diff --git a/src/localisation/cs.json b/src/localisation/cs.json
index 2927279..48aa014 100644
--- a/src/localisation/cs.json
+++ b/src/localisation/cs.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-    "badgePosition": "Badge Position",
+    "badgePosition": "Pozice Odznaku",
     "badgePositionDescription": "Position the badge within the game page header",
-    "badgeSize": "Badge Size",
+    "badgeSize": "Velikost Odznaku",
     "badgeSizeDescription": "Choose a different size for the badge",
-    "caching": "Caching",
-    "clearCache": "Clear ProtonDB Cache",
-    "clearCacheLabel": "Clear the cache to force refresh all ProtonDB badges",
-    "expandOnHover": "Expand Label on hover",
+    "caching": "Cachování",
+    "clearCache": "Smazat ProtonDB Cache",
+    "clearCacheLabel": "Vymažte cache pro vynucenou aktualizaci všech ProtonDB odznaků",
+    "expandOnHover": "Rozbalit Štítek při přejetí",
     "expandOnHoverDescription": "Minimalist Only. Display badge text on focus",
     "positionTopLeft": "Top Left",
     "positionTopRight": "Top Right",