in different quadrants of an image. Detecting corners can be seen as a binary classification task i.e. the ground-truth location of a corner is positive, and any location outside of a small radius of the corner is negative. We measure the performance using mAPs over all categories on the MS COCO validation set.
我们评估网络检测左上角和右下角在图像不同区域时的性能。检测角点可以看做是一个二值分类任务,即角点的真值位置是正的,以角点为中心很小半径区域之外的任何位置都是负的。我们使用mAP在所有类别上在MS COCO验证集上衡量性能。
Tab. 3 shows that without corner pooling, the top-left corner mAPs of upper-left and lower-right quadrant are 66.1% and 60.8% respectively. Top-left corner pooling improves the mAPs by 3.1% (to 69.2%) and 2.7% (to 63.5%) respectively. Similarly, bottom-right corner pooling improves the bottom-right corner mAPs of upper-left quadrant by 2.8% (from 53.4% to 56.2%), and lower-right quadrant by 2.6% (from 65.0% to 67.6%). Corner pooling gives similar improvement to corners at different quadrants, show that corner pooling is effective and stable over both small and large areas.
表3说明,没有角点池化,在左上和右下部分的左上角的mAP分别是66.1%和60.8%,而有了角点池化则将mAP分别改进了3.1%和2.7%。类似的,右下角点池化将右下角点在左上部分和右下部分的mAP改进了2.8% (from 53.4% to 56.2%)和2.6% (from 65.0% to 67.6%)。角点池化在不同部分的改进是接近的,说明角点池化对小区域和大区域都是有效和稳定的。
Table 3 Corner pooling consistently improves the network performance on detecting corners in different image quadrants, showing that corner pooling is effective and stable over both small and large areas.
mAP w/o pooling | mAP w/ pooling | improvement | |
Top-Left Corners | |||
Top-Left Quad. | 66.1 | 69.2 | +3.1 |
Bottom-Right Quad. | 60.8 | 63.5 | +2.7 |
Bottom-Right Corners | |||
Top-Left Quad. | 53.4 | 56.2 | +2.8 |
Bottom-Right Quad. | 65.0 | 67.6 | +2.6 |
We reduce the penalty given to negative locations around a positive location, within a radius determined by the size of the object (Sec. 3.2). To understand how this helps train CornerNet, we train one network with no penalty reduction and another network with a fixed radius of 2.5. We compare them with CornerNet on the validation set.
Tab. 2 shows that a fixed radius improves AP over the baseline by 2.7%,
表2说明,固定半径比基准的AP高了2.7%,$AP^m$高了1.5%,$AP^l$高了5.3%。与目标相关的半径进一步改进了AP 2.8%,$AP^m$ 2.0%,$AP^l$ 5.8%。另外,我们看到降低惩罚尤其对中型目标和大型目标有好处。
Table 2 Reducing the penalty given to the negative locations near positive locations helps significantly improve the performance of the network
AP | ||||||
w/o reducing penalty | 32.9 | 49.1 | 34.8 | 19.0 | 37.0 | 40.7 |
fixed radius | 35.6 | 52.5 | 37.7 | 18.7 | 38.5 | 46.0 |
object-dependent radius | 38.4 | 53.8 | 40.9 | 18.6 | 40.5 | 51.8 |
CornerNet uses the hourglass network (Newell et al., 2016) as its backbone network. Since the hourglass network is not commonly used in other state-of-the-art detectors, we perform an experiment to study the contribution of the hourglass network in CornerNet. We train a CornerNet in which we replace the hourglass network with FPN (w/ResNet-101) (Lin et al., 2017), which is more commonly used in state-of-the-art object detectors. We only use the final output of FPN for predictions. Meanwhile, we train an anchor box based detector which uses the hourglass network as its backbone. Each hourglass module predicts anchor boxes at multiple resolutions by using features at multiple scales during upsampling stage. We follow the anchor box design in RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2017) and add intermediate supervisions during training. In both experiments, we initialize the networks from scratch and follow the same training procedure as we train CornerNet (Sec. 4.1).
CornerNet使用hourglass网络作为其骨干网络。由于hourglass网络在其他现在最好的检测器中使用并不多,我们研究了一下Hourglass网络在CornerNet中的贡献。我们训练了一个CornerNet,将Hourglass替换为FPN (w/ResNet-101),这在目前最好的目标检测中用的较多。我们只使用FPN的最终输出进行预测。同时,我们训练了一个基于锚框检测器,使用Hourglass网络作为骨干网络。每个Hourglass模块预测多个分辨率下的锚框,在上采样阶段使用多尺度下的特征。我们使用RetinaNet中的锚框设计方法,在训练中增加了中间监督。在两个试验中,我们从头训练网络,训练方法与训练CornerNet相同。
Tab. 4 shows that CornerNet with hourglass network outperforms CornerNet with FPN by 8.2% AP, and the anchor box based detector with hourglass network by 5.5% AP. The results suggest that the choice of the backbone network is important and the hourglass network is crucial to the performance of CornerNet.
