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Augmented Reality (AR) & Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV)

Dataset Structure

For the AR and CAV experiments, we configure each apps to send un-compressed or h264-compressed frames respectively, for each of the three operators. This resulted in 12 configuration combinations, each placed in a sub-folder named: <APP>-<ENCODING>-<OPERATOR>.

  • For example, ar-h264-atnt contains the logs for the AR app offloading compressed frames over the AT&T network.

Under each folder, each experiment is 0-index-numbered and corresponds to a pair of csv files:

  • app-<idx>.csv: the application log
  • xcal-<idx>.csv: the xcal-log

The events in two files above can be associated by the timestamp. All timestamps are logged in UTC.

App Log Format

The AR & CAV apps log each frame that have being offloaded. Each offloaded frame corresponds to a row in the application log csv, having the following columns:

Column Name Meaning Unit
idx The 0-indexed frame index that was being offloaded
- May be non-continuous as only a subset of frames are offloaded
size The size of the offloaded frame Bytes
avail The time when the frame was captured on the phone Epoch time (milliseconds)
enc_fin The time when the app finishes compressing the frame
- Equals to avail if compression is disabled
Epoch time (milliseconds)
offload The time when the app starts to transfer the frame to the server Epoch time (milliseconds)
inf The inference duration on the edge server Milliseconds
recv The time when the app receives the result of the offloaded frame Epoch time (milliseconds)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install dependencies with pip:

    pip3 install numpy, pandas, geopy, matplotlib

    or with anaconda / miniconda:

    conda create -n ar_cav numpy pandas geopy matplotlib -c conda-forge -y
    conda activate ar_cav
  2. Run the plotting script

  3. Examine the resulting figures. You are supposed to see the following figures being plotted, with filenames matching the figure IDs in the paper:

    ├── fig-12a.pdf
    ├── fig-12b.pdf
    ├── fig-12c.pdf
    ├── fig-13a.pdf
    ├── fig-13b.pdf
    ├── fig-13c.pdf
    ├── fig-17a.pdf
    ├── fig-17b.pdf
    ├── fig-18a.pdf
    ├── fig-18b.pdf
    ├── fig-18d.pdf
    ├── fig-19a.pdf
    ├── fig-19b.pdf
    └── fig-19c.pdf