cinderella is a java-framework to reject bad web-request (accordingly to the equal named fairy tale). Its possible to define rules, which requests should be avoided and which not. If a bad request is found, the client could enter a captcha to confirm him as a human user.
- The code is based on Spring-MVC and should work with everything based on this.
- The rules can be changed at compile time or at runtime (without restarting the application server)
There is a full runable example under
- Check it out via
git clone
- build it with maven
mvn clean install
- now under cinderella-example/target/ is a cinderella-example-*.war file which can be deployed at every Servlet-Container.
add following entries to your a application-config. Its always directly located under WEB-INF, but the name differs depending what name you have configured.
<import resource="classpath*:spring-cinderella-common-config.xml"/>
<bean id="cinderellaFilter" class="de.neofonie.cinderella.core.CinderellaFilter"
<bean id="cinderellaXmlConfigLoader"
<bean id="cinderellaMemoryCounter" class="de.neofonie.cinderella.core.counter.MemoryCounter"/>
Create a jsp which would be shown if a request would be abandon. If you dont like the path, you could change it in the application-config.
If you want the user to verify him as human, put the following html-fragment inside the jsp.
<form action="${requestUrl}">
<img src="jcaptcha.png"/> <input type="text" name="captcha" value=""/>
<input type="submit"/>
Create a cinderellaConfig.xml inside the resource folder.
Here is an example, which can be used for the first run. But this should be adjusted for production-use.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<cinderellaXmlConfig xmlns=""
whitelistMinutes="3" blacklistMinutes="3">
<rule id="ip" identifierType="IP" requests="3" minutes="5">
<session session="false"/>
<rule id="session" identifierType="SESSION" requests="7" minutes="5">
<session session="true"/>
Now you should have added or modified following files (additional to your project-files).
├── pom.xml
└── src
└── main
├── resources
│ └── cinderellaConfig.xml
└── webapp
├── jsp
│ └── cinderella.jsp
├── spring-servlet.xml (name can differ)
└── web.xml
Every Request will be tracked by the servlet-filter CinderellaFilter. This checked, which rules matched the current request. For every matched rule, a Counter will be increased. If a counter reached its limit within a certain time, the IP or SessionId will be blacklisted for a configurable period of time.
If the IP or SessionId is blacklisted, it will redirect the request to a error-site. On this site, its possible to enter a captcha, with what the IP/Sessionid will be whitelisted for a certain period of time.
The rules-file could be stored in the classpath or everywhere else in the filesystem. The location must be set in the cinderellaXmlConfigLoader.
<bean id="cinderellaXmlConfigLoader"
If the file is not contained in a war/jar, changes will be detected automatically and the changed rules will be loaded immediately. So for production use "classpath:cinderellaConfig.xml" should be replaced with path outside of the classpath or a spring-property placeholder sould be used.
The rules config contains currently 3 parts.
- the time in minutes, for which IP/SessionIds are black/whitelisted
- noResponseThreshould: the amount of requests, which where redirected to the captcha-site. After this, there will be no result rendered. Only the HTTP-Status will be sent. To disable this feature, omit the attribute or set it to 0.
- a list of conditions, which should be ever whitelisted (that should contain google-IPs, Client-Names, ...)
- a list of rules
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<cinderellaXmlConfig xmlns=""
whitelistMinutes="3" blacklistMinutes="3" noResponseThreshould="10">
Whitelist section...
Rules ...
<rule id="ip" identifierType="IP" requests="3" minutes="5">
<session session="false"/>
- id: the Id is used as id for the counter. It should be unique and not changed, or the counter values will get lost or corrupt.
- identifierType: if requests should be counted/blacklisted/whitelisted by Ip or by Session. If the request doesnt contain a SessionId, these rules will be ignored.
- requests: This amount of requests is allowed, but not more.
- minutes: After this amount of minutes, the requests-Counter will be reseted.
- The Rule themselve contains a list of conditions, these could be and, or, ip, requestPath, header, session available and so on. All conditions must match to apply the rule.
for Details, look at cinderella.xsd
Here the same conditions as for Rules can be used. The difference is, that only one rule must match to identifiy the request as whitelisted one.
Conditions are used in Rules and the Whitelist. There exists some predefined rules.
Checks, if the request-ip is a defined IP or IP-Range.
