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Releases: NorESMhub/NorESM


07 Apr 20:09
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Version of code which can be used to reproduce the CMIP6 results of NorESM2. This release builds on the three former releases.

This release contains

  • settings to run on the machine Betzy
  • automatic copying of the case directory to the archive directory
  • updated documentation
  • modifications in the ocean component BLOM (see a list of main changes below)

Notable changes of BLOM v1.1.0 compared to v1.0.0 that has impact on BLOM operation as a component of NorESM

  • Added NorESM multiple instance support.
  • Corrected time-smoothing of forcing fields received through the coupler so it works for any coupling interval.
  • Corrected the generation of BLOM/iHAMOCC input data list.
  • Added handling of N-deposition files for N2000 compsets.
  • Major restructuring of code to replace header files and common blocks with Fortran modules.
  • Added new pe-layout for OMIP1 compsets with iHAMOCC using the tnx2 grid.
  • Added support for tripolar ocean grid with 1/8 deg resolution along equator (tnx0.125v4).

How to obtain this version

  • type : "git clone"
  • type : "cd NorESM"
  • type : "git tag --list" (this should give you a list of the existing tags or releases)
  • type : "git checkout release-noresm2.0.3"
  • type : "./manage_externals/checkout_externals"


29 Oct 10:23
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This release (tag) consolidates the version as it existed in the branch feature-noresm2.0.2_keyClim from 2021-02 until 2021-10.


19 Jul 13:40
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Version of code which can be used to reproduce the CMIP6 results of NorESM2. This release builds on the two former releases.

This release contains

  • updated documentation
  • bug fixes such that model runs without intermittent crashes on certain machines (nebula, tetralith)
  • automatic download of NorESM-specific inputdata from
  • indication of which grids are supported for individual compsets
  • modification in the inputdata structure of BLOM
  • extra usermods_dir for keyCLIM simulations and extra compsets for covid simulations

Additional features

  • restart files for some compsets can now be found on

How to obtain this version

  • type : "git clone"
  • type : "cd NorESM"
  • type : "git tag --list" (this should give you a list of the existing tags or releases)
  • type : "git checkout release-noresm2.0.2"
  • type : "./manage_externals/checkout_externals"


  1. automatic download of inputdata from to certain machines (e.g. nebula) might not work completely as expected. This can partially be solved by or :
    (a) change the listed order of servers in cime/config/cesm/config_inputdata.xml : move the cesm-inputdata server before the server; or
    (b) run ./check_inputdata twice; or
    (c) submit the job twice (./case_submit).
  2. reproducing CMIP6 results
    (a) on vilje and fram for atmosphere-only compsets (like NF1850norbc, NFHISTnorpibc, ...) : this can be obtained by commenting out in cam/src/chemistry/mozart/chemistry.F90 line 1310 : ncldwtr(:,:) = 0._r8
    (b) on vilje and fram for fully-coupled simulations (like N1850, NSSP245frc2, ...) : we have kept the -init=zero,arrays compiler settings for CAM on fram and vilje
    (c) one should use the same number of processor as in the original simulation
  3. it is possible that some NorESM-specific inputdata is missing on If that happens, please make an issue, and we will try to upload the missing data.


23 Apr 11:26
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Version of code which can be used to reproduce the CMIP6 results of NorESM2. Code is now split over several repositories. Licenses have been added.


13 Apr 20:22
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Version of code which can be used to reproduce the CMIP6 results of NorESM2. Code is now split over several repositories.

noresm 1

19 Dec 08:08
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Documentation as transfered from wiki