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A highly customisable markdown previewer for Neovim
Made on mobile, made for mobile.
This wiki assumes basic understanding of LuaCATS
This wiki is made to be used inside of the terminal!
Here's all the options of the plugin together.
Options are explained in more details in their own wiki pages!
--- When true, markdown, html, latex aren't rendered inside
--- of code blocks
---@type boolean
__inside_code_block = false,
--- Buffer types to ignore.
---@type string[]?
buf_ignore = { "nofile" },
--- Callbacks to execute during various states of the
--- plugin
callbacks = {
--- Called when attaching to a buffer(while the plugin
--- is enabled).
---@param buf integer Buffer ID
---@param win integer Window ID
on_enable = function (buf, win) end,
--- Called when disabling the plugin(either globally
--- or in a buffer).
---@param buf integer Buffer ID
---@param win integer Window ID
on_disable = function (buf, win) end,
--- Called when changing "Vim modes"(while the plugin
--- is enabled).
---@param buf integer Buffer ID
---@param win integer Window ID
---@param mode string Mode short name
on_mode_change = function (buf, win, mode) end,
--- Called when entering split view
---@param split_buf integer Buffer ID for the preview split
---@param split_win integer Window ID for the preview split
split_enter = function (split_buf, split_win) end
--- Time in miliseconds to wait before a redraw occurs(after any
--- of the redraw events).
--- Redraw events are, cursorMoved, "ModeChanged", "TextChanged";
--- Change this depending on your machine's power
---@type integer
debounce = 50,
--- Filetypes where the plugin is enabled
---@type string[]
filetypes = { "markdown", "quarto", "rmd" },
--- Highlight groups to use.
--- Can be a list of tables that define the highlight groups.
---@type "dynamic" | "light" | "dark" | table[]
highlight_groups = "dynamic",
--- Vim modes where "hybrid mode" should be enabled.
---@type string[]
hybrid_modes = nil,
--- Tree-sitter query injections
injections = {
enable = true,
languages = {
--- Key is the language
markdown = {
enable = true,
--- When true, other injections are replaced
--- with the ones provided here
---@type boolean
override = false,
query = [[
(atx_heading)) @fold (#set! @fold)
--- Initial state of the plugin for newly attached buffers.
--- When false, automatic previews are disabled. You can then
--- enable the preview via a command.
---@type boolean
initial_state = true,
--- Maximum number of lines a buffer can have before only a part
--- of it is rendered, instead of the entire buffer.
---@type integer
max_file_length = 1000,
--- Vim modes where the preview is shown
---@type string[]
modes = { "n", "no", "c" },
--- Number of lines to render on large files(when line count
--- is larger then "max_file_length").
---@type integer
render_distance = 100,
--- Window configuration for the split window
---@type table
split_conf = {
split = "right"
block_quotes = {
enable = true,
--- Default configuration for block quotes.
default = {
--- Text to use as border for the block
--- quote.
--- Can also be a list if you want multiple
--- border types!
---@type string | string[]
border = "▋",
--- Highlight group for "border" option. Can also
--- be a list to create gradients.
---@type (string | string[])?
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteDefault"
--- Configuration for custom block quotes
callouts = {
--- String between "[!" & "]"
---@type string
match_string = "ABSTRACT",
--- Primary highlight group. Used by other options
--- that end with "_hl" when their values are nil.
---@type string?
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteNote",
--- Text to show in the preview.
---@type string
preview = " Abstract",
--- Highlight group for the preview text.
---@type string?
preview_hl = nil
--- When true, adds the ability to add a title
--- to the block quote.
---@type boolean
title = true,
--- Icon to show before the title.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
---@type string | string
border = "▋",
---@type (string | string[])?
border_hl = nil
checkboxes = {
enable = true,
checked = {
--- Text to show
---@type string
text = "✔",
--- Highlight group for "text"
---@type string?
hl = "MarkviewCheckboxChecked",
--- Highlight group to add to the body
--- of the list item.
---@type string?
scope_hl = nil
unchecked = {
text = "✘", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxUnchecked",
scope_hl = nil
--- Custom checkboxes configuration
custom = {
--- Text inside []
---@type string
match_string = "-",
---@type string
text = "◯",
---@type string?
hl = "MarkviewCheckboxPending",
---@type string?
scope_hl = nil
code_blocks = {
enable = true,
--- Icon provider for the block icons & signs.
--- Possible values are,
--- • "devicons", Uses `nvim-web-devicons`.
--- • "mini", Uses `mini.icons`.
--- • "internal", Uses the internal icon provider.
--- • "", Disables icons
---@type "devicons" | "mini" | "internal" | ""
icons = "internal",
--- Render style for the code block.
--- Possible values are,
--- • "simple", Simple line highlighting.
--- • "language", Signs, icons & much more.
---@type "simple" | "language"
style = "language",
--- Primary highlight group.
--- Used by other options that end with "_hl" when
--- their values are nil.
---@type string
hl = "MarkviewCode",
--- Highlight group for the info string
---@type string[]
info_hl = "MarkviewCodeInfo",
--- Minimum width of a code block.
---@type integer
min_width = 60,
--- Left & right padding amount
---@type integer
pad_amount = 3,
--- Character to use as whitespace
---@type string?
pad_char = " ",
--- Table containing various code block language names
--- and the text to show.
