Welcome to the Data Pirates challenge.
Hello! We have a small adventure to put your skills to the test. In this task you have to collect data from a website and then write the results to a file.
- Use the https://www2.correios.com.br/sistemas/buscacep/buscaFaixaCep.cfm URL;
- Get data from at least two UFs. The more, the better;
- Collect all records for each UF;
- Each record must contain at least 3 fields: "localidade", "faixa de cep" and a generated "id". Do not let duplicate records in your output file;
- The output format must be JSONL
✔️ The code should be sent through github with at least a README documentation explaining how to test and run it.
✔️ It would be REALLY nice if it was hosted in a git repo of your own. You can create a new empty project, create a branch and Pull Request it to the new master branch you have just created. Provide the PR URL for us so we can discuss the code 😁. BUT if you'd rather, just compress this directory and send it back to us.
❌ Do not start a Pull Request to this project.
- There is no right answer, we will evaluate how you solve problems and what are the results achieved.
- We work mainly with Python 3 and Go, but feel free to use any language you feel more comfortable with.
- Unit tests are cool.
- It's important we can execute your project, so make it clear which steps we need to follow to test and execute your project.