This document will outline the requirements, tools, and technologies I utilized to meet the requested criteria.
The reproduction of this project should only be for evaluation and feedback purposes.
I am a sysadmin with over:
- 3 years administering Kubernetes.
- 5 years in Docker administration.
- 5 years of advanced GIT knowledge.
- 20 years of advanced GNU/Linux administration.
- Proficient in: 3 years with Python, 1 year with Java, Go, Ruby, and Node.
- 5 years knowledgeable in CI/CD pipelines, on both local platforms and in the cloud.
- 7 years in Cloud Computing management with Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, OCI.
- 5 years of experience in IaC (Infrastructure as Code), with traditional providers, as well as OCI, VMware, and Digital Ocean.
- Dynatrace.
- 09-11-2023: Add Dynatrace Querys (DQL). Reviewed by [Oscar Macias]![chat].
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