diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/02OJ016_UTC_mNAVD88.csv b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/02OJ016_UTC_mNAVD88.csv
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..37bb103c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/02OJ016_UTC_mNAVD88.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,18173 @@
+Date and Time (GMT),Water level (m NAVD88)
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/README.md b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/README.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Testing BMI Python modules.
+ - model.py: This file is the "model" it takes inputs and gives an output
+ - bmi_model.py: This is the Basic Model Interface that talks with the model. This is what we are testing.
+ - run_bmi_model.py: This is a file that mimics the framework, in the sense that it initializes the model with the BMI function. Then it runs the model with the BMI Update function, etc.
+ - run_bmi_unit_test.py: This is a file that runs each BMI unit test to make sure that the BMI is complete and functioning as expected.
+ - config.yml: This is a configuration file that the BMI reads to set inital_time (initial value of current_model_time) and time_step_seconds (time_step_size).
+ - environment.yml: Environment file with the required Python libraries needed to run the model with BMI. Create the environment with this command: `conda env create -f environment.yml`, then activate it with `conda activate bmi_test`
+# About
+This is an implementation of a Python-based model that fulfills the Python language BMI interface and can be used in the Framework. This Python BMI interface servers as a USGS water level observation station data provider to force NextGen coastal models (SCHISM, DFlowFM) with a single offshore water level boundary upstream of the Lake Champlain domain.
+# Implementation Details
+The USGS data provider BMI here serves to provide USGS station water level data to coastal models all the up until 2023-01-01 00:00:00. Any time beyond the last observation time of the USGS station data will serve as a constant value over future forecast times for a given coastal model application for the Lake Champlain domain. We will be updating the USGS observation csv dataset in the near future with close to realtime values.
+## Test the complete BMI functionality
+`python run_bmi_unit_test.py`
+## Run the model
+`python run_bmi_model.py`
+## Sample output
+model time, ETA2_bnd
+3600.00, 29.84
+7200.00, 30.45
+10800.00, 30.89
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/__init__.py b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/__init__.py
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index 0000000000..896edc66a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .bmi_model import bmi_model
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/__main__.py b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/__main__.py
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index 0000000000..729246e248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from run_bmi_model import execute
+# TODO: maybe add something for running tests also
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    execute()
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/bmi_grid.py b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/bmi_grid.py
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index 0000000000..3dddcd2238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/bmi_grid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+Module for supporting BMI grid meta data and functionality
+@author Nels Frazier
+@version 0.1
+from enum import Enum
+from functools import reduce
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+import numpy as np
+    from typing import Tuple
+    from numpy.typing import NDArray
+_error_on_grid_type: bool = False
+def error_on_grid_type(flag: bool = False) -> None:
+    """Set the behavior of the module to throw an error on grid functions that are not applicable.
+    Args:
+        flag (bool): 
+            True will enable exceptions to be thrown for access to grid functions that are not applicable to the grid type.
+            False will attempt to provide reasonable default semantics for returning information from those functions.
+    Returns:
+        None
+    """
+    global _error_on_grid_type
+    _error_on_grid_type = flag
+class GridTypeAccessError(TypeError):
+    """Grid meta data not accessible for grid type"""
+class GridType(str, Enum):
+    """
+        Enumeration of supported BMI grid types (https://bmi.readthedocs.io/en/stable/#get-grid-type)
+    """
+    scalar = "scalar", #0 dim
+    points = "points", #1 dim
+    vector = "vector", #1 dim
+    unstructured = "unstructured", #1-N
+    structured_quadrilateral = "structured_quadrilaterl", #2 dim
+    rectilinear = "rectilinear", #2 dim dx != dy
+    uniform_rectilinear = "uniform_rectilinear" #2 dim -- dx = dy
+class GridUnits(Enum):
+    """
+        Enumeration of supported Grid Units to facilitate framework interactions
+    """
+    none = -1
+    m = 0
+    km = 1
+class Grid():
+    """
+        Structure for holding required BMI meta data for any grid intended to be used via BMI
+    """
+    def __init__(self, id: int, rank: int , type: GridType, units: GridUnits = GridUnits.none) :
+        """_summary_
+        Args:
+            id (int): User defined identifier for this grid
+            rank (int): The number of dimensions of the grid
+            type (GridType): The type of BMI grid this meta data represents
+        """
+        self._id: int = id
+        self._rank: int = rank
+        self._size: int = 0
+        self._type: GridType = type #FIXME validate type/rank?
+        self._shape: 'NDArray[np.int32]' = None #array of size rank
+        self._spacing: 'NDArray[np.float64]' = None #array of size rank
+        self._origin: 'NDArray[np.float64]' = None #array of size rank
+        self._grid_x: 'NDArray[np.float64]' = None #array of size rank
+        self._grid_y: 'NDArray[np.float64]' = None #array of size rank
+        self._grid_z: 'NDArray[np.float64]' = None #array of size rank
+        self._units: 'NDArray[np.int16]' = None #array of size rank
+        if( rank == 0 ):
+            # We have to use a 1 dim representation for a scalar cause numpy initialization is weird
+            # np.zeros( [1] ) gives you an array([0.])
+            # np.zeros( [0] ) gives you an emptty array([])
+            # np.zeros( () ) gives a scalar wrapped in an array array(0.)
