- Lets say you have a script that will take more than a day to execute, in this case how do you run that script. Also as user you might not able to keep machine in interactive mode for longer period.
- is it possible to store a commands output, either success or failure to the same file?
- what is debug mode in shell script?
- set of commands executed at multiples places in shell script, want to standardize that is it possible something like to define function?
- In shell script can we supply parameters to functions?
- what is the use of shift command?
- difference between break and exit 0 in shell script?
- delete files which are older than 10 days?
- delete empty files in a given directory?
- what is the importance of monitoring?
- difference between metrics monitoring and log monitoring, give example for both type of monitoring?
- how do we configure endpoint in promethus to scrape the data?
- what is the use of node exporter and alert manager in prometheus?
- Can we monitor jenkins using prometheus? Also can we send mailer when jenkins is down?
- what are metric types that prometheus can accept?
- explain any 4 different types of pod statuses and also the reasons that why pod might go into that state?
- what are operators and give one example where we can use operator?
- what is the importance of kubeconfig file? Also lets say when you login to kuberenets by default it will pointed to default namespace, if i want list any objects which are other namespace need concate -n option for all the kubectl commands, is there a way we can set the namaspace to aviod -n option in all the commands?
- given a object how do we find api version and kind with respect to cluster?
- any work around to bring one pod out of rotation, when multiple replicas has been deployed?
- list of best practices to follow while writing Jenkins pipeline?
- Is it possible to run each stage on different agaent?
- Is it possible to change success or error message that we see in console ouput ?
- Have list of command that has to executed in certain directory in the code, is it possible to do the same?
- Can we have versioning on Jenkins freestyle job?
- Is it possible to set fact using ansible playbook?
- can we concate line to exsisting file in remote server, example exporting env variable in bashrc? ( also imporatnt when the playbook runs again if the value exsists then you should not insert)
- Difference between copy and template module?
- In one of the template file need to use remote machine ip, how do we read the machine ip value?
- Daily activites of devops engineer
- challenges that you have faced while working devops
- what are the envirnments which are there in the organization
- How the deployents move from one env to other env