These docs are a Work-In-Progress, and are entirely created by the BitClout community.
The BitClout API has multiple base URL's available for use. They are:
Note: This base url is protected by cloudflare, and will be unusable for most endpoints.
These Base URL's do not work for all endpoints. You should use the base specified in the endpoint documentation.
* = Requiered
Property | Value |
*Endpoint | |
*Headers | content-type: application/json |
*Body | {"PublicKeyBase58Check":"<PUBLIC_KEY>"} |
{ "Error": String, "Transactions": [ { "TransactionIDBase58Check": String, "RawTransactionHex": String, "Inputs": [ { "TransactionIDBase58Check": String, "Index": Integer } ] "Outputs": [ { "PublicKeyBase58Check": String, "AmountNanos": Integer ] "SignatureHex": String, "TransactionType": TransactionType "BlockHashHex": String, "TransactionMetadata": { "BlockHashHex": String, "TxnIndexInBlock": String, "TxnType": TransactionType, "TransactorPublicKeyBase58Check": String, "AffectedPublicKeys": [ { "PublicKeyBase58Check": String, "Metadata": PublicKeyType, } ], "BasicTransferTxindexMetadata": { "TotalInputNanos": Integer, "TotalOutputNanos" Integer, "FeeNanos": Integer, "UtxoOpsDump": String }, "BitcoinExchangeTxindexMetadata": { < UNKNOWN > }, "CreatorCoinTxindexMetadata": { "OperationType": "buy" | "sell", "BitCloutToSellNanos": Integer, "CreatorCoinToSellNanos": Integer, "BitCloutToAddNanos": Integer }, "UpdateProfileTxindexMetadata": { "ProfilePublicKeyBase58Check": String, "NewUsername": String, "NewDescription": String, "NewProfilePic": String, "NewCreatorBasisPoints": Integer, "NewStakeMultipleBasisPoints": Integer, "IsHidden": Boolean }, "SubmitPostTxindexMetadata": { "PostHashBeingModifiedHex": String, "ParentPostHashHex": String, "LikeTxindexMetadata": { "IsUnlike": Boolean, "PostHashHex": String }, "FollowTxindexMetadata": { "IsUnfollow": Boolean }, "PrivateMessageTxindexMetadata": { < UNKNOWN TYPES > }, "SwapIdentityTxindexMetadata": { < UNKNOWN TYPES > } } } } ], "BalanceNanos": Integer }
Type | Description |
"BASIC_TRANSFER" | Transfer of BitClout |
"UPDATE_PROFILE" | Profile Update (Name, Bio, etc) |
"FOLLOW" | Follow (Or unfollow) a user |
"CREATOR_COIN" | Purchase (Or sell) a creator coin |
"SUBMIT_POST" | Create (Or hide) post |
"LIKE" | Like (Or unlike) post |
"BLOCK_REWARD" | Reward for mining a block |
Type | Description |
"BasicTransferOutput" | Public key of user who engaged in an action |
"ProfilePublicKeyBase58Check" | ??? |
"FollowedPublicKeyBase58Check" | Public key of the user who recived a follow (Or unfollow) |
"CreatorPublicKey" | Public key of creator who's coin was purchased (Or sold) |
"PosterPublicKeyBase58Check" | Public key the a liked post author |
Type | Description |
"TransactionIDBase58Check" | Transaction ID in Base 58 |
"RawTransactionHex" | Raw Hex Transaction ID |
"Inputs" | Array of Transaction Inputs |
"Outputs" | Arrat of Transaction Outputs |
"SignatureHex" | Transaction Signature in Hex |
"TransactionMetadata" | Transaction Meta Data |
Type | Description |
"TransactionIDBase58Check" | Transaction ID in Base 58 |
"Index" | < UNKNOWN > |
Type | Description |
"PublicKeyBase58Check" | Author's Pulic Key in Base 58 |
"AmountNanos" | < UNKNOWN > |
Type | Description |
"BlockHashHex" | Transaction's block in hex |
"TxnIndexInBlock" | Transaction's index in it's block |
"TxnType" | Transaction Type |
"AffectedPublicKeys" | Array of users affected by the transaction |
"BasicTransferTxindexMetadata" | Nano metadata |
"BitcoinExchangeTxindexMetadata" | Bitcoin exchange metadata |
"CreatorCoinTxindexMetadata" | Creator Coin transaction metadata |
"UpdateProfileTxindexMetadata" | Profile Update meta data |
"SubmitPostTxindexMetadata" | Created (Or hidden) post's metadata |
"LikeTxindexMetadata" | Meta data of liked (Or unliked) post |
"FollowTxindexMetadata" | Meta data of follow (Or Unfollow) |
"SwapIdentityTxindexMetadata" | < UNKNOWN > |
Type | Description |
"TotalInputNanos" | Nano's inputed into the transaction |
"TotalOutputNanos" | Nano's outputted into the transaction |
"FeeNanos" | Nano fee paid for the transaction (Input - Output) |
"UtxoOpsDump" | < UNKNOWN > |
Type | Description |
Type | Description |
"OperationType" | Transaction Type, "buy" or "sell" |
"BitCloutToSellNanos" | BitClout paid for creator coin |
"CreatorCoinToSellNanos" | Creator Coin sold for BitClout |
"BitCloutToAddNanos" | < UNKNOWN > |
Type | Description |
"ProfilePublicKeyBase58Check" | User's public key in Base 58 |
"NewUsername" | User's new username |
"NewDescription" | User's new bio |
"NewProfilePic" | User's new profile image |
"NewCreatorBasisPoints" | < UNKNOWN > |
"NewStakeMultipleBasisPoints" | < UNKNOWN > |
"IsHidden" | < UNKNOWN > |
Type | Description |
"PostHashBeingModifiedHex" | Transaction ID of the modified post |
"ParentPostHashHex" | Transaction ID of the parent post (When the modified post is a reply) |
Type | Description |
"IsUnlike" | Whether the transaction was an unlike (rather than a like) |
"PostHashHex" | Transaction ID of the liked post |
Type | Description |
"IsUnfollow" | Whether the transaction was an unfollow (rather than a follow) |
Type | Description |
Type | Description |