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2087 lines (1725 loc) · 103 KB

File metadata and controls

2087 lines (1725 loc) · 103 KB

Input and Output in HTAP


  1. File formats
    1. The options file (HTAP-options.json)
    2. The choice file (my_evaluaton.choices)
    3. The run file (
    4. The unit cost database (HTAPUnitCosts.json)
  2. Attributes that can be modified by HTAP
    1. Opt-Location
    2. Opt-Archetype
    3. Opt-ACH
    4. Opt-Mainwall
    5. Opt-Ceilings
    6. Opt-AtticCeilings
    7. Opt-CathCeilings
    8. Opt-FlatCeilings
    9. Opt-H2KFoundation
    10. Opt-H2KFoundationSlabCrawl
    11. Opt-ExposedFloor
    12. Opt-CasementWindows
    13. Opt-Skylights
    14. Opt-DoorWindows
    15. Opt-Doors
    16. Opt-H2K-PV
    17. Opt-HVACSystem
    18. Opt-DHWsystem
    19. Opt-DWHRsystem
    20. Opt-HRVspec
    21. Opt-FuelCost
    22. Opt-RoofPitch
    23. Opt-Ruleset
  3. Outputs
    1. RunNumber
    2. H2K-outputs
  4. Legacy files and formats

File formats

The options file (HTAP-options.json)

HTAP supports data input via JSON formatted 'options' files.1 The options file defines the attributes of a HOT2000 house model that can be changed within HTAP, the options that they can be changed to, and the data values that will be changed within the target .h2k file.

This file is formatted as a list of hashes - each of which defines attributes that can be set changed within the model, or that affect how the evaluations should be performed.

The HTAP-options.json file looks like this:

   "Attribute_1": {   },
   "Attribute_2": {   },
   "Attribute_3": {   }

   "Attribute_X": {   }       

Each attribute can be defined in one of two ways - using the simple, or flat structure, or the nested, tree structure.

  • The flat structure should be used for one-to-one relationships when changing attributes causes HTAP to affect a single part of the HOT2000 data model - such as setting a fuel library, or specifying the code library.
  • The tree structure should be used for one-to-many relationships when changing attributes causes HTAP to affect a multiple parts of the HOT2000 data model - such as setting changing the mechanical system from a furnace a heat pump or combo.

Attribute specification - tree structure

The tree definition scheme for attributes is the more complicated of the two approaches. It offers the most flexibility in defining data inputs, and should be used when an attribute maps to multiple parts of a .h2k file.

"Tree-Attribute_X": {
  "structure": "tree",
  "costed": [true|false],
  "options": {
      "h2kMap": {
        "base": { 
          "<h2k-tag-1>": "Option-A-Value-to-be-set-1",
          "<h2k-tag-2>": "Option-A-Value-to-be-set-2",
          "<h2k-tag-3>": "Option-A-Value-to-be-set-3",
          "<h2k-tag-4>": "Option-A-Value-to-be-set-4",
          "<h2k-tag-5>": "Option-A-Value-to-be-set-5",
          "<h2k-tag-6>": "Option-A-Value-to-be-set-6",
          "<h2k-tag-7>": "Option-A-Value-to-be-set-7",
          "<h2k-tag-8>": "Option-A-Value-to-be-set-8"
        "variants": {
           "scenario_name" : { 
              "<h2k-tag-4>": "Value-to-be-modified",
      "costs": {
        "components": [
        "custom-costs": {
          "ExampleScenarioA": {
            "Units": "unit key word",
            "TotUnitCost": ##.##,
            "Comment": "name of component"
    "keyword_b": { ... }
    "keyword_z": { ... }
  "default": "keyword_a",
  "stop-on-error": true,
  "h2kSchema": [

Attribute specification - flat structure

The flat definitions for attributes are relatively simple. They can be used when an objective evaluation requires changing the HOT2000 data model in one place - for instance by setting the .h2k input file. or

"Flat_Attribute_Y": {
    "structure": "flat",
    "costed": false,
    "options": {
      "keyword_a": "option-a-value",
      "keyword_b": "option-b-value",
      "keyword_c": "option-c-value",
       <-- snip -->    

      "keyword_z": "value_z",      
    "default": "keyword_a",
    "stop-on-error": [true|false]

Members belonging to an attribute

Members common to both tree and flat structures:

  • "structure": ["flat"|"tree"]: string keyword describing which structure should be used
  • "costed": [true|false]: specifies whether cost data is associated with this attribute. If "costed": true, the costs section must be supplied.Note that "costed": true is currently only supported in the tree structure.
  • "options": { ... }: Hash defining the valid options that an attribute can be set to. Contents depend on whether tree or flat structure is used.
  • "default": "keyword_X" - specifies the default value that should be used if the user opts not to provide an option.
  • "stop-on-error": [true|false]: Flag indicating if the run should be terminated when an option is not provided, or if HTAP should attempt to continue.

Members specific to the tree structure:

  • "h2kSchema": [ ... ]: list of keyword tags that HTAP supports for this attribute - each of which refers to a part of the .h2k file that HTAP can modify. Each option must map one or more of these tags to a value. The schema is only defined once per attribute.
  • "h2kMap": { ... }: a hash that maps the "h2kSchema" tags to the values for a specific option "h2kMap" supports a standard base definition that will be used for all applications. Future versions will include support "variants" that allow users to modify a one or more tags for specific analysis tasks.
  • "base": { ... }: a hash that maps the "h2kSchema" tags to the values for a specific option.
  • "variants": { ... }: a set of hashes that overwrite definitions in the base h2k map for specific scenario requirements. This section is intended to allow users to customize their configurations without duplicating options files or options definitions. This feature is not yet implemented.
  • "costs": { ... }: a hash describing how costs should be evaluated for this option. Required if "costed": true.
  • "components": [ ... ]: A list of components that a) are required to implement this option, and b) match entries in the unit costs database.
  • "custom-costs": { ... }: A hash describing customized costs that can be applied in place of data from the unit cost database.
  • "Units": "unit key word" - String describing how custom costs should be applied (e.g. "Units": "sf floor area"|"sf applied"|"ea"|...
  • "TotUnitCost": ##.##: Float data quantifying the unit cost in canadian dollars
  • "comment": "comment string" - Optional string that can describe where the data came from.

Example flat attribute: Mapping archetype to required .h2k file

"Opt-Archetype": {
  "structure": "flat",
  "costed": false,
  "options": {
    "NA": "NA",
    "SmallSFD": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-SmallSFD.h2k",
    "MediumSFD": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-MediumSFD.h2k",
    "LargeSFD": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-LargeSFD.h2k",
    "Rowhouse": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-Row.h2k",
    <-- snip --> 
    "Quadplex": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-Quad.h2k",
  "default": "SmallSFD",
  "stop-on-error": true

Example tree attribute: Casement windows definition

 "Opt-CasementWindows": {
 "structure": "tree",
 "costed": true,
 "options": {
   "NA": {
     "h2kMap": {
       "base": {
         "<Opt-win-S-CON>": "NA",
         "<Opt-win-E-CON>": "NA",
         "<Opt-win-N-CON>": "NA",
         "<Opt-win-W-CON>": "NA",
         "<Opt-win-SE-CON>": "NA",
         "<Opt-win-SW-CON>": "NA",
         "<Opt-win-NE-CON>": "NA",
         "<Opt-win-NW-CON>": "NA"
     "costs": {
       "components": [
         "Example Key-phrase: Layer1",
         "Example Key-phrase: Layer2",
         "Example Key-phrase: Layer3"
       "custom-costs": {
         "ExampleScenarioA": {
           "Units": "sf floor area",
           "TotUnitCost": 1.5,
           "Comment": "eg: Alex's original estimate"
         "ExampleScenarioB": {
           "Units": "sf floor area",
           "TotUnitCost": 1.7,
           "Comment": "eg: Real numbers from ACME builder."
   "DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill": {
     "h2kMap": {
       "base": {
         "<Opt-win-S-CON>": "DblLeHcAir",
         "<Opt-win-E-CON>": "DblLeHcAir",
         "<Opt-win-N-CON>": "DblLeHcAir",
         "<Opt-win-W-CON>": "DblLeHcAir",
         "<Opt-win-SE-CON>": "DblLeHcAir",
         "<Opt-win-SW-CON>": "DblLeHcAir",
         "<Opt-win-NE-CON>": "DblLeHcAir",
         "<Opt-win-NW-CON>": "DblLeHcAir"
     "costs": {
       "components": [
         "Example Key-phrase: Layer1",
         "Example Key-phrase: Layer2",
         "Example Key-phrase: Layer3"
       "custom-costs": {
         "ExampleScenarioA": {
           "Units": "sf floor area",
           "TotUnitCost": 1.5,
           "Comment": "eg: Alex's original estimate"
         "ExampleScenarioB": {
           "Units": "sf floor area",
           "TotUnitCost": 1.7,
           "Comment": "eg: Real numbers from ACME builder."
   TripleLowESoftCoatKryFill": { ... }
 "default": "DoubleLowEHardCoatArgFill",
 "stop-on-error": true,
 "h2kSchema": [


The choices file (my_evaluaton.choices)

The .choices file contains a token-value list that defines the option that HTAP should use for each attribute.
The syntax for each is TOKEN : VALUE, and comments are denoted with a exclamation mark (!). Entries in the choice file must obey the following rules:

  • Each token must match one of the attributes in the .options file
  • Each value must match on of the options given for that attribute in the .options file
  • NA values instruct the substiture-h2k.rb script to leave the associated data in the .h2k file alone – that is, whatever inputs were provided when the file was created in HOT2000 will be used in the HTAP simulation.

Example choice file

An example .choice file follows. In this example, the .choice file instructs HTAP to replace the heating system with a cold-climate air source heat pump, the DHW system with a heat pump water heater, and to add a drain-water heat recovery device. All other inputs are left unchanged.

! Choice file for use in exercising HOT2000
! The H2K model file used is a valid model and nothing needs to be 
! changed for it to run!  Using "NA" on any of the options below
! leaves the model unchanged for that option.

! HOT2000 code library file to be used - MUST ALWAYS BE SPECIFIED HERE
Opt-DBFiles  : H2KCodeLibFile

! Weather location
Opt-Location : NA 

! Archetype file: 
Opt-Archetype: NZEH-Arch-1

! Fuel costs 
Opt-FuelCost : rates2016

! Air tightness 
Opt-ACH : NA
! Ceiling R-value
Opt-Ceilings : NA

! Main wall definitions 
Opt-GenericWall_1Layer_definitions : NA   

! Exposed floor
Opt-ExposedFloor : NA

! Optical and thermal characteristics of casement windows (all)
Opt-CasementWindows  : NA   

! Foundation definitions
Opt-H2KFoundation : NA  

! Hot water system.
Opt-DHWSystem :  HPHotWater
! Drain-water heat recovery 
Opt-DWHRsystem:  DWHR-eff-30 

! HVAC system 
Opt-HVACSystem  : CCASHP

! HRV spec 
Opt-HRVspec : NA

Opt-H2K-PV : NA 

The run file (

The .run file contains a token-value list that defines different combinations of options for a batch HTAP run. It has three sections:

  • RunParameters: This section defines how the run should be processed (run-mode), and where htap-prm.rb should look for HOT2000 model files (archetype-dir).
  • RunScope: Defines the scope of the batch run - including the .h2k files that should be processed (archetypes), the locations (locations) that they should be run in, and any rulesets (rulesets) that should be applied to the base models..
  • Upgrades: Defines attributes within the model that should be changed; and the parameter spaces that should be explored.

