diff --git a/doc/_templates/autosummary/gpfa_class.rst b/doc/_templates/autosummary/gpfa_class.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c146b266 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/_templates/autosummary/gpfa_class.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{{ fullname | escape | underline}} + +.. currentmodule:: {{ module }} + +.. autoclass:: {{ objname }} + :special-members: __contains__,__getitem__,__iter__,__len__,__add__,__sub__,__mul__,__div__,__neg__ + :members: diff --git a/doc/_templates/autosummary/spike_train_generation_class.rst b/doc/_templates/autosummary/spike_train_generation_class.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7dfdd91f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/_templates/autosummary/spike_train_generation_class.rst @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +{{ fullname | escape | underline}} + +.. currentmodule:: {{ module }} + +.. autoclass:: {{ objname }} + + {% block methods %} + + {% if methods %} + .. rubric:: {{ _('Methods') }} + + .. autosummary:: + {% for item in methods %} + ~{{ name }}.{{ item }} + {%- endfor %} + {% endif %} + {% endblock %} + + {% block attributes %} + {% if attributes %} + .. rubric:: {{ _('Attributes') }} + + .. autosummary:: + {% for item in attributes %} + {%- if item not in ["process_operational_time","isi_generator"] %} + ~{{ name }}.{{ item }} + {%- endif %} + {%- endfor %} + {% endif %} + {% endblock %} diff --git a/doc/conf.py b/doc/conf.py index 1b1b7201d..d5187ff53 100644 --- a/doc/conf.py +++ b/doc/conf.py @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ # Elephant documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Wed Feb 5 17:11:26 2014. # -# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing +# dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. @@ -21,11 +22,11 @@ sys.path.insert(0, '..') # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------- - # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' -# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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However, those extensions need to be compiled before use. In some cases, this diff --git a/elephant/asset/asset.py b/elephant/asset/asset.py index 73f99c637..ef01067e4 100644 --- a/elephant/asset/asset.py +++ b/elephant/asset/asset.py @@ -1975,6 +1975,7 @@ def intersection_matrix(self, normalization=None): * 'intersection': `len(intersection(s_i, s_j))` * 'mean': `sqrt(len(s_1) * len(s_2))` * 'union': `len(union(s_i, s_j))` + Default: None Returns @@ -2029,9 +2030,9 @@ def probability_matrix_montecarlo(self, n_surrogates, imat=None, If None, the output of :func:`ASSET.intersection_matrix` is used. Default: None surrogate_method : {'dither_spike_train', 'dither_spikes', - 'jitter_spikes', - 'randomise_spikes', 'shuffle_isis', - 'joint_isi_dithering'}, optional + 'jitter_spikes', 'randomise_spikes', 'shuffle_isis', + 'joint_isi_dithering'}, optional + The method to generate surrogate spike trains. Refer to the :func:`spike_train_surrogates.surrogates` documentation for more information about each surrogate method. Note that some of these @@ -2305,9 +2306,10 @@ def joint_probability_matrix(self, pmat, filter_shape, n_largest, precision : {'float', 'double'}, optional Single or double floating-point precision for the resulting `jmat` matrix. - * `'float'`: 32 bits; the tolerance error is ``≲1e-3``. + * `'float'`: 32 bits; the tolerance error is ``≲1e-3``. * `'double'`: 64 bits; the tolerance error is ``<1e-5``. + Double floating-point precision is typically x4 times slower than the single floating-point equivalent. Default: 'float' diff --git a/elephant/causality/granger.py b/elephant/causality/granger.py index f9fd93a0e..db6b49829 100644 --- a/elephant/causality/granger.py +++ b/elephant/causality/granger.py @@ -370,8 +370,10 @@ def pairwise_granger(signals, max_order, information_criterion='aic'): Maximal order of autoregressive model. information_criterion : {'aic', 'bic'}, optional A function to compute the information criterion: - `bic` for Bayesian information_criterion, - `aic` for Akaike information