+            # This latter is really what we want, but then it is hard to communicate the actual size
+            # (as a numerical value...)
+            self._shape = np.zeros( (), np.int32 ) #note, int32 is important here -- assumed by ngen
+            self._spacing = np.zeros( (), np.float64 )
+            self._origin = np.zeros( (), np.float64 )
+            self._units = np.ones( (), dtype=np.int16)
+            self._units[()] = units.value
+            #self._shape[...] = 1
+        else:
+            self._shape = np.zeros( rank, np.int32) #set the shape rank, with 0 allocated values
+            self._spacing = np.zeros( rank, np.float64 )
+            self._origin = np.zeros( rank, np.float64 )
+            self._units = np.array( [units.value]*rank, dtype=np.int16)
+        #Make the array "immutable", can only modify via setting
+        self._shape.flags.writeable = False
+    # TODO consider restricting resetting of grid values after they have been initialized
+    @property
+    def units(self) -> 'NDArray[np.int16]':
+        """The grid units, specifically the units of grid spacing in each rank
+        Raises:
+            GridTypeAccessError: When error_on_grid_type is toggled on, this exeption is raised when called on a scalar grid.
+        Returns:
+            NDArray[np.int16]: array of GridUnit enum VALUES denoting the grid unit for each rank.
+        """
+        if _error_on_grid_type and self.type == GridType.scalar:
+            raise GridTypeAccessError("Scalar has no grid units")
+        return self._units
+    @units.setter
+    def units(self, units: 'NDArray[np.int16]'):
+        """Set the grid spacing units for each dimension.
+        Args:
+            units (NDArray[np.int16]): the GridUnit enum VALUES denoting the grid spacing units in each dimension.
+        """
+        if self.rank > 0:
+            self._units = np.array(units, dtype=np.int16)
+            self._units.flags.writeable = False
+        #noop for scalar or grids with rank < 1
+    @property
+    def id(self) -> int:
+        """The unique grid identifer.
+        Returns:
+            int: grid identifier
+        """
+        return self._id
+    @property
+    def rank(self) -> int:
+        """The dimensionality of the grid.
+        Returns:
+            int: Number of dimensions of the grid.
+        """
+        return self._rank
+    @property
+    def size(self) -> int:
+        """The total number of elements in the grid
+        Returns:
+            int: number of grid elements
+        """
+        return self._size
+        #if _error_on_grid_type and self.type == GridType.scalar:
+        #    raise GridTypeAccessError("Scalar has no grid size")
+        #if self.shape is None or self.shape.ndim == 0: #it is None or np.array( () )
+        #    return 0
+        #else:
+        #    #multiply the shape of each dimension together
+        #    return reduce( lambda x, y: x*y, self._shape)
+    @property
+    def type(self) -> GridType:
+        """The type of BMI grid.
+        Returns:
+            GridType: bmi grid type
+        """
+        return self._type
+    @property
+    def shape(self) -> 'NDArray[np.int32]':
+        """The shape of the grid (the size of each dimension)
+        Returns:
+            NDArray[np.int32]: size of each dimension
+        """
+        """
+            From the BMI docs:
+            The grid shape is the number of rows and columns of nodes,
+            as opposed to other types of element (such as cells or faces). 
+            It is possible for grid values to be associated with the nodes or with the cells.
+        """
+        if _error_on_grid_type and self.type == GridType.scalar:
+            raise GridTypeAccessError("Scalar has no shape")
+        return self._shape
+    @shape.setter
+    def shape(self, shape: 'NDArray[np.int32]') -> None:
+        """Set the shape of the grid to the provided shape
+        Args:
+            shape (NDArray[np.int32]): the size of each dimension of the grid
+        """
+        #Create a new shape array and replace the old one, make it immutable
+        if self.rank > 0:
+            self._shape = np.array(shape, dtype=np.int32)
+            self._shape.flags.writeable = False
+        #noop for scalar or grids with rank < 1
+    @property
+    def spacing(self) -> 'NDArray[np.float64]':
+        """The spacing of the grid
+        Returns:
+            NDArray[np.float64]: Tuple of size rank with the spacing in each of rank dimensions
+        """
+        if _error_on_grid_type and self.type == GridType.scalar:
+            raise GridTypeAccessError("Scalar has no grid spacing")
+        return self._spacing
+    @spacing.setter
+    def spacing(self, spacing: 'NDArray[np.float64]') -> None:
+        """Set the spacing of each grid dimension.
+        Args:
+            spacing (NDArray[np.float64]): Tuple of size rank with the spacing for each dimension
+        """
+        if self.rank > 0:
+            self._spacing = np.array(spacing, dtype=np.float64)
+            self._spacing.flags.writeable = False
+        #noop for scalar or grids with rank < 1
+    @property
+    def origin(self) -> 'NDArray[np.float64]':
+        """The origin point of the grid
+        Returns:
+            NDArray[np.float64]: Tuple of size rank with the coordinates of the the grid origin
+        """
+        if _error_on_grid_type and self.type == GridType.scalar:
+            raise GridTypeAccessError("Scalar has no grid origin")
+        return self._origin
+    @origin.setter
+    def origin(self, origin: 'NDArray[np.float64]') -> None:
+        """Set the grid origin location
+        Args:
+            origin (NDArray[np.float64]): Tuple of size rank with grid origin coordinates.
