You are going to build a football game service which clients can use to get the fixtures (upcoming matches) and the results of football matches. Specifications:
- A team has a unique ID and a name.
- A tournament has a unique ID and a name
- A match has a status
- An upcoming match has 2 teams start_date, kickoff time and a tournament.
- A finished game has 2 teams, start_date, a tournament and a score.
- The data for the matches is available from the attached text files (aka Data origin, result_upcoming.csv, resultplayed.csv).
- A match status can either be 'upcoming" or "played".
Implement a restful api service with the following features:
- Get list of matches by team.
- Get list of matches by team filtered by status
- Get list of matches by tournament.
- Get list of matches by tournament filtered by status
- The clients of this system know the teams and tournaments it supports
- The data in the Data origin has a known format and is valid.
- The matches input file path can be hard coded to the example input file path and
- No need to handle concurrency concerns.
- No Ul is required.
- All of the service responses will be in json format.
- No persistence required.