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Commands and permissions

Thijs Wiefferink edited this page Nov 24, 2015 · 10 revisions

Below is a list of all commands and the permissions for it. The default state of the permission is in brackets behind it, 'true' means all player by default, 'false' means no players by default, 'op' mean only OPs have it, 'non op' mean only non OPs have it. If the optional [region] argument is not provided then the plugin will use the region you are standing in for player commands (default state true) and your worldEdit selection for 'op' commmands

The main command for AreaShop is '/areashop', since that is quite long there is an alias '/as' which is normally used, if you have a conflicting plugin that uses the same alias you have to use the main command or define your own aliases. A way you can do this is the Commands.yml file of Bukkit, check this wiki page.

/as help

Shows a list of all commands you have permission for.

  • (true)

/as rent [region]

Rent a region or extend your existing rent (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used, by default signs use this command when rightclicked, so this permission is also for that).

  • (true)

/as buy [region]

Buy a region (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used, by default signs use this command when rightclicked, so this permission is also for that).

  • (true)

/as unrent [region]

Unrent a region that you have rented (the unused part of the renting period will be payed back, check config for more options, if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used).

  • areashop.unrentown (true) - Only regions you own
  • areashop.unrent (op) - All regions

/as sell [region]

Sell a region (the player will get a percentage of the money back, configurable in the config, if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used).

  • areashop.sellown (true) - Only regions you own
  • areashop.sell (op) - All regions

/as resell <price> [region]

Resell a region, the sign will change to [resale] and now other players can buy this region from the previous owner. Meanwhile the previous owner is still in control over the region, when it is sold he will get the money and then ownership is transferred (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used).

  • areashop.resell (true) - Only regions you own
  • areashop.resellall (op) - All regions

/as stopresell [region]

Stop reselling this region, this will put the region back into Sold mode (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used).

  • areashop.stopresell (true) - Only regions you own
  • areashop.stopresellall (op) - All regions

/as info <all, rented, forrent, sold, forsale, player <playername>, region <regionname>, nogroup>

Display information about regions (which are rented, which regions a player has, etcetera).

  • (true)

/as me

Display a list of all your rent (which show the end time) and buy regions, and also the regions which you are added as friend (which show the owner).

  • (true)

/as tp <region>

Teleport to a region registered in AreaShop (safe teleport).

  • areashop.teleport (true) - Only regions you own
  • areashop.teleportsign (true) - To the sign of the region you own
  • areashop.teleportfriend (true) - To regions you are added as friend
  • areashop.teleportfriendsign (true) - To signs of regions you are added as friend
  • areashop.teleportall (op) - All regions
  • areashop.teleportsignall (op) - To the sign of all regions

/as settp [region] [reset]

Set the teleport location for your bought/rented region to your current position, if 'reset' is given the position will be cleared and the default teleportation algorithm will be used (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used).

  • areashop.setteleport (true) - Only region you own
  • areashop.setteleportall (op) - All regions
  • areashop.setteleportoutsideregion (op) - Set teleport locations outside of the region

/as find <buy, rent> [maxprice] [group]

Find and teleport to a free buy or rent region within your budget (if maxprice is specified that is the maximum searched for, otherwise your balance is the max) If a group is specified then it will only search for regions that are in that group.

  • areashop.find (true)

/as addfriend <player> [region]

Add a friend to a region (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used).

  • areashop.addfriend (true) - Only region you own
  • areashop.addfriendall (op) - All regions

/as delfriend <player> [region]

Delete a friend from a region (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used).

  • areashop.delfriend (true) - Only region you own
  • areashop.delfriendall (op) - All regions

/as setrestore <region> <true, false, general> [profile]

Change the restore setting, determines if schematic restoring is enabled for this region (general means that it is inherited from groups or default.yml).

  • areashop.setrestore (op)

/as setprice <price> [region]

Set the price of a buy or rent region, use '/as setprice reset [region]' or '/as setprice default [region]' to remove the price from the region (then it will inherit from the assigned groups or default.yml).

  • areashop.setprice (op)
  • areashop.setprice.landlord (false) - Set the price for regions you are landlord

/as setduration <amount> <identifier> [region]

Set the duration of a rent region (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used), use '/as setduration reset [region]' or '/as setduration default [region]' to remove the duration from the region (then it will inherit from the assigned groups or default.yml).

  • /areashop.setduration (op)
  • /areashop.setduration.landlord (false) - Set the price for regions you are landlord

/as setowner <player> [region]

Set the owner of a region, this does not trigger event commands, schematic or money transactions. If executed on a rent region with the player that already owns it then it will extend the rent with 1 period (if no region specified then the region you stand in will be used).

