diff --git a/atmos_drivers/coupled/atmos_model.F90 b/atmos_drivers/coupled/atmos_model.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 527711d2..00000000
--- a/atmos_drivers/coupled/atmos_model.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,835 +0,0 @@
-!* GNU Lesser General Public License
-!* This file is part of the GFDL Atmos Drivers project.
-!* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-!* your option) any later version.
-!* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-!* for more details.
-!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-!* License along with FMS. If not, see .
-module atmos_model_mod
-! Driver for the atmospheric model, contains routines to advance the
-! atmospheric model state by one time step.
-! This version of atmos_model_mod has been designed around the implicit
-! version diffusion scheme of the GCM. It requires two routines to advance
-! the atmospheric model one time step into the future. These two routines
-! correspond to the down and up sweeps of the standard tridiagonal solver.
-! Most atmospheric processes (dynamics,radiation,etc.) are performed
-! in the down routine. The up routine finishes the vertical diffusion
-! and computes moisture related terms (convection,large-scale condensation,
-! and precipitation).
-! The boundary variables needed by other component models for coupling
-! are contained in a derived data type. A variable of this derived type
-! is returned when initializing the atmospheric model. It is used by other
-! routines in this module and by coupling routines. The contents of
-! this derived type should only be modified by the atmospheric model.
-use mpp_mod, only: mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin
-use mpp_mod, only: mpp_clock_end, CLOCK_COMPONENT, MPP_CLOCK_SYNC
-use mpp_mod, only: mpp_min, mpp_max, mpp_error, mpp_chksum
-use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2d
-use mpp_mod, only: mpp_get_current_pelist_name
-use mpp_mod, only: input_nml_file
-use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file
-use fms_mod, only: file_exist, error_mesg
-use fms_mod, only: close_file, write_version_number, stdlog, stdout
-use fms_mod, only: clock_flag_default
-use fms_mod, only: check_nml_error
-use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_send_complete_instant
-use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_time, get_date, &
- operator(+), operator(-)
-use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS
-use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_number_tracers, get_tracer_names
-use xgrid_mod, only: grid_box_type
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_init
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_restart
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_end
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_state_update
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmos_phys_driver_statein
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_control_data
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_resolution, atmosphere_domain
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_grid_bdry, atmosphere_grid_ctr
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_dynamics, atmosphere_diag_axes
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_etalvls, atmosphere_hgt
-!rab use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_tracer_postinit
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_diss_est, atmosphere_nggps_diag
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_scalar_field_halo
-use atmosphere_mod, only: set_atmosphere_pelist
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_coarse_graining_parameters
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_coarse_diag_axes
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_coarsening_strategy
-use atmosphere_mod, only: Atm, mygrid
-use block_control_mod, only: block_control_type, define_blocks_packed
-use IPD_typedefs, only: IPD_init_type, IPD_control_type, &
- IPD_data_type, IPD_diag_type, &
- IPD_restart_type, kind_phys
-use IPD_driver, only: IPD_initialize, IPD_setup_step, &
- IPD_radiation_step, &
- IPD_physics_step1, &
- IPD_physics_step2, IPD_physics_end
-#ifdef STOCHY
-use stochastic_physics, only: init_stochastic_physics, &
- run_stochastic_physics
-use stochastic_physics_sfc, only: run_stochastic_physics_sfc
-use FV3GFS_io_mod, only: FV3GFS_restart_read, FV3GFS_restart_write, &
- FV3GFS_IPD_checksum, &
- gfdl_diag_register, gfdl_diag_output, &
- FV3GFS_restart_write_coarse, FV3GFS_diag_register_coarse, &
- sfc_data_override
-use FV3GFS_io_mod, only: register_diag_manager_controlled_diagnostics, register_coarse_diag_manager_controlled_diagnostics
-use FV3GFS_io_mod, only: send_diag_manager_controlled_diagnostic_data
-use fv_iau_mod, only: iau_external_data_type,getiauforcing,iau_initialize
-use module_ocean, only: ocean_init
-implicit none
-public update_atmos_radiation_physics
-public update_atmos_model_state
-public update_atmos_model_dynamics
-public atmos_model_init, atmos_model_end, atmos_data_type
-public atmos_model_restart
- type atmos_data_type
- type (domain2d) :: domain ! domain decomposition
- type (domain2d) :: domain_for_read ! domain decomposition for reads
- integer :: axes(4) ! axis indices (returned by diag_manager) for the atmospheric grid
- ! (they correspond to the x, y, pfull, phalf axes)
- real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lon_bnd => null() ! local longitude axis grid box corners in radians.
- real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lat_bnd => null() ! local latitude axis grid box corners in radians.
- real(kind=kind_phys), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lon => null() ! local longitude axis grid box centers in radians.
- real(kind=kind_phys), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lat => null() ! local latitude axis grid box centers in radians.
- type (time_type) :: Time ! current time
- type (time_type) :: Time_step ! atmospheric time step.
- type (time_type) :: Time_init ! reference time.
- integer :: iau_offset ! iau running window length
- integer, pointer :: pelist(:) =>null() ! pelist where atmosphere is running.
- logical :: pe ! current pe.
- type(grid_box_type) :: grid ! hold grid information needed for 2nd order conservative flux exchange
- ! to calculate gradient on cubic sphere grid.
- integer :: layout(2) ! computer task laytout
- logical :: regional ! true if domain is regional
- logical :: bounded_domain ! true if domain is bounded
- real(kind=8), pointer, dimension(:) :: ak
- real(kind=8), pointer, dimension(:) :: bk
- real(kind=8), pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: layer_hgt
- real(kind=8), pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: level_hgt
- real(kind=kind_phys), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: dx
- real(kind=kind_phys), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: dy
- real(kind=8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: area
- type(domain2d) :: coarse_domain ! domain decomposition of the coarse grid
- logical :: write_coarse_restart_files ! whether to write coarse restart files
- logical :: write_only_coarse_intermediate_restarts ! whether to write only coarse intermediate restart files
- character(len=64) :: coarsening_strategy ! Strategy for coarse-graining diagnostics and restart files
-end type atmos_data_type
-integer :: fv3Clock, getClock, overrideClock, updClock, setupClock, radClock, physClock
-integer :: blocksize = 1
-logical :: chksum_debug = .false.
-logical :: dycore_only = .false.
-logical :: debug = .false.
-logical :: sync = .false.
-logical :: first_time_step = .false.
-logical :: fprint = .true.
-logical :: enforce_rst_cksum = .true. ! enforce or override data integrity restart checksums
-real, dimension(4096) :: fdiag = 0. ! xic: TODO: this is hard coded, space can run out in some cases. Should make it allocatable.
-logical :: fdiag_override = .false. ! lmh: if true overrides fdiag and fhzer: all quantities are zeroed out
- ! after every calcluation, output interval and accumulation/avg/max/min
- ! are controlled by diag_manager, fdiag controls output interval only
-namelist /atmos_model_nml/ blocksize, chksum_debug, dycore_only, debug, sync, first_time_step, fdiag, fprint, &
- fdiag_override, enforce_rst_cksum
-type (time_type) :: diag_time, diag_time_fhzero
-logical :: fdiag_fix = .false.
