All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Form placeholder values
- check for fcm token if not available
- Added i'm dying button basic functionality, push notification
- Added FCM Token support
- Static token, used for angels for backend and firebase
- Dismiss keyboard login
- Firebase entries for location updating
- Email login
- Get kits and display kits in tableview -Kit add function in user menu
- Location picker in kit add function -Show kit detail when table cell is tapped -kit delete function in kit detail view
- Center on user location button added
- Apple Push Notifications
- Firebase Push Notifications
- Firebase Analytics Cocoapod
- Updated notification handling in app delegate to work with firebase
- Euraka Pod
- Register Naloxene Kit View Controller
- Form for register naloxene kit controller using Euraka
- phone login
- Raycasting algorithm
- Added help me button
- Added demo functionality to button, displaying alert
- Added Directions feature to app, making use of the right accessory callout button
- Fixed Location permissions bug
- Centralized location permissions for better user feedback
- Added PreventanylAnnotation protocol to make it easy for multiple annotation types & images
- Added dummy overdose
- Updated local Statickit class to include City
- Made a map of map markers (lol) to map static kit id => marker.
- Adds/Removes with the Change listener, but doesn't update location on update (because it's static & a constant Marker object). If we really want this functionality, we can make them some other Annotation type other than Marker.
- Added local Statickit class -Added FireBase StaticKits-Change listener in FirstViewController
- Fetched and Stored the FireBaseDatabase's StaticKits in an array of Statickit type
- Added in-app, background, and OS-triggered location tracking switched by a switch.
- Fixed Profile image
- Removed unnecessary tab items
- Minor styling and map updates
- Moved the profile tab into a separate folder
- Implemented the basic profile tab navgation(segue)
- Zoom on user position on Launch, implemented location manager in app delegate using stephen's git repo
- Fixed SigAbrt Error caused by not finding Google Services Plist file, simply changed the membership
- Initiliased pod and created podfile
- Added firebase to pods and project
- Added login buttons, testing UI etc
- Added Marker class swift file (delegate), and able to zoom and make pin on launch on map
- Added multiple new scenes for tab layout
- Added MapKit to Storyboard Page One and change deployment target to iOS 9.2
- Initialized project
- Changelog