New in this version:
- Upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04.4.
- Improve user-cleanup.bash to also reset user crontab and clear possible user at commands.
- Build in scripts that block Gnome Remote Desktop and user access to terminal.
- Make the ISOs built by the pipeline more human readable.
New in this version:
- Upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04.3.
- Attempt to update the client before registering the PC.
- Build in scripts that fix a LightDM startup error and allow superuser to manage CUPS.
- Update LightDM config section name.
- Improve user-cleanup.bash to also clear /dev/shm and user-owned files in world-writable directories. Also kill all user-started processes and include login loop prevention.
- Set more restrictive permissions on user-cleanup.bash and
- Remove files related to obsolete gateway functionality
- Remove unused X-tcp-server
- Use consistent naming for the superuser shortcuts
New in this version:
- A new international image released separaretely. In future versions they'll be released simultaneously, with the same version numbers.
New in this version:
- Upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04.2.
- Clone scripts repo and install from there instead of duplicating code.
- Build in a lot more scripts - especially many security related scripts to provide an improved "Out of the box" experience.
- Remove some unneeded packages.
- Take a few steps to speed up the installer and reduce interactivity.
- Add firstboot script to fx. delay enabling automatic updates so rolling out scripts immediately after installation should work more consistently.
- Update CI-files and scripts to hopefully make it easier to upgrade to future versions.
- Add flag to the build process where dependency installation is skipped.
New in this version:
- Rewrite build process completely for better automation and easier testing.
New in this version:
- Remove explicit locale settings from ISO.
- Remove "noisy" lines from auth.log.
New in this version:
- Icon shortcuts on desktop are handled differently - by default, none er present, i.e. the LibreOffice icons are removed by default.
- By default, audience users are (once again) blocked from accessing settings.
- Disable requests for Gnome Keyring password, e.g. from Google Chrome.
- Disable LibreOffice Tip of the Day and release notes by default.
- Link to admin site on superuser desktop now correct (bug fix).
- Wayland login option is disabled as it may cause the computer to become unresponsive.
- More stable process for automatic upgrades.
New in this version:
- Upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04. Major overhaul of installation process as well as all scripts.
- Versioning scheme changed to semantic versioning, cf.
New in this version: - Changed git repo url to the new repo url.
- Installation now adds the security folder and necessary security files.
- was using deleted testing branch as base for installation. This is now removed.
New in this version:
- The OS2BorgerPC "Publikum" user is now called "Borger".
- The name bibos has been changed to OS2BorgerPC, every where it could be found.
- Ubuntu settings is now completely locked for user "Borger".
- Bluetooth applet is removed from top bar for user "Borger".
New in this version:
- The bibos installation now supports Ubuntu 16.04.
- The 'Publikum' user now only has Desktop folder present in nautilus panel.
New in this version:
- The bibos installation now supports Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 14.04.
- Added new script. It automates the bibos installation process. After the script has been executed the user only needs to run "Færdiggør BibOS installationen".
- Dependency list has been on a diet. It only contains the necessary packages for the bibos client to run.
- Removed gimp icon from Desktop as we do not install gimp.
New in this version:
- Create new image to include the latest updates, including the upgrade to the latest point release, Ubuntu
- Remove "Husk at gemme" icon from desktop.
- Include print job removal patch on image.
- Include latest bibos_client by default.
New in this version:
- First production ready release.
- Make sure postinstall script does not fail due to APT locking. Prevent apt-check from running in the background - there's no need for UpdateManager to launch all of a sudden (ticket #9101).
- Battery indicator was missing on audience user's login (#9089). Enable Gnome- settings plugin for user (presumably this was previously disabled as an attempt to solve #7875).
- Icons are sometimes jumbled (ticket #8279). We now don't try to specify the location of default desktop icons - this seems to avoid the timing problem.
- BibOS client is updated to support wireless networking cards (ticket #8951).
- BibOS client is also updated to support fixed gateway which is not necessarily on the same network as BibOS clients (ticket #8847).
- Script to change background image did not work unless the audience user was logged in (ticket #9031).
- Login screen will no longer display the users' wallpaper when they are selected - only the default login background is shown (ticket #9091).
- Power settings turned off monitor at login screen (ticket #7875).
- BibOS specific admin scripts moved from the bibos_admin repository to admin_scripts/ in this repository.
- New boot image on install disk.
New in this version:
- Include BibOS version in configuration for PC
- Reconfigure grub and let user choose to update PC during postinstall, cf. ticket #8630.
- Change a number of defaults on the image, cf. ticket #8638. These include: * Chrome is now available in Launcher if installed * Chrome shortcut renamed * Firefox shortcut removed from desktop * Downloads are sent to the user's desktop, not "Hentninger" or other specific directory * Shortcuts to the BibOS admin system and registration in the admin system are added to the superuser's desktop * autolog is installed by default * startup sound (drumbeat) is not played by default
- Fix Firefox settings so it won't check for add-on compatibility
- Updated documentation
New in this version:
- Make CloneZilla build scripts easier to use, add CloneZilla documentation
- Delete all print jobs on logout, cf. ticket #8457
- Relabel "Login" button to "Start", cf. ticket #8372
- Do not hardcode position of desktop icons to allow new shotcuts, cf. #7749
- Add more detailed licensing information, including Creative Commons license for documentation
- Prompt the user before rebooting so there is time to remove the installation image, cf. ticket #8496
New in this version:
- BibOS 2 moves from alpha to beta
- Lots of changes to the default user setup
- Completely new postinstall script
- Proxy Internet connection through local gateway
- Connect to BibOS Admin system.
- Network install works.