-!--- concurrent and decoupled radiation and physics variables
-! IPD containers
-type(IPD_control_type) :: IPD_Control
-type(IPD_data_type), allocatable :: IPD_Data(:) ! number of blocks
-type(IPD_diag_type) :: IPD_Diag(250)
-type(IPD_restart_type) :: IPD_Restart
-! IAU container
-type(iau_external_data_type) :: IAU_Data
-! Block container
-type (block_control_type), target :: Atm_block
-character(len=128) :: version = '$Id$'
-character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name$'
-real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: zero = 0.0_kind_phys
-! Called every time step as the atmospheric driver to compute the
-! atmospheric tendencies for dynamics, radiation, vertical diffusion of
-! momentum, tracers, and heat/moisture. For heat/moisture only the
-! downward sweep of the tridiagonal elimination is performed, hence
-! the name "_down".
-! call update_atmos_radiation_physics (Atmos)
-! Derived-type variable that contains fields needed by the flux exchange module.
-! These fields describe the atmospheric grid and are needed to
-! compute/exchange fluxes with other component models. All fields in this
-! variable type are allocated for the global grid (without halo regions).
-subroutine update_atmos_radiation_physics (Atmos)
- type (atmos_data_type), intent(in) :: Atmos
-!--- local variables---
- integer :: nb, jdat(8)
- integer :: nthrds
-#ifdef OPENMP
- nthrds = omp_get_max_threads()
- nthrds = 1
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. debug) write(6,*) "statein driver"
-!--- get atmospheric state from the dynamic core
- call set_atmosphere_pelist()
- call mpp_clock_begin(getClock)
- if (IPD_control%do_skeb) call atmosphere_diss_est (IPD_control%skeb_npass) ! do smoothing for SKEB
- call atmos_phys_driver_statein (IPD_data, Atm_block)
- call mpp_clock_end(getClock)
-!--- get varied surface data
- call mpp_clock_begin(overrideClock)
- call sfc_data_override (Atmos%Time, IPD_data, Atm_block, IPD_Control)
- call mpp_clock_end(overrideClock)
-!--- if dycore only run, set up the dummy physics output state as the input state
- if (dycore_only) then
- do nb = 1,Atm_block%nblks
- IPD_Data(nb)%Stateout%gu0 = IPD_Data(nb)%Statein%ugrs
- IPD_Data(nb)%Stateout%gv0 = IPD_Data(nb)%Statein%vgrs
- IPD_Data(nb)%Stateout%gt0 = IPD_Data(nb)%Statein%tgrs
- IPD_Data(nb)%Stateout%gq0 = IPD_Data(nb)%Statein%qgrs
- enddo
- else
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. debug) write(6,*) "setup step"
-!--- update IPD_Control%jdat(8)
- jdat(:) = 0
- call get_date (Atmos%Time, jdat(1), jdat(2), jdat(3), &
- jdat(5), jdat(6), jdat(7))
- IPD_Control%jdat(:) = jdat(:)
-!--- execute the IPD atmospheric setup step
- call mpp_clock_begin(setupClock)
- call IPD_setup_step (IPD_Control, IPD_Data, IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart)
-#ifdef STOCHY
-!--- call stochastic physics pattern generation / cellular automata
- if (IPD_Control%do_sppt .OR. IPD_Control%do_shum .OR. IPD_Control%do_skeb .OR. IPD_Control%do_sfcperts) then
- call run_stochastic_physics(IPD_Control, IPD_Data(:)%Grid, IPD_Data(:)%Coupling, nthrds)
- end if
- call mpp_clock_end(setupClock)
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. debug) write(6,*) "radiation driver"
-!--- execute the IPD atmospheric radiation subcomponent (RRTM)
- call mpp_clock_begin(radClock)
-!$OMP parallel do default (none) &
-!$OMP schedule (dynamic,1), &
-!$OMP shared (Atm_block, IPD_Control, IPD_Data, IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart) &
-!$OMP private (nb)
- do nb = 1,Atm_block%nblks
- call IPD_radiation_step (IPD_Control, IPD_Data(nb), IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart)
- enddo
- call mpp_clock_end(radClock)
- if (chksum_debug) then
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) print *,'RADIATION STEP ', IPD_Control%kdt, IPD_Control%fhour
- call FV3GFS_IPD_checksum(IPD_Control, IPD_Data, Atm_block)
- endif
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. debug) write(6,*) "physics driver"
-!--- execute the IPD atmospheric physics step1 subcomponent (main physics driver)
- call mpp_clock_begin(physClock)
-!$OMP parallel do default (none) &
-!$OMP schedule (dynamic,1), &
-!$OMP shared (Atm_block, IPD_Control, IPD_Data, IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart) &
-!$OMP private (nb)
- do nb = 1,Atm_block%nblks
- call IPD_physics_step1 (IPD_Control, IPD_Data(nb), IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart)
- enddo
- call mpp_clock_end(physClock)
- if (chksum_debug) then
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) print *,'PHYSICS STEP1 ', IPD_Control%kdt, IPD_Control%fhour
- call FV3GFS_IPD_checksum(IPD_Control, IPD_Data, Atm_block)
- endif
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. debug) write(6,*) "stochastic physics driver"
-!--- execute the IPD atmospheric physics step2 subcomponent (stochastic physics driver)
- call mpp_clock_begin(physClock)
-!$OMP parallel do default (none) &
-!$OMP schedule (dynamic,1), &
-!$OMP shared (Atm_block, IPD_Control, IPD_Data, IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart) &
-!$OMP private (nb)
- do nb = 1,Atm_block%nblks
- call IPD_physics_step2 (IPD_Control, IPD_Data(nb), IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart)
- enddo
- call mpp_clock_end(physClock)
- if (chksum_debug) then
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) print *,'PHYSICS STEP2 ', IPD_Control%kdt, IPD_Control%fhour
- call FV3GFS_IPD_checksum(IPD_Control, IPD_Data, Atm_block)
- endif
- call getiauforcing(IPD_Control,IAU_data)
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. debug) write(6,*) "end of radiation and physics step"
- endif
- end subroutine update_atmos_radiation_physics
-! Routine to initialize the atmospheric model
-subroutine atmos_model_init (Atmos, Time_init, Time, Time_step, iau_offset)
-#ifdef OPENMP
- use omp_lib
- use mpp_mod, only: mpp_npes
- type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos
- type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time_init, Time, Time_step
- integer, intent(in) :: iau_offset
-!--- local variables ---
- integer :: unit, ntdiag, ntfamily, i, j, k
- integer :: mlon, mlat, nlon, nlat, nlev, sec, dt, sec_prev
- integer :: ierr, io, logunit
- integer :: idx, tile_num
- integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec
- integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed
- integer :: blk, ibs, ibe, jbs, jbe
- real(kind=kind_phys) :: dt_phys
- real, allocatable :: q(:,:,:,:), p_half(:,:,:)
- character(len=80) :: control
- character(len=64) :: filename, filename2, pelist_name
- character(len=132) :: text
- logical :: p_hydro, hydro, fexist
- logical, save :: block_message = .true.