+        """
+        if self.rank > 0:
+            self._origin = np.array(origin, dtype=np.float64)
+            self._origin.flags.writeable = False
+        #noop for scalar or grids with rank < 1
+    @property
+    def grid_x(self) -> 'NDArray[np.float64]':
+        """Coordinates of the x components of the grid
+        Returns:
+            NDArray[np.float64]: array of cooridnate values in the x direction
+        """
+        if _error_on_grid_type and self.type == GridType.scalar:
+            raise GridTypeAccessError("Scalar has no grid x value")
+        else:
+            return self._grid_x
+        #TODO refactor this -- not generic to grid, this works for structured/quads, not for unstructured
+        #if (self.type == GridType.rectilinear or self.type == GridType.uniform_rectilinear) and len(self.shape) > 0:
+        #    # https://bmi.readthedocs.io/en/stable/model_grids.html#model-grids
+        #    # bmi states dimension info in `ij` form (last dimension indexed first...) in the shape meta
+        #    # so x would at index rank, y at rank-1, z at rank-2 ect...
+        #    idx = self.rank-1 #index is 0 based, rank is 1 based, adjust...
+        #    return np.array( [ self.origin[idx] + self.spacing[idx]*x for x in range(self.shape[idx]) ], dtype=np.float64 )
+        #else:    
+        #    #TODO should this raise an error or return an empty array?
+        #    #raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot get x coordinates of grid with shape {self.shape}")
+        #    return np.array((), dtype=np.float64)
+    @property
+    def grid_y(self) -> 'NDArray[np.float64]':
+        """Coordinates of the y components of the grid
+        Returns:
+            NDArray[np.float64]: array of coordinate values in the y direction
+        """
+        if _error_on_grid_type and self.type == GridType.scalar:
+            raise GridTypeAccessError("Scalar has no grid y value")
+        else:
+            return self._grid_y
+        #if (self.type == GridType.rectilinear or self.type == GridType.uniform_rectilinear) and len(self.shape) > 1:
+        #    idx = self.rank-2 #index is 0 based, rank is 1 based, adjust...
+        #    return np.array( [ self.origin[idx] + self.spacing[idx]*y for y in range(self.shape[idx]) ], dtype=np.float64 )
+        #else:    
+        #    #TODO should this raise an error or return an empty array?
+        #    #raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot get y coordinates of grid with shape {self.shape}")
+        #    return np.array((), dtype=np.float64)
+    @property
+    def grid_z(self) -> 'NDArray[np.float64]':
+        """Coordinates of the z components of the grid
+        Returns:
+            NDArray[np.float64]: array of coordinate values in the z direction
+        """
+        if _error_on_grid_type and self.type == GridType.scalar:
+            raise GridTypeAccessError("Scalar has no grid z value")
+        else:
+            return self._grid_z
+        #if (self.type == GridType.rectilinear or self.type == GridType.uniform_rectilinear) and len(self.shape) > 2:
+        #    idx = self.rank-3 #index is 0 based, rank is 1 based, adjust...
+        #    return np.array( [ self.origin[idx] + self.spacing[idx]*z for z in range(self.shape[idx]) ], dtype=np.float64 )
+        #else:    
+        #    #TODO should this raise an error or return an empty array?
+        #    #raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot get z coordinates of grid with shape {self.shape}")
+        #    return np.array((), dtype=np.float64)
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/bmi_model.py b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/bmi_model.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4b22c79ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/bmi_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+# Need these for BMI
+# This is needed for get_var_bytes
+from pathlib import Path
+import os
+# import data_tools
+# Basic utilities
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+# Configuration file functionality
+import yaml
+from bmipy import Bmi
+import datetime
+from bmi_grid import Grid, GridType
+# Here is the model we want to run
+from model import usgs_lake_champlain_model
+class UnknownBMIVariable(RuntimeError):
+    pass
+class bmi_model(Bmi):
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Create a model that is ready for initialization."""
+        super(bmi_model, self).__init__()
+        self._values = {}
+        self._start_time = 0.0
+        self._end_time = np.finfo(float).max
+        self._model = None
+        self.var_array_lengths = 1
+    #----------------------------------------------
+    # Required, static attributes of the model
+    #----------------------------------------------
+    _att_map = {
+        'model_name':         'Lake Champlain USGS Observation Water level Forcing BMI',
+        'version':            '1.0',
+        'author_name':        'Jason Ducker',
+        'grid_type':          'points',
+        'time_units':         'seconds',
+               }
+    #---------------------------------------------
+    # Input variable names (CSDMS standard names)
+    #---------------------------------------------
+    _input_var_names = []
+    _input_var_types = {}
+    #---------------------------------------------
+    # Output variable names (CSDMS standard names)
+    #---------------------------------------------
+    _output_var_names = ['ETA2_bnd']
+    #------------------------------------------------------
+    # Create a Python dictionary that maps CSDMS Standard
+    # Names to the model's internal variable names.
+    # This is going to get long, 
+    #     since the input variable names could come from any forcing...
+    #------------------------------------------------------
+    #_var_name_map_long_first = {
+    _var_name_units_map = {'ETA2_bnd':['ETA2_bnd','m']}
+    #------------------------------------------------------
+    # A list of static attributes/parameters.
