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Releases: NLthijs48/AreaShop

AreaShop v2.1.4

12 Jan 22:00
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  • Fixed a bug with regions that are in reselling mode, they will now correctly check if you have enough money to pay the resell price instead of checking if you have enough money for the normal price.
  • Added a line to the /as info region output for regions that are in resell mode which displays the resell price.
  • Changed /as find to first search all matching regions (rent/buy, maxprice and group) and after that select a random region from that list.

AreaShop v2.1.3

07 Jan 11:03
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  • Splitted into 2 versions now, 1 for WorldGuard 5.9 and 1 for WorldGuard 6.x+ Use the correct version that matches the WorldGuard version you have installed.

AreaShop v2.1.2

06 Jan 22:00
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  • Fixed a bug with the /as settp command not accepting arguments, it would always try to find regions at your location instead of first checking if you give it a region name.
  • Fixed a bug with inactive player unrent/sell settings. If the inactiveTimeUntilUnrent or inactiveTimeUntilSell settings would be set to a value above 35000 it would cause an integer overflow, resulting in a 50% chance that all regions will be unrentend/sold (and if that does not happen it will still sell/unrent them too early).
  • Fixed a bug with periodic sign updating crashing when a region has 0 signs.
  • Add an update checker, will check BukkitDev for the latest file and print a message in console if an update has been found. Also notifies OPs + players with the areashop.notifyupdate permission. It will never download the latest version, because those might require a backup or manual changes to run properly.
  • Fixed some possible bugs with getting the list of players that are added as friend to a region.
  • --Restored compatibility with WorldGuard 5.9 (WorldGuard 6.0+ is still recommended because that one properly supports UUID's, so 5.9 would cause problems with name changing) and WorldEdit 5.6.3 (could probably already be used with previous AreaShop versions)-- Broken in this version, fixed in V2.1.3 by releasing 2 jar files.
  • The French language file has been corrected at some points.
  • The German language file has been completed and corrected at some points
  • The Polish language file has been improved slightly, but is not 100% complete yet (can you help translating? Check this page)

AreaShop v2.1.1

10 Dec 15:59
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  • Fixed a bug with setting the owners flag through the flagProfiles section. (previously it would split the list behind owners into different entries using as separator, but that should be, this has been fixed now)
  • Fixed a bug that cause the "conversion to a new version of the file format starts, could take some time" message to always appear after reload/restart of the server. It would not actually do anything to the files, but would print the message.
  • Fixed the unnecessary saving of the groups.yml file, if loaded from disk it would automatically mark the file as changed, causing it to save at the next iteration of the save task.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the region flags and signs to update for each member that is added (this is unnecessary when loading the groups from disk, commands still update signs etc properly). Now it will update after all the members of a group are added, and this update is spread over multiple ticks like the /as updaterents command
  • Updated the French language file to the latest version that is made at Transifex, it has been fully updated by Yaelknown.

AreaShop v2.1.0

05 Dec 15:39
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Features added/changed

  • Changed the /as info region command to show more relevant information:
    New /as info layout

    These are almost all things that could show there, some lines will not show up when based on config options (extending, in advance renting, restoring), some don't show up if empty (friends, signs) and some don't show up based on permissions (groups, teleport location, restoring).

  • Adding friends to your region is now possible with /as addfriend <player> [region] (delete with /as delfriend <player> [region]), by default these players will also be added as member of the region, this can however be changed in the flagProfiles section of config.yml. By default friends can also teleport to the regions they are added to, deny permission areashop.teleportfriend to stop this.

  • Automatic unrenting for players that are inactive for a certain period of time (inactiveTimeUntilUnrent and inactiveTimeUntilSell in default.yml, so this can also be changed for groups of regions or individual ones) OPs are excluded by default, those regions will not be unrented/sold.

  • Added a argument to /as find to specify a group, it will only search for regions in that group if specified. Could be useful to create command signs and let players automatically get a region that is at a certain place.

  • Added a command /as me, which lists all your rent and buy regions, plus regions you are added as friend.

  • Added a /as setowner <player> [region] command to change the owner of a region without triggering events for commands, schematics or money transactions (using this command on a rent region with the player that already rents it will extend the region by 1 time period).

  • Added a /as resell <price> [region] command to let players put their bought region into resell mode. If they do that the sign will indicate you can buy the region (shows [Resale] at the top), but the owner can still do anything like normal. When another player buys the region then the money will get transferred to the original owner and the new player will be owner (then the sign shows [Sold] again). If a player changed his mind and does not want to resell his region anymore he can use /as resell.

  • Added a tag %timeleft% for signs to show the time that a rent has left instead of the end date, AreaShop will update signs that have this every minute by default (check the values in the signs section at the bottom of the config to change this)

  • All files (config.yml, default.yml, groups.yml, .yml and .yml) are now loaded in UTF-8 mode, so now they support all fancy characters like € or ê.