- type(IPD_init_type) :: Init_parm
- integer :: bdat(8), cdat(8)
- integer :: ntracers
- integer :: kdt_prev
- character(len=32), allocatable, target :: tracer_names(:)
- integer :: coarse_diagnostic_axes(4)
- integer :: nthrds
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-!---- set the atmospheric model time ------
- Atmos % Time_init = Time_init
- Atmos % Time = Time
- Atmos % Time_step = Time_step
- Atmos % iau_offset = iau_offset
- call get_time (Atmos % Time_step, sec)
- call get_time (Atmos%Time - Atmos%Time_init, sec_prev)
- dt_phys = real(sec) ! integer seconds
- kdt_prev = int(sec_prev / dt_phys)
- logunit = stdlog()
-! initialize atmospheric model -----
-!---------- initialize atmospheric dynamics -------
- call atmosphere_init (Atmos%Time_init, Atmos%Time, Atmos%Time_step,&
- Atmos%grid, Atmos%area, IAU_Data)
- IF ( file_exist('input.nml')) THEN
- read(input_nml_file, nml=atmos_model_nml, iostat=io)
- ierr = check_nml_error(io, 'atmos_model_nml')
- unit = open_namelist_file ( )
- ierr=1
- do while (ierr /= 0)
- read (unit, nml=atmos_model_nml, iostat=io, end=10)
- ierr = check_nml_error(io,'atmos_model_nml')
- enddo
- 10 call close_file (unit)
- endif
- call atmosphere_resolution (nlon, nlat, global=.false.)
- call atmosphere_resolution (mlon, mlat, global=.true.)
- call alloc_atmos_data_type (nlon, nlat, Atmos)
- call atmosphere_domain (Atmos%domain, Atmos%domain_for_read, Atmos%layout, Atmos%regional, &
- Atmos%bounded_domain)
- call atmosphere_diag_axes (Atmos%axes)
- call atmosphere_etalvls (Atmos%ak, Atmos%bk, flip=.true.)
- call atmosphere_grid_bdry (Atmos%lon_bnd, Atmos%lat_bnd, global=.false.)
- call atmosphere_grid_ctr (Atmos%lon, Atmos%lat)
- call atmosphere_hgt (Atmos%layer_hgt, 'layer', relative=.false., flip=.true.)
- call atmosphere_hgt (Atmos%level_hgt, 'level', relative=.false., flip=.true.)
- call atmosphere_coarse_graining_parameters(Atmos%coarse_domain, Atmos%write_coarse_restart_files, &
- Atmos%write_only_coarse_intermediate_restarts)
- call atmosphere_coarsening_strategy(Atmos%coarsening_strategy)
-!--- before going any further check definitions for 'blocks'
- call atmosphere_control_data (isc, iec, jsc, jec, nlev, p_hydro, hydro, tile_num)
- call define_blocks_packed ('atmos_model', Atm_block, isc, iec, jsc, jec, nlev, &
- blocksize, block_message)
- allocate(IPD_Data(Atm_block%nblks))
-#ifdef OPENMP
- nthrds = omp_get_max_threads()
- nthrds = 1
-!--- update IPD_Control%jdat(8)
- bdat(:) = 0
- call get_date (Time_init, bdat(1), bdat(2), bdat(3), &
- bdat(5), bdat(6), bdat(7))
- cdat(:) = 0
- call get_date (Time, cdat(1), cdat(2), cdat(3), &
- cdat(5), cdat(6), cdat(7))
- call get_number_tracers(MODEL_ATMOS, num_tracers=ntracers)
- allocate (tracer_names(ntracers))
- do i = 1, ntracers
- call get_tracer_names(MODEL_ATMOS, i, tracer_names(i))
- enddo
-!--- setup IPD Init_parm
- Init_parm%me = mpp_pe()
- Init_parm%master = mpp_root_pe()
- Init_parm%tile_num = tile_num
- Init_parm%isc = isc
- Init_parm%jsc = jsc
- Init_parm%nx = nlon
- Init_parm%ny = nlat
- Init_parm%levs = nlev
- Init_parm%cnx = mlon
- Init_parm%cny = mlat
- Init_parm%gnx = Init_parm%cnx*4
- Init_parm%gny = Init_parm%cny*2
- Init_parm%nlunit = 9999
- Init_parm%logunit = logunit
- Init_parm%bdat(:) = bdat(:)
- Init_parm%cdat(:) = cdat(:)
- Init_parm%dt_dycore = dt_phys
- Init_parm%dt_phys = dt_phys
- Init_parm%iau_offset = Atmos%iau_offset
- Init_parm%blksz => Atm_block%blksz
- Init_parm%ak => Atmos%ak
- Init_parm%bk => Atmos%bk
- Init_parm%xlon => Atmos%lon
- Init_parm%xlat => Atmos%lat
- Init_parm%area => Atmos%area
- Init_parm%tracer_names => tracer_names
- allocate(Init_parm%input_nml_file, mold=input_nml_file)
- Init_parm%input_nml_file => input_nml_file
- Init_parm%fn_nml='using internal file'
- pelist_name=mpp_get_current_pelist_name()
- Init_parm%fn_nml='input_'//trim(pelist_name)//'.nml'
- inquire(FILE=Init_parm%fn_nml, EXIST=fexist)
- if (.not. fexist ) then
- Init_parm%fn_nml='input.nml'
- endif
- call IPD_initialize (IPD_Control, IPD_Data, IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart, Init_parm)
-#ifdef STOCHY
- if (IPD_Control%do_sppt .OR. IPD_Control%do_shum .OR. IPD_Control%do_skeb .OR. IPD_Control%do_sfcperts) then
- ! Initialize stochastic physics
- call init_stochastic_physics(IPD_Control, Init_parm, mpp_npes(), nthrds)
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) print *,'do_skeb=',IPD_Control%do_skeb
- end if
- if (IPD_Control%do_sfcperts) then
- ! Get land surface perturbations here (move to GFS_time_vary
- ! step if wanting to update each time-step)
- call run_stochastic_physics_sfc(IPD_Control, IPD_Data(:)%Grid, IPD_Data(:)%Coupling)
- end if
- Atm(mygrid)%flagstruct%do_diss_est = IPD_Control%do_skeb
-! initialize the IAU module
- call iau_initialize (IPD_Control,IAU_data,Init_parm)
- IPD_Control%kdt_prev = kdt_prev
-!--- initialize slab ocean model or mixed layer ocean model
- if (IPD_Control%do_ocean) call ocean_init (IPD_Control, Init_parm%logunit, input_nml_file)
- if (IPD_Control%do_ocean) call ocean_init (IPD_Control, Init_parm%logunit)
- Init_parm%blksz => null()
- Init_parm%ak => null()
- Init_parm%bk => null()
- Init_parm%xlon => null()
- Init_parm%xlat => null()
- Init_parm%area => null()
- Init_parm%tracer_names => null()
- deallocate (tracer_names)
- !--- update tracers in FV3 with any initialized during the physics/radiation init phase
-!rab call atmosphere_tracer_postinit (IPD_Data, Atm_block)
- call atmosphere_nggps_diag (Time, init=.true.)