+    #------------------------------------------------------
+    _model_parameters_list = []
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    # BMI: Model Control Functions
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def initialize( self, bmi_cfg_file_name: str ):
+        # ----- Create some lookup tabels from the long variable names --------#
+        self._var_name_map_long_first = {long_name:self._var_name_units_map[long_name][0] for long_name in self._var_name_units_map.keys()}
+        self._var_name_map_short_first = {self._var_name_units_map[long_name][0]:long_name for long_name in self._var_name_units_map.keys()}
+        self._var_units_map = {long_name:self._var_name_units_map[long_name][1] for long_name in self._var_name_units_map.keys()}
+        # -------------- Read in the BMI configuration -------------------------#
+        if not isinstance(bmi_cfg_file_name, str) or len(bmi_cfg_file_name) == 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("No BMI initialize configuration provided, nothing to do...")
+        bmi_cfg_file = Path(bmi_cfg_file_name).resolve()
+        if not bmi_cfg_file.is_file():
+            raise RuntimeError("No configuration provided, nothing to do...")
+        with bmi_cfg_file.open('r') as fp:
+            cfg = yaml.safe_load(fp)
+        self.cfg_bmi = self._parse_config(cfg)
+        self.grid_0: Grid = Grid(0, 1, GridType.points) #Grid 0 is a 2 dimension "grid" for points
+        self.grid_0._grid_x = np.array([self.cfg_bmi['Obs_Lon']],dtype=float)
+        self.grid_0._grid_y = np.array([self.cfg_bmi['Obs_Lat']],dtype=float)
+        self.grid_0._shape = self.grid_0._grid_x.shape
+        self.grid_0._size = 1
+        self._grids = [self.grid_0]
+        # Assign input and output variables to their respective grid class
+        self._grid_map = {'ETA2_bnd': self.grid_0}
+        # ------------- Initialize the parameters, inputs and outputs ----------#
+        for parm in self._model_parameters_list:
+            self._values[self._var_name_map_short_first[parm]] = self.cfg_bmi[parm]
+        for model_input in self.get_input_var_names():
+            #This won't actually allocate the size, just the rank...
+            if self._grid_map[model_input].type == GridType.scalar:
+                self._values[model_input] = np.zeros( (), dtype=float)
+            else: 
+                self._values[model_input] = np.zeros(self._grid_map[model_input].shape, dtype=float)        
+        #for model_input in self._input_var_types:
+        #    self._values[model_input] = np.zeros(self.var_array_lengths, dtype=self._input_var_types[model_input])
+        for model_output in self.get_output_var_names():
+            #TODO why is output var 3 an arange?  should this be a unique "grid"?
+            if self._grid_map[model_output].type == GridType.scalar:
+                self._values[model_output] = np.zeros( (), dtype=float)
+            else:
+                self._values[model_output] = np.zeros(self._grid_map[model_output].shape, dtype=float)
+        # ------------- Set time to initial value -----------------------#
+        self._values['current_model_time'] = self.cfg_bmi['initial_time']
+        # ------------- Set time step size -----------------------#
+        self._values['time_step_size'] = self.cfg_bmi['time_step_seconds']
+        # ------------- Set forecast start time -----------------------#
+        self._values['start_timestamp'] = self.cfg_bmi['start_timestamp']
+        # ------------- Set SCHISM boundary coordinates -----------------------#
+        # Extract observation data and interpolate down to hourly data using
+        # pandas dataframe then assign to BMI model class
+        obs_df = pd.read_csv(self.cfg_bmi['Obs_Data'])
+        obs_df.index = pd.to_datetime(obs_df[obs_df.columns[0]])
+        obs_df = obs_df.resample('H').interpolate()
+        # Set datetime stamps from USGS observation dataset to the model
+        # class for use during data provider model execution
+        self._values['Obs_Data'] = obs_df[obs_df.columns[1]].values
+        self._values['Obs_datetimes'] = obs_df.index.to_pydatetime()
+        # ------------- Initialize a model ------------------------------#
+        self._model = usgs_lake_champlain_model()
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def update(self):
+        """
+        Update/advance the model by one time step.
+        """
+        self._values['current_model_time'] += self._values['time_step_size']
+        self.update_until(self._values['current_model_time'])
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def update_until(self, future_time: float):
+        """
+        Update the model to a particular time
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        future_time : float
+            The future time to when the model should be advanced.
+        """
+        # Flag to see if update is just a single model time step
+        # otherwise we must perform a time loop to iterate data until
+        # requested time stamp
+        if(future_time != self._values['current_model_time']):
+            while(self._values['current_model_time'] < future_time):
+                self._values['current_model_time'] += self._values['time_step_size']
+                self._model.run(self._values, self._values['current_model_time'])
+        # This is just a single model time step (1 hour) update
+        else:
+            self._model.run(self._values, future_time)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------    
+    def finalize( self ):
+        """Finalize model."""
+        self._model = None
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # BMI: Model Information Functions
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_attribute(self, att_name):
+        try:
+            return self._att_map[ att_name.lower() ]
+        except:
+            print(' ERROR: Could not find attribute: ' + att_name)
+    #--------------------------------------------------------
+    # Note: These are currently variables needed from other
+    #       components vs. those read from files or GUI.