Example .run file

! Run-Mode: Parameters that affect how htap-prm is configured. 
  run-mode                           = mesh 
  archetype-dir                      = C:/HTAP/Archetypes

! Parameters controlling archetypes, locations, reference rulesets.

  archetypes                        = NRCan-A9_3000sf_2stry_walkOut.h2k
  locations                         = Vancouver, Toronto, Halifax
  rulesets                          = as-found, 936_2015_AW_noHRV, 936_2015_AW_HRV

! Parameters controlling the design of the building 

    Opt-FuelCost                       = rates2016  
    Opt-ACH                            = NA
    Opt-MainWall                       = GenericWall_1Layer
    Opt-GenericWall_1Layer_definitions = NA
    Opt-Ceilings                       = NA
    Opt-H2KFoundation                  = NA
    Opt-ExposedFloor                   = NA
    Opt-CasementWindows                = NA
    Opt-H2K-PV                         = NA
    Opt-DWHRandSDHW                    = NA 
    Opt-RoofPitch                      = NA
    Opt-DHWSystem                      = NA
    Opt-DWHRSystem                     = NA
    Opt-HVACSystem                     = NA 
    Opt-HRVspec                        = NA


Run file inputs

  • run-mode = [parametric|mesh|sample{}|optimize]: Single string denoting the method that htap-prm.rb should use to explore the solution space.
    • If set to parametric, htap-prm.rb will undertake a parametric analysis where each RunScope and Upgrades option is initialized to the first value in their list, and each evaluation will be a variant of the initial model with only one of the options changed to a member in the list. This run mode is useful for sensitivity studies.
    • If set to mesh, htap-prm.rb will undertake a batch analysis examining all combinations of RunScope and Upgrades options. Depending on the number of options examined for each attribute, the time required to complete a mesh run may be very large.
    • If set to sample, htap-prm.rb will undertake a mesh run, but only process 100 randomly selected combinations. The random seed and sample size can be controlled by passing parameters along with sample:
      run-mode  = sample{n:###; seed:###} 
      where n (integer) is the desired sample size; seed (integer) is the seed that should be used in the random selection.
    • optimize denotes a yet-to-be-implemented optimization method, based on a particle swarm or other genetic algorithm. This feature is not currently supported.
  • archetype-dir = C:/Path/To/H2Kfiles/: File location where htap-prm.rb will expect to find .h2k files.
  • archetypes = [file1.h2k, file2.h2k, file3.h2k ... ]: List of .h2k files to be included in the batch run. Each filename must correspond to a .h2k file located in archetype directory (that is, the path specified by archetype-dir). htap-prm.rb supports simple wildcard matching — archetypes = builder*.h2k will run builder_1.h2k, builder_2.h2k and builder_3.h2k; archetypes = *.h2k will run all HOT2000 files in the given path. This input has the same affect as specifying Opt-Archetype within a .choice file.
  • locations = [ city_1, city_2, city_3 ...]: List of locations where the evaluations should be performed. locations = * instructs htap-prm.rb to run all locations specified within the options file. This input has the same affect as specifying Opt-Location within a .choice file. Setting locations = NA will cause the archetype to be run with whatever weather location was defined in the original *.h2k archetype file.
  • *rulesets* = [ ruleset1, ruleset2, ruleset3 ...]: List of rulesets that should be applied to the model. Each ruleset will use different criteria to change various parameters in the model. If a ruleset is specified, it will be applied before the changes specified in the upgrades section are applied. Multiple rulesets can be supplied for a single run; each ruleset will be evaluated separately. Rulesets enable to HTAP to alter a HOT2000 file to meet the National building code energy requirements, EnergyStar targets, etc. rulesets are a functionality that is currently under develepment, and should be used with caution. Commonly used rulesets include:
    • as-found: This ruleset makes no changes to the model, and runs it "as-is" it has the same affect of setting rulesets = NA.
    • NBC9_36_HRV: This ruleset causes the model's parameters to be changed to minimum perscribed values under the 2015 NBC (part 9.36), with a heat recovery ventilation system.
    • NBC9_36_noHRV: This ruleset causes the model's parameters to be changed to minimum perscribed values under the 2015 NBC (part 9.36), with a exhaust fan ventilation.
  • Opt-XXXXXXX = [ option_a, option b, option_c ... ] : List of upgrade options (for attribute Opt-XXXXXXX) to be investigated during the HTAP run. These options are applied after a given ruleset has been imposed. The attributes and their options are listed below.

The unit cost database (HTAPUnitCosts.json)

HTAP includes a unit cost database with estimates on the costs of various energy related upgrades. The database is organized in two sets of hashes - "sources" and "data":

   "sources": { ... },
   "data": { ... }

sources entries

The sources entries within the database describe where cost data was obtained from. They have the following format:

"sources": { 
   "cost-source-b": {
     "filename": "source-file-b.csv",
     "date_collated": "YYYY-MM-DD",
     "date_imported": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
     "schema_used": "schema name",
     "origin": "Comment on data source b",
     "inherits": {
       "cost-source-a": [
   "cost-source-a": {
     "filename": "source-file-a.csv",
     "date_collated": "YYYY-MM-DD",
     "date_imported": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
     "schema_used": "schema name",
     "origin": "Comment on data source a",
     "inherits": {

Each source entry has the following members:

  • "filename": "source-file-b.csv" - filename used to generate entries within the cost database - typically a LEEP unit-cost sheet exported in csv format.
  • "date_collated": "YYYY-MM-DD" - Approximate date when data sheet was compiled.
  • "date_imported": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" - Exact date/time when data was imported.
  • "schema_used": "schema name" - Keyword describing which schema was used to intrepret the imported csv data.
  • "origin": "Comment on data source b" - Comment on data source
  • "inherits": { ... } : Hash describing which entries merely duplicate data from other databases.
Example source entry
    "LEEP-MB-Winnipeg": {
      "filename": "LEEP_Costing_MB_winnipeg.csv",
      "date_collated": "2014-09-01",
      "date_imported": "2018-10-02 11:32:54",
      "schema_used": "oldLeep",
      "origin": "Costs used in MB LEEP 2014",
      "inherits": {
        "LEEP-ON-Ottawa": [

    "LEEP-ON-Ottawa": {
      "filename": "LEEP_COSTING_ottawa_V1.4.csv",
      "date_collated": "2013-09-01",
      "date_imported": "2018-10-02 11:32:53",
      "schema_used": "oldLeep",
      "origin": "Costs used in Ottawa LEEP 2013",
      "inherits": {

Data entries

The data entries within the database contain the actual unit costs. They have the following format:

"data": {
  "unit-cost-component-1": {
    "cost-source-a": {
      "category": "category-name",
      "description": "cost description",
      "units": "unit keyword",
      "UnitCostMaterials": ##.##,
      "UnitCostLabour": ##.##,
      "note": "information about cost data",
      "date": "YYYY-MM-DD"
    "cost-source-b": { ... }
    "cost-source-c": { ... }
    "cost-source-d": { ... }
  "unit-cost-component-2": { ... },        
  "unit-cost-component-3": { ... },
  "unit-cost-component-3": { ... },

Each data entry contains the following:

  • "category": "category-name-string" - Descriptive category for data (examples include "INSULATION", "WINDOWS" and "DRYWALL"). HTAP presently ignores this data.
  • "description": "cost description" - Expanded descriptor for this entry
  • "units": "unit keyword" - String describing how custom costs should be applied (e.g. "units": "sf floor area"|"sf applied"|"ea"|...)
  • "UnitCostMaterials": ##.##: Materials cost estimate ($/unit)
  • "UnitCostLabour": ##.##: Labour cost estimate ($/unit)
  • "note": "information about cost data" - Additional info about source of data (e.g. reference)
  • "date": "YYYY-MM-DD" - Date data collected/reported.
Example data entry
"data": {
  "1/2in_gypsum_board": {
    "LEEP-ON-Ottawa": {
      "category": "DRYWALL",
      "description": "1/2in Gypsum board",
      "units": "sf wall",
      "UnitCostMaterials": 0.35,
      "UnitCostLabour": 0.41,
      "note": "Hanscomb - aggregated average of material and labour for base case walls",
      "date": "n.d.",
      "source": "LEEP-ON-Ottawa"
  "1/2in_plywood": {
    "LEEP-BC-Vancouver": {
      "category": "SHEATHING",
      "description": "1/2in plywood",
      "units": "sf applied",
      "UnitCostMaterials": 0.57,
      "UnitCostLabour": 0.0,
      "note": "Griff Building Supplies",
      "date": "n.d.",
      "source": "LEEP-BC-Vancouver"
  "2x12_engineered_i-joists-_hanscomb": {
    "LEEP-MB-Winnipeg": {
      "category": "FRAMING",
      "description": "2x12 engineered i-joists- Hanscomb",
      "units": "LF",
      "UnitCostMaterials": 1.9,
      "UnitCostLabour": 0.0,
      "note": "",
      "date": "n.d.",
      "source": "LEEP-MB-Winnipeg"

Attributes that HTAP can modify


  • Description : Defines weather file location to be used in the HTAP run.
  • Typical values: Municipal location corresponding to valid HOT2000 weather file (e.g. Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver ...)
  • HOT2000 bindings: Based on the specified Opt-Location, substitute-h2k.rb will set the weather database (typically Wth110.dir, the weather region and the weather file location.
  • Other things you should know:
    • By design, HOT2000 will also attempt to match the weather location to a valid set of fuel cost data in the fuel library. This feature has proven temperamental, and should be used with care. Note that HOT2000 will not generate errors or warnings if the location is not successfully matched to a fuel library. Resulting energy estimates will be correct, but fuel cost calculations will be wrong.
    • Setting Opt-Location = NA will cause substitute-h2k.rb to run the h2k file with whatever weather location was defined in the original file.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-Location

     Opt-Location = Toronto 

Sample .options definition for Opt-Location

  "Opt-Location": {
    "structure": "tree",
    "costed": false,
    "options": {
      "NA": {
        "h2kMap": {
          "base": {
            "OPT-H2K-WTH-FILE": "NA",
            "OPT-H2K-Region": "NA",
            "OPT-H2K-Location": "NA"
        "costs": {
      "TORONTO": {
        "h2kMap": {
          "base": {
            "OPT-H2K-WTH-FILE": "Wth110.dir",
            "OPT-H2K-Region": "5",
            "OPT-H2K-Location": "42"
        "costs": {

      "WHITEHORSE": {
        "h2kMap": {
          "base": {
            "OPT-H2K-WTH-FILE": "Wth110.dir",
            "OPT-H2K-Region": "11",
            "OPT-H2K-Location": "69"
        "costs": {


  • Description : Defines the .h2k file that will be used for the basis of a HTAP run
  • Typical values: Keyword that maps to a .h2k file path (e.g. SmallSFD)
  • HOT2000 bindings: The substitute-h2k.rb script will make a copy of the specified .h2k file, and will alter it according to your specified choices. substitute-h2k.rb will then invoke HOT2000 to evaluate the .h2k file, and recover the results from that file
  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k.rb will make a copy of the specified archetype file for its operations --- the original will not be modified.
    • Earlier versions of HTAP required the archetypes to be located in the C:\H2K-CLI-Min\User\ directory; more recently, HTAP can work with archetypes in arbitrary locations
    • Alternatively, the archetype file can be passed to substitute-h2k.rb via a command line, using the -b FILE.h2k option. In this usage, the Opt-Archetype definition should be omitted from the choice file.
    • When creating .run files for use in htap-prm.rb, the archetypes should be specified in the RunScope section (See .run file inputs above), and Opt-Archetype should be omitted from the Upgrades section.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-Archetype

