This document outlines the API schema of communication between backend and Toaster.
- Backend - server
- Toaster - client
We are using Websockets as a transport layer, all the data is wrapped into MessagePack binary messages.
Default port is 9876.
Tells server that the Toaster is done speaking, although doesn't ready for a new message yet. Doesn't require asknowledgment.
"type": "DoneSpeaking"
Tells server that the Toaster is ready to receive a new message. Doesn't require asknowledgment.
"type": "ReadyForSpeech"
Contains the initial prompt and the first response chuck from LLM (including audio in OGG format). Possible emotions
are listed here.
"type": "NewSpeech",
"prompt": "<prompt_text>",
"response": "<response_text>",
"emotions": ["<array_of_emotions>"],
"audio": "<binary data>"
Contains the subsequence responses from LLM (including audio in OGG format). Must include the initial prompt for tracking purposes.
"type": "ContinueSpeech",
"prompt": "<prompt_text>",
"response": "<response_text>",
"emotions": ["<array_of_emotions>"],
"audio": "<binary data>"
Signals the end of the response from LLM. Must include the initial prompt for tracking purposes.
"type": "EndSpeech",
"prompt": "<prompt_text>"
Contains the name of animation needs to be applied to the Live2D model
"type": "PlayAnimation",
"animationName": "<animation_name>",
Contains the name of the toggle needs to be applied to the Live2D model, and its desired state.
"type": "SetTogle",
"toggleName": "<toggle_name>",
"enabled": "<bool>"
Contains the command from Twitch chat
"type": "Command",
"command": "<command>"