+    #--------------------------------------------------------   
+    def get_input_var_names(self):
+        return self._input_var_names
+    def get_output_var_names(self):
+        return self._output_var_names
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_component_name(self):
+        """Name of the component."""
+        return self.get_attribute( 'model_name' ) #JG Edit
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_input_item_count(self):
+        """Get names of input variables."""
+        return len(self._input_var_names)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_output_item_count(self):
+        """Get names of output variables."""
+        return len(self._output_var_names)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_value(self, var_name: str, dest: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Copy of values.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        var_name : str
+            Name of variable as CSDMS Standard Name.
+        dest : ndarray
+            A numpy array into which to place the values.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        array_like
+            Copy of values.
+        """
+        if var_name == "grid:count":
+            dest[...] = 2
+        elif var_name == "grid:ids":
+            dest[:] = [self.grid_0.id]
+        elif var_name == "grid:ranks":
+            dest[:] = [self.grid_0.rank]
+        else:
+            dest[:] = self.get_value_ptr(var_name)
+        return dest
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_value_ptr(self, var_name: str) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Reference to values.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        var_name : str
+            Name of variable as CSDMS Standard Name.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        array_like
+            Value array.
+        """
+        #Make sure to return a flattened array
+        if(var_name == "grid_0_shape"): # FIXME cannot expose shape as ptr, because it has to side affect variable construction...
+            return self.grid_0.shape
+        if(var_name == "grid_0_spacing"):
+            return self.grid_0.spacing
+        if(var_name == "grid_0_origin"):
+            return self.grid_0.origin
+        if(var_name == "grid_0_units"):
+            return self.grid_0.units
+        if var_name not in self._values.keys():
+            raise(UnknownBMIVariable(f"No known variable in BMI model: {var_name}"))
+        shape = self._values[var_name].shape
+        try:
+            #see if raveling is possible without a copy
+            self._values[var_name].shape = (-1,)
+            #reset original shape
+            self._values[var_name].shape = shape
+        except ValueError as e:
+            raise RuntimeError("Cannot flatten array without copying -- "+str(e).split(": ")[-1])
+        return self._values[var_name].ravel()#.reshape((-1,))
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # BMI: Variable Information Functions
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_var_name(self, long_var_name):
+        return self._var_name_map_long_first[ long_var_name ]
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_var_units(self, long_var_name):
+        return self._var_units_map[ long_var_name ]
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_var_type(self, var_name: str) -> str:
+        """Data type of variable.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        var_name : str
+            Name of variable as CSDMS Standard Name.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        str
+            Data type.
+        """
+        return str(self.get_value_ptr(var_name).dtype)
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_var_grid(self, name):
+        # all vars have grid 0 but check if its in names list first
+        if name in (self._output_var_names + self._input_var_names):
+            if(name== "ETA2_bnd"):
+                return 0 
+            else:
+                return self._var_grid_id
+        raise(UnknownBMIVariable(f"No known variable in BMI model: {name}"))
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_var_itemsize(self, name):
+        return self.get_value_ptr(name).itemsize
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_var_location(self, name):
+        #FIXME what about grid vars?
+        #if name in (self._output_var_names + self._input_var_names):
+        #    return self._var_loc
+        if(name == 'ETA2_bnd'):
+            return "node"
+        else:
+            return None
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_var_rank(self, long_var_name):
+        if(long_var_name == "ETA2_bnd"):
+            return np.int16(0)
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_start_time( self ):
+        return self._start_time 
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_end_time( self ) -> float:
+        return self._end_time 
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_current_time( self ):
+        return self._values['current_model_time']
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_time_step( self ):
+        return self._values['time_step_size']
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def get_time_units( self ):
+        return self.get_attribute( 'time_units' ) 
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def set_value(self, var_name, values: np.ndarray):
+        """
+        Set model values for the provided BMI variable.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        var_name : str
+            Name of model variable for which to set values.
+        values : np.ndarray
+              Array of new values.
+        """ 
+        self._values[var_name][:] = values
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def set_value_at_indices(self, var_name: str, indices: np.ndarray, src: np.ndarray):
+        """
+        Set model values for the provided BMI variable at particular indices.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        var_name : str
+            Name of model variable for which to set values.
+        indices : array_like
+            Array of indices of the variable into which analogous provided values should be set.
+        src : array_like
+            Array of new values.
+        """
+        # This is not particularly efficient, but it is functionally correct.
+        for i in range(indices.shape[0]):
+            bmi_var_value_index = indices[i]
+            self.get_value_ptr(var_name)[bmi_var_value_index] = src[i]
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_var_nbytes(self, var_name) -> int:
+        """
+        Get the number of bytes required for a variable.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        var_name : str
+            Name of variable.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        int
+            Size of data array in bytes.
+        """
+        return self.get_value_ptr(var_name).nbytes
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_value_at_indices(self, var_name: str, dest: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Get values at particular indices.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        var_name : str
+            Name of variable as CSDMS Standard Name.
+        dest : np.ndarray
+            A numpy array into which to place the values.
+        indices : np.ndarray
+            Array of indices.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        np.ndarray
+            Values at indices.