criterion, + + * `bic` for Bayesian information_criterion, + * `aic` for Akaike information criterion, + Default: 'aic' Returns @@ -538,8 +540,10 @@ def conditional_granger(signals, max_order, information_criterion='aic'): Maximal order of autoregressive model. information_criterion : {'aic', 'bic'}, optional A function to compute the information criterion: - `bic` for Bayesian information_criterion, - `aic` for Akaike information criterion, + + * `bic` for Bayesian information_criterion, + * `aic` for Akaike information criterion, + Default: 'aic' Returns diff --git a/elephant/cell_assembly_detection.py b/elephant/cell_assembly_detection.py index 7659f2f9d..a23bd7c5e 100644 --- a/elephant/cell_assembly_detection.py +++ b/elephant/cell_assembly_detection.py @@ -157,10 +157,13 @@ def cell_assembly_detection(binned_spiketrain, max_lag, reference_lag=2, if they appear in the very same configuration. Default: False bool_times_format : bool, optional - .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 - Has no effect, the returning 'times' are always a quantity array - specifying the pattern spike times. - Default: None + + .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 + + Has no effect, the returning 'times' are always a quantity array + specifying the pattern spike times. + Default: None + verbose : bool, optional Regulates the number of prints given by the method. If true all prints are given, otherwise the method does give any prints. diff --git a/elephant/conversion.py b/elephant/conversion.py index ecf4b06eb..6ec64a5be 100644 --- a/elephant/conversion.py +++ b/elephant/conversion.py @@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ class BinnedSpikeTrain(object): ----- There are four minimal configurations of the optional parameters which have to be provided, otherwise a `ValueError` will be raised: + * t_start, n_bins, bin_size * t_start, n_bins, t_stop * t_start, bin_size, t_stop @@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ class BinnedSpikeTrain(object): If `spiketrains` is a `neo.SpikeTrain` or a list thereof, it is enough to explicitly provide only one parameter: `n_bins` or `bin_size`. The `t_start` and `t_stop` will be calculated from given `spiketrains` (max - `t_start` and min `t_stop` of `neo.SpikeTrain`s). + `t_start` and min `t_stop` of `neo.SpikeTrain`s`). Missing parameter will be calculated automatically. All parameters will be checked for consistency. A corresponding error will be raised, if one of the four parameters does not match the consistency @@ -831,7 +832,7 @@ def to_spike_trains(self, spikes="random", as_array=False, .. code-block:: python - BinnedSpikeTrain(binned_st.to_spike_trains()) == binned_st + BinnedSpikeTrain(binned_st.to_spike_trains()) == binned_st The object bin size is stored in resulting ``spiketrain.annotations['bin_size']``. @@ -842,13 +843,12 @@ def to_spike_trains(self, spikes="random", as_array=False, Specifies how to generate spikes inside bins. * "left": align spikes from left to right to have equal inter- - spike interval; - + spike interval; * "center": align spikes around center to have equal inter-spike - interval; - + interval; * "random": generate spikes from a homogenous Poisson process; - it's the fastest mode. + it's the fastest mode. + Default: "random" as_array : bool, optional If True, numpy arrays are returned; otherwise, wrap the arrays in diff --git a/elephant/current_source_density.py b/elephant/current_source_density.py index ca8e269a7..ad46f11cd 100644 --- a/elephant/current_source_density.py +++ b/elephant/current_source_density.py @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ CSD is also called as Source Localization or Source Imaging in the EEG circles. Here are CSD methods for different types of electrode configurations. -- 1D - laminar probe like electrodes. -- 2D - Microelectrode Array like -- 3D - UtahArray or multiple laminar probes. +- 1D -laminar probe like electrodes. +- 2D -Microelectrode Array like +- 3D -UtahArray or multiple laminar probes. The following methods have been implemented so far @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def