On openshift create a new image stream based on an existing docker image from harbor. it doesnt really matter which image you choose as its not the one that will be tracked. When you create the image you will then be told that OKD is monitoring a particular image stream url (it will match the name of your project and the name you gave your image stream). This is the url you will use in your github action to push your docker image to. In the image stream configuration yaml you will need to update the importPolicy tag to "scheduled:true", this part of my yaml looks like this:
- annotations:
openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftWebConsole
openshift.io/imported-from: docker-registry.ebrains.eu/ebrains_wizard_test/labbok-web-app
kind: DockerImage
name: docker-registry.ebrains.eu/ebrains_wizard_test/labbok-web-app
generation: 4
scheduled: true
create the following workflow file in your github repo under .github/workflows/docker-image.yml
(NOTE:you must update the docker image name and the docker registry url to match your project)
name: Build and Push Docker Image
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build and push Docker image
run: |
echo ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} --password-stdin docker-registry.ebrains.eu
docker build -t docker-registry.ebrains.eu/ebrains_wizard_test/labbok-web-app:latest .
docker push docker-registry.ebrains.eu/ebrains_wizard_test/labbok-web-app:latest
on github go into settings -> Secrets and variables (under Security submenu) -> Actions -> New repository secret and set the following variables:
DOCKER_USERNAME: your docker username
DOCKER_PASSWORD: your docker token you get from harbour (click your username on the top right corner and then click on "User profile")
This should now work for you, if it doesnt and I have forgotten something please let me know and I will update this guide.