     Opt-Archetype = MediumSFD

Sample .options definition for Opt-Archetype

  "Opt-Archetype": {
    "structure": "flat",
    "costed": false,
    "options": {
      "NA": "NA",
      "SmallSFD": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-SmallSFD.h2k",
      "MediumSFD": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-MediumSFD.h2k",
      "LargeSFD": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-LargeSFD.h2k",
      "Rowhouse": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-Row.h2k",
      "Quadplex": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-rev-Quad.h2k",
      "BC-NZEH-ex-1": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\BC-Step-NZEH-1-example.h2k",
      <-- snip -->
      "NBC-arch11_fullBsmt": "C:\\H2K-CLI-Min\\User\\NRCan-A11_1500sf_2storey_rowMid_fullBsmt.h2k"
    "default": "NZEH-Arch-1",
    "stop-on-error": true


  • Description : Defines the infiltration characteristics of the building, using inputs similar to those collected from a blower-door test.
  • Typical values: Keyword indicating level of airtightness (e.g. ACH_3, ACH_1_5)
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will map the keyword to values in the .options file, and then edit the .h2k file to reflect the same air leakage performance target.
  • Other things you should know:
    • HTAP can presently only change the blower-door test air change rate; options to adjust the house volume, ELA or site characteristics are not supported.
    • Setting Opt-ACH = NA will cause substitute-h2k.rb to leave air infiltration unchanged in the archetype

Sample .choice definition for Opt-ACH

     Opt-ACH = ACH_7

Sample .options definition for Opt-ACH

     *attribute:name     = Opt-ACH
     *attribute:tag:1    = <Opt-ACH>
     *attribute:default  = NA
     *option:NA:value:1  = NA    ! Means "no change" to H2K
     *option:NA:cost:total  =  0
     *option:ACH_7:value:1  = 7.0
     *option:ACH_7:cost:total  =  0
     *option:ACH_6_5:value:1  = 6.5
     *option:ACH_6_5:cost:total  =  0


  • Description : Defines insulation levels in above-grade opaque walls.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying desired wall assembly (e.g. BaseR20, SIPS-R28-Wall, DblStud-R52-Wall)
  • HOT2000 bindings: Depending on the definitions in the options file, substitute-h2k.rb will do one of two things:
    1. Replace the wall construction definition with a specified code from the construction code library
    2. Replace the wall construction definition with a user-specified RSI value from the .options file.

Note that the .options file should provide the construction code OR the R-value - not both!

  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k.rb expects US insulation values (R-19, R-22, R-26...), not RSI values. substitute-h2k.rb will automatically convert R-values to RSI when creating the .h2k file.
    • Setting Opt-MainWall = NA will leave the archetype's main wall definitions to be unchanged.
    • substitute-h2k.rb will apply the same definition to all above-grade walls, regardless of their size, orientation, or original construction.
    • HTAP also includes support for an alternate main wall construction definition, Opt-GenericWall_1Layer_definitions. This definition is depreciated and will be removed from future versions.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-MainWall

     Opt-MainWall = BaseR21

Sample .options definition for Opt-MainWall

     *attribute:name = Opt-MainWall
     *attribute:tag:1  = OPT-H2K-CodeName    ! Use "NA" (or non-existent name) for user-Specified case
     *attribute:tag:2  = OPT-H2K-EffRValue   ! User-Specified R-value (Imperial)
     *attribute:default = GenericWall_1Layer
     ! GENERIC wall definitions: thickness of insulation layers
     ! is set separately, based on data in options file
     ! - Single insulation layer (batts). 
     *option:GenericWall_1Layer:value:1 =   NA          ! NA for H2K
     *option:GenericWall_1Layer:value:2 =   NA          ! NA for H2K
     *option:GenericWall_1Layer:cost:total    =   0     ! Costs defined in Generic Wall definitions 
     *option:NA:value:1 =   NA
     *option:NA:value:2 =   NA
     *option:NA:cost:total = 0
     ! Example: Wall definition from library code 
     *option:BaseR20:value:1 =   BaseWallCode  ! Existing H2K code library wall name
     *option:BaseR20:value:2 =   NA           ! OR, User-specified R-value (Imperial), but not both!
     *option:BaseR20:cost:total    =   0
     ! Example: Wall definition from library code 
     *option:SIPS-R28-Wall:value:1 =   NA        ! Existing H2K code library wall name
     *option:SIPS-R28-Wall:value:2 =   28        ! OR, User-specified R-value (Imperial), but not both!
     *option:SIPS-R28-Wall:cost:total    =  0


  • Description : Defines insulation levels in ceilings.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying desired ceiling assembly (e.g. CeilR40, CeilR50...)
  • HOT2000 bindings: Depending on the definitions in the options file, substitute-h2k.rb will do one of two things:
    1. Replace the ceiling construction definition with a specified code from the construction code library
    2. Replace the ceiling construction definition with a user-specified RSI value from the .options file.

Note that the .options file should provide the construction code OR the R-value - not both!

  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k.rb expects Imperial/US insulation values (R-19, R-22, R-26...), not RSI values. substitute-h2k.rb will automatically convert R-values to RSI when creating the .h2k file.
    • Setting Opt-Ceilings = NA will leave the archetype's ceiling definitions unchanged.
    • substitute-h2k.rb will apply the same definition to all ceilings, regardless of their size or original construction.
    • If the User Specified option is used, then all ceilings, regardless of type will be changed (i.e., Attic/Gable, Attic/Hip, Scissor, Flat or Cathedral).
    • If the code library names option is used, then only one group of code library
      ceilings will be changed depending on which group the chosen code name appears in. There are two code library ceiling groups: "Ceiling Codes" (i.e., Attic/Gable, Attic/Hip and Scissor) and "Flat or Cathedral Ceiling Codes".
    • This option should not be combined with any other ceiling option!

Sample .choice definition for Opt-Ceilings

     Opt-Ceilings = CeilR50

Sample .options definition for Opt-Ceilings

     attribute:name = Opt-Ceilings
     *attribute:tag:1  = <Opt-Ceiling>       ! H2K uses this for library code name
     *attribute:tag:2  = OPT-H2K-EffRValue   ! H2K R-value (Imperial) or "NA" if use code name in tag 1
     *attribute:default = CeilR50
     *option:NA:value:1 = NA     ! No change
     *option:NA:value:2 = NA
     *option:NA:cost:total = 0
     *option:UsrSpecR40:value:1 =  NA       ! H2K: NA or code name in code library
     *option:UsrSpecR40:value:2 =  40       ! H2K R-value (Imperial)
     *option:UsrSpecR40:cost:total = 0
     *option:CeilR40:value:1 =  CeilR40     ! H2K: Code name must exist in code library
     *option:CeilR40:value:2 =  NA          ! H2K: No user-specified R-value (Imperial), code name used!
     *option:CeilR40:cost:total = 0
     *option:CeilR50:value:1 = CeilR50                
     *option:CeilR50:value:2 = NA              ! H2K R-value (Imperial)         
     *option:CeilR50:cost:total    =   0       


  • Description : Defines insulation levels in attic/gable, attic/hip, and scissor ceilings only.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying desired ceiling assembly (e.g. CeilR40, CeilR50...)
  • HOT2000 bindings: Depending on the definitions in the options file, substitute-h2k.rb will do one of two things:
    1. Replace the ceiling construction definition with a specified code from the construction code library
    2. Replace the ceiling construction definition with a user-specified RSI value from the .options file.

Note that the .options file should provide the construction code OR the R-value - not both!

  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k.rb expects Imperial/US insulation values (R-19, R-22, R-26...), not RSI values. substitute-h2k.rb will automatically convert R-values to RSI when creating the .h2k file.
    • Setting Opt-AtticCeilings = NA will leave the archetype's ceiling definitions unchanged.
    • Attic ceilings are all ceilings of type Attic/Gable, Attic/Hip or Scissor
    • substitute-h2k.rb will apply the same definition to all attic ceilings, regardless of their size or original construction.
    • The "Ceiling Codes" code library group must contain an entry for the name specified when the ceiling code name option is used.
    • This option should not be combined with the Opt-Ceilings option!

Sample .choice definition for Opt-AtticCeilings

     Opt-AtticCeilings = CeilR50

Sample .options definition for Opt-AtticCeilings

     attribute:name = Opt-AtticCeilings
     *attribute:tag:1  = <Opt-Ceiling>       ! H2K uses this for library code name
     *attribute:tag:2  = OPT-H2K-EffRValue   ! H2K R-value (Imperial) or "NA" if use code name in tag 1
     *attribute:default = CeilR50
     *option:NA:value:1 = NA     ! No change
     *option:NA:value:2 = NA
     *option:NA:cost:total = 0
     *option:UsrSpecR40:value:1 =  NA       ! H2K: NA or code name for code library
     *option:UsrSpecR40:value:2 =  40       ! H2K R-value (Imperial)
     *option:UsrSpecR40:cost:total = 0
     *option:CeilR40:value:1 =  CeilR40     ! H2K: Code name must exist in code library
     *option:CeilR40:value:2 =  NA          ! H2K: No user-specified R-value (Imperial), code name used!
     *option:CeilR40:cost:total = 0
     *option:CeilR50:value:1 = CeilR50                
     *option:CeilR50:value:2 = NA              ! H2K R-value (Imperial)         
     *option:CeilR50:cost:total    =   0       


  • Description : Defines insulation levels in cathedral ceilings only.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying desired ceiling assembly (e.g. CeilR40, CeilR50...)
  • HOT2000 bindings: Depending on the definitions in the options file, substitute-h2k.rb will do one of two things:
    1. Replace the ceiling construction definition with a specified code from the construction code library
    2. Replace the ceiling construction definition with a user-specified RSI value from the .options file.

Note that the .options file should provide the construction code OR the R-value - not both!

  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k.rb expects Imperial/US insulation values (R-19, R-22, R-26...), not RSI values. substitute-h2k.rb will automatically convert R-values to RSI when creating the .h2k file.
    • Setting option to NA will leave the archetype's ceiling definitions unchanged.
    • substitute-h2k.rb will apply the same definition to all cathedral ceilings, regardless of their size or original construction.
    • The "Flat or Cathedral Ceiling Codes" code library group must contain an entry for the name specified when the ceiling code name option is used.
    • This option should not be combined with the Opt-Ceilings option!