estimate_csd(lfp, coordinates='coordinates', method=None, method : string Pick a method corresponding to the setup, in this implementation For Laminar probe style (1D), use 'KCSD1D' or 'StandardCSD', - or 'DeltaiCSD' or 'StepiCSD' or 'SplineiCSD' + or 'DeltaiCSD' or 'StepiCSD' or 'SplineiCSD' For MEA probe style (2D), use 'KCSD2D', or 'MoIKCSD' For array of laminar probes (3D), use 'KCSD3D' Defaults to None diff --git a/elephant/datasets.py b/elephant/datasets.py index efedb9b25..c6786a085 100644 --- a/elephant/datasets.py +++ b/elephant/datasets.py @@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ def download(url, filepath=None, checksum=None, verbose=True): try: urlretrieve(url, filename=filepath, reporthook=t.update_to) except URLError: - urlretrieve(url, filename=filepath, reporthook=t.update_to, - data=ssl._create_unverified_context()) - + # do not authenticate SSL certificate + ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context + urlretrieve(url, filename=filepath, reporthook=t.update_to) return filepath @@ -160,9 +160,10 @@ def download_datasets(repo_path, filepath=None, checksum=None, except URLError as error: # if verification of SSL certificate fails, do not verify cert try: # try again without certificate verification - urlopen(default_url + '/README.md', - context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) - except HTTPError as http_error: # e.g. 404: + ctx = ssl._create_unverified_context() + ctx.check_hostname = True + urlopen(default_url + '/README.md') + except HTTPError: # e.g. 404 default_url = url_to_root + f"raw/master" warnings.warn(f"Data URL:{default_url}, error: {error}." diff --git a/elephant/gpfa/gpfa.py b/elephant/gpfa/gpfa.py index 94d3fb70d..79b4f7515 100644 --- a/elephant/gpfa/gpfa.py +++ b/elephant/gpfa/gpfa.py @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ .. autosummary:: :toctree: _toctree/gpfa + :template: gpfa_class.rst GPFA @@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ Run tutorial interactively: .. image:: https://mybinder.org/badge.svg - :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/master + :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/master ?filepath=doc/tutorials/gpfa.ipynb @@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ class GPFA(sklearn.base.BaseEstimator): - """ + r""" Apply Gaussian process factor analysis (GPFA) to spike train data There are two principle scenarios of using the GPFA analysis, both of which @@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ class GPFA(sklearn.base.BaseEstimator): Currently, only 'rbf' is supported. gamma : (1, #latent_vars) np.ndarray related to GP timescales of latent variables before - orthonormalization by :math:`bin_size / sqrt(gamma)` + orthonormalization by :math:`\frac{bin\_size}{\sqrt{gamma}}` eps : (1, #latent_vars) np.ndarray GP noise variances d : (#units, 1) np.ndarray @@ -191,13 +192,6 @@ class GPFA(sklearn.base.BaseEstimator): mapping between the neuronal data space and the orthonormal latent variable space - Methods - ------- - fit - transform - fit_transform - score - Raises ------ ValueError @@ -242,6 +236,7 @@ class GPFA(sklearn.base.BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, bin_size=20 * pq.ms, x_dim=3, min_var_frac=0.01, tau_init=100.0 * pq.ms, eps_init=1.0E-3, em_tol=1.0E-8, em_max_iters=500, freq_ll=5, verbose=False): + # Initialize object self.bin_size = bin_size self.x_dim = x_dim self.min_var_frac = min_var_frac diff --git a/elephant/signal_processing.py b/elephant/signal_processing.py index 0f66754d1..1ead86b64 100644 --- a/elephant/signal_processing.py +++ b/elephant/signal_processing.py @@ -419,13 +419,10 @@ def butter(signal, highpass_frequency=None, lowpass_frequency=None, order=4, `lowpass_frequency` and `highpass_frequency`: * `highpass_frequency` only (`lowpass_frequency` is None): - highpass filter - + highpass filter * `lowpass_frequency` only (`highpass_frequency` is None): - lowpass filter - + lowpass filter * `highpass_frequency` < `lowpass_frequency`: bandpass filter - * `highpass_frequency` > `lowpass_frequency`: bandstop filter Default: None @@ -436,9 +433,7 @@ def