- call gfdl_diag_register (Time, IPD_Data(:)%Sfcprop, IPD_Data(:)%IntDiag, IPD_Data%Cldprop, &
- Atm_block, Atmos%axes, IPD_Control%nfxr, IPD_Control%ldiag3d, &
- IPD_Control%nkld, IPD_Control%levs)
- call register_diag_manager_controlled_diagnostics(Time, IPD_Data(:)%IntDiag, Atm_block%nblks, Atmos%axes)
- if (Atm(mygrid)%coarse_graining%write_coarse_diagnostics) then
- call atmosphere_coarse_diag_axes(coarse_diagnostic_axes)
- call FV3GFS_diag_register_coarse(Time, coarse_diagnostic_axes)
- call register_coarse_diag_manager_controlled_diagnostics(Time, coarse_diagnostic_axes)
- endif
- if (.not. dycore_only) &
- call FV3GFS_restart_read (IPD_Data, IPD_Restart, Atm_block, IPD_Control, Atmos%domain_for_read, enforce_rst_cksum)
- if (chksum_debug) then
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) print *,'RESTART READ ', IPD_Control%kdt, IPD_Control%fhour
- call FV3GFS_IPD_checksum(IPD_Control, IPD_Data, Atm_block)
- endif
- !--- set the initial diagnostic timestamp
- diag_time = Time
- if (Atmos%iau_offset > zero) then
- call get_time (Atmos%Time - Atmos%Time_init, sec)
- if (sec < Atmos%iau_offset*3600) then
- diag_time = Atmos%Time_init
- diag_time_fhzero = Atmos%Time
- endif
- endif
- !---- print version number to logfile ----
- call write_version_number ( version, tagname )
- !--- write the namelist to a log file
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then
- unit = stdlog( )
- write (unit, nml=atmos_model_nml)
- call close_file (unit)
- endif
- !--- get fdiag
-#ifdef GFS_PHYS
-!--- check fdiag to see if it is an interval or a list
- if (fdiag_override) then
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write(6,*) "---OVERRIDING fdiag: USING SETTINGS IN diag_table for GFS PHYSICS DIAGS"
- IPD_Control%fhzero = dt_phys / 3600.
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write(6,*) "---fhzero IS SET TO dt_atmos: ALL DIAGNOSTICS ARE SINGLE-STEP"
- else
- if (nint(fdiag(2)) == 0) then
- fdiag_fix = .true.
- do i = 2, size(fdiag,1)
- fdiag(i) = fdiag(1) * i
- enddo
- endif
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write(6,*) "---fdiag",fdiag(1:40)
- endif
- setupClock = mpp_clock_id( 'GFS Step Setup ', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
- overrideClock = mpp_clock_id( 'GFS Override ', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
- radClock = mpp_clock_id( 'GFS Radiation ', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
- physClock = mpp_clock_id( 'GFS Physics ', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
- getClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Dynamics get state ', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
- updClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Dynamics update state ', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
- if (sync) then
- fv3Clock = mpp_clock_id( 'FV3 Dycore ', flags=clock_flag_default+MPP_CLOCK_SYNC, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
- else
- fv3Clock = mpp_clock_id( 'FV3 Dycore ', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
- endif
-end subroutine atmos_model_init
-subroutine update_atmos_model_dynamics (Atmos)
-! run the atmospheric dynamics to advect the properties
- type (atmos_data_type), intent(in) :: Atmos
- call set_atmosphere_pelist()
- call mpp_clock_begin(fv3Clock)
- call atmosphere_dynamics (Atmos%Time)
- call mpp_clock_end(fv3Clock)
-end subroutine update_atmos_model_dynamics
-subroutine update_atmos_model_state (Atmos)
-! to update the model state after all concurrency is completed
- type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos
-!--- local variables
- integer :: isec,seconds,isec_fhzero
- real(kind=kind_phys) :: time_int, time_intfull
- integer :: is, ie, js, je, kt
- call set_atmosphere_pelist()
- call mpp_clock_begin(fv3Clock)
- call mpp_clock_begin(updClock)
- call atmosphere_state_update (Atmos%Time, IPD_Data, IAU_Data, Atm_block)
- call mpp_clock_end(updClock)
- call mpp_clock_end(fv3Clock)
- if (chksum_debug) then
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) print *,'UPDATE STATE ', IPD_Control%kdt, IPD_Control%fhour
- call FV3GFS_IPD_checksum(IPD_Control, IPD_Data, Atm_block)
- endif
-!------ advance time ------
- Atmos % Time = Atmos % Time + Atmos % Time_step
- call atmosphere_control_data(is, ie, js, je, kt)
- call send_diag_manager_controlled_diagnostic_data(Atmos%Time, &
- Atm_block, IPD_Data, IPD_Control%nx, IPD_Control%ny, IPD_Control%levs, &
- Atm(mygrid)%coarse_graining%write_coarse_diagnostics, &
- real(Atm(mygrid)%delp(is:ie,js:je,:), kind=kind_phys), &
- Atmos%coarsening_strategy, real(Atm(mygrid)%ptop, kind=kind_phys))
- call get_time (Atmos%Time - diag_time, isec)
- call get_time (Atmos%Time - Atmos%Time_init, seconds)
- time_int = real(isec)
- if (ANY(nint(fdiag(:)*3600.0) == seconds) .or. (fdiag_fix .and. mod(seconds, nint(fdiag(1)*3600.0)) .eq. 0) .or. (IPD_Control%kdt == 1 .and. first_time_step) ) then
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write(6,*) "---isec,seconds",isec,seconds
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write(6,*) ' gfs diags time since last bucket empty: ',time_int/3600.,'hrs'
- call atmosphere_nggps_diag(Atmos%Time)
- endif
- if (ANY(nint(fdiag(:)*3600.0) == seconds) .or. (fdiag_fix .and. mod(seconds, nint(fdiag(1)*3600.0)) .eq. 0) .or. (IPD_Control%kdt == 1 .and. first_time_step)) then
- if(Atmos%iau_offset > zero) then
- if( time_int - Atmos%iau_offset*3600. > zero ) then
- time_int = time_int - Atmos%iau_offset*3600.
- else if(seconds == Atmos%iau_offset*3600) then
- call get_time (Atmos%Time - diag_time_fhzero, isec_fhzero)
- time_int = real(isec_fhzero)
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write(6,*) "---iseczero",isec_fhzero
- endif
- endif
- time_intfull = real(seconds)
- if(Atmos%iau_offset > zero) then
- if( time_intfull - Atmos%iau_offset*3600. > zero) then
- time_intfull = time_intfull - Atmos%iau_offset*3600.
- endif
- endif
- call gfdl_diag_output(Atmos%Time, Atm_block, IPD_Data, IPD_Control%nx, IPD_Control%ny, fprint, &
- IPD_Control%levs, 1, 1, 1.d0, time_int, time_intfull, &
- IPD_Control%fhswr, IPD_Control%fhlwr, &
- mod(seconds, nint(fdiag(1)*3600.0)) .eq. 0, &
- Atm(mygrid)%coarse_graining%write_coarse_diagnostics,&
- real(Atm(mygrid)%delp(is:ie,js:je,:), kind=kind_phys), &
- Atmos%coarsening_strategy, real(Atm(mygrid)%ptop, kind=kind_phys))
- call diag_send_complete_instant (Atmos%Time)
- if (mod(isec,nint(3600*IPD_Control%fhzero)) == 0) diag_time = Atmos%Time
- endif
- end subroutine update_atmos_model_state
-! termination routine for atmospheric model
-! Call once to terminate this module and any other modules used.
-! This routine writes a restart file and deallocates storage
-! used by the derived-type variable atmos_boundary_data_type.
-! call atmos_model_end (Atmos)
-! Derived-type variable that contains fields needed by the flux exchange module.