Sample .choice definition for Opt-CathCeilings

     Opt-CathCeilings = CeilR50

Sample .options definition for Opt-CathCeilings

     attribute:name = Opt-CathCeilings
     *attribute:tag:1  = <Opt-Ceiling>       ! H2K uses this for library code name
     *attribute:tag:2  = OPT-H2K-EffRValue   ! H2K R-value (Imperial) or "NA" if use code name in tag 1
     *attribute:default = CeilR50
     *option:NA:value:1 = NA     ! No change
     *option:NA:value:2 = NA
     *option:NA:cost:total = 0
     *option:UsrSpecR40:value:1 =  NA       ! H2K: NA or code name for code library
     *option:UsrSpecR40:value:2 =  40       ! H2K R-value (Imperial)
     *option:UsrSpecR40:cost:total = 0
     *option:CeilR40:value:1 =  CeilR40     ! H2K: Code name must exist in code library
     *option:CeilR40:value:2 =  NA          ! H2K: No user-specified R-value (Imperial), code name used!
     *option:CeilR40:cost:total = 0
     *option:CeilR50:value:1 = CeilR50                
     *option:CeilR50:value:2 = NA              ! H2K R-value (Imperial)         
     *option:CeilR50:cost:total    =   0       


  • Description : Defines insulation levels in flat ceilings only.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying desired ceiling assembly (e.g. CeilR40, CeilR50...)
  • HOT2000 bindings: Depending on the definitions in the options file, substitute-h2k.rb will do one of two things:
    1. Replace the ceiling construction definition with a specified code from the construction code library
    2. Replace the ceiling construction definition with a user-specified RSI value from the .options file.

Note that the .options file should provide the construction code OR the R-value - not both!

  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k.rb expects Imperial/US insulation values (R-19, R-22, R-26...), not RSI values. substitute-h2k.rb will automatically convert R-values to RSI when creating the .h2k file.
    • Setting option to NA will leave the archetype's ceiling definitions unchanged.
    • substitute-h2k.rb will apply the same definition to all flat ceilings, regardless of their size or original construction.
    • The "Flat or Cathedral Ceiling Codes" code library group must contain an entry for the name specified when the ceiling code name option is used.
    • This option should not be combined with the Opt-Ceilings option!

Sample .choice definition for Opt-FlatCeilings

     Opt-FlatCeilings = CeilR50

Sample .options definition for Opt-FlatCeilings

     attribute:name = Opt-FlatCeilings
     *attribute:tag:1  = <Opt-Ceiling>       ! H2K uses this for library code name
     *attribute:tag:2  = OPT-H2K-EffRValue   ! H2K R-value (Imperial) or "NA" if use code name in tag 1
     *attribute:default = CeilR50
     *option:NA:value:1 = NA     ! No change
     *option:NA:value:2 = NA
     *option:NA:cost:total = 0
     *option:UsrSpecR40:value:1 =  NA       ! H2K: NA or code name for code library
     *option:UsrSpecR40:value:2 =  40       ! H2K R-value (Imperial)
     *option:UsrSpecR40:cost:total = 0
     *option:CeilR40:value:1 =  CeilR40     ! H2K: Code name must exist in code library
     *option:CeilR40:value:2 =  NA          ! H2K: No user-specified R-value (Imperial), code name used!
     *option:CeilR40:cost:total = 0
     *option:CeilR50:value:1 = CeilR50                
     *option:CeilR50:value:2 = NA              ! H2K R-value (Imperial)         
     *option:CeilR50:cost:total    =   0       


  • Description : Defines the below-grade insulation configuration and specification
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying desired foundation insulation configuration
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will modify all foundations in the .h2k file to reflect the corresponding parameters from the options file. For each foundation specification, the options file must define:
    1. The foundation configuration code (.e.g. BCCB_4_B, BCEB_4_ALL, SCB_29_ALL). Note that this code is a concatenation of the HOT2000 configuration type (e.g., BCCB_4) and a suffix (ALL, B, W, C, S)
    2. The interior wall construction code, or
    3. The interior wall specified R-value (Note: One of the two must be NA)
    4. The exterior wall specified R-value or NA
    5. The R-value of insulation added to the slab or NA.
  • Other things you should know:
    • Below grade heat loss is also sensitive to the depth of frost input. Work is underway to add support to HTAP for this parameter.
    • Setting Opt-H2KFoundation = NA leaves the archetype basements unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-H2KFoundation

     Opt-H2KFoundation = OBCminR12-Slab0R

Sample .options definition for Opt-H2KFoundation

     *attribute:name   = Opt-H2KFoundation
     *attribute:tag:1  = OPT-H2K-ConfigType     ! Fnd config code (e.g., BCCB_4 + _ALL or _B or _W or _C or _S)
     *attribute:tag:2  = OPT-H2K-IntWallCode    ! Int. wall Fav/UsrDef code for BCCx_x, BCIx_x
     *attribute:tag:3  = OPT-H2K-IntWall-RValue ! Int. wall User-Specified R-value (Imp) for BCCx_x, BCIx_x
     *attribute:tag:4  = OPT-H2K-ExtWall-RVal   ! Ext. wall User-Specified R-value (Imp) for BCCx_x, BCEx_x
     *attribute:tag:5  = OPT-H2K-BelowSlab-RVal ! Below slab User-Specified R-value(Imp) for BCCB_x, BCEB_x
     *attribute:default = NA
     *option:NA:value:1 = NA
     *option:NA:value:2 = NA
     *option:NA:value:3 = NA
     *option:NA:value:4 = NA
     *option:NA:value:5 = NA
     *option:NA:cost:total = 0
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab0R:value:1 = BCIN_1_B    ! Ref# 1 - change all Basements (ALL/B/W/C/S)
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab0R:value:2 = BsmWllR12
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab0R:value:3 = NA        ! R for userSpec option (set to NA if use int wall code in tag 2)
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab0R:value:4 = NA
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab0R:value:5 = NA
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab0R:cost:total = 0
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab24R:value:1 = BCIB_4_ALL  ! Ref# 22 - change ALL foundations in model (that apply)
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab24R:value:2 = BsmWllR12
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab24R:value:3 = NA          ! R for userSpec option (set to NA if use int wall code in tag 2)
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab24R:value:4 = NA          ! External wall added R-value (Imp)
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab24R:value:5 = 24          ! Below slab R-value
     *option:OBCminR12-Slab24R:cost:total = 0


  • Description : Defines the below-grade insulation configuration and specification for Slab-On-Grade and Crawlspace foundations
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying desired foundation insulation configuration
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will modify Slab and/or Crawl foundations in the .h2k file to reflect the corresponding parameters from the options file. For each foundation specification, the options file must define:
    1. The foundation configuration code (.e.g. SCB_29_ALL, SCB_29_S). Note that this code is a concatenation of the HOT2000 configuration type (e.g., BCCB_4) and a suffix (ALL, B, W, C, S)
    2. The interior wall construction code, or
    3. The interior wall specified R-value (Note: One of the two must be NA)
    4. The exterior wall specified R-value or NA
    5. The R-value of insulation added to the slab or NA.
  • Other things you should know:
    • Below grade heat loss is also sensitive to the depth of frost input. Work is underway to add support to HTAP for this parameter.
    • Setting Opt-H2KFoundation = NA leaves the archetype basements unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-H2KFoundationSlabCrawl

     Opt-H2KFoundationSlabCrawl = OBCminR12-Slab0R

Sample .options definition for Opt-H2KFoundation

     *attribute:name   = Opt-H2KFoundationSlabCrawl
     *attribute:tag:1  = OPT-H2K-ConfigType     ! Fnd config code (e.g., BCCB_4 + _ALL or _B or _W or _C or _S)
     *attribute:tag:2  = 
     *attribute:tag:3  = 
     *attribute:tag:4  = 
     *attribute:tag:5  = 
     *attribute:default = NA


  • Description: Defines insulation levels in exposed floors, including spaces above garages, and porches.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying desired floor assembly (e.g. BaseExpFloor-R31)
  • HOT2000 bindings: Depending on the definitions in the options file, substitute-h2k.rb will do one of two things:
    1. Replace the floor construction definition with a specified code from the construction code library
    2. Replace the floor construction definition with a user-specified RSI value from the .options file.

Note that the .options file should provide the construction code OR the R-value - not both!

  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k.rb expects US insulation values (R-19, R-22, R-26...), not RSI values. substitute-h2k.rb will automatically convert R-values to RSI when creating the .h2k file.
    • Setting Opt-ExposedFloor = NA will leave the archetype's floor definitions to be unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-ExposedFloor

     Opt-ExposedFloor  = BaseExpFloor-R31

Sample .options definition for Opt-ExposedFloor

     *attribute:name   = Opt-ExposedFloor 
     *attribute:tag:1  = OPT-H2K-CodeName    ! Use "NA" (or non-existent name) for user-Specified case
     *attribute:tag:2  = OPT-H2K-EffRValue   ! User-Specified R-value (Imperial)
     *attribute:default = NA          
     *option:NA:value:1 = NA    ! For H2K - No change
     *option:NA:value:2 = NA    ! For H2K - No change
     *option:NA:cost:total    = 0
     *option:BaseExpFloor-R31:value:1 = NA     ! Use "NA" (or non-existent name) for user-Specified case
     *option:BaseExpFloor-R31:value:2 = 31     ! User-Specified R-value (Imperial) / NA for code name
     *option:BaseExpFloor-R31:cost:total    = 0
     *option:ExpFloorFlash&Batt-R36:value:1 = NA     ! Use "NA" (or non-existent name) for user-Specified case
     *option:ExpFloorFlash&Batt-R36:value:2 = 36     ! User-Specified R-value (Imperial) / NA for code name
     *option:ExpFloorFlash&Batt-R36:cost:total    = 0


  • Description : Defines performance characteristics of windows.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying the desired window specification
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will alter the window definitions according to the corresponding specifications in the .options file. In each case, the script will replace the existing window definition with a definition from the code library. The values provided in the .options file must match window definition names in the code library. For instance, in the example below, the codes DblLeHcAir, DblLeHcArg and DblLeScArg must all exist in the code library.
  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k supports unique window definitions by orientation; each window spec must explicitly name the corresponding code for each of the S/SE/E/NE/N/NW/W/SW orientations. substitute-h2k.rb will modify the windows for each orientation accordingly.
    • Within HOT2000's code editor, you may define windows using overall U-value and SHGC inputs, or via HOT2000's legacy window code selector.
    • This tag will edit all window types in walls, not just casements. However, it will not change windows in doors or ceilings (i.e., skylights).
    • Setting Opt-CasementWindows = NA leaves the archetype windows unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-CasementWindows

     Opt-CasementWindows = DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill

Sample .options definition for Opt-CasementWindows

      *attribute:name  = Opt-CasementWindows
      *attribute:tag:1 = <Opt-win-S-CON>     ! Also H2K S windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:2 = <Opt-win-E-CON>     ! Also H2K E windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:3 = <Opt-win-N-CON>     ! Also H2K N windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:4 = <Opt-win-W-CON>     ! Also H2K W windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:5 = <Opt-win-SE-CON>     ! H2K SE windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:6 = <Opt-win-SW-CON>     ! H2K SW windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:7 = <Opt-win-NE-CON>     ! H2K NE windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:8 = <Opt-win-NW-CON>     ! H2K NW windows lib code name
      *attribute:default = DoubleLowEHardCoatArgFill
      *option:NA:value:1 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:2 = NA
      *option:NA:value:3 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:4 = NA
      *option:NA:value:5 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:6 = NA
      *option:NA:value:7 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:8 = NA
      *option:NA:cost:total = 0.0
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:value:1 = DblLeHcAir   
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:value:2 = DblLeHcAir
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:value:3 = DblLeHcAir   
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:value:4 = DblLeHcAir
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:value:5 = DblLeHcAir   
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:value:6 = DblLeHcAir
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:value:7 = DblLeHcAir   
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:value:8 = DblLeHcAir
      *option:DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill:cost:total    = 0.0 
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:value:1 = DblLeHcArg   
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:value:2 = DblLeScArg 
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:value:3 = DblLeScArg   
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:value:4 = DblLeScArg 
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:value:5 = DblLeScArg   
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:value:6 = DblLeScArg 
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:value:7 = DblLeScArg   
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:value:8 = DblLeScArg 
      *option:DoubleArgon_HighGainOnSouth:cost:total    = 0