+        """
+        original: np.ndarray = self.get_value_ptr(var_name)
+        for i in range(indices.shape[0]):
+            value_index = indices[i]
+            dest[i] = original[value_index]
+        return dest
+    # JG Note: remaining grid funcs do not apply for type 'scalar'
+    #   Yet all functions in the BMI must be implemented 
+    #   See https://bmi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bmi.best_practices.html          
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_edge_count(self, grid):
+        raise NotImplementedError("get_grid_edge_count")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_edge_nodes(self, grid, edge_nodes):
+        raise NotImplementedError("get_grid_edge_nodes")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_face_count(self, grid):
+        raise NotImplementedError("get_grid_face_count")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_face_edges(self, grid, face_edges):
+        raise NotImplementedError("get_grid_face_edges")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_face_nodes(self, grid, face_nodes):
+        raise NotImplementedError("get_grid_face_nodes")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ /get_value
+    def get_grid_node_count(self, grid):
+        raise NotImplementedError("get_grid_node_count")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_nodes_per_face(self, grid, nodes_per_face):
+        raise NotImplementedError("get_grid_nodes_per_face") 
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_origin(self, grid_id, origin):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id: 
+                origin[:] = grid.origin
+                return
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_origin: grid_id {grid_id} unknown")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_rank(self, grid_id):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id: 
+                return grid.rank
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_rank: grid_id {grid_id} unknown")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_shape(self, grid_id):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id:
+                return grid.shape
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_shape: grid_id {grid_id} unknown")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_size(self, grid_id):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id: 
+                return grid.size
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_size: grid_id {grid_id} unknown")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_spacing(self, grid_id):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id: 
+                return grid.spacing
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_spacing: grid_id {grid_id} unknown") 
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_type(self, grid_id):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id: 
+                return grid.type
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_type: grid_id {grid_id} unknown")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_x(self, grid_id: int):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id: 
+                return grid.grid_x
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_x: grid_id {grid_id} unknown")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_y(self, grid_id: int):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id: 
+                return grid.grid_y
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_y: grid_id {grid_id} unknown")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def get_grid_z(self, grid_id: int):
+        for grid in self._grids:
+            if grid_id == grid.id: 
+                return grid.grid_z
+        raise ValueError(f"get_grid_z: grid_id {grid_id} unknown")
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    #-- Random utility functions
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    #------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    def _parse_config(self, cfg):
+        for key, val in cfg.items():
+            # convert all path strings to PosixPath objects
+            if any([key.endswith(x) for x in ['_dir', '_path', '_file', '_files']]):
+                if (val is not None) and (val != "None"):
+                    if isinstance(val, list):
+                        temp_list = []
+                        for element in val:
+                            temp_list.append(Path(element))
+                        cfg[key] = temp_list
+                    else:
+                        cfg[key] = Path(val)
+                else:
+                    cfg[key] = None
+            # convert Dates to pandas Datetime indexs
+            elif key.endswith('_date'):
+                if isinstance(val, list):
+                    temp_list = []
+                    for elem in val:
+                        temp_list.append(pd.to_datetime(elem, format='%d/%m/%Y'))
+                    cfg[key] = temp_list
+                else:
+                    cfg[key] = pd.to_datetime(val, format='%d/%m/%Y')
+            #elif key.endswith('_timestamp'):
+            #    cfg[key] = pd.to_datetime(val)
+            else:
+                pass
+        # Add more config parsing if necessary
+        return cfg
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/config.yml b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/config.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..aa8b62db0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+time_step_seconds: 3600
+initial_time: 0
+start_timestamp: "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
+Obs_Data: "./02OJ016_UTC_mNAVD88.csv"
+Obs_Lat: 46.990329
+Obs_Lon: -70.766700
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/environment.yml b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/environment.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f43dd87c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/environment.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+name: bmi_test
+  - defaults
+  - anaconda
+  - conda-forge
+  - bmipy
+  - bokeh
+  - pandas
+  - python=3.7
+  - ruamel.yaml
+  - netCDF4
+  - mpi4py
+  - ESMF
+  - datetime
+  - netCDF4
+  - os
+  - time
+  - pathlib
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/model.py b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/model.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9d1be793e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+class usgs_lake_champlain_model():
+    def run(self, model: dict, future_time: float):
+        """
+        Run this model into the future.
+        Run this model into the future, updating the state stored in the provided model dict appropriately.
+        Note that the model assumes the current values set for input variables are appropriately for the time
+        duration of this update (i.e., ``dt``) and do not need to be interpolated any here.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        model: dict
+            The model state data structure.
