Welcome, Huskies!
In this page you should find the pointers for basic info to participate and succeed as a student in this course.
The Spring 2023 offer will start on Mar 27th and will end on Jun 2nd
Lectures: Mon/Wed/Fri 12:30pm--1:20pm (Room: CSE2 G10)
Team meetings: Tue 1:30pm--2:20pm (Room: CSE2 G10)
Project meetings: Thu 1:30pm--2:20pm (Room: CSE2 G10)
- Instructor: Nigini Oliveira (nigini (at) cs; OH: after class and by appointment)
- TA: Reshabh K Sharma (reshabh (at) cs; OH: by appointment)
- TA: Vinay Reddy Varadha Pally (vpally (at) uw; OH: by appointment)
- TA: Sahil Verma (vsahil (at) cs; OH: by appointment)
- TA: Mingyuan Zhong (myzhong (at) cs; OH: by appointment)
- TA: Apollo Zhu (zhuzhiyu (at) cs; OH: by appointment)
Please check HERE how we use the following channels:
- Private: cse403-staff(at)cs.washington.edu
- Daily: Slack workspace (use policies)
- Graded: Canvas