  • Description : Defines performance characteristics of skylights (i.e., windows in ceilings).
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying the desired skylight specification
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will alter the ceiling window definitions according to the corresponding specifications in the .options file. In each case, the script will replace the existing windows (in ceilings) definitions with the definition from the code library. The values provided in the .options file must match window definition names in the code library. For instance, in the example below, the code SkylightDef must exist in the code library.
  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k supports unique window definitions by orientation; each window spec must explicitly name the corresponding code for each of the S/SE/E/NE/N/NW/W/SW directions. substitute-h2k.rb will modify the windows for each orientation accordingly.
    • Within HOT2000's code editor, you may define windows using overall U-value and SHGC inputs, or via HOT2000's legacy window code selector.
    • This tag will edit all ceiling window types. It will not effect windows in doors or walls.
    • Setting Opt-Skylights = NA leaves the archetype ceiling windows unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-Skylights

     Opt-Skylights = SkylightDef

Sample .options definition for Opt-Skylights

      *attribute:name  = Opt-Skylights
      *attribute:tag:1 = <Opt-win-S-CON>     ! Also H2K S windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:2 = <Opt-win-E-CON>     ! Also H2K E windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:3 = <Opt-win-N-CON>     ! Also H2K N windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:4 = <Opt-win-W-CON>     ! Also H2K W windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:5 = <Opt-win-SE-CON>     ! H2K SE windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:6 = <Opt-win-SW-CON>     ! H2K SW windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:7 = <Opt-win-NE-CON>     ! H2K NE windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:8 = <Opt-win-NW-CON>     ! H2K NW windows lib code name
      *attribute:default = SkylightDef
      *option:NA:value:1 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:2 = NA
      *option:NA:value:3 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:4 = NA
      *option:NA:value:5 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:6 = NA
      *option:NA:value:7 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:8 = NA
      *option:NA:cost:total = 0.0
      *option:SkylightDef:value:1 = SkylightDef   
      *option:SkylightDef:value:2 = SkylightDef
      *option:SkylightDef:value:3 = SkylightDef   
      *option:SkylightDef:value:4 = SkylightDef
      *option:SkylightDef:value:5 = SkylightDef   
      *option:SkylightDef:value:6 = SkylightDef
      *option:SkylightDef:value:7 = SkylightDef   
      *option:SkylightDef:value:8 = SkylightDef
      *option:SkylightDef:cost:total = 0.0


  • Description : Defines performance characteristics of windows in doors.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying the desired door window specification
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will alter the door window definitions according to the corresponding specifications in the .options file. In each case, the script will replace the existing windows (in doors) definitions with the definition from the code library. The values provided in the .options file must match window definition names in the code library. For instance, in the example below, the codes DoorWinDef must exist in the code library.
  • Other things you should know:
    • substitute-h2k supports unique door window definitions by orientation; each window spec must explicitly name the corresponding code for each of the S/SE/E/NE/N/NW/W/SW directions. substitute-h2k.rb will modify the door windows for each orientation accordingly.
    • Within HOT2000's code editor, you may define windows using overall U-value and SHGC inputs, or via HOT2000's legacy window code selector.
    • This tag will edit all door window types. It will not effect skylights or windows in walls.
    • Setting Opt-DoorWindows = NA leaves the archetype ceiling windows unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-DoorWindows

     Opt-DoorWindows = DoubleLowEHardCoatAirFill

Sample .options definition for Opt-DoorWindows

      *attribute:name  = Opt-DoorWindows
      *attribute:tag:1 = <Opt-win-S-CON>     ! Also H2K S windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:2 = <Opt-win-E-CON>     ! Also H2K E windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:3 = <Opt-win-N-CON>     ! Also H2K N windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:4 = <Opt-win-W-CON>     ! Also H2K W windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:5 = <Opt-win-SE-CON>     ! H2K SE windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:6 = <Opt-win-SW-CON>     ! H2K SW windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:7 = <Opt-win-NE-CON>     ! H2K NE windows lib code name
      *attribute:tag:8 = <Opt-win-NW-CON>     ! H2K NW windows lib code name
      *attribute:default = DoorWinDef
      *option:NA:value:1 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:2 = NA
      *option:NA:value:3 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:4 = NA
      *option:NA:value:5 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:6 = NA
      *option:NA:value:7 = NA   
      *option:NA:value:8 = NA
      *option:NA:cost:total = 0.0
      *option:DoorWinDef:value:1 = DoorWinDef   
      *option:DoorWinDef:value:2 = DoorWinDef
      *option:DoorWinDef:value:3 = DoorWinDef   
      *option:DoorWinDef:value:4 = DoorWinDef
      *option:DoorWinDef:value:5 = DoorWinDef   
      *option:DoorWinDef:value:6 = DoorWinDef
      *option:DoorWinDef:value:7 = DoorWinDef   
      *option:DoorWinDef:value:8 = DoorWinDef
      *option:DoorWinDef:cost:total = 0.0


  • Description : Defines performance characteristics of doors.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying the desired door specification
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will alter the door
    definitions according to the corresponding specifications in the .options file. In each case, the script will replace the existing door R-value with the value specified.
  • Other things you should know:
    • This tag will edit all doors in the archetype.
    • Setting Opt-Doors = NA leaves the archetype doors unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-Doors

     Opt-Doors = SolidWood

Sample .options definition for Opt-Doors

      *attribute:name  = Opt-Doors
      *attribute:tag:1 = <Opt-R-value>     ! User specified R-value (Imperial) of door
      *attribute:default = SolidWood

      *option:NA:value:1 = NA   
      *option:NA:cost:total = 0.0

      *option:SolidWood:value:1 = 2.2
      *option:SolidWood:cost:total = 0.0

      *option:HollowWood:value:1 = 2.1
      *option:HollowWood:cost:total = 0.0

      *option:SteelFG:value:1 = 1.65      ! Steel Fibreglass core
      *option:SteelFG:cost:total = 0.0

      *option:SteelPS:value:1 = 5.57      ! Steel polystyrene core
      *option:SteelPS:cost:total = 0.0

      *option:SteelMDSprayCore:value:1 = 6.47    ! Steel medium density spray foam core
      *option:SteelMDSprayCore:cost:total = 0.0

      *option:FibrePolyCore:value:1 = 4.83    ! Fibreglass polystyrene core
      *option:FibrePolyCore:cost:total = 0.0

      *option:FibreMDSprayCore:value:1 = 5.57    ! Fibreglass medium density spray foam core
      *option:FibreMDSprayCore:cost:total = 0.0


  • Description: Defines HOT2000's PV module inputs
  • Typical values: Keyword defining PV system specification.
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will modify the PV system definition using the corresponding parameters from the .options file.
  • Other things you should know:
    • If Opt-H2K-PV = NA, substitute-h2k.rb will leave the PV system unchanged in the archetype. If the provided archetype does not include a PV system, the run will also examine cases without PV systems. However, if the base archetype includes a PV system, setting Opt-H2K-PV = NA will leave this system unchanged, and all runs will include a PV system. If you are studing designs with- and without PV, make sure PV is removed from the base archetype.
    • PV system sizes are commonly described according to their peak output (e.g. 5kW, 10kW), but HOT2000 describes PV according to collector area and system efficiency. The actual DC output from these systems will vary by location.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-H2K-PV

     Opt-H2K-PV = MonoSi-10kW

Sample .options definition for Opt-H2K-PV

       *attribute:name  = Opt-H2K-PV
       *attribute:tag:1 = Opt-H2K-Area           ! m2
       *attribute:tag:2 = Opt-H2K-Slope          ! degrees from horizontal
       *attribute:tag:3 = Opt-H2K-Azimuth        ! degrees from S
       *attribute:tag:4 = Opt-H2K-PVModuleType   ! 1:Mono-Si, 2:Poly-Si, 3:a-Si, 4:CdTe, 5:CIS, 6:UsrSpec
       *attribute:tag:5 = Opt-H2K-GridAbsRate    ! %
       *attribute:tag:6 = Opt-H2K-InvEff         ! %
       *attribute:default = NA
       *option:NA:value:1 = NA
       *option:NA:value:2 = NA
       *option:NA:value:3 = NA
       *option:NA:value:4 = NA
       *option:NA:value:5 = NA
       *option:NA:value:6 = NA
       *option:NA:cost:total  = 0
       *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:1 = 53             !53m2 is required area for 5 kW for Mono-Si
       *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:2 = 18.4           !22.6 for 5-12 roof in Prince George and 18.4 for 4-12 slope in Kelowna
       *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:3 = 0
       *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:4 = 1
       *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:5 = 90
       *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:6 = 90
       *option:MonoSi-5kW:cost:total = 21500      !$21500 assumed cost for 5 kW PV system for Prince George & Kelowna LEEP
       *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:1 = 107          !107m2 is required area for 10 kW for Mono-Si
       *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:2 = 18.4         !22.6 for 5-12 roof in Prince George and 18.4 for 4-12 slope in Kelowna
       *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:3 = 0
       *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:4 = 1
       *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:5 = 90
       *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:6 = 90
       *option:MonoSi-10kW:cost:total = 33395     !$33395 assumed cost for 10 kW PV system for Prince George & Kelowna LEEP
       *option:MonoSi-200m2:value:1 = 200
       *option:MonoSi-200m2:value:2 = 43
       *option:MonoSi-200m2:value:3 = 0
       *option:MonoSi-200m2:value:4 = 1
       *option:MonoSi-200m2:value:5 = 90
       *option:MonoSi-200m2:value:6 = 90
       *option:MonoSi-200m2:cost:total = 0



  • Description : Defines the heating and cooling system performance.
  • Typical values: Keyword defining heating and cooling system specification (e.g. basefurnace)
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will modify the heating and cooling system definitions according to the parameters defined in the .options file.
  • Other things you should know:
    • Currently this tag includes parameters for Type 1 (+/- AC), Type 2 and combo systems (P9). The number of inputs needed depends on which system is selected
    • Contrary to its name, the definition of this system does not include ventilation. Mechanical ventilation is defined in Opt-HRVspec
    • Setting Opt-HVACSystem = NA leaves the archetype HVAC system unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-HVACSystem

