The Community Earth System Model Ensemble Consistency Test (CESM-ECT or CECT) suite was developed as an alternative to requiring bitwise identical output for quality assurance. This objective test provides a statistical measurement of consistency between an accepted ensemble created by small initial temperature perturbations and a test set of CESM simulations.
AUTHORS: | Haiying Xu, Allison Baker, Daniel Milroy, Dorit Hammerling, Teo Price-Broncucia |
COPYRIGHT: | 2015-2024 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research |
LICENSE: | Apache 2.0 |
Currently, the most up-to-date development source code is available via git from the site:
You may then check out the most recent stable tag. The source is available in read-only mode to everyone. Developers are welcome to update the source and submit pull Requests via GitHub.
See full documentation for more information.
See CESM information on PyCECT.
The CESM web-based interface to this tool is available here.