+        dt: int
+            The number of seconds into the future to advance the model.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        """
+        current_time = pd.Timestamp(model['start_timestamp']) + pd.TimedeltaIndex(np.array([future_time],dtype=float),'s')[0]
+        fdate = datetime.strptime(current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        edates = model['Obs_datetimes']
+        # Find time index for BMI timestamp to extract waterlevels
+        time_diff = np.abs([date - fdate for date in edates])
+        index = time_diff.argmin(0)
+        print(f"Forecast date is {fdate}")
+        #Update ETA2 water level boundary fields for SCHISM
+        model['ETA2_bnd'] = np.array([model['Obs_Data'][index]],dtype=float)
+        print('model output')
+        print(model['ETA2_bnd'])
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/requirements.txt b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/requirements.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b84265bb6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/run_bmi_model.py b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/run_bmi_model.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3533e5ecb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/run_bmi_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+# This is the BMI model that we will be running
+from bmi_model import bmi_model
+import time
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+    from bmipy import Bmi
+def execute():
+    # creating an instance of a model
+    print('creating an instance of an BMI_MODEL model object')
+    model = bmi_model()
+    # Initializing the BMI
+    print('Initializing the BMI')
+    current_dir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
+    model.initialize(bmi_cfg_file_name=str(current_dir.joinpath('config.yml')))
+    ETA2_BND = np.zeros(model.grid_0._size,dtype=float)
+    # Now loop through the inputs, set the forcing values, and update the model
+    print('Now loop through the inputs, set the values, and update the model')
+    print('\n')
+    print('model time', 'ETA2_bnd')
+    start = time.time()
+    for x in range(24):
+        # Create test case inputs from random values ###########
+        #model.set_value('INPUT_VAR_1', np.random.uniform(2, 10, model.var_array_lengths))  ##
+        #model.set_value('INPUT_VAR_2', np.random.uniform(1, 4, model.var_array_lengths))   ##
+        #########################################
+        model.update()     ######################
+        #########################################
+        # Get value for ETA2 BND and print data
+        ETA2_BND = model.get_value('ETA2_bnd',ETA2_BND)
+        # PRINT THE MODEL RESULTS FOR THIS TIME STEP#################################################
+        print('model time','ETA2_bnd')
+        print(model.get_current_time(), ETA2_BND)
+    print('BMI module time to loop through NWM Medium range (120 hours) operational configuration')
+    print(time.time() - start)
+    # Finalizing the BMI
+    print('Finalizing the BMI')
+    model.finalize()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    execute()
diff --git a/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/run_bmi_unit_test.py b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/run_bmi_unit_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ee53bfeccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/Coastal_model_waterlevel_data_providers/Lake_Champlain_USGS_Waterlevel_BMI/run_bmi_unit_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+"""Run BMI Unit Testing.
+Author: jgarrett, modified by jmframe for general/simple nextgen python BMI model
+Date: 08/31/2021"""
+# TODO: formalize unit tests via typical "unittest" or "pytest" setup
+import os
+import sys
+# import torch
+# from torch import nn
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+import bmi_model  # This is the BMI that we will be running
+# setup a "success counter" for number of passing and failing bmi functions
+# keep track of function def fails (vs function call)
+pass_count = 0
+fail_count = 0
+var_name_counter = 0
+fail_list = []
+def bmi_except(fstring):
+    """Prints message and updates counter and list
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    fstring : str
+        Name of failing BMI function 
+    """
+    global fail_count, fail_list, var_name_counter
+    print("**BMI ERROR** in " + fstring)
+    if (var_name_counter == 0):
+        fail_count += 1
+        fail_list.append(fstring)
+print("\nBEGIN BMI UNIT TEST\n*******************\n");
+# Define config path
+if os.path.exists(cfg_file):
+    print(" configuration found: " + str(cfg_file))
+    print(" no configuration found, exiting...")
+    sys.exit()
+# initialize()
+    bmi.initialize('./config.yml')
+    print(" initializing...")
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('initialize()')
+# BMI: Model Information Functions
+print("\nMODEL INFORMATION\n*****************")
+# get_component_name()
+    print (" component name: " + bmi.get_component_name())
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_component_name()')
+# get_input_item_count()
+    print (" input item count: " + str(bmi.get_input_item_count()))
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_input_item_count()')
+# get_output_item_count()
+    print (" output item count: " + str(bmi.get_output_item_count()))
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_output_item_count()')
+# get_input_var_names()
+    # only print statement if names exist
+    test_get_input_var_names = bmi.get_input_var_names()
+    if len(test_get_input_var_names) > 0:
+        print (" input var names: ")
+        for var_in in test_get_input_var_names:
+            print ("  " + var_in)
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_input_var_names()')
+# get_input_var_names()
+    # only print statement if out var list not null
+    test_get_output_var_names =  bmi.get_output_var_names()
+    if len(test_get_output_var_names) > 0:
+        print (" output var names: ")
+        for var_out in test_get_output_var_names:
+            print ("  " + var_out)
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_output_item_count()')
+# BMI: Variable Information Functions
+print("\nVARIABLE INFORMATION\n********************")
+for var_name in (bmi.get_output_var_names() + bmi.get_input_var_names()):  
+    print (" " + var_name + ":")
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_var_units()
+    try: 
+        print ("  units: " + bmi.get_var_units(var_name))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_var_units()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_var_itemsize()
+    # JG NOTE: 09.16.2021 AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'dtype'
+    try:
+        print ("  itemsize: " + str(bmi.get_var_itemsize(var_name)))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_var_itemsize()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_var_type()
+    # JG NOTE: 09.16.2021 AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'dtype'
+    # JF NOTE: the print statement needs a string to concatonate
+    # JF NOTE: and the type is a native python command.