     Opt-Archetype = MediumSFD

Sample .options definition for Opt-HVACSystem

     *attribute:name    = Opt-HVACSystem          ! System Name. 
     *attribute:tag:1  = Opt-H2K-SysType1        ! H2K: Baseboards, Furnace, Boiler, ComboHeatDhw, P9
     *attribute:tag:2  = Opt-H2K-SysType2        ! H2K: None, AirHeatPump, WaterHeatPump, GroundHeatPump, AirConditioning
     *attribute:tag:3  = Opt-H2K-Type1Fuel       ! H2K: 1:Elect, 2:NGas, 3:Oil, 4:Prop, 5:Mixed Wood, 6:Hardwood, 7:Softwood, 8: Pellets  
     *attribute:tag:4  = Opt-H2K-Type1EqpType    ! H2K: Heating system equipment type --> depends on fuel and SysType1
     *attribute:tag:5  = Opt-H2K-Type1CapOpt     ! H2K: 1:UserSpec, 2:Calculated
     ! 6-8: Type 1 tags - Type 1 equipment only 
     *attribute:tag:6  = Opt-H2K-Type1CapVal     ! H2K: Type 1: Capacity value. 
     *attribute:tag:7  = Opt-H2K-Type1EffType    ! H2K: Type 1: true=SS, false=AFUE
     *attribute:tag:8  = Opt-H2K-Type1EffVal     ! H2K: Type 1: Efficiency value (0->100)
     ! 9-10: Fan tags, needed for all definitions 
     *attribute:tag:9  = Opt-H2K-Type1FanCtl     ! H2K: 1:Auto, 2:Continuous
     *attribute:tag:10 = Opt-H2K-Type1EEMotor    ! H2K: true/false
     ! 11-20: Type 2 /HP definitions 
     *attribute:tag:11  = Opt-H2K-Type2CCaseH     ! H2K: Type2: CrankCaseHeater Value ? 
     *attribute:tag:12  = Opt-H2K-Type2Func       ! H2K: Type2: Function - ASHP :( 1 = Heating, 2 = Heating/Cooling  )
     *attribute:tag:13  = Opt-H2K-Type2Type       ! H2K: Type2: Type - ASHP :( 1 = Central split, 2=Central single pkg, 3= MiniSplit Ductless )
                                                  !                    WSHP : Nil 
                                                  !                    GSHP : Nil                    
     *attribute:tag:14  = Opt-H2K-Type2CapOpt     ! H2K: Type2: Capacity Option (1:UserSpec, 2:Calculated)
     *attribute:tag:15  = Opt-H2K-Type2CapVal     ! H2K: Type2: Capacity value (if specified?)
     *attribute:tag:16  = Opt-H2K-Type2HeatCOP    ! COP Efficiency in heating (0->4ish...)
     *attribute:tag:17  = Opt-H2K-Type2CoolCOP    ! COP Efficiency in cooling (0->4ish...)
     *attribute:tag:18  = Opt-H2K-Type2CutoffType ! Cut off type 1: balance point, 2: Restricted , 3 unrestricted 
     *attribute:tag:19  = Opt-H2K-Type2CutoffTemp ! Cut off temperature (oC)
     *attribute:tag:20  = Opt-H2K-CoolOperWindow  ! Operable window fraction for cooling (%, 0->100)
     ! 21-onwards: P9 data. Used for type1 P9 systems only 
     *attribute:tag:21  = Opt-H2K-P9-manufacturer  ! P9 manufacturer (does nothing outside of GUI!)
     *attribute:tag:22  = Opt-H2K-P9-model         ! P9 model (does nothing outside of GUI!)
     *attribute:tag:23  = Opt-H2K-P9-TPF           ! P9 TPF
     *attribute:tag:24  = Opt-H2K-P9-AnnualElec    ! P9 Annual energy use 
     *attribute:tag:25  = Opt-H2K-P9-WHPF          ! P9 WHPF2*option
     *attribute:tag:26  = Opt-H2K-P9-burnerInput   ! P9 Burner input 
     *attribute:tag:27  = Opt-H2K-P9-recEff        ! P9 Recovery efficiency
     *attribute:tag:28  = Opt-H2K-P9-ctlsPower     ! P9 Ctl power (W)
     *attribute:tag:29  = Opt-H2K-P9-circPower     ! P9 Circ power (W)
     *attribute:tag:30  = Opt-H2K-P9-dailyUse      ! P9 Daily use ???
     *attribute:tag:31  = Opt-H2K-P9-stbyLossWFan  ! P9 Standby loss (fan)
     *attribute:tag:32  = Opt-H2K-P9-stbyLossNoFan ! P9 Standby loss (no fan)
     *attribute:tag:33  = Opt-H2K-P9-oneHrHotWater ! P9 one hour rating (HW)
     *attribute:tag:34  = Opt-H2K-P9-oneHourConc   ! P9 one hour rating concurrent
     *attribute:tag:35  = Opt-H2K-P9-netEff15      ! P9 net efficiency - 15
     *attribute:tag:36  = Opt-H2K-P9-netEff40      ! P9 net efficiency - 40
     *attribute:tag:37  = Opt-H2K-P9-netEff100     ! P9 net efficiency - 100 
     *attribute:tag:38  = Opt-H2K-P9-elecUse15     ! P9 Elec use - 15
     *attribute:tag:39  = Opt-H2K-P9-elecUse40     ! P9 Elec use - 40
     *attribute:tag:40  = Opt-H2K-P9-elecUse100    ! P9 Elec use - 100 
     *attribute:tag:41  = Opt-H2K-P9-blowPower15   ! P9 BlowerPower - 15
     *attribute:tag:42  = Opt-H2K-P9-blowPower40   ! P9 BlowerPower - 40      
     *attribute:tag:43  = Opt-H2K-P9-blowPower100  ! P9 BlowerPower - 100 
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:1 = Furnace
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:2 = None
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:3 = 2
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:4 = 2       ! Spark ignition
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:5 = 2       ! User specified capacity
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:6 = NA      ! Low capacity furnace 
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:7 = true    ! SS
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:8 = 96      ! Efficiency
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:9 = 1       ! Auto fan control
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:value:10 = true    ! EE motor
     *option:gas-furnace-ecm:cost:total    = 0
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:1 = Baseboards
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:2 = None
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:3 = 1
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:4 = NA
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:5 = 2
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:6 = NA
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:7 = 1
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:8 = 100
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:9 = NA
     *option:elec-baseboard:value:10 = NA
     *option:elec-baseboard:cost:total       = 0
     *option:pellet-stove:value:1 = Furnace
     *option:pellet-stove:value:2 = None
     *option:pellet-stove:value:3 = 8        ! pellets  
     *option:pellet-stove:value:4 = 6       ! pellet stove
     *option:pellet-stove:value:5 = 2       ! H2K: 1:UserSpec, 2:Calculated
     *option:pellet-stove:value:6 = NA      ! H2K: Type 1: Capacity value. 
     *option:pellet-stove:value:7 = true    ! H2K: Type 1: true=SS, false=AFUE
     *option:pellet-stove:value:8 = 75      ! H2K: Type 1: Efficiency value (0->100)
     *option:pellet-stove:value:9 = 1       ! H2K: 1:Auto, 2:Continuous
     *option:pellet-stove:value:10 = true    ! H2K: EE motor true/false
     *option:pellet-stove:cost:total       = 0
     *option:CCASHP:value:1 = Baseboards            ! H2K: Baseboards, Furnace, Boiler, ComboHeatDhw, P9    
     *option:CCASHP:value:2 = AirHeatPump           ! H2K: None, AirHeatPump, WaterHeatPump, GroundHeatPump, AirConditioning    
     *option:CCASHP:value:3 =  NA                   ! H2K: 1:Elect, 2:NGas, 3:Oil, 4:Prop, 5:Mixed Wood, 6:Hardwood, 7:Softwood, 8: Pellets      
     *option:CCASHP:value:4 =  NA                   ! H2K: Heating system equipment type --> depends on fuel and SysType1    
     *option:CCASHP:value:5 =  1                    ! H2K: Type 1 capacity 1:UserSpec, 2:Calculated    
     *option:CCASHP:value:6 =  12                   ! H2K: Capacity value.     
     *option:CCASHP:value:7 =  true                 ! H2K: true=SS, false=AFUE    
     *option:CCASHP:value:8 =  100                  ! H2K: Efficiency value (0->100)    
     *option:CCASHP:value:9 = 1                     ! H2K: 1:Auto, 2:Continuous    
     *option:CCASHP:value:10 = true                  ! H2K: ee-motor true/false   
     *option:CCASHP:value:11 = 60                    ! H2K: Crankcase heater?
     *option:CCASHP:value:12 = 1                     ! Function heating/cooling 
     *option:CCASHP:value:13 = 1                     ! Type: central split 
     *option:CCASHP:value:14 = 2                     ! Capacity: Calculated 
     *option:CCASHP:value:15 = NA                    ! Capacity value (W)
     *option:CCASHP:value:16 = 3                     ! Heating COP 
     *option:CCASHP:value:17 = NA                    ! Cooling COP 
     *option:CCASHP:value:18 = 2                     ! Cut off type : Restricted 
     *option:CCASHP:value:19 = -22                   ! Cut off temp 
     *option:CCASHP:value:20 = 25                    ! Operable window area
     *option:CCASHP:cost:total   = 0                 
     *option:GSHP:value:1  = Baseboards            ! H2K: Baseboards, Furnace, Boiler, ComboHeatDhw, P9    
     *option:GSHP:value:2  = GroundHeatPump        ! H2K: None, AirHeatPump, WaterHeatPump, GroundHeatPump, AirConditioning    
     *option:GSHP:value:3  =  NA                   ! H2K: 1:Elect, 2:NGas, 3:Oil, 4:Prop, 5:Mixed Wood, 6:Hardwood, 7:Softwood, 8: Pellets      
     *option:GSHP:value:4 =  NA                   ! H2K: Heating system equipment type --> depends on fuel and SysType1    
     *option:GSHP:value:5 =  2                    ! H2K: Type 1 capacity 1:UserSpec, 2:Calculated    
     *option:GSHP:value:6 =  6                    ! H2K: Capacity value.     
     *option:GSHP:value:7 =  true                 ! H2K: true=SS, false=AFUE    
     *option:GSHP:value:8 =  100                  ! H2K: Efficiency value (0->100)    
     *option:GSHP:value:9 = 1                     ! H2K: 1:Auto, 2:Continuous    
     *option:GSHP:value:10 = false                 ! H2K: ee-motor true/false   
     *option:GSHP:value:11 = 60                    ! H2K: Crankcase heater?
     *option:GSHP:value:12 = 2                     ! Function heating/cooling 
     *option:GSHP:value:13 = NA                    ! Type: central split 
     *option:GSHP:value:14 = 2                     ! Capacity: Calculated 
     *option:GSHP:value:15 = NA                    ! Capacity value (W)
     *option:GSHP:value:16 = 3                     ! Heating COP 
     *option:GSHP:value:17 = 3                     ! Cooling COP 
     *option:GSHP:value:18 = 2                     ! Cut off type : Restricted 
     *option:GSHP:value:19 = -20                   ! Cut off temp 
     *option:GSHP:value:20 = 25                    ! Operable window area
     *option:GSHP:cost:total = 0                 
     ! Combo
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:1 = P9                  ! H2K: Baseboards, Furnace, Boiler, ComboHeatDhw, P9    
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:2 = None                ! H2K: None, AirHeatPump, WaterHeatPump, GroundHeatPump, AirConditioning    
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:3 = 2                   ! H2K: 1:Elect, 2:NGas, 3:Oil, 4:Prop, 5:Mixed Wood, 6:Hardwood, 7:Softwood, 8: Pellets  
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:4 = 2                  ! H2K: Heating system equipment type --> depends on fuel and SysType1    
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:5 = 2                  ! H2K: Type 1 capacity 1:UserSpec, 2:Calculated    
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:6 = NA                 ! H2K: Type 1: Capacity value 
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:7 = true               ! H2K: Type 1: true=SS, false=AFUE
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:8 = 95                 ! H2K: Type 1: Efficiency value (0->100)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:9 = 1                  ! H2K: 1:Auto, 2:Continuous   
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:10 = true               ! H2K: EE motor (true/false) 
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:11  = Navien^America    ! P9 manufacturer (just an identifier - does nothing)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:12  = 13-06-M0424-2     ! P9 model (just an identifier - does nothing)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:13  = 0.98              ! P9 TPF
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:14  = 1463              ! P9 Annual energy use 
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:15  = 0.95              ! P9 WHPF2*option
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:16  = NA             	 ! P9 Burner input (NA when tag 11 set to 2 for Calculated)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:17  = 95                ! P9 Recovery efficiency
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:18  = 7                 ! P9 Ctl power (W)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:19  = 74                ! P9 Circ power (W)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:20  = 0.19              ! P9 Daily use ???
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:21  = 0                 ! P9 Standby loss (fan)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:22  = 0                 ! P9 Standby loss (no fan)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:23  = 1444              ! P9 one hour rating (HW)
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:24  = 1459              ! P9 one hour rating concurrent
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:25  = 94                ! P9 net efficiency - 15
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:26  = 96                ! P9 net efficiency - 40
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:27  = 91                ! P9 net efficiency - 100 
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:28  = 145               ! P9 Elec use - 15
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:29  = 231               ! P9 Elec use - 40
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:30  = 548               ! P9 Elec use - 100 
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:31  = 107               ! P9 BlowerPower - 15
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:32  = 117               ! P9 BlowerPower - 40
     *option:ComboHeatA:value:33  = 418               ! P9 BlowerPower - 100 
     *option:ComboHeatA:cost:total = 0


