The suppported Environments are in the sources folder.
The contains the parent class.
Currently, the integrated platforms are OpenAI's Gym, PyGame, Unity ML, CARLA and V-Rep
The Environments in the folder are:
Vector Inputs (1 dimension):
- Pygame
- Chase
- Gym
- CartPole
- Continuous Mountain Car
- Mujoco
- Pendulum
- HalfCheetah
- Hopper
- Reacher
- Unity Machine Learning
- 3D Ball
- V-Rep
Image Inputs (2 dimensions):
- Pygame
- Catch
- Gym
- Breakout
- Pong
The datasets currently stored are:
- Gym Cartpole
- Unity 3DBall
- Gym HalfCheetah
It is easy to add new environments.
There is a need to place the unity build files of the respective environments in the learning/sources/unity/ folder
To export a Unity Env .bytes file to run the trained model on Unity:
Execute this function on the algorithm when a saved trained model of the env is in trained_models folder:
from sources.source_unity_exporter import *
export_ugraph (self.brain, "./trained_models/" + trainedmodel, envname, nnoutput)
raise SystemExit(0)
#Example with PPO and 3DBall: trainedmodel = "unity_3dball_ppo/", envname = "3dball", nnoutput = "Actor/Mu/MatMul" -
To use CARLA download the 0.9.2 compiled version and put the files in the /sources/carla/ folder
- Credits to the code (V-Rep interface) in sources/vrep/: fgolemo