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Junø - uni-6 Testnet

This unincentivized testnet will start at juno v11.0.0.

The faucet will be patched to have a large sum of fake USDC, usdcx.

If you are reusing a testnet box, do this first

  1. Stop your node
  2. Build v11.0.0 tag of junod
  3. Reset using junod tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home ~/.juno (the --home flag is required)
  4. Remove genesis rm $HOME/.juno/config/genesis.json
  5. Remove gentxs rm -r $HOME/.juno/config/gentx/
  6. If you are using cosmovisor, remove symlink: rm $HOME/.juno/cosmovisor/current
  7. Then remove upgrades dir rm -r $HOME/.juno/cosmovisor/upgrades && mkdir $HOME/.juno/cosmovisor/upgrades
  8. Move junod to genesis bin: cp $HOME/go/bin/junod $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
  9. Remove any upgrade-info file in the data dir: rm $HOME/.juno/data/upgrade-info.json
  10. Check genesis bin is v11.0.0: $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/junod version
  11. If statesync is enabled in your config, turn it off
  12. Ensure fastnode config is set (see below)
  13. Follow generate gentx as normal below

If you are using a remote signer (TMKMS) you will also need to:

  1. Stop the chain's signing process on the signer box
  2. Update chain id in that chain's config file
  3. Open the chain id's configured consensus.json and put 0 for height, round and step.
  4. Copy the priv_validator_key.json you used on the signer box to whatever box you use to generate the gentx, before generating it
  5. Restart the chain's signer process on the signer box before network genesis


Prerequisites: Make sure to have Golang >=1.18.

Minimum hardware requirements

  • 8-16GB RAM
  • 200GB of disk space
  • 2 cores

Go setup

You need to ensure your gopath configuration is correct. If the following 'make' step does not work then you might have to add these lines to your .profile or .zshrc in the users home folder:

nano ~/.profile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin

Source update .profile

source .profile

Download Juno

git clone
cd juno
git checkout v11.0.0
make build && make install

Check that you have the right Juno version installed:

$ junod version --long
name: juno
server_name: junod
version: v11.0.0
commit: b27fc7d9312267b293d3355dd4a06523d76e247f
build_tags: netgo,ledger

Fastnode config

Important! you MUST apply this config in app.toml when upgrading. This should go in the base configuration section, under the index-events = [] configuration line:

# IavlCacheSize set the size of the iavl tree cache.
# Default cache size is 50mb.
iavl-cache-size = 781250

# IAVLDisableFastNode enables or disables the fast node feature of IAVL.
# Default is true.
iavl-disable-fastnode = false

Setup validator node

Below are the instructions to generate & submit your genesis transaction

Generate genesis transaction (gentx)

  1. Initialize the Juno directories and create the local genesis file with the correct chain-id:
junod init <moniker-name> --chain-id=uni-6
  1. Create a local key pair (skip this step if you already have a key):
> junod keys add <key-name>
  1. Add your account to your local genesis file with a given amount and the key you just created. Use only 10000000000ujunox, other amounts will be ignored.
junod add-genesis-account $(junod keys show <key-name> -a) 10000000000ujunox
  1. Create the gentx, use only 9000000000ujunox:
junod gentx <key-name> 9000000000ujunox --chain-id=uni-6

If all goes well, you will see a message similar to the following:

Genesis transaction written to "${HOME}/.juno/config/gentx/gentx-******.json"
  1. Change minimum gas prices in app.toml to 0.0025ujunox.

Submit genesis transaction

  • Fork the testnets repo into your Github account

  • Clone your repo using

    git clone<your-github-username>/testnets
  • Copy the generated gentx json file to <repo_path>/uni-6/gentx/. If you want, rename it to <your-validator-moniker>.json so it's easier to identify.

    > cd testnets
    > cp "${HOME}/.juno/config/gentx/gentx*.json" ./uni-6/gentx/
  • Commit and push to your repo

  • Create a PR onto

  • Only PRs from individuals / groups with a history successfully running nodes will be accepted. This is to ensure the network successfully starts on time.

Running in production

Note, as usual we'll be going through some upgrades for this testnet. Consider using Cosmovisor to make your life easier. Setting up Cosmovisor is covered in the Juno Documentation.

Download Genesis file when the time is right. Put it in your ${HOME}/.juno folder.

If you have not installed cosmovisor, create a systemd file for your Juno service:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/junod.service

Copy and paste the following and update <YOUR_USERNAME>:

Description=Juno daemon

ExecStart=/home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/go/bin/junod start


Enable and start the new service:

sudo systemctl enable junod
sudo systemctl start junod

Check status:

junod status

Check logs:

journalctl -u junod -f

Once the Genesis has been Generated.

Genesis File

Genesis File:

   curl -s > ~/.juno/config/genesis.json

Genesis sha256

sha256sum "${HOME}/.juno/config/genesis.json"

junod version

$ junod version --long
name: juno
server_name: junod
version: v11.0.0
commit: b27fc7d9312267b293d3355dd4a06523d76e247f
build_tags: netgo,ledger

Seed nodes


Persistent Peers


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