  • Description: Defines hot water system type and performance
  • Typical values: Keyword defining DHW system specifications
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will modify the archetype's hot water system type and performance to match the corresponding parameters from the .options file.
  • Other things you should know:
    • if Opt-HVAC is set to a combo system, this option will be ignored.
    • Setting Opt-DHWSystem = NA leaves the archetype domestic hot water system unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-DHWSystem

     Opt-DHWSystem = ElecInstantaneous

Sample .options definition for Opt-DHWSystem

      *attribute:name  = Opt-DHWSystem
      *attribute:tag:1 = Opt-H2K-Fuel                          ! DHW Fuel code (1-7)
      *attribute:tag:2 = Opt-H2K-TankType                      ! DHW tank type code (code depends on fuel!)
      *attribute:tag:3 = Opt-H2K-TankSize                      ! DHW tank size code (volume code)
      *attribute:tag:4 = Opt-H2K-EF                            ! DHW Energy Factor code
      *attribute:tag:5 = Opt-H2K-IntHeatPumpCOP                ! DHW Integrated HP COP
      *attribute:tag:6 = Opt-H2K-FlueDiameter                  ! DHW Flue diameter
      *attribute:default = BaseDHW 
      *option:NA:value:1 = NA
      *option:NA:value:2 = NA
      *option:NA:value:3 = NA
      *option:NA:value:4 = NA
      *option:NA:value:5 = NA
      *option:NA:value:6 = NA
      *option:NA:cost:total = 0
      *option:BaseDHW:value:1 = 2       ! Gas
      *option:BaseDHW:value:2 = 2       ! Conventional Tank
      *option:BaseDHW:value:3 = 190     ! Litres (50 USGal)
      *option:BaseDHW:value:4 = 0.67    ! EF
      *option:BaseDHW:value:5 = NA        
      *option:BaseDHW:value:6 = 76.2
      *option:BaseDHW:cost:total = 0
      *option:ElecInstantaneous:value:1 = 1         ! Elec
      *option:ElecInstantaneous:value:2 = 4         ! Instantaneous
      *option:ElecInstantaneous:value:3 = 0         ! Litres
      *option:ElecInstantaneous:value:4 = 0.936     ! EF
      *option:ElecInstantaneous:value:5 = NA        
      *option:ElecInstantaneous:value:6 = 0
      *option:ElecInstantaneous:cost:total = 0


  • Description : Indicates presence and performance of drainwater heat recovery systems
  • Typical values: Keyword defining DWHR system specifications
  • HOT2000 bindings: When run, substitute-h2k.rb will modify the archetype to include the specified drain-water heat recovery system, according to the specifications provided in the .options file.
  • Other things you should know:
    • HOT2000's DWHR inputs permit specification of shower frequency, temperature and duration Running the model in ERS mode may override these inputs.
    • setting Opt-DWHRSystem = NA leaves the drain water heat recovery system unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-DWHRSystem

     Opt-DWHRSystem = DWHR-eff-30

Sample .options definition for Opt-DWHRSystem

     *attribute:name  = Opt-DWHRSystem
     *attribute:tag:1 = Opt-H2K-HasDWHR                      ! DWHR "true" or "false"
     *attribute:tag:2 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-preheatShowerTank       ! DWHR Preheat shower only "true" or "false"
     *attribute:tag:3 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-Manufacturer            ! DWHR Manufacturer: Generic, EccoInnovation^Technologies^Inc., Power-Pipe, Watercycles^Energy^Recovery^Inc., Generic
     *attribute:tag:4 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-Model                   ! DWHR Model: See H2K DWHR screen
     *attribute:tag:5 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-Efficiency_code         ! DWHR Efficiency code (1, 2 or 3) -- Always seems to be 2!!
     *attribute:tag:6 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-Effectiveness9p5        ! DWHR effectiveness at 9.5
     *attribute:tag:7 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-ShowerTemperature_code  ! DWHR Shower temperature code (1, 2 or 3)
     *attribute:tag:8 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-ShowerHead_code         ! DWHR Showhead flow rate code (0-4)
     *attribute:tag:9 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-showerLength            ! DWHR Shower length in minutes e.g. 6.5
     *attribute:tag:10 = Opt-H2K-DWHR-dailyShowers             ! DWHR Number of daily showers e.g. 2.45
     *attribute:default = none
     *option:NA:value:1   = NA
     *option:NA:value:2   = NA
     *option:NA:value:3   = NA
     *option:NA:value:4   = NA
     *option:NA:value:5   = NA
     *option:NA:value:6   = NA
     *option:NA:value:7   = NA
     *option:NA:value:8   = NA
     *option:NA:value:9   = NA
     *option:NA:value:10  = NA
     *option:NA:cost:total = 0
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:1   = true          ! Has DHWR? true/false
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:2   = false         ! DWHR Preheat shower only "true" or "false"
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:3   = Power-Pipe    ! DWHR Manufacturer: Generic, EccoInnovation^Technologies^Inc., 
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:4   = C3-39         ! DWHR Model: See H2K DWHR screen
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:5   = 2             ! DWHR Efficiency code (1, 2 or 3) -- Always seems to be 2!!
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:6   = 31.0          ! DWHR effectiveness @ 9.5 l/m  (%)
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:7   = 2             ! DWHR Shower temperature code (1, 2 or 3)
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:8   = 2             ! DWHR Shower flow  code / head dcode (1-4) 
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:9   = 4.53          ! Shower lenght (minutes)
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:value:10  = 3             ! number of daily showers
     *option:DWHR-eff-30:cost:total = 615           !$615 assumed cost for LEEP Prince George & Kelowna
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:1   = true          ! Has DHWR? true/false
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:2   = false         ! DWHR Preheat shower only "true" or "false"
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:3   = Power-Pipe    ! DWHR Manufacturer: Generic, EccoInnovation^Technologies^Inc., 
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:4   = C4-57         ! DWHR Model: See H2K DWHR screen
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:5   = 2             ! DWHR Efficiency code (1, 2 or 3) -- Always seems to be 2!!
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:6   = 41.5          ! DWHR effectiveness @ 9.5 l/m  (%)
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:7   = 2             ! DWHR Shower temperature code (1, 2 or 3)
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:8   = 2             ! DWHR Shower flow  code / head dcode (1-4) 
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:9   = 4.53          ! Shower lenght (minutes)
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:value:10  = 3             ! number of daily showers
     *option:DWHR-eff-42:cost:total = 0


  • Description : Creates/configures a whole-house ventilator item to the provided specification.
  • Typical values: Keyword specifying the HRV system (i.e., the mechanical ventilation system)
  • HOT2000 bindings:
    • OPT-H2K-FlowReq: Integer flag indicating if H2K should warn when insufficient ventilation is provided. Values: 1:F326, 2:ACH, 3:Flow Rate, 4:Not Applicable
    • OPT-H2K-AirDistType: Integer flag indicating if ventilator is tied to central air or dedicated duct work. Values: 1: Forced air heating ductwork, 2: DedIcated low volume ductwork, 3: 2 with transfer fans
    • OPT-H2K-OpSched : Specified number of minutes/day the unit will operate for. Sets HouseFile/House/Ventilation/WholeHouse/OperationSchedule
    • OPT-H2K-HRVSupply: Balanced supply/exhaust rate . Sets HouseFile/House/Ventilation/WholeHouseVentilatorList/Hrv[supplyFlowRate] and HouseFile/House/Ventilation/WholeHouseVentilatorList/Hrv[exhaustFlowRate]
    • OPT-H2K-Rating1: SRE at 0°C. Sets HouseFile/House/Ventilation/WholeHouseVentilatorList/Hrv[efficiency1]
    • OPT-H2K-Rating1: SRE at -25°C. Sets HouseFile/House/Ventilation/WholeHouseVentilatorList/Hrv[efficiency2]
  • Other things you should know:
    • Setting Opt-HRVspec = NA leaves the archetype ventilation system unchanged. If no mechanical ventilation system is defined in the archetype, then none will be run in HTAP. If the archetype has a mechanical system defined, then no changes will be made to it for the HTAP run.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-HRVspec

     Opt-HRVspec = HRV_60

Sample .options definition for Opt-HRVspec

     *attribute:name    = Opt-HRVspec 
     *attribute:tag:3   = OPT-H2K-FlowReq      ! 1:F326, 2:ACH, 3:Flow Rate, 4:Not Applicable
     *attribute:tag:4   = OPT-H2K-AirDistType  ! 1: Forced air heating ductwork, 2: Dedecated low volume ductwork, 3: 2 with transfer fans
     *attribute:tag:5   = OPT-H2K-OpSched      ! User Specified minutes/day
     *attribute:tag:6   = OPT-H2K-HRVSupply    ! 
     *attribute:tag:7   = OPT-H2K-Rating1
     *attribute:tag:8   = OPT-H2K-Rating2
     *attribute:default = CEF_SPEC
     *option:NA:value:3 = NA     ! F326
     *option:NA:value:4 = NA     ! Forced air heating ductwork
     *option:NA:value:5 = NA   ! Min./Day
     *option:NA:value:6 = NA    ! L/s (exhaust = supply)
     *option:NA:value:7 = NA    ! Eff% @ Rating1
     *option:NA:value:8 = NA    ! Eff% @ Rating2
     *option:NA:cost:total = 0
     *option:CEF_SPEC:value:3 = 1     ! F326
     *option:CEF_SPEC:value:4 = 1     ! Forced air heating ductwork
     *option:CEF_SPEC:value:5 = 480   ! Min./Day
     *option:CEF_SPEC:value:6 = 60    ! L/s (exhaust = supply)
     *option:CEF_SPEC:value:7 = 64    ! Eff% @ Rating1
     *option:CEF_SPEC:value:8 = 64    ! Eff% @ Rating2
     *option:CEF_SPEC:cost:total = 0
     *option:HRV_60:value:3 = 1     ! F326
     *option:HRV_60:value:4 = 1     ! Forced air heating ductwork
     *option:HRV_60:value:5 = 1440   ! Min./Day
     *option:HRV_60:value:6 = 60    ! L/s (exhaust = supply)
     *option:HRV_60:value:7 = 60    ! Eff% @ Rating1     Prince George used 70% at 0, 61% at -25C at $1386
     *option:HRV_60:value:8 = 55    ! Eff% @ Rating2
     *option:HRV_60:cost:total = 1496       !$1496 cost assumed for LEEP Kelowna optimization