--- e.g. { cpp = "C++" }
---@type { [string]: string }
language_names = nil,
--- Direction of the language preview
---@type "left" | "right"
language_direction = "right",
--- Enables signs
---@type boolean
sign = true,
--- Highlight group for the sign
---@type string?
sign_hl = nil
footnotes = {
enable = true,
--- When true, uses Unicode characters to
--- fake superscript text.
---@type boolean
superscript = true,
--- Highlight group for the footnotes
hl = "Special"
headings = {
enable = true,
--- Amount of character to shift per heading level
---@type integer
shift_width = 1,
heading_1 = {
style = "simple",
--- Background highlight group.
---@type string
hl = "MarkviewHeading1"
heading_2 = {
style = "icon",
--- Primary highlight group. Used by other
--- options that end with "_hl" when their
--- values are nil.
---@type string
hl = "MarkviewHeading2",
--- Character used to shift/indent the heading
---@type string
shift_char = " ",
--- Highlight group for the "shift_char"
---@type string?
shift_hl = "MarkviewHeading2Sign",
--- Text to show on the signcolumn
---@type string?
sign = " ",
--- Highlight group for the sign
---@type string?
sign_hl = "MarkviewHeading2Sign",
--- Icon to show before the heading text
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the Icon
---@type string?
icon_hl = "MarkviewHeading2"
heading_3 = {
style = "label",
--- Alignment of the heading.
---@type "left" | "center" | "right"
align = "center",
--- Primary highlight group. Used by other
--- options that end with "_hl" when their
--- values are nil.
---@type string
hl = "MarkviewHeading3",
--- Left corner, Added before the left padding
---@type string?
corner_left = nil,
--- Left padding, Added before the icon
---@type string?
padding_left = nil,
--- Right padding, Added after the heading text
---@type string?
padding_right = nil,
--- Right corner, Added after the right padding
---@type string?
corner_right = nil,
---@type string?
corner_left_hl = nil,
---@type string?
padding_left_hl = nil,
---@type string?
padding_right_hl = nil,
---@type string?
corner_right_hl = nil,
--- Text to show on the signcolumn.
---@type string?
sign = " ",
--- Highlight group for the sign.
---@type string?
sign_hl = "MarkviewHeading2Sign",
--- Icon to show before the heading text.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the Icon.
---@type string?
icon_hl = "MarkviewHeading2"
heading_4 = {},
heading_5 = {},
heading_6 = {},
setext_1 = {
style = "simple",
--- Background highlight group.
---@type string
hl = "MarkviewHeading1"
setext_2 = {
style = "decorated",
--- Text to show on the signcolumn.
---@type string?
sign = " ",
--- Highlight group for the sign.
---@type string?
sign_hl = "MarkviewHeading2Sign",
--- Icon to show before the heading text.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the Icon.
---@type string?
icon_hl = "MarkviewHeading2",
--- Bottom border for the heading.
---@type string?
border = "▂",
--- Highlight group for the bottom border.
---@type string?
border_hl = "MarkviewHeading2"
horizontal_rules = {
enable = true,
parts = {
type = "repeating",
--- Amount of time to repeat the text
--- Can be an integer or a function.
--- If the value is a function the "buffer" ID
--- is provided as the parameter.
---@type integer | fun(buffer: integer): nil
repeat_amount = function (buffer)
local textoff = vim.fn.getwininfo(vim.api.nvim_get_current_win())[1].textoff;
return math.floor((vim.o.columns - textoff - 3) / 2);
--- Text to repeat.
---@type string
text = "─",
--- Highlight group for this part.
--- Can be a string(for solid color) or a
--- list of string(for gradient)
---@type string[] | string
hl = {
"MarkviewGradient1", "MarkviewGradient2", "MarkviewGradient3", "MarkviewGradient4", "MarkviewGradient5", "MarkviewGradient6", "MarkviewGradient7", "MarkviewGradient8", "MarkviewGradient9", "MarkviewGradient10"
--- Placement direction of the gradient.
---@type "left" | "right"
direction = "left"
type = "text",
text = " ",
---@type string?
hl = "MarkviewGradient10"
html = {
enable = true,
--- Tag renderer for tags that have an
--- opening & closing tag.
tags = {
enable = true,
--- Default configuration
default = {
--- When true, the tag is concealed.
---@type boolean
conceal = false,
--- Highlight group for the text inside
--- of the tag
---@type string?
hl = nil
--- Configuration for specific tag(s).
--- The key is the tag and the value is the
--- used configuration.
configs = {
b = { conceal = true, hl = "Bold" },
u = { conceal = true, hl = "Underlined" },
--- HTML entity configuration
entities = {
enable = true,
--- Highlight group for the rendered entity.
---@type string?
hl = nil
inline_codes = {
enable = true,
--- Primary highlight group. Used by other
--- options that end with "_hl" when their
--- values are nil.
---@type string
hl = "MarkviewHeading3",
--- Left corner, Added before the left padding.
---@type string?
corner_left = nil,
--- Left padding, Added before the text.
---@type string?
padding_left = nil,
--- Right padding, Added after the text.
---@type string?
padding_right = nil,
--- Right corner, Added after the right padding.
---@type string?
corner_right = nil,
---@type string?
corner_left_hl = nil,
---@type string?
padding_left_hl = nil,
---@type string?
padding_right_hl = nil,
---@type string?
corner_right_hl = nil,
latex = {
enable = true,
--- Bracket conceal configuration.
--- Shows () in specific cases
brackets = {
enable = true,
--- Highlight group for the ()