#Change Log
- MLViewController added.
- PRFViewController added.
- Object tracking classes moved into new folder. Removed from project directory.
- NSString StdString helper class deprecated.
- Main.storyboard updated.
- Other small changes.
- macOS testing app now displays max mser.
- Other small changes.
- Research paper under development.
All changes until 11/19/2016 - Project resources changed. More images/templates added.
- Now you can see all images in the images folder and select an image to process it.
- Other small changes.
##2016/11/18 22:00 ####Committer: Neil Nie
- AppDelegate no longer learns the image.
- In CameraViewController, the computer will learn the template and display the learning result.
- Image and templates added.
- Readme updated.
- Change log updated.
Note: Now the computer can learn any image and look for that in realtime. The research paper is under development. It contains detailed description of the project. We have to improve the frame rate. Great work! Keep going!
##11/18/2016 ####Committer: Neil Nie
- ImageUtils updated.
- MSERManager added.
- FeatureDetection removed from iOS application.
- ViewController NSTableView implemented.
- Other small changes.
##11/17/2016 ####Committer: Neil Nie
- OpenCV MSER test (macOS) implemented.
- Project target changed from iOS 9 to iOS 8. MSER works correctly.
- Other small changes.
- OpenCV iOS pod removed. Framework outdated.
- OpenCV static framework added. Dependencies added.
- Some code changed based on framework updated. Specifically, MSER detection no longer need bounding box and cap_ios.h directory changed.
- OpenCV test implementation began. ImageUtils class finished.
- Other small changes.
Note: OpenCV macOS framework also need to be updated. The same process applies. After full updated, test the result. Refer to MSER example project for details. Good luck.
##11/15/2016 ####Committer: Neil Nie
class can no longer draw points on the output frame.ObjectTracking Sample
are now public variables.ObjectTracking Sample
class variable added.ObjectTracking Sample
calculate extreme method implemented.SampleFacade
method implemented.VideoViewController
log points and extreme points.- Main.storyboard updated.
- Other small changes.
class deprecated.ObjectTrack
are no longer subclass of former.
Note: In the future, we need to draw points based on the pointNext and extreme from ObjectTrackingSample. Also, we can track the location of the object relative to the frame.