  • Description : Defines the fuel costs used to calculate the annual cost of electricity, gas, oil, propane and/or wood required by the specific arcehtype defined by substitute-h2k.rb. HOT2000 requires as exact match between the fuel cost selected and an entry in the FuelLib_.flc file

  • Typical values: Keyword indicating fuel library name

  • HOT2000 bindings:

    • OPT-LibraryFile: Fuel Library filename, file must be defined in the StdLibs directory, FuelLib16.flc (fuel library files are *.flc)
    • OPT-ElecName: the name of the entry in the fuel library that defines the electricity cost structure, by usage
    • OPT-GasName: the name of the entry in the fuel library that defines the gas cost structure, by usage
    • OPT-OilName: the name of the entry in the fuel library that defines the oil cost structure, by usage
    • OPT-PropaneName: the name of the entry in the fuel library that defines the propane cost structure, by usage
    • OPT-WoodName:the name of the entry in the fuel library that defines the wood cost structure, by usage
  • Other things you should know:

  • there is a known issue when there is not an exact match between the Opt-*Name and an entry in the fuel cost library file. A solution is being developed.
  • setting Opt-FuelCost = NA leaves the fuel costs unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-FuelCost

     Opt-FuelCost = rates2016

Sample .options definition for Opt-FuelCost

    *attribute:name     = Opt-FuelCost
    *attribute:tag:1    = <OPT-LibraryFile>
    *attribute:tag:2    = <OPT-ElecName>
    *attribute:tag:3    = <OPT-GasName>
    *attribute:tag:4    = <OPT-OilName>
    *attribute:tag:5    = <OPT-PropaneName>
    *attribute:tag:6    = <OPT-WoodName>
    *attribute:default  = rates2016


  • Description : Roof pitch is used by HOT2000 to calcualte the volume of the attic. The air change rate to the attic, its volume and solar gains, combined with the outdoor air temperature are used the heat balance to estimate the average attic temperature. That temperature is then used to estimate the heat loss or gain through the attic ceiling to the house.
  • Typical values: Keyword indicating slope of the roof line, e.g. 3-12
  • Other things you should know:
  • setting Opt-RoofPitch = NA leaves the roof pitch unchanged.

Sample .choice definition for Opt-RoofPitch

 Opt-RoofPitch = 3-12

Sample .options definition for Opt-RoofPitch

*attribute:name     = Opt-RoofPitch
*attribute:tag:1    = Opt-H2K-RoofSlope
*attribute:default  = 8-12 

*option:NA:value:1 = NA
*option:NA:cost:total  = 0

*option:3-12:value:1 = 0.250
*option:3-12:cost:total  = 0

*option:6-12:value:1 = 0.500
*option:6-12:cost:total  = 0

*option:8-12:value:1 = 0.667
*option:8-12:cost:total  = 0

*option:12-12:value:1 = 1.000
*option:12-12:cost:total  = 0


  • Description : The rule set option is used to access a Ruby function that ensures compliance with specific named rule sets such as the NBC 9.36 code or R-2000.
  • Typical values: Keyword indicating rule set name, e.g., "NBC9_36_noHRV"
  • Other things you should know:
    • Any new rule set requires Ruby code to be added to substitute-h2k.rb to enforce the attribute settings required for compliance
    • This option over-rides other option choices that may appear in the choice file in order to achieve compliance

Sample .choice definition for Opt-Ruleset

 Opt-Ruleset = NBC9_36_noHRV

Sample .options definition for Opt-Ruleset

*attribute:name = Opt-Ruleset 
*attribute:tag:1 = <NotNOTARealTag>
*attribute:default = NA
*attribute:on-error = ignore 

*option:NA:value:1    = NA
*option:NA:cost:total = 0

*option:NBC9_36_noHRV:value:1    = NBC9_36_noHRV
*option:NBC9_36_noHRV:cost:total = 0

*option:NBC9_36_HRV:value:1    = NBC9_36_HRV
*option:NBC9_36_HRV:cost:total = 0


The output file HTAP-prm-output.csv contains one line of data for each HTAP run. Each line of output contains 3 main segments of information: 1. the run number and unique run identifiers, 2. the HOT2000 run output, and 3. the input data as defined above. The input data is repeated in the output to allow for HTAP run identification.

Each of these output segments is defined below.


The first 4 columns of the output for each HTAP run are:RunNumber,RunDir,iiiiiiinput.ChoiceFile, and Recovered-results. Only the first column - RunNumber - is a unique identifier for each run. The other 3 columns can be ignored.


The next 34 columns are pulled from the HOT2000 results, in the .h2k xml file.

  • Energy-Total-GJ: the total energy consumption from the HOT2000 run for the archetype and the inputs defined above.
  • Ref-En-Total-GJ: the total energy consumption for the HOT2000 reference house run (in ERS mode) All outputs named Util-Bill-_ are calculated based on the consumption of each fuel as calculated by HOT2000 (for each applicable use: heating, cooling, hot water, ventilation, and plug loads) using and the Opt-FuelCost identified for each HTAP run.
  • Util-Bill-gross: the sum of all the fuel costs, i.e., Util-Bill-Elec + Util-Bill-Gas + Util-Bill-Prop + Util-Bill-Oil + Util-Bill-Wood
  • Util-PV-revenue: the net annual PV generation (kWh) * PV Tarrif ($/kWh). HTAP Assumes that all annual PV energy available is used to reduce house electricity to zero first, the balance is sold to utility at the rate PV Tarrif. This is currently set to 0
  • Util-Bill-Net = Util-Bill-gross - Util-PV-revenue
  • Util-Bill-Elec, Util-Bill-Gas, Util-Bill-Prop, Util-Bill-Oil,Util-Bill-Wood: the individual fuel consumptions * fuel cost rates.
  • Energy-PV-kWh: the amount of energy generated by any PV system identified (kWh)
  • Gross-HeatLoss-GJ: the annual heat loss as calculated in HOT2000
  • Energy-HeatingGJ: the total heating energy required
  • AuxEnergyReq-HeatingGJ: the furnace output, i.e., the total furnace thermal output
  • Energy-CoolingGJ: the amount of cooling energy
  • Energy-VentGJ: the mechanical ventilation energy consumption
  • Energy-DHWGJ: the water heating energy consumption
  • Energy-PlugGJ: the plug load energy consumption - based on standard operating conditions. The following 5 output report the consumption of each fuel, in the units used for fuel costs. These output report the consumption for all uses, as applicable: heating, cooling, hot water, ventilation, and plug loads.
  • EnergyEleckWh: the total number of kWh of electricity consumed
  • EnergyGasM3: the total number of m3 of natural gas consumed
  • EnergyOil_l: the total number of L of oil consumed
  • EnergyProp_L: the total number of L of propane consumed
  • EnergyWood_cord: the number of cords of wood consumed
  • Upgrade-cost: if the upgrade costs are defined in the .options file, then the costs for each upgrade considered will be summed. Note: many options do not include costs at this time.
  • SimplePaybackYrs: This is a legacy output that should not be used
  • PEAK-Heating-W and PEAK-Cooling-W: Peak heating and cooling loads.
  • PV-size-kW: size of the PV system in kW
  • Floor-Area-m2: conditioned floor area in m2
  • TEDI_kWh_m2: Thermal Energy Demand Intensity = AuxEnergyReq-HeatingGJ (converted to kWh) / Floor-Area-m2
  • MEUI_kWh_m2: Mechanical Energy Utilization Intensity = (Energy-HeatingGJ + Energy-CoolingGJ + Energy-VentGJ + Energy-DHWGJ)(converted to kWh) / Floor-Area-m2
  • ERS-Value: the Energy Rating System Value is only available if the file is run in ERS mode.
  • NumTries and LapsedTime: are for information purposes only.

All of the inputs (#inputs) defined above are repeated for each HTAP run to help identify. These inputs are identified by the tag input.Opt-__.

Legacy files and inputs

The HOT2000.options file (depreciated)

This section refers to a file format that may not be supported in future versions

Most of HTAP’s data are stored in the .options file. The option file contains a list of attributes that HTAP can edit within HOT2000 input (.h2k) files. The HOT2000 input files are XML format files. An excerpt from the HOT2000.options file follows:

     ! Photovoltaics 
     ! Use internal HOT2000 PV Generation model
     ! Choice file used to specify Internal PV OR External PV but not both!
     *attribute:name  = Opt-H2K-PV
     *attribute:tag:1 = Opt-H2K-Area           ! m2
     *attribute:tag:2 = Opt-H2K-Slope          ! degrees from horizontal
     *attribute:tag:3 = Opt-H2K-Azimuth        ! degrees from S
     *attribute:tag:4 = Opt-H2K-PVModuleType   ! 1:Mono-Si, 2:Poly-Si, 3:a-Si, 4:CdTe, 5:CIS, 
                                               ! 6:UsrSpec
     *attribute:tag:5 = Opt-H2K-GridAbsRate    ! %
     *attribute:tag:6 = Opt-H2K-InvEff         ! %
     *attribute:default = NA
     *option:NA:value:1 = NA
     *option:NA:value:2 = NA
     *option:NA:value:3 = NA
     *option:NA:value:4 = NA
     *option:NA:value:5 = NA
     *option:NA:value:6 = NA
     *option:NA:cost:total  = 0
     *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:1 = 53             !53m2 is required area for 5 kW for Mono-Si
     *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:2 = 18.4           !22.6 for 5-12 roof in Prince George
     *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:3 = 0
     *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:4 = 1
     *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:5 = 90
     *option:MonoSi-5kW:value:6 = 90
     *option:MonoSi-5kW:cost:total = 21500      !$21500 assumed cost for 5 kW PV system 
     *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:1 = 107          !107m2 is required area for 10 kW for Mono-Si
     *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:2 = 18.4         !22.6 for 5-12 roof in Prince George 
     *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:3 = 0
     *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:4 = 1
     *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:5 = 90
     *option:MonoSi-10kW:value:6 = 90
     *option:MonoSi-10kW:cost:total = 33395     !$33395 assumed cost for 10 kW PV system for ! 
                                                !Prince George & Kelowna LEEP


This section defines data for the Opt-H2K-PV attribute. Three options are available: NA, MonoSi-5kW, and MonoSi-10kW. substitute-h2k.rb interprets the NA specification as instructions to leave the existing .h2k file unaltered – that is, the values for those inputs that were provided when the file was saved in HOT2000 will be preserved when the file is run in HTAP. The remainder of the data for each attribute describe tags, values, and costs. Each tag identifies a key word that substitute-h2k.rb associates with part of the HOT2000 data model. For instance, Opt-H2K-InvEff refers to the inverter efficiency of PV modules. Each value provides the alphanumeric input that must be substituted within the .h2k file. For example, the inverter efficiency will be set to 90% for the MonoSI-10kW case in the snippet above.


  1. Available since commit 2b29e5f5539219c1260ddc2fe3dfa7a2947fd373