-subroutine atmos_model_end (Atmos)
- type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos
-!---local variables
- integer :: idx
- call IPD_physics_end (IPD_Control)
-!---- termination routine for atmospheric model ----
- call atmosphere_end (Atmos % Time, Atmos%grid)
- if (.not. dycore_only) then
- call FV3GFS_restart_write (IPD_Data, IPD_Restart, Atm_block, &
- IPD_Control, Atmos%domain)
- if (Atmos%write_coarse_restart_files) then
- call FV3GFS_restart_write_coarse(IPD_Data, IPD_Restart, Atm_block, &
- IPD_Control, Atmos%coarse_domain)
- endif
- endif
-end subroutine atmos_model_end
-! Write out restart files registered through register_restart_file
-subroutine atmos_model_restart(Atmos, timestamp)
- type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: timestamp
- call atmosphere_restart(timestamp)
- if (.not. dycore_only) then
- if (.not. Atmos%write_only_coarse_intermediate_restarts) then
- call FV3GFS_restart_write (IPD_Data, IPD_Restart, Atm_block, &
- IPD_Control, Atmos%domain, timestamp)
- endif
- if (Atmos%write_coarse_restart_files) then
- call FV3GFS_restart_write_coarse(IPD_Data, IPD_Restart, Atm_block, &
- IPD_Control, Atmos%coarse_domain, timestamp)
- endif
- endif
-end subroutine atmos_model_restart
-! Print checksums of the various fields in the atmos_data_type.
-! Routine to print checksums of the various fields in the atmos_data_type.
-! call atmos_data_type_chksum(id, timestep, atm)
-! Derived-type variable that contains fields in the atmos_data_type.
-! Label to differentiate where this routine in being called from.
-! An integer to indicate which timestep this routine is being called for.
-subroutine atmos_data_type_chksum(id, timestep, atm)
-type(atmos_data_type), intent(in) :: atm
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
- integer , intent(in) :: timestep
- integer :: n, outunit
-100 format("CHECKSUM::",A32," = ",Z20)
-101 format("CHECKSUM::",A16,a,'%',a," = ",Z20)
- outunit = stdout()
- write(outunit,*) 'BEGIN CHECKSUM(Atmos_data_type):: ', id, timestep
- write(outunit,100) ' atm%lon_bnd ', mpp_chksum(atm%lon_bnd )
- write(outunit,100) ' atm%lat_bnd ', mpp_chksum(atm%lat_bnd )
- write(outunit,100) ' atm%lon ', mpp_chksum(atm%lon )
- write(outunit,100) ' atm%lat ', mpp_chksum(atm%lat )
-end subroutine atmos_data_type_chksum
- subroutine alloc_atmos_data_type (nlon, nlat, Atmos)
- integer, intent(in) :: nlon, nlat
- type(atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos
- allocate ( Atmos % lon_bnd (nlon+1,nlat+1), &
- Atmos % lat_bnd (nlon+1,nlat+1), &
- Atmos % lon (nlon,nlat), &
- Atmos % lat (nlon,nlat) )
- end subroutine alloc_atmos_data_type
- subroutine dealloc_atmos_data_type (Atmos)
- type(atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos
- deallocate (Atmos%lon_bnd, &
- Atmos%lat_bnd, &
- Atmos%lon, &
- Atmos%lat )
- end subroutine dealloc_atmos_data_type
-end module atmos_model_mod
diff --git a/atmos_drivers/solo/atmos_model.F90 b/atmos_drivers/solo/atmos_model.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf18d88..00000000
--- a/atmos_drivers/solo/atmos_model.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-!* GNU Lesser General Public License
-!* This file is part of the GFDL Atmos Drivers project.
-!* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-!* your option) any later version.
-!* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-!* for more details.
-!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-!* License along with FMS. If not, see .
-program atmos_model
-! Main program for running a stand-alone atmospheric dynamical core.
-use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_init, atmosphere_end, atmosphere, atmosphere_domain
-use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, set_time, get_time, &
- operator(+), operator (<), operator (>), &
- operator (/=), operator (/), operator (*)
-use fms_affinity_mod, only: fms_affinity_init, fms_affinity_set
-use fms_mod, only: check_nml_error, &
- error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING, &
- mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, fms_init, fms_end, &
- stdlog, stdout, write_version_number, &
- mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, &
- mpp_clock_end, CLOCK_COMPONENT
-use fms2_io_mod, only: file_exists, ascii_read
-use mpp_mod, only: mpp_set_current_pelist, input_nml_file
-use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2d
-use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_manager_init, diag_manager_end, get_base_date
-use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS
-use tracer_manager_mod, only: register_tracers
-use memutils_mod, only: print_memuse_stats
-use constants_mod, only: SECONDS_PER_HOUR, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
-use sat_vapor_pres_mod, only: sat_vapor_pres_init
-implicit none
-character(len=128), parameter :: version = &
-character(len=128), parameter :: tag = &
-! ----- model time -----
-! there is no calendar associated with model of this type
-! therefore, year=0, month=0 are assumed
- type (time_type) :: Time, Time_init, Time_end, Time_step_atmos
- integer :: num_atmos_calls, na
-! ----- model initial date -----
- integer :: date_init(6) ! note: year=month=0
-! ----- timing flags -----
- integer :: id_init, id_loop, id_end
- integer, parameter :: timing_level = 1
- character(len=80) :: text
- type(domain2d), save :: atmos_domain ! This variable must be treated as read-only
- integer, dimension(4) :: current_time = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0 /)
- integer :: days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0
- integer :: dt_atmos = 0
- integer :: memuse_interval = 72
- integer :: atmos_nthreads = 1
- logical :: use_hyper_thread = .false.
- namelist /main_nml/ current_time, dt_atmos, &
- days, hours, minutes, seconds, &
- memuse_interval, atmos_nthreads, &
- use_hyper_thread
- call fms_init ( )
- call fms_affinity_init
- call sat_vapor_pres_init
- call atmos_model_init
-! ------ atmosphere integration loop -------
- call mpp_clock_begin (id_loop)
- do na = 1, num_atmos_calls
- call atmosphere (Time)
- Time = Time + Time_step_atmos
- if(modulo(na,memuse_interval) == 0) then
- write( text,'(a,i4)' )'Main loop at timestep=',na
- call print_memuse_stats(text)
- endif
- enddo
- call mpp_clock_end (id_loop)
-! ------ end of atmospheric time step loop -----
- call atmos_model_end
- call fms_end
- subroutine atmos_model_init
- integer :: unit, ierr, io, logunit
- integer :: ntrace, ntprog, ntdiag, ntfamily
- integer :: date(6)
- type (time_type) :: Run_length
-!$ integer :: omp_get_thread_num
- integer :: get_cpu_affinity, base_cpu
- character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable :: restart_file !< Restart file saved as a string
- integer :: time_stamp_unit !< Unif of the time_stamp file
- integer :: ascii_unit !< Unit of a dummy ascii file
-!----- initialization timing identifiers ----
- id_init = mpp_clock_id ('MAIN: initialization', grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
- id_loop = mpp_clock_id ('MAIN: time loop' , grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
- id_end = mpp_clock_id ('MAIN: termination' , grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
- logunit = stdlog()
- call mpp_clock_begin (id_init)
-! how many tracers have been registered?
