As of 12/13/2022, this repo has been renamed from "nftc-open-contracts" to "nftc-contracts". Please start using package version 1.3.0 or later.
- Add Scripty.sol interfaces.
- Add ERC20 interfaces to the OZ Interface definition
- also write supports interface test for ERC20_165 Mock.
- Add manifold version of shouldSupportsInterface unit test generator.
- Implement ERC165 compliant version of ERC20.
- Update the NFTSpecChecker and tests.
- package lock cleanup
- add internal getter to erc7572 impl.
- Add manifold marketplace API interfaces
- Create a new version of nftc spec checker just for manifold stuff, and implement tests.
- attempt to improve erc7572 implementation.
- add additional unit tests to nft spec checker to validate interface codes
- add ERC7572 compliance to nftspecchecker
- alter internal method signature in contract metadata class.
- Update OZ version to 4.9.5
- Implement basic ERC7572 contract metadata base class and tests.
- Implement shared 1155URI tests.
- Implement shared baseURI tests.
- Improved Test Titles
- add sinon for mocking stuff, not sure if will use it yet. want to stay in sync with other nftc projects
- disable some non-concerning "any" linting warnings.
- refactor folder structure of tests, to make separate homes for solidity vs. typescript.
- Improve skipIfDefault check.
- Add mocha helpers
- another round of test cleanups
- Fix missing dist folder.
- Attempt to auto-deploy via Github
- Update license for 2023
- update to typescript 5.2.2
- cleanups to nftspecchecker test
- add another value for ERC1155MetadataURI to OZ Interfaces
- add exists method for ERC721SolBaseSupply
- Unit tests for 721SolBase
- Add CI build and test github actions.
- Yet another ERC721SolBase improvement.
- Tiny tweak to ERC721SolBaseSupply variable sizes.
- Improve behavior of ERC721SolBaseSupply and add totalMinted tracking.
- tiny hardhat config cleanups.
- Add ERC721Metadata to 721 supports interfaces checks.
- Bump version to pick up tiny HardhatHelpers fix, and linted code.
- Apply linting and formatting changes.
- Clean before build with shx, to prevent stale files showing up in package.
- Use create-ts-index util to generate index files so typescript module works properly.
- Rework/cleanup of build steps.
- small bug fix to HardhatHelpers
- Plug in ESLint checks and Prettier formatting as a build step (but don't run yet)
- Tighten up tsconfig strict settings.
- SupportsInterface introspection tests now validate that appropriate functions exist to match ERC721 spec.
- Implemented basic ERC165 checks for 721OZ, 721A and 721SolBase
- Finish first pass at getting library hooks to work.
- A minor conversion to typechain typings in test template and others.
- Move dependencies to dev-dependencies.
- clean up some comments.
- ERC721SolBaseBurnable: make sure to enforce caller approval checks
- Add ERC721SolBaseSupply - ERC721SolBase extension that tracks totalSupply.
- Package typescript code into library.
- refactor NFTSpecChecker folder structure
- refactor token folder structures
- Add introspection util typescript code
- Implement ERC721SolBaseBurnable extension contract.
- Refactor of external ERC721 contracts into their own dedicated folders under the /token top level folder.
- Add Solbase ERC721 since it isn't distributed via package managers (aka node)
- Big non-impactful comment cleanup.
- Bump minor dependencies
- Include license in package
- Start changelog