No more :assets
group in Gemfile:
gem 'sass-rails', '5.0.0.beta1'
gem 'compass-rails', '~> 2.0.0'
gem 'mustache', '0.99.4'
gem 'mustache-rails', github: 'NYULibraries/mustache-rails', tag: 'v0.2.3', require: 'mustache/railtie'
gem 'nyulibraries-assets', github: 'NYULibraries/nyulibraries-assets', tag: 'v4.6.1'
Note that mustache has been locked into 0.99.4
. That's because > 0.99.4
broke the functionality and semantic versioning, clearly not a backwards compatible patch. There have since been updates but this gem has not been updated to reflect those changes yet.
Note that mustache-rails was forked and locked in at v0.2.3
. This is because the former maintainer took the code off rubygems. The long term goal is to remove the dependency on this and switch to something that is maintained.
In your gemfile,
group :assets do
gem 'sass-rails', "~> 3.2.9"
gem 'compass-rails', "~> 1.0.3"
gem 'nyulibraries-assets', :git => "git://", :tag => "3.2.6"
gem 'mustache-rails', github: 'NYULibraries/mustache-rails', tag: 'v0.2.3', require: 'mustache/railtie'
Import "nyulibraries" in your SCSS file of choice to get all NYU Libraries and Bootstrap styles, mixins and variables!
@import "nyulibraries";
Currently assumes that you're using Sprockets
You can include the NYU Libraries javascripts through two methods.
In this case, Sprocket's //=
in CoffeeScript) require directives.
We have a helper that includes all available javascripts and preps BobCat elements:
// Loads all NYU Libraries javascripts and preps BobCat elements
//= require bobcat
We have a helper that includes all available javascripts without prepping BobCat elements:
// Loads all NYU Libraries javascripts without prepping BobCat elements
//= require nyulibraries
You can also load individual modules, provided you sort out any related dependencies.
//= require nyulibraries/popover
NYU Libraries Popovers use Twitter Bootstrap's Tooltips and Popovers
NYU Libraries Tooltips and Popovers leverage the Builder pattern to chain Bootstrap options so you can do something like this
$ ->
new window.nyulibraries.Popover('.someclass').html(false).trigger('click').init()
There are 4 classes of Tooltips/Popovers
- Bootstrap tooltipPopover
- Bootstrap popover that can load HTML from an external sourceHoverPopover
- Popover with extended hover scope that allows users to mouseover the popover.PartialHoverPopover
- Hover popover that loads partial HTML (truncates after 250 chars) from an external source
s are enabled by default on any element that has a class with the substring "popover" ([class*="popover"]
In BobCat, Popover
s are enabled for tab tooltips and a HoverPopover
is enable for the My Workspace help icon.
NYU Libraries assets have sprites built in using Compass.
The following lines in your SCSS will generate sprites from the all PNGs in #{images_path}/icons
@import "compass";
@import "icons/*.png";
@include all-icons-sprites;
Read more about Spriting with Compass.