表4说明了,使用Hourglass的CornerNet超过了使用FPN的CornerNet达8.2% AP,超过了Hourglass网络作为骨干的基于锚框的检测器达5.5% AP。这个结果说明,骨干网络的选择非常重要,Hourglass网络对于CornerNet的性能非常关键。
Table 4 The hourglass network is crucial to the performance of CornerNet.
AP | ||||||
FPN (w/ResNet-101) + Corners | 30.2 | 44.1 | 32.0 | 13.3 | 33.3 | 42.7 |
Hourglass + Anchors | 32.9 | 53.1 | 35.6 | 16.5 | 38.5 | 45.0 |
Hourglass + Corners | 38.4 | 53.8 | 40.9 | 18.6 | 40.5 | 51.8 |
A good detector should predict high quality bounding boxes that cover objects tightly. To understand the quality of the bounding boxes predicted by CornerNet, we evaluate the performance of CornerNet at multiple IoU thresholds, and compare the results with other state-of-the-art detectors, including RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2017), Cascade R-CNN (Cai and Vasconcelos, 2017) and IoU-Net (Jiang et al., 2018).
好的检测器应当预测高质量的边界框,很紧密的与目标贴合。为理解CornerNet预测的边界框的质量,我们在多个IoU阈值上评估CornerNet的性能,与其他目前最好的检测器比较其结果,包括RetinaNet,Cascade R-CNN和IoU-Net。
Tab. 5 shows that CornerNet achieves a much higher AP at 0.9 IoU than other detectors, outperforming Cascade R-CNN + IoU-Net by 3.9%, Cascade R-CNN by 7.6% and RetinaNet by 7.3%. This suggests that CornerNet is able to generate bounding boxes of higher quality compared to other state-of-the-art detectors. 表5说明,CornerNet在0.9 IoU上比其他检测器的AP高的多,超过了Cascade R-CNN + IoU-Net 3.9%,超过了Cascade R-CNN 7.6%,RetinaNet 7.3%。这说明CornerNet能够生成比其他目前最好框架更好的边界框。
Table 5 CornerNet performs much better at high IoUs than other state-of-the-art detectors.
AP | ||||||
RetinaNet (Lin et al., 2017) | 39.8 | 59.5 | 55.6 | 48.2 | 36.4 | 15.1 |
Cascade R-CNN (Cai and Vasconcelos, 2017) | 38.9 | 57.8 | 53.4 | 46.9 | 35.8 | 15.8 |
Cascade R-CNN + IoU Net (Jiang et al., 2018) | 41.4 | 59.3 | 55.3 | 49.6 | 39.4 | 19.5 |
CornerNet | 40.6 | 56.1 | 52.0 | 46.8 | 38.8 | 23.4 |
CornerNet simultaneously outputs heatmaps, offsets, and embeddings, all of which affect detection performance. An object will be missed if either corner is missed; precise offsets are needed to generate tight bounding boxes; incorrect embeddings will result in many false bounding boxes. To understand how each part contributes to the final error, we perform an error analysis by replacing the predicted heatmaps and offsets with the ground-truth values and evaluting performance on the validation set.
Tab. 6 shows that using the ground-truth corner heatmaps alone improves the AP from 38.4% to 73.1%.
Table 6 Error analysis. We replace the predicted heatmaps and offsets with the ground-truth values. Using the ground-truth heatmaps alone improves the AP from 38.4% to 73.1%, suggesting that the main bottleneck of CornerNet is detecting corners.
AP | ||||||
38.4 | 53.8 | 40.9 | 18.6 | 40.5 | 51.8 | |
w/ gt heatmaps | 73.1 | 87.7 | 78.4 | 60.9 | 81.2 | 81.8 |
w/ gt heatmaps + offsets | 86.1 | 88.9 | 85.5 | 84.8 | 87.2 | 82.0 |
We compare CornerNet with other state-of-the-art detectors on MS COCO test-dev (Tab. 7). With multiscale evaluation, CornerNet achieves an AP of 42.2%, the state of the art among existing one-stage methods and competitive with two-stage methods. 我们将CornerNet与目前最好的检测器在MS COCO test-dev上进行比较(表7)。在多尺度评估上,CornerNet得到了42.2% AP,在现有的单阶段方法中是最好的,与两阶段方法也非常接近。
Table 7 CornerNet versus others on MS COCO test-dev. CornerNet outperforms all one-stage detectors and achieves results competitive to two-stage detectors
We have presented CornerNet, a new approach to object detection that detects bounding boxes as pairs of corners. We evaluate CornerNet on MS COCO and demonstrate competitive results. 我们提出了CornerNet,一种新的目标检测方法,检测边界框的一对角点。我们在MS COCO上评估了CornerNet,证明了其很好的结果。