Once the IR tables are generated we can use CircuitOps APIs to generate application specific datasets. Import circuitops_api.py file in your python code to use these APIs.
Instantiate a CircuitData class object that contains all property and edge IR tables as individual classes. Additionally, it includes the LPG implemented using graph-tool. There are several APIs associated with each class and the detailed documentation of the APIs is provided in CircuitOps_API_documentation.pdf.
Below is a usage example:
from circuitops_api import *
# Initialize CircuitData with the path to the IR tables
circuit_data = CircuitData(IR_path="path/to/IR_tables")
# Access LPG and other components
lpg = circuit_data.graph
cell_props = circuit_data.cell_props
net_props = circuit_data.net_props
The CircuitData
class is designed to simplify access to CircuitOps data.
It organizes the various components of the IR tables and LPG into structured attributes.
- A graph-tool object representing the Labeled Property Graph (LPG).
- DataFrame containing properties of pins in the design.
- DataFrame with information about cells.
- DataFrame capturing properties of nets.
- DataFrame with metadata about the overall design, such as design name, utilization, and technology node.
- DataFrame with details of library cells.
- Edge table representing connections between pins in the LPG.
- Edge table representing connections between cells and pins in the LPG.
- Edge table capturing the relationships between nets and pins in the LPG.
- Edge table representing logical connections between cells.
- Edge table capturing the association between cells and nets.
Also look into the examples folder for scripts of some complete ML applications which uses CircuitOps for dataset generation. This can help to get a better understanding on how to use CircuitOps.