butter(signal, highpass_frequency=None, lowpass_frequency=None, order=4, Filtering function to be used. Available filters: * 'filtfilt': `scipy.signal.filtfilt`; - * 'lfilter': `scipy.signal.lfilter`; - * 'sosfiltfilt': `scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt`. In most applications 'filtfilt' should be used, because it doesn't @@ -890,8 +885,8 @@ def rauc(signal, baseline=None, bin_duration=None, t_start=None, t_stop=None): If None, ends at the last time of `signal`. The signal is cropped using `signal.time_slice(t_start, t_stop)` after baseline removal. Useful if you want the RAUC for a short section of - the signal but want the mean or median calculation (`baseline`='mean' - or `baseline`='median') to use the entire signal for better baseline + the signal but want the mean or median calculation (`baseline` ='mean' + or `baseline` ='median') to use the entire signal for better baseline estimation. Default: None diff --git a/elephant/spade.py b/elephant/spade.py index 40192bfc0..73a3bf00d 100644 --- a/elephant/spade.py +++ b/elephant/spade.py @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ See Also -------- -:doc:`cell_assembly_detection`: another synchronous +elephant.cell_assembly_detection.cell_assembly_detection : another synchronous patterns detection @@ -74,11 +74,8 @@ >>> patterns = spade(spiketrains, bin_size=10 * pq.ms, winlen=1, ... dither=5 * pq.ms, min_spikes=6, n_surr=10, -... psr_param=[0, 0, 3])['patterns'] # doctest:+ELLIPSIS -Time for data mining: ... -Time for pvalue spectrum computation: ... - ->>> patterns[0] # doctest: +SKIP +... psr_param=[0, 0, 3])['patterns'] +>>> patterns[0] {'itemset': (4, 3, 0, 2, 5, 1), 'windows_ids': (9, 16, @@ -193,7 +190,7 @@ def spade(spiketrains, bin_size, winlen, min_spikes=2, min_occ=2, pattern. If None, no maximal number of occurrences is considered. Default: None min_neu : int, optional - Minimum number of neurons in a sequence to considered a pattern. + Minimum number of neurons in a sequence to consider a pattern. Default: 1 approx_stab_pars : dict or None, optional Parameter values for approximate stability computation. @@ -282,12 +279,14 @@ def spade(spiketrains, bin_size, winlen, min_spikes=2, min_occ=2, If `output_format` is 'concepts', then `output['patterns']` is a tuple of patterns which in turn are tuples of + 1. spikes in the pattern 2. occurrences of the pattern For details see :func:`concepts_mining`. if stability is calculated, there are also: + 3. intensional stability 4. extensional stability @@ -315,19 +314,9 @@ def spade(spiketrains, bin_size, winlen, min_spikes=2, min_occ=2, >>> from elephant.spade import spade >>> import quantities as pq - >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import compound_poisson_process - - >>> np.random.seed(30) - >>> spiketrains = compound_poisson_process(rate=15*pq.Hz, - ... amplitude_distribution=[0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05], t_stop=5*pq.s) - >>> bin_size = 3 * pq.ms # time resolution to discretize the spiketrains >>> winlen = 10 # maximal pattern length in bins (i.e., sliding window) - - >>> result_spade = spade( - ... spiketrains, bin_size, winlen) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS - Time for data mining: ... - + >>> result_spade = spade(spiketrains, bin_size, winlen) """ if HAVE_MPI: # pragma: no cover diff --git a/elephant/spike_train_correlation.py b/elephant/spike_train_correlation.py index 8d2a98908..23294862f 100644 --- a/elephant/spike_train_correlation.py +++ b/elephant/spike_train_correlation.py @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ def covariance(binned_spiketrain, binary=False, fast=True): When using `fast=True` and `binned_spiketrain` shape is large. Warns - -------- + ----- UserWarning If at least one row in `binned_spiketrain` is empty (has no spikes). @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ def correlation_coefficient(binned_spiketrain, binary=False, fast=True): When using `fast=True` and `binned_spiketrain` shape is large. Warns - -------- + ----- UserWarning If at least one row in `binned_spiketrain` is empty (has no spikes). @@ -562,6 +562,7 @@ def cross_correlation_histogram( """ Computes the cross-correlation histogram (CCH) between two binned spike trains `binned_spiketrain_i` and `binned_spiketrain_j`. + :cite:`correlation-Eggermont2010_77` Visualization of this function is covered in Viziphant: :func:`viziphant.spike_train_correlation.plot_cross_correlation_histogram`. @@ -574,18 +575,18 @@ def cross_correlation_histogram( spike trains can have any `t_start` and `t_stop`. window : {'valid', 'full'} or list of int, optional ‘full’: This returns the cross-correlation at each point of overlap, - with an output shape of (N+M-1,). At the end-points of the - cross-correlogram, the signals do not overlap completely, and - boundary effects may be seen. + with an output shape of (N+M-1,). At the end-points of the + cross-correlogram, the signals do not overlap completely, and + boundary effects may be seen. ‘valid’: Mode valid returns output of length max(M, N) - min(M, N) + 1. - The cross-correlation product is only given for points where - the signals overlap completely. - Values outside the signal boundary have no effect. + The cross-correlation product is only given for points where + the signals overlap completely. + Values outside the signal boundary have no effect. List of integers (min_lag, max_lag): The entries of window are two integers representing the left and right extremes (expressed as number of bins) where the cross-correlation is computed. - Default: 'full' + Default: 'full' border_correction : bool, optional whether to correct for the border effect. If True, the value of the CCH at bin :math:`b` (for :math:`b=-H,-H+1, ...,H`, where :math:`H` is @@ -606,10 +607,12 @@ def cross_correlation_histogram( smoothing window. The smoothing window cannot be larger than the maximum lag of the CCH. The kernel is normalized to unit area before being applied to the resulting CCH. Popular choices for the kernel are + * normalized boxcar kernel: `numpy.ones(N)` * hamming: `numpy.hamming(N)` * hanning: `numpy.hanning(N)` * bartlett: `numpy.bartlett(N)` + If None, the CCH is not smoothed. Default: None method : {'speed', 'memory'}, optional diff --git a/elephant/spike_train_generation.py b/elephant/spike_train_generation.py index 1ed0be30e..26078005b 100644 --- a/elephant/spike_train_generation.py +++ b/elephant/spike_train_generation.py @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ **************************** .. autosummary:: :toctree: _toctree/spike_train_generation + :template: spike_train_generation_class.rst StationaryPoissonProcess StationaryGammaProcess @@ -267,7 +268,9 @@ def peak_detection(signal, threshold=0.0 * pq.mV, sign='above', of a (default) `neo.SpikeTrain` object. Default: False format : {None, 'raw'}, optional + .. deprecated:: 0.8.0 + Whether to return as SpikeTrain (None) or as a plain array of times ('raw'). Deprecated. Use `as_array=False` for None format and `as_array=True` @@ -575,8 +578,8 @@ class StationaryPoissonProcess(RenewalProcess): """ Generates spike trains whose spikes are realizations of a stationary Poisson process with the given rate, starting at time `t_start` and - stopping at time `t_stop`. Optionally, a absolute refractory period / - dead time can be specified. + stopping at time `t_stop` :cite:`generation-Deger12_443`. Optionally, + an absolute refractory period / dead time can be specified. Parameters ---------- @@ -1344,11 +1347,13 @@ def single_interaction_process( Overall mean rate of the time series to be generated (coincidence rate `coincidence_rate` is subtracted to determine the background rate). Can be: + * a float, representing the overall mean rate of each process. If so, it must be higher than `coincidence_rate`. * an iterable of floats (one float per process), each float representing the overall mean rate of a process. If so, all the entries must be larger than `coincidence_rate`. + coincidence_rate : pq.Quantity Coincidence rate (rate of coincidences for the n-dimensional SIP). The SIP spike trains will have coincident events with rate @@ -1370,9 +1375,10 @@ def single_interaction_process( istic (i.e. rate_coincidence is the actual rate with which coincidences are generated) or stochastic (i.e. rate_coincidence is the mean rate of coincidences): - * 'deterministic': deterministic rate + * 'deterministic': deterministic rate * 'stochastic': stochastic rate + Default: 'deterministic' t_start : pq.Quantity, optional Starting time of the series. If specified, it must be lower than diff --git a/elephant/spike_train_surrogates.py b/elephant/spike_train_surrogates.py index 0565c76d3..189257924 100644 --- a/elephant/spike_train_surrogates.py +++ b/elephant/spike_train_surrogates.py @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ class JointISI(object): Default: False method : {'fast', 'window'}, optional * 'fast': the spike can move in the whole range between the - previous and subsequent spikes (computationally efficient). + previous and subsequent spikes (computationally efficient). * 'window': the spike movement is limited to the parameter `dither`. Default: 'window' @@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ def dithering(self, n_surrogates=1): Default: 1 Returns - ---------- + ------- dithered_sts : list of neo.SpikeTrain Spike trains, that are dithered versions of the given :attr:`spiketrain`. diff --git a/elephant/spike_train_synchrony.py b/elephant/spike_train_synchrony.py index 9fdf5243e..938e954e4 100644 --- a/elephant/spike_train_synchrony.py +++ b/elephant/spike_train_synchrony.py @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def spike_contrast(spiketrains, t_start=None, t_stop=None, A list of input spike trains to calculate the synchrony from. t_start : pq.Quantity, optional The beginning of the spike train. If None, it's taken as the minimum - value of `t_start`s of the input spike trains. + value of `t_start` values of the input spike trains. Default: None t_stop : pq.Quantity, optional The end of the spike train. If None, it's taken as the maximum value @@ -286,22 +286,26 @@ def delete_synchrofacts(self, threshold, in_place=False, mode='delete'): threshold : int Threshold value for the deletion of spikes engaged in synchronous activity. + * `deletion_threshold >= 2` leads to all spikes with a larger or - equal complexity value to be deleted/extracted. + equal complexity value to be deleted/extracted. * `deletion_threshold <= 1` leads to a ValueError, since this - would delete/extract all spikes and there are definitely more - efficient ways of doing so. + would delete/extract all spikes and there are definitely more + efficient ways of doing so. + in_place : bool, optional Determines whether the modification are made in place on ``self.input_spiketrains``. Default: False mode : {'delete', 'extract'}, optional Inversion of the mask for deletion of synchronous events. + * ``'delete'`` leads to the deletion of all spikes with complexity >= `threshold`, i.e. deletes synchronous spikes. * ``'extract'`` leads to the deletion of all spikes with complexity < `threshold`, i.e. extracts synchronous spikes. + Default: 'delete' Raises @@ -316,6 +320,7 @@ def delete_synchrofacts(self, threshold, in_place=False, mode='delete'): list of neo.SpikeTrain List of spiketrains where the spikes with ``complexity >= threshold`` have been deleted/extracted. + * If ``in_place`` is True, the returned list is the same as ``self.input_spiketrains``. * If ``in_place`` is False, the returned list is a deepcopy of diff --git a/elephant/unitary_event_analysis.py b/elephant/unitary_event_analysis.py index ab68f733b..e83a0e2cf 100644 --- a/elephant/unitary_event_analysis.py +++ b/elephant/unitary_event_analysis.py @@ -727,15 +727,15 @@ def jointJ_window_analysis(spiketrains, bin_size=5 * pq.ms, Default: None method : str, optional The method with which to compute the unitary events: + * 'analytic_TrialByTrial': calculate the analytical expectancy on each trial, then sum over all trials; - * 'analytic_TrialAverage': calculate the expectancy by averaging over trials (cf. Gruen et al. 2003); - * 'surrogate_TrialByTrial': calculate the distribution of expected coincidences by spike time randomization in each trial and sum over trials. + Default: 'analytic_trialByTrial' t_start, t_stop : float or pq.Quantity, optional The start and stop times to use for the time points.