The Request-IP will be extracted from:
- Request-Header "X-Forwarded-For"
- Request-Header "Proxy-Client-IP"
- Request-Header "WL-Proxy-Client-IP"
- Request-Header "HTTP_CLIENT_IP"
- Request-Header "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"
- request.getRemoteAddr()
The first value in this order will be used.
Checks, if a reverse lookup of the request-ip matched a hostname.
The Request-IP will be extracted from ip
Checks, if the request sends a valid session id.
<session session="true"/>
<session session="false"/>
checks, if the request (see request.getRequestURI()) matches a specific regex-pattern.
The request-Uri doesnt contain protocol, host, port and querystring.
The search is a regex - if you want a full-text search, use \Q<>\E. If you want that the request path must start with this text - use circumflex (^). For the ending use dollar ($).
checks, if the request contains a request-param with a specific value. If more than one param with the name exists, all will be checked (for example in the querystring ?a=1&a=2&b=4).
The param-name is a id, but the value is any regex-pattern.
<param name="a">^[0-9]+$</param>
<param name="a">^\Q/foobar\E$</param>
checks, if the request contains a request-header with a specific value. If more than one header with the name exists, all will be checked.
The param-name is a id, but the value is any regex-pattern.
<header name="a">^[0-9]+$</param>
<header name="a">^\Q/foobar\E$</param>
checks, if the request-header "User-Agent" matched a regex-pattern.
<userAgent>\QYahoo! Slurp\E</userAgent>
This is a shorthand for
<header name="User-Agent">Googlebot</header>
<header name="User-Agent">\QYahoo! Slurp\E</header>
checks, if the request contains a request-attribute with a specific value. This can only occur, if a previous filter set this attribute. So this is a option to implement own extentions. There Request-Attribute should be a String or implement a proper toString-Method.
The attribute-name is a id, but the value is any regex-pattern.
<attribute name="a">^[0-9]+$</param>
<attribute name="a">^\Q/foobar\E$</param>
A logical Operation - doesnt match, if any contained condition doesnt match, otherwise this condition match too. Conditions directly in a rule behaves equal to a and-list.
<param name="a">^[0-9]+$</param>
<header name="a">^[0-9]+$</header>
A logical Operation - match, if any contained condition match, otherwise this condition dont match. This is the same behaviour in the whitelist-conditions.
<param name="a">^[0-9]+$</param>
<header name="a">^[0-9]+$</header>
A logical Operation - doesnt match, if any contained condition match, otherwise this condition matches.
<param name="a">^[0-9]+$</param>
Not can contain multiple elements
<param name="a">^[0-9]+$</param>
<header name="a">^[0-9]+$</header>
is equal to
<param name="a">^[0-9]+$</param>
<header name="a">^[0-9]+$</header>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<cinderellaXmlConfig xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../../cinderella-core/src/main/resources/xsd/cinderella.xsd"
whitelistMinutes="30" blacklistMinutes="60" noResponseThreshould="10">
<!-- see -->
<!-- see -->
<!--Yahoo crawlers will end with like in>
<userAgent>\QYahoo! Slurp\E</userAgent>
<!-- -->
<rule id="ip" identifierType="IP" requests="3" minutes="5">
<session session="false"/>
<rule id="session" identifierType="SESSION" requests="90" minutes="5">
<session session="true"/>
<!-- Blacklist user which claims to be a whitelisted search spider -->
<rule id="noCrawler" identifierType="IP" requests="3" minutes="5">
<userAgent>\QYahoo! Slurp\E</userAgent>
For production use, the datastore should be exchanged from an in-memory model to something else - for example a (NoSQL) DB or any distributed cache. To do this, you must implement an own de.neofonie.cinderella.core.counter.Counter Service and declare this as spring-bean.
- after a defined number of requests, every request will render no response (and return only the status code) This is to avoid too penetrant clients.
- Now you can define 2 files in CinderellaXmlConfigLoaderFactory
- hostName and userAgent Conditions added
- change config for requestHeader
- status code 429 will be sent when blacklisted
- fix blacklist-Bug
- additional conditions (query, attribute, not)
- Implement Counter for various storage systems
- Statistic Overview to view the most frequently requests
- Its currently not easyliy possible to write own conditions. I'm sorry - any ideas to implement this are welcome ;-)