|-> Login = {
} |-> signup = {
Roles : Admin, members,
Admin => Chapter creater Members => Joiner
Chapter => { "Role" : [] }
profile = { Display Name, Role, = > Important Bio, Chapters(Groups), => need to create separate Table Connections, => need to create a new table for connections. gender, Birth Date, Address, Email, Industry, My Business = "Able to show the ckeditor details into profile", }
Connections_flow = { "profile llistout", "Add New Connections by searching in globally" } Connection_table = { "User_id" : "Connected User_id", "Status" : ["Pending","Accepted","Rejected"],
Profile = { Title:['Mr.','Mrs.','Miss','Ms.','Dr.'], First Name:"mandatory", Last Name:"mandatory", Suffix: "not mandatory", Display_Name:"not mandatory", Gender :[Male, Female], Company_Name: "not mandatory", Product/Service Description :"not mandatory", GST Registered State:"not mandatory", "IN (GST Identification Number). If no GSTIN, then only please provide PAN" : "not mandatory", Industry:"not mandatory", Classification:"not mandatory", Requested Speciality : "not mandatory", Membership_Status: [Active, Not Active], My Business: "show the ckeditor details here", Keywords (comma separated): "not mandatory",
# main Profle
Language: "mandatory",
Profile_Image:"not mandatory",
Company_Logo: "not mandatory",
# Contact Details
Show me on BNI Public Websites: If checked the public will be able to search for your services,
Billing Address Quick Copy : "not mandatory",
Phone: "mandatory",
Direct Number: "not mandatory",
Home: "not mandatory",
Mobile_Number : ,
Pager: ,
Voice Mail :,
Toll Free,
Email : "Need tyo verify",
I would like to receive updates from BNI about its networking, events, promotions and special offers. : ,
I would like to share my Revenue Received data with my BNI Director :,
Website :,
Social Networking Links: Multi Select [ Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Skype, Yahoo!],
# Address
Which address should appear on your public profile?: [Main Address, Billing, None]
Address Line 1: "mandatory",
Address Line 2: "not mandatory",
Zip/Postal Code:,
# Billing
Same as above: check box,
Billing Address Line 1: "not mandatory",
Billing Address Line 2: "not mandatory",
Billing City:,
Billing State:,
Billing Country:,
Billing Zip/Postal Code:,
Profile_Image:"not mandatory",
Cover_Photo:"not mandatory",
Phone_Number_1:"not mandatory",
Phone_Number_2:"not mandatory",
Skype_Id:"not mandatory",
Facebook:"not mandatory",
Twitter:"not mandatory",
LinkedIn:"not mandatory",
Address: "Show Map",
City:"not mandatory",
Country:"not mandatory",
Zipcode:"not mandatory",
About Me :"not mandatory",
Services Offering : "show services offered table",
Availability :["Available for Hire","Not available for Hire"]
group = { Remaining groups you may create, Group Name, Access Type, Group Type, Group Description, Language, Invite Connections, }