-! (will print number below)
- call register_tracers ( MODEL_ATMOS, ntrace, ntprog, ntdiag, ntfamily )
-!----- read namelist -------
- read (input_nml_file, nml=main_nml, iostat=io)
- ierr = check_nml_error(io, 'main_nml')
-!----- write namelist to logfile -----
- call write_version_number (version,tag)
- if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (logunit, nml=main_nml)
- if (dt_atmos == 0) then
- call error_mesg ('program atmos_model', 'dt_atmos has not been specified', FATAL)
- endif
-!----- read restart file -----
- if (file_exists('INPUT/atmos_model.res')) then
- call ascii_read('INPUT/atmos_model.res', restart_file)
- read(restart_file(1), *) date
- deallocate(restart_file)
- else
- ! use namelist time if restart file does not exist
- date(1:2) = 0
- date(3:6) = current_time
- endif
-!----- write current/initial date actually used to logfile file -----
- if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
- write (logunit,16) date(3:6)
- endif
- 16 format (' current time used = day',i5,' hour',i3,2(':',i2.2))
-! print number of tracers to logfile
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then
- write (logunit, '(a,i3)') 'Number of tracers =', ntrace
- write (logunit, '(a,i3)') 'Number of prognostic tracers =', ntprog
- write (logunit, '(a,i3)') 'Number of diagnostic tracers =', ntdiag
- endif
-!------ initialize diagnostics manager ------
- call diag_manager_init
-!----- always override initial/base date with diag_manager value -----
-!----- get the base date in the diag_table from the diag_manager ----
-! this base date is typically the starting date for the
-! experiment and is subtracted from the current date
- call get_base_date ( date_init(1), date_init(2), date_init(3), &
- date_init(4), date_init(5), date_init(6) )
- ! make sure base date does not have a year or month specified
- if ( date_init(1)+date_init(2) /= 0 ) then
- call error_mesg ('program atmos_model', 'invalid base base - &
- &must have year = month = 0', FATAL)
- endif
-!----- set initial and current time types ------
-!----- set run length and compute ending time -----
-#ifdef MARS_GCM
-! Dont allow minutes in the Mars model
- date_init(5)= 0.0
-#endif MARS_GCM
- Time_init = set_time(date_init(4)*int(SECONDS_PER_HOUR)+date_init(5)*int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)+date_init(6),date_init(3))
- Time = set_time(date (4)*int(SECONDS_PER_HOUR)+date (5)*int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)+date (6),date (3))
- Run_length = set_time( hours*int(SECONDS_PER_HOUR)+ minutes*int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)+ seconds,days )
- Time_end = Time + Run_length
-!----- write time stamps (for start time and end time) ------
- if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) open(newunit = time_stamp_unit, file='time_stamp.out', status='replace', form='formatted')
- if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (time_stamp_unit,20) date
-! compute ending time in days,hours,minutes,seconds
- call get_time ( Time_end, date(6), date(3) ) ! gets sec,days
- date(4) = date(6)/int(SECONDS_PER_HOUR); date(6) = date(6) - date(4)*int(SECONDS_PER_HOUR)
-#ifdef MARS_GCM
- date(5) = 0 ; date(6) = date(6) - date(5)*int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)
- date(5) = date(6)/int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) ; date(6) = date(6) - date(5)*int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)
- if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (time_stamp_unit,20) date
- if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) close(time_stamp_unit)
- 20 format (6i7,2x,'day') ! can handle day <= 999999
-!--- compute the time steps ---
-! determine number of iterations through the time integration loop
-! must be evenly divisible
- Time_step_atmos = set_time (dt_atmos,0)
- num_atmos_calls = Run_length / Time_step_atmos
-!----- initial (base) time must not be greater than current time -----
- if ( Time_init > Time ) call error_mesg ('program atmos_model', &
- 'initial time is greater than current time', FATAL)
-!----- make sure run length is a multiple of atmos time step ------
- if ( num_atmos_calls * Time_step_atmos /= Run_length ) &
- call error_mesg ('program atmos_model', &
- 'run length must be multiple of atmosphere time step', FATAL)
-!------ initialize atmospheric model ------
- !--- setting affinity
-!$ call fms_affinity_set('ATMOS', use_hyper_thread, atmos_nthreads)
-!$ call omp_set_num_threads(atmos_nthreads)
- if (mpp_pe() .eq. mpp_root_pe()) then
- unit=stdout()
- write(unit,*) ' starting ',atmos_nthreads,' OpenMP threads per MPI-task'
- call flush(unit)
- endif
- call atmosphere_init (Time_init, Time, Time_step_atmos)
- call atmosphere_domain(atmos_domain)
-! open and close dummy file in restart dir to check if dir exists
- call mpp_set_current_pelist()
- if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) then
- open(newunit = ascii_unit, file='RESTART/file', status='replace', form='formatted')
- close(ascii_unit,status="delete")
- endif
-! ---- terminate timing ----
- call mpp_clock_end (id_init)
- call print_memuse_stats('atmos_model_init')
- end subroutine atmos_model_init
- subroutine atmos_model_end
- integer :: date(6)
- integer :: restart_unit !< Unit for the coupler restart file
- call mpp_clock_begin (id_end)
- call atmosphere_end
-!----- compute current time in days,hours,minutes,seconds -----
- date(1:2) = 0
- call get_time ( Time, date(6), date(3) )
- date(4) = date(6)/int(SECONDS_PER_HOUR); date(6) = date(6) - date(4)*int(SECONDS_PER_HOUR)
-#ifdef MARS_GCM
- date(5) = 0 ; date(6) = date(6) - date(5)*int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)
- date(5) = date(6)/int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); date(6) = date(6) - date(5)*int(SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)
-#endif MARS_GCM
-!----- check time versus expected ending time ----
- if (Time /= Time_end) call error_mesg ('program atmos_model', &
- 'final time does not match expected ending time', WARNING)
-!----- write restart file ------
- if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
- open(newunit = restart_unit, file='RESTART/atmos_model.res', status='replace', form='formatted')
- write (restart_unit,'(6i6,8x,a)') date, &
- 'Current model time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
- close(restart_unit)
- endif
-!----- final output of diagnostic fields ----
- call diag_manager_end (Time)
- call mpp_clock_end (id_end)
- end subroutine atmos_model_end
-! routines to set/get date when no calendar is set (i.e., yr=0 and mo=0)
-end program atmos_model
diff --git a/simple_coupler/coupler_main.F90 b/simple_coupler/coupler_main.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index e886a5fb..00000000
--- a/simple_coupler/coupler_main.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-!* GNU Lesser General Public License
-!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS) Coupler.
-!* FMS Coupler is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-!* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-!* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-!* License, or (at your option) any later version.
-!* FMS Coupler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-!* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-!* General Public License for more details.
-!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-!* License along with FMS Coupler.
-!* If not, see .
