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A NativeScript plugin that provides a UI element for picking an object/value from a list opened in a modal popup.


npm install @nativescript/picker


PickerField on iOS PickerField on Android
iOS Android



Register the plugin namespace using the xmlns attribute of the <Page> view.

   <picker:PickerField hint="Click here" items="{{ pickerItems }}"/>

Or with item template

<picker:PickerField focusOnShow="true" filterKeyName="name" showFilter="{{ enableFilter }}" pickerTitle="Nativescript Picker" rowHeight="60" id="picker" hint="Click here" textField="name" padding="10" pickerOpened="{{ pickerOpened }}" pickerClosed="{{ pickerClosed }}"
                    items="{{ pickerItems }}" >
        <GridLayout height="60">
            <Label text="{{ name}}" textWrap="true" verticalAlignment="center" />

Data filter

You can filter the data by setting showFilter="true", by default the plugin will look at the name key on the items source, but you can control this by setting filterKeyName="title" assuming your data Items contains a title key :

focus the search bar by setting focusOnShow="true"

let dataItems = new ObservableArray<{title: string, age: number}>();

for(let i = 0; i <= 30; i++) {
        title: "Title" + i,
        age: 30 + i

Get selected item

You need to register the callback from pickerClosed property pickerClosed="onSelectedItem" this will return the selectedIndex :

onSelectedItem(args) {
    let index = args.object?.selectedIndex;
    console.log('Picker > closed', index);
    console.log('Picker > closed', dataItems[index].title);


You can targed the Picker via thoes css class ex: .pickerRootModal:

  • pickerRootModal targetting the Modal
  • pickerPage targetting the Page
  • pickerGridLayout targetting the GridLayout wraper that contains all the views
  • pickerListView targetting the ListView
  • pearchBarContainer targetting the search bar container StackLayout
  • pickerSearchBar targetting the search bar TextField

See here also


Import the plugin module in the module of your component:

import { NativeScriptPickerModule } from "@nativescript/picker/angular";
    imports: [

Then declare the fields in the HTML of your component:

<PickerField hint="Click here" [items]="pickerItems"></PickerField>

Define a custom item template

You can also define a custom item template for the picker's list:

<PickerField hint="Click here" class="picker-field" textField="name" [pickerTitle]="'Select item from list'" [items]="items">
	<ng-template let-item="item">
		<GridLayout columns="auto, *" rows="auto, *">
			<Label text="Static text:" col="0"></Label>
			<Label [text]="item?.name" col="0" row="1"></Label>
			<Image [src]="item?.imageUrl" col="1" row="0" rowSpan="2"></Image>

With the following bindings:

interface IDataItem {
	name: string;
	id: number;
	description: string;
	imageUrl: string;

this.items = new ObservableArray<IDataItem>();
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
		name: 'Item ' + i,
		id: i,
		description: 'Description ' + i,
		imageUrl: '',


import PickerField from '@nativescript/picker/vue';


Then, declare the fields in the template of your component:

<PickerField hint="Click here"></PickerField>

Style the PickerField

The PickerField can be targeted in CSS through its element selector and additionally by setting a class. The PickerField also opens a modal window containing a Page element that contains an ActionBar and a ListView. This Page element can be targeted with the PickerPage selector as follows:

PickerPage {


, and through the PickerPage selector, you can style all the picker modals with selectors like PickerPage ActionBar and PickerPage ListView.

PickerPage ActionBar{


PickerPage ListView {


In addition to that, if you set a class on the PickerField, it will be transferred to the PickerPage and with it, you can style individual modals.

PickerField API

The PickerField extends the TextField view which means that any functionality the default TextField provides is also available in the PickerField component. The only difference is that by design it is in "read-only" mode, or simply put you cannot change its text. Changing the text of the PickerField occurs when a user taps a value from the list

Property Type Description
itemLoadingEvent string String value used when hooking to itemLoading event.
pickerTitle string The title of the modal view.
items items: any[] | ItemsSource The source collection used to populate the list of the modal view.
itemTemplate string | Template Тhe UI template for the ListView items of the list of the modal view.
modalAnimated boolean Optional parameter specifying whether to show the modal view with animation.
textField string The 'property' of the object from the 'items' collection that will be used by the 'text' property of the PickerField.
valueField string The 'property' of the object from the 'items' collection that will be used when setting the selectedValue property of the PickerField.
selectedValue any The object selected from the list in the modal view.
selectedIndex number The index of the object from the items collection that has been selected from the list in the modal view.
iOSCloseButtonPosition 'left' | 'right' The position of the 'close' button of the ActionBar of the modal view.
iOSCloseButtonIcon number The icon of the 'close' button of the ActionBar of the modal view.
androidCloseButtonPosition 'navigationButton' | 'actionBar' | 'actionBarIfRoom' | 'popup' The position of the 'close' button of the ActionBar of the modal view.
androidCloseButtonIcon string The icon of the 'close' button of the ActionBar of the modal view.
showFilter Show the search bar
filterKeyName Set object key to use when filtering (see the doc)
 focusOnShow Set the focus to the serach bar
hintText Set the hint of the search bar