Regarding Aviva C# Guidelines v5.4.0 at item AV2400, all opening braces must be placed on a new line; however, at Naxam, we WONT' DO that as we try to make our source code compatible with Microsoft open source projects like Xamarin projects and DotNetCore projects.
- Do place opening brace on the new line for class, interface, struct and enum declaration
class ClassA
// Class members
interface ISample
// Interface members
struct SampleStruct
// Struct members
enum Enum
// Enum members
- Do place openning brace on the same line for all other declrations
// full property declaration
string _PropertyName;
public string PropertyName {
get => _PropertyName;
set => _PropertyName = value;
// auto property declaration
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
// method declaration
public void DoSomething() {
// Method implementation
do {
// logic comes here
} while (true != false);
while (true != false) {
// logic comes here
for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
// logic comes here
foreach (var item in collection) {
// logic comes here
if (condition) {
// logic comes here
} if else {
// logic comes here
} else {
// logic comes here
switch (value) {
case noBlock:
case block: {
// type initialization
var student = new Student {
// anonymous method/lambda
task.ContinueWith(t => {
- Open VSfMac Preference pane
- Set the rules
Source Code > Code Formatting > C# source code > C# format > Edit > New Lines
- Open Visual Studio Tools Options window
- Set the rules
Text Editor > C# > Formatting > New Lines