As a single-page application, Tunehub utilizes the React.js framework and follows the Redux architecture to deliver the frontend.
Node package manager (npm) is used to install all of the frontend dependencies.
A post-install script is configured so that webpack bundles all of the frontend files after the deployment to Heroku is complete.
Webpack conveniently bundles all of the frontend components and Redux parts. The bundled file is located in /app/assets/javascripts
and included in the main application.js
All of the React components, Redux action creators, API utilities, dispatcher, and stores are located in the frontend directory.
jQuery is only used to make AJAX requests with the Rails server.
Site layout and styling are done with CSS and Flexbox.
Other frontend dependencies are:
- React DOM
- React Router
- React player for music playback
- React History to manipulating the browser history
- React Linked State Mixin
- Keymirror for app constants (used among the action creators and the stores)
- Babel for transpiling JSX into JavaScript.