  • /areashop.setownerbuy (op) - Only for buy regions
  • /areashop.setownerrent (op) - Only for rent regions

/as reload

Saves all files that are changed ingame (by certain commands or for example rent running out), then reloads all AreaShop files (includes config.yml, default.yml, groups.yml, all language files, all region files) and updates all region flags and signs after that.

  • areashop.reload (op)

/as groupadd <group> [region]

Add regions to a group (if no region specified all regions in your WolrdEdit selection will be used).

  • areashop.groupadd (op)

/as groupdel <group> [region]

Delete regions from a group (if no region specified all regions in your WolrdEdit selection will be used).

  • areashop.groupdel (op)

/as grouplist

List all groups currently registered.

  • areashop.grouplist (op)

/as groupinfo <group>

Displays a list of regions that are in this group.

  • areashop.groupinfo (op)

/as schemevent <region> <created, deleted, rented, unrented, bought, sold>

Trigger a schematic event to manually restore/save the region from/to a schematic file.

  • areashop.schematicevents (op)

/as add <rent, buy> [region] [world]

Add a WorldGuard region to AreaShop, if used from console a world needs to be specified, this permission also allows you to place signs for creating regions (if no region specified all regions in your WolrdEdit selection will be used).

  • areashop.createrent (op) - Only rent regions
  • areashop.createrent.member (false) - Add WorldGuard regions that you are member off to AreaShop as rent
  • areashop.createrent.owner (false) - Add WorldGuard regions that you are owner off to AreaShop as rent
  • areashop.createbuy (op) - Only buy regions
  • areashop.createbuy.member (false) - Add WorldGuard regions that you are member off to AreaShop as buy
  • areashop.createbuy.owner (false) - Add WorldGuard regions that you are owner off to AreaShop as buy

/as del [region] [world]

Remove a region from AreaShop (does not remove the WorldGuard region), if used from console a world needs to be specified (if no region specified all regions in your WolrdEdit selection will be used).

  • areashop.destroyrent (op) - Only rent regions
  • areashop.destroyrent.landlord (false) - Only rent regions that the player is landlord of
  • areashop.destroybuy (op) - Only buy regions
  • areashop.destroybuy.landlord (op) - Only buy regions that the player is landlord of

/as addsign [region] [profile]

Add a sign to an existing region (look at the sign, max 100 blocks distance, region only needs to be specified if the sign is outside the region).

  • areashop.addsign (op)

/as delsign

Delete the sign you are looking at from the region it belongs to (max distance 100 blocks).

  • areashop.delsign (op)

/as linksigns

Use bulk sign linking mode, after entering this you can left click to select a sign (should be within 100 blocks straight in the direction of your cursor) and right click to select a region (also within 100 blocks). If you have selected a region and a sign, then these will be linked and you can select a region and sign again. Use the command again to exit the sign linking mode.

  • areashop.linksigns (op)

/as setlandlord <player> [region]

Set the landlord of a region, this player will get the revenue made by renting/buying.

  • areashop.setlandlord (op)

/as stack <amount> <gap> <name> <rent|buy> [group]

Easily create a lot of regions, and add them to AreaShop. Inspired by the stack command of WorldEdit.

  • <amount> Number of regions that will be created
  • <gap> Blocks distance between the regions
  • <name> Name of the regions (number will be behind it)
  • <rent|buy> The type of the region
  • [group] A group to add the created regions to
  • The regions will be created in the direction you are facing.

Don't be afraid to create 100+ regions with this command, it will do a certain number per tick, and therefore not lag/crash the server. Setting 'stackRegionNumberLength' to config.yml to indicate how long the numbers appended to the base region name should at least be (generate names like this 'region-001', 'region-014', 'region-4567').

  • areashop.stack (op)

Other permissions

  • areashop.tabcomplete (op) - Allows you to tabcomplete all commands (also parts you don't have permission for, still can't execute without permission though)
  • areashop.limitbypass (op) - Allows you to bypass the limits for how many regions you can rent/buy at the same time
  • areashop.rentextendbypass (op) - Allows you to bypass the extend limit on rent regions
  • areashop.renttimebypass (op) - Allows you to bypass the in advance renting time limit for rent regions
  • areashop.limits.default (true) - Gives you the group 'default' as limits for number of rent/buy/total regions
  • areashop.limits. - Gives you the group with that name with the limits as specified in the config in the 'limitGroups' section
  • areashop.landlord.* - Gives access to all landlord permissions (areashop.createrent.owner, areashop.createbuy.owner, areashop.setprice.landlord, areashop.setduration.landlord, areashop.destroyrent.landlord, areashop.destroybuy.landlord)