-program coupler_main
-! program that couples component models for the atmosphere,
-! ocean (amip), land, and sea-ice using the exchange module
-use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, set_calendar_type, set_time, &
- set_date, days_in_month, month_name, &
- operator(+), operator (<), operator (>), &
- operator (/=), operator (/), operator (==),&
- operator (*), THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS, JULIAN, &
- NOLEAP, NO_CALENDAR, date_to_string, &
- get_date
-use atmos_model_mod, only: atmos_model_init, atmos_model_end, &
- update_atmos_model_dynamics, &
- update_atmos_radiation_physics, &
- update_atmos_model_state, &
- atmos_data_type, atmos_model_restart
-use constants_mod, only: constants_init
-use mpp_mod, only: input_nml_file
-use fms_affinity_mod, only: fms_affinity_init, fms_affinity_set
-use fms_mod, only: check_nml_error, &
- error_mesg, fms_init, fms_end, &
- write_version_number, uppercase
-use fms2_io_mod, only: ascii_read, file_exists
-use mpp_mod, only: mpp_init, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_npes, mpp_get_current_pelist, &
- mpp_set_current_pelist, stdlog, mpp_error, NOTE, FATAL, WARNING
-use mpp_mod, only: mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, mpp_clock_end, mpp_sync
-use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_global_domain, mpp_global_field, CORNER
-use memutils_mod, only: print_memuse_stats
-use sat_vapor_pres_mod,only: sat_vapor_pres_init
-use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_manager_init, diag_manager_end, &
- get_base_date, diag_manager_set_time_end
-use data_override_mod, only: data_override_init
-implicit none
-character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: coupler_main.F90,v 2014/09/09 23:51:59 Rusty.Benson Exp $'
-character(len=128) :: tag = '$Name: ulm_201505 $'
-!---- model defined-types ----
- type (atmos_data_type) :: Atm
-! ----- coupled model time -----
- type (time_type) :: Time_atmos, Time_init, Time_end, &
- Time_step_atmos, Time_step_ocean, &
- Time_restart, Time_step_restart, &
- Time_start_restart, Time_restart_aux, &
- Time_step_restart_aux, Time_start_restart_aux, &
- Time_duration_restart_aux, Time_restart_end_aux
- integer :: num_cpld_calls, num_atmos_calls, nc, na, ret
-! ----- coupled model initial date -----
- integer :: date_init(6)
- integer :: calendar_type = -99
-! ----- timing flags -----
- integer :: initClock, mainClock, termClock
- integer, parameter :: timing_level = 1
-! ----- namelist -----
- integer, dimension(6) :: current_date = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /)
- character(len=17) :: calendar = ' '
- logical :: force_date_from_namelist = .false. ! override restart values for date
- integer :: months=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0
- integer :: iau_offset = 0
- integer :: dt_atmos = 0
- integer :: dt_ocean = 0
- integer :: restart_days = 0
- integer :: restart_secs = 0
- integer :: restart_start_days = 0
- integer :: restart_start_secs = 0
- integer :: restart_days_aux = 0
- integer :: restart_secs_aux = 0
- integer :: restart_start_days_aux = 0
- integer :: restart_start_secs_aux = 0
- integer :: restart_duration_days_aux = 0
- integer :: restart_duration_secs_aux = 0
- integer :: atmos_nthreads = 1
- logical :: memuse_verbose = .false.
- logical :: use_hyper_thread = .false.
- namelist /coupler_nml/ current_date, calendar, force_date_from_namelist, &
- months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, iau_offset, &
- dt_atmos, dt_ocean, atmos_nthreads, memuse_verbose, &
- use_hyper_thread, restart_secs, restart_days, &
- restart_start_secs, restart_start_days, &
- restart_secs_aux, restart_days_aux, &
- restart_start_secs_aux, restart_start_days_aux, &
- restart_duration_secs_aux, restart_duration_days_aux
-! ----- local variables -----
- character(len=32) :: timestamp
- logical :: intrm_rst, intrm_rst_1step
- call fms_init()
- call mpp_init()
- initClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Initialization' )
- call mpp_clock_begin (initClock) !nesting problem
- call fms_init
- call constants_init
- call fms_affinity_init
- call sat_vapor_pres_init
- call coupler_init
- call print_memuse_stats('after coupler init')
- call mpp_set_current_pelist()
- call mpp_clock_end (initClock) !end initialization
- mainClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Main loop' )
- termClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Termination' )
- call mpp_clock_begin(mainClock) !begin main loop
- do nc = 1, num_cpld_calls
- Time_atmos = Time_atmos + Time_step_atmos
- call update_atmos_model_dynamics (Atm)
- call update_atmos_radiation_physics (Atm)
- call update_atmos_model_state (Atm)
-!--- intermediate restart
- if (intrm_rst) then
- if (nc /= num_cpld_calls) then
- if (intrm_rst_1step .and. nc == 1) then
- timestamp = date_to_string (Time_atmos)
- call atmos_model_restart(Atm, timestamp)
- call coupler_res(timestamp)
- endif
- if (Time_atmos == Time_restart .or. Time_atmos == Time_restart_aux) then
- if (Time_atmos == Time_restart) then
- timestamp = date_to_string (Time_restart)
- else
- timestamp = date_to_string (Time_restart_aux)
- endif
- call atmos_model_restart(Atm, timestamp)
- call coupler_res(timestamp)
- if (Time_atmos == Time_restart) &
- Time_restart = Time_restart + Time_step_restart
- if ((restart_secs_aux > 0 .or. restart_days_aux > 0) .and. &
- Time_atmos == Time_restart_aux .and. &
- Time_restart_aux < Time_restart_end_aux) then
- Time_restart_aux = Time_restart_aux + Time_step_restart_aux
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- call print_memuse_stats('after full step')
- enddo
- call mpp_set_current_pelist()
- call mpp_clock_end(mainClock)
- call mpp_clock_begin(termClock)
- call coupler_end
- call mpp_set_current_pelist()
- call mpp_clock_end(termClock)
- call fms_end
- stop
- subroutine coupler_init
-! initialize all defined exchange grids and all boundary maps
- integer :: total_days, total_seconds, ierr, io
- integer :: n, gnlon, gnlat
- integer :: date(6), flags
- type (time_type) :: Run_length
- character(len=9) :: month
- logical :: use_namelist
- logical, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: mask
- real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: glon_bnd, glat_bnd
- character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable :: restart_file !< Restart file saved as a string
- integer :: time_stamp_unit !< Unit of the time_stamp file
- integer :: ascii_unit !< Unit of a dummy ascii file
-!----- initialization timing identifiers ----
-!----- read namelist -------
-!----- for backwards compatibilty read from file coupler.nml -----
- read(input_nml_file, nml=coupler_nml, iostat=io)
- ierr = check_nml_error(io, 'coupler_nml')
-!----- write namelist to logfile -----
- call write_version_number (version, tag)
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write(stdlog(),nml=coupler_nml)
-!----- allocate and set the pelist (to the global pelist) -----
- allocate( Atm%pelist (mpp_npes()) )
- call mpp_get_current_pelist(Atm%pelist)
-!----- read restart file -----
- if (file_exists('INPUT/coupler.res')) then
- call ascii_read('INPUT/coupler.res', restart_file)
- read(restart_file(1), *) calendar_type
- read(restart_file(2), *) date_init
- read(restart_file(3), *) date
- deallocate(restart_file)
- else
- force_date_from_namelist = .true.
- endif
-!----- use namelist value (either no restart or override flag on) ---
- if ( force_date_from_namelist ) then
- if ( sum(current_date) <= 0 ) then
- call error_mesg ('program coupler', &
- 'no namelist value for current_date', FATAL)
- else
- date = current_date
- endif
-!----- override calendar type with namelist value -----
- select case( uppercase(trim(calendar)) )
- case( 'JULIAN' )
- calendar_type = JULIAN
- case( 'NOLEAP' )
- calendar_type = NOLEAP
- case( 'THIRTY_DAY' )
- calendar_type = THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS
- case( 'NO_CALENDAR' )
- calendar_type = NO_CALENDAR
- case default
- call mpp_error ( FATAL, 'COUPLER_MAIN: coupler_nml entry calendar must '// &
- end select
- endif
- !--- setting affinity
-!$ call fms_affinity_set('ATMOS', use_hyper_thread, atmos_nthreads)
-!$ call omp_set_num_threads(atmos_nthreads)
- call set_calendar_type (calendar_type)
-!----- write current/initial date actually used to logfile file -----
- if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
- write (stdlog(),16) date(1),trim(month_name(date(2))),date(3:6)
- endif
- 16 format (' current date used = ',i4,1x,a,2i3,2(':',i2.2),' gmt')
-!------ initialize diagnostics manager ------
- call diag_manager_init (TIME_INIT=date)
-!----- always override initial/base date with diag_manager value -----
- call get_base_date ( date_init(1), date_init(2), date_init(3), &
- date_init(4), date_init(5), date_init(6) )
-!----- use current date if no base date ------
- if ( date_init(1) == 0 ) date_init = date
-!----- set initial and current time types ------
- Time_init = set_date (date_init(1), date_init(2), date_init(3), &
- date_init(4), date_init(5), date_init(6))
- Time_atmos = set_date (date(1), date(2), date(3), &
- date(4), date(5), date(6))
-!----- compute the ending time (compute days in each month first) -----
-! (NOTE: if run length in months then starting day must be <= 28)
- if ( months > 0 .and. date(3) > 28 ) &
- call error_mesg ('program coupler', &
- 'if run length in months then starting day must be <= 28', FATAL)
- Time_end = Time_atmos
- total_days = 0
- do n = 1, months
- total_days = total_days + days_in_month(Time_end)
- Time_end = Time_atmos + set_time (0,total_days)
- enddo
- total_days = total_days + days
- total_seconds = hours*3600 + minutes*60 + seconds
- Run_length = set_time (total_seconds,total_days)
- Time_end = Time_atmos + Run_length
- !Need to pass Time_end into diag_manager for multiple thread case.
- call diag_manager_set_time_end(Time_end)
-!----- write time stamps (for start time and end time) ------
- if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) open(newunit = time_stamp_unit, file='time_stamp.out', status='replace', form='formatted')
- month = month_name(date(2))
- if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (time_stamp_unit,20) date, month(1:3)
- call get_date (Time_end, date(1), date(2), date(3), &
- date(4), date(5), date(6))
- month = month_name(date(2))
- if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (time_stamp_unit,20) date, month(1:3)
- if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) close(time_stamp_unit)
- 20 format (6i4,2x,a3)
-!----- compute the time steps ------
-Time_step_atmos = set_time (dt_atmos,0)
-Time_step_ocean = set_time (dt_ocean,0)
-num_cpld_calls = Run_length / Time_step_ocean
-num_atmos_calls = Time_step_ocean / Time_step_atmos
-Time_step_restart = set_time (restart_secs, restart_days)
-if (restart_start_secs > 0 .or. restart_start_days > 0) then
- Time_start_restart = set_time (restart_start_secs, restart_start_days)
- Time_restart = Time_atmos + Time_start_restart
- Time_restart = Time_atmos + Time_step_restart
-end if
-Time_step_restart_aux = set_time (restart_secs_aux, restart_days_aux)
-Time_duration_restart_aux = set_time (restart_duration_secs_aux, restart_duration_days_aux)
-Time_start_restart_aux = set_time (restart_start_secs_aux, restart_start_days_aux)
-Time_restart_aux = Time_atmos + Time_start_restart_aux
-Time_restart_end_aux = Time_restart_aux + Time_duration_restart_aux
-intrm_rst = .false.
-intrm_rst_1step = .false.
-if (restart_days > 0 .or. restart_secs > 0) intrm_rst = .true.
-if (intrm_rst .and. restart_start_secs == 0 .and. &
- restart_start_days == 0) intrm_rst_1step = .true.
-!------------------- some error checks ---------------------------------
-!----- initial time cannot be greater than current time -------
- if ( Time_init > Time_atmos ) call error_mesg ('program coupler', &
- 'initial time is greater than current time', FATAL)
-!----- make sure run length is a multiple of ocean time step ------
- if ( num_cpld_calls * Time_step_ocean /= Run_length ) &
- call error_mesg ('program coupler', &
- 'run length must be multiple of ocean time step', FATAL)
-! ---- make sure cpld time step is a multiple of atmos time step ----
- if ( num_atmos_calls * Time_step_atmos /= Time_step_ocean ) &
- call error_mesg ('program coupler', &
- 'atmos time step is not a multiple of the ocean time step', FATAL)
-!------ initialize component models ------
- call atmos_model_init (Atm, Time_init, Time_atmos, Time_step_atmos, &
- iau_offset)
- call print_memuse_stats('after atmos model init')
- call mpp_get_global_domain(Atm%Domain, xsize=gnlon, ysize=gnlat)
- allocate ( glon_bnd(gnlon+1,gnlat+1), glat_bnd(gnlon+1,gnlat+1) )
- call mpp_global_field(Atm%Domain, Atm%lon_bnd, glon_bnd, position=CORNER)
- call mpp_global_field(Atm%Domain, Atm%lat_bnd, glat_bnd, position=CORNER)
- if (.NOT.Atm%bounded_domain) call data_override_init (Atm_domain_in = Atm%domain)
- ! Atm_domain_in = Atm%domain, &
- ! Ice_domain_in = Ice%domain, &
- ! Land_domain_in = Land%domain )
-!---- open and close dummy file in restart dir to check if dir exists --
- if (mpp_pe() == 0 ) then !one pe should do this check only in case of a nest
- open(newunit = ascii_unit, file='RESTART/file', status='replace', form='formatted')
- close(ascii_unit,status="delete")
- endif
- end subroutine coupler_init
- subroutine coupler_res(timestamp)
- character(len=32), intent(in) :: timestamp
- integer :: date(6)
- integer :: restart_unit !< Unit for the coupler restart file
-!----- compute current date ------
- call get_date (Time_atmos, date(1), date(2), date(3), &
- date(4), date(5), date(6))
-!----- write restart file ------
- call mpp_set_current_pelist()
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe())then
- open(newunit = restart_unit, file='RESTART/'//trim(timestamp)//'.coupler.res', status='replace', form='formatted')
- write(restart_unit, '(i6,8x,a)' )calendar_type, &
- '(Calendar: no_calendar=0, thirty_day_months=1, julian=2, gregorian=3, noleap=4)'
- write(restart_unit, '(6i6,8x,a)' )date_init, &
- 'Model start time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
- write(restart_unit, '(6i6,8x,a)' )date, &
- 'Current model time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
- close(restart_unit)
- endif
- end subroutine coupler_res
- subroutine coupler_end
- integer :: date(6)
- integer :: restart_unit !< Unit for the coupler restart file
- call atmos_model_end (Atm)
-!----- compute current date ------
- call get_date (Time_atmos, date(1), date(2), date(3), &
- date(4), date(5), date(6))
-!----- check time versus expected ending time ----
- if (Time_atmos /= Time_end) call error_mesg ('program coupler', &
- 'final time does not match expected ending time', WARNING)
-!----- write restart file ------
- call mpp_set_current_pelist()
- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe())then
- open(newunit = restart_unit, file='RESTART/coupler.res', status='replace', form='formatted')
- write(restart_unit, '(i6,8x,a)' )calendar_type, &
- '(Calendar: no_calendar=0, thirty_day_months=1, julian=2, gregorian=3, noleap=4)'
- write(restart_unit, '(6i6,8x,a)' )date_init, &
- 'Model start time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
- write(restart_unit, '(6i6,8x,a)' )date, &
- 'Current model time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
- close(restart_unit)
- endif
-!----- final output of diagnostic fields ----
- call diag_manager_end (Time_atmos)
- end subroutine coupler_end
-end program coupler_main