- Physically Based Rendering
- HighDynamicRange Environment maps
- Image Based Lighting
- Deferred and Forward rendering
- Lights rendered as Light Volumes
- Bloom with texture downsampling
- Stereoscopic Normal map encoding and decoding for optimal use of G-Buffer
- Mesh Filter -> Vertex buffer building depending on material needs
- Basic Statet Managment
- Render Pipeline Object
- Frustum culling
- Sprite font rendering
- Primitive renderer
- Shader preprocessing (#include)
- Custom triangle CDLOD
- Triangle tree with frustum culling
- Icosphere generation
- Scenegraph Entity Hirachy
- Entity Component System
- Singleton Pattern for things like WINDOW, INPUT, TIME, CAMERA etc
- Observer Pattern for input
- Factory Pattern for Content Managment
- Performance measurment
- GLSL shader preprocessing with includes and vertex / geo / fragment specializations
- Shadow Mapping
- Atmospheric Scattering
- Specific atmoic types
- Custom Maths Library
- Unit Testing setup with catch.hpp
- Effects
- AA for deferred rendering (TAA)
- Motion Blur
- Api / Pipeline
- Render state is pushed right before draw call
- Allow better Graphics debugging support by tagging
- Abstract OpenGL for Shader and Framebuffer
- Texture objects handle their own parameters
- Vulkan??
- Sorting objects before rendering
- batching
- Support resizing window
- UI
- Sprite rendering
- Dynamic font file rasterization (any size)
- UI Space definition and pipeline stage
- Utility
- Generate some common shaders from code
- Basic deferred fragment shader generation
- Cone Lights/Culling/Primitive
- Debug renderer
- Transparent shadows
- Particle Systems
- Animation support
- World moves around camera
- Reference frame system
- Send back vertices for physicalization
- Clouds / Fog
- Trees / grass etc
- Near ground Detail / Detail data
- Ocean sim
- Vectorized streets / fields
- Effects such as Lightning, Aurora Borealis, Atmospheric glow
- Biome Separation
- Star data + low res cubemap instead of detailed cubemap
- Weather particles
- God rays
- occlusion culling
- Physics Library (PhysX?)
- Sounds (FMOD?)
- Serialize Levels
- Read engine settings from file
- Packaging system
- Binary file types
- Debug Overlay
- Debug Overlay as Editor build mode
- Linux support
- Screenshot manager
- SIMD math
- Multithreading support
- Loading screen / splash screen
- Continous Integration setup