+    try:
+        print ("  type: " + str(bmi.get_var_type(var_name)))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_var_type()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_var_nbytes()
+    # JG NOTE: 09.16.2021 AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'nbytes'
+    try:
+        print ("  nbytes: " + str(bmi.get_var_nbytes(var_name)))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_var_nbytes()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_var_grid
+    try:
+        print ("  grid id: " + str(bmi.get_var_grid(var_name)))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_var_grid()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_var_location
+    try:
+        print ("  location: " + bmi.get_var_location(var_name))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_var_location()')
+    var_name_counter += 1
+# reset back to zero
+var_name_counter = 0
+# BMI: Time Functions
+print("\nTIME INFORMATION\n****************")
+# get_start_time()
+    print (" start time: " + str(bmi.get_start_time()))
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_start_time()')
+# get_end_time()
+    print (" end time: " + str(bmi.get_end_time()))
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_end_time()')
+# get_current_time()
+    print (" current time: " + str(bmi.get_current_time()))
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_current_time()')
+# get_time_step()
+    print (" time step: " + str(bmi.get_time_step()))
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_time_step()')
+# get_time_units()
+    print (" time units: " + bmi.get_time_units())
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('get_time_units()')
+# BMI: Model Grid Functions
+print("\nGRID INFORMATION\n****************")
+for grid in bmi._grids:
+    grid_id = grid._id
+    print (" grid id: " + str(grid_id))
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_grid_rank()
+    try:
+        print ("  rank: " + str(bmi.get_grid_rank(grid_id)))
+        pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_grid_rank()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_grid_size()
+    try:
+        print ("  size: " + str(bmi.get_grid_size(grid_id)))
+        pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_grid_size()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_grid_type()
+    try:
+        print ("  type: " + bmi.get_grid_type(grid_id))
+        pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_grid_type()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_grid_x()
+    try:
+        print ("  grid x: " + str(bmi.get_grid_x(grid_id)))
+        pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_grid_x()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_grid_y()
+    try:
+        print ("  grid y: " + str(bmi.get_grid_y(grid_id)))
+        pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_grid_y()')
+# BMI: Variable Getter and Setter Functions
+print ("\nGET AND SET VALUES\n******************")
+# TODO: 09.16.2021 this is a band-aid fix for how lstm handles input vars rn
+for var_name in (bmi.get_input_var_names() + bmi.get_output_var_names()):     
+    print (" " + var_name + ":" )
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # set_value()
+    try:
+        dest0 = np.empty(bmi.get_grid_size(bmi.get_var_grid(var_name)), dtype=float)
+        dest0[:] = 5.0
+        bmi.set_value(var_name,dest0)
+        dest0 = np.empty(bmi.get_grid_size(bmi.get_var_grid(var_name)), dtype=float)
+        print ("  set value: 5.0 and got value: ", bmi.get_value(var_name,dest0))        
+        if var_name_counter == 0: 
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('set_value()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # set_value_at_indices()
+    # JG Note: 09.16.2021 this passes but values do not match?
+    #   either definition or way I am calling it here is no go       
+    try:
+        dest0 = np.empty(bmi.get_grid_size(bmi.get_var_grid(var_name)), dtype=float)
+        bmi.set_value_at_indices(var_name,np.array([0]), np.array([-9.0]))
+        print ("  set value at indices: -9.0, and got value:", bmi.get_value(var_name,dest0)[0])      
+        if var_name_counter == 0: 
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('set_value_at_indices()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_value_ptr()
+    try:
+        #print ("  get value ptr: {:.2f}".format(bmi.get_value_ptr(var_name)))
+        print ("  get value ptr: " + str(bmi.get_value_ptr(var_name)))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_value_ptr()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_value()
+    try:
+        dest0 = np.empty(bmi.get_grid_size(bmi.get_var_grid(var_name)), dtype=float)
+        #print ("  get value: {:.2f}".format(bmi.get_value(var_name)))
+        print ("  get value: " + str(bmi.get_value(var_name,dest0)))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_value()')
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # get_value_at_indices()
+    try:
+        dest0 = np.empty(bmi.get_grid_size(bmi.get_var_grid(var_name)), dtype=float)
+        # JMFrame NOTE: converting a list/array to a string probably won't work
+        #print ("  get value at indices: " + str(bmi.get_value_at_indices(var_name, dest0, [0])))
+        print ("  get value at indices: ", bmi.get_value_at_indices(var_name, dest0, np.array([0])))
+        if var_name_counter == 0:
+            pass_count += 1
+    except:
+        bmi_except('get_value_at_indices()')
+    var_name_counter += 1
+# set back to zero
+var_name_counter = 0
+# BMI: Control Functions
+print ("\nCONTROL FUNCTIONS\n*****************")    
+# update()
+    bmi.update()
+    # go ahead and print time to show iteration
+    # TODO: this will fail if get_current_time() does
+    print (" updating...        time " + str(bmi.get_current_time()))
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('update()')
+# update_until()
+    bmi.update_until(future_time=36000)
+    # go ahead and print time to show iteration
+    # TODO: this will fail if get_current_time() does
+    print (" updating until...  time ", bmi.get_current_time())
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('update_until()')          
+# finalize()
+    bmi.finalize()
+    print (" finalizing...")
+    pass_count += 1
+    bmi_except('finalize()')
+# lastly - print test summary
+print ("\n Total BMI function PASS: " + str(pass_count))
+print (" Total BMI function FAIL: " + str(fail_count))
+for ff in fail_list:
+    print ("  " + ff)