The Nikaza Places database has millions of pre-defined locations that are categorized based on the location type which can be subscribed to.
Each place has a category, sub-category and location name. Example: Arts & Entertainment, Movie Theatre, Acme Cinema.
- Integrate the latest version of the Nikaza Location Services Framework into your app to know when a user visits a place.
- Subscribe to location categories or location names using tags
- Listen to entry and exit events via following callbacks
Learn more about SDK implementation. Nikaza supports thousands of Tags. View the full list of Tags.
NSArray *tags = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"Starbucks", @"Honda", @"Red Lobster", nil];
[_locationServicesScanner startLocationServicesFilterByTags:tags];
To do something if a user is at a Starbucks Coffee Shop, use Tags
NSArray *tags = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"Starbucks", nil];
[_locationServicesScanner startLocationServicesFilterByTags:tags];
- (void)locationScanner:(NikazaLocationServicesScannerManager *)scanner didGetLocationMetadata_nikaza:(NSDictionary *)locationInfo Error:(NSError *)error {
//user is at a Starbucks Coffee Shop
if (!error) {
NSLog(@"User is at a Starbucks Coffee Shop. Here are the location details: %@", locationInfo);
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