  • Limitgroups for limiting how much regions a player can buy/rent have changed to be more flexible. Now a worlds and groups section can be added to a group to let the limits only count for regions in these worlds and groups. This allows for different limits for regions in different world (let players have max 2 plots in creative, while limiting the number of shops in survival to 1) the groups allow you to limit certain type of regions that are in the same world.

  • The limitgroup unlimited that was normally in the config by default has been removed and now the permission areashop.limitbypass allows you to ignore the limits (default to OPs)

  • The areashop.setteleportoutsideregion permission now works correctly

  • Added a setting to specify the maximum time a rent region can be rented in advance: maxRentTime in default.yml. This prevents players from renting a region a year in advance, instead they have to extend their rent every now and then.

  • Added areashop.teleportsignall permission to teleport to signs of region you do not own (default for OPs)

  • If a language string contains tags other then %0%, %1%, %2% etc, then all tags for regions can be used (check the config.yml file on the Config System page to see all available tags)

  • All places where tags can be used, now also language strings can be inserted. Use %lang:<key>%, where is the part before the colon in the language file. All tags that are available in the original string will be available in the inserted language string.

  • The default commands that are executed by clicking on signs now use the full /areashop instead of /as to prevent collisions with commands of other plugins.

  • The number of digits behind the decimal point of prices can be changed with the fractionalNumbers setting in config.yml, the setting hideEmptyFractionalPart determines if the .0 part of a number should be hidden or not. Default settings produce numbers like this: $10, $5,50, $3.45.

  • Fixed a bug with with money withdrawal: If a player is in world A and buys a region in world B the plugin now correctly withdraws money from world B.

  • Added a setting to force a user to be in the correct world before he can buy/rent a region: restrictedToWorld in default.yml

  • Added a setting to force a user to be inside the region before he can buy/rent it: restrictedToRegion in default.yml

  • Added a warning system for players to indicate their rent is running out, expirationWarningProfiles section in the config. Different times can be specifed when a message should be sent and a custom list of commands can be executed (all region tags can be used)

  • Added a settting warningOnLoginTime to default.yml, when a rent region has less then this time left when the owner of it logs in it will send a warning message to the owner.

  • The command /as rentduration is renamed to /as setduration to be consistent with the other commands

  • The flagprofiles changed, owners and members now take a list of UUID's, when setting to a region only these will be set (others are cleared). It is now possible to add groups to owners/members by using g:<group> in the list, this does the same as /region addmember <region> g:<group>. It is now possible to specify the group a flag is about, use g:<members|non_members|owners|non_owners|all>, can for example be used to only let members of a region walk into it.

  • If a schematic is wrongly sized compared to the region size AreaShop will print a warning in the console (but it will still restore it)

Performance improvements

  • Operations that change/check multiple regions have been changed to do this spread over multiple ticks (now it does a certain number of regions per second instead of all at once, prevents lag spikes for if you have a lot of regions). At the bottom of the config is a section Limits and Timings where the speed of these tasks can be changed. The following actions have been changed to this new system (NEW indicates that this is added for a new feature of this update):
    • Checking expiration of rent regions
    • Updating of regions when using /as updaterents or /as updatebuys
    • Checking of regions for players that are inactive for too long (NEW)
    • Periodic sign updates of regions for when it has tags like %timeleft% (NEW)
    • Saving region files, now regions only get saved every 10 minutes now by default. Only regions that actually changed will be saved, when shutting down the server it will also safe the regions to prevent data loss. This task also handles saving the groups.yml file (also only saved when necessary) and saving of WorldGuard regions (uses the saveChanged() method of WorldGuard to only save regions that require it).
    • Checking for when to send warning about rent expiration to players (NEW)

AreaShop v2.0.2

13 Nov 21:16
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  • Adds compatibility with WorldGuard 6, but does not work with WorldGuard 5 anymore
  • Fixes a bug with upgrading from a lower version. With V2.0.0 and V2.0.1 it could happen that the plugin does not update correctly from a lower version, the config.yml would not be moved to the #old folder preventing AreaShop to generate a new config. Then the plugin would load the old config and deny users to rent/buy regions because the limits are set incorrectly.
  • Fixes the incompatibility of UTF-8 characters with the language files, now characters like é, ê, etc. will show up correctly in-game.
  • Adds a fully updated French language file to the plugin, thanks BlaZingHope for translating, check the ticket.

AreaShop v2.0.1

13 Nov 22:10
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  • Moves setting to determine y location of teleport position to default.yml/groups/region files
  • Adds setting to specify if teleporting should be inside the region or not (default.yml/groups/region files)
  • Adds a setting to the config.yml to specify the maximum number of tries the safe teleport function can do (default 50000)
  • The teleport function now functions properly with locations close to build limit or below 0 (no more falling from the sky).