This application shows in the assembled by Thymeleaf HTML page
all categories from the database.
By the local address: localhost:8080
Project have next features:
- Kotlin version
- Java version
- MVC application model
- Tree menu in Thymeleaf
- Recurse with Thymeleaf fragment
Fix vulnerability into pom.xml dependencies:
Before start this project:
Ensure that your PC have installed Java 17
And have installed Git
How to start this program?
- Start from console:
- Start from IntelliJIDEA or another Java IDE
- Simple way to start from OS
1. Type in your console next commands:
mkdir c:\projects\ShowTreeMenu
cd c:\projects\ShowTreeMenu
git clone
cd c:\projects\ShowTreeMenu\releases
java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar tree-menu-0.0.3.jar
1. Walk into yours "projects" directory
2. In project directory type next console command:
git clone
3. Open you favorite IDE
4. In yours IDE make next steps: File -> Open -> :\projects\tree-menu
5. Find main class "TreeMenuApplication" into: \tree-menu\src\main\java\com\example\treemenu\
6. Right click on select [Run] (green "Play" triangle)
1. Click "Download" after that the start upload archive from:
2. Unpack into your directory.
3. Double-click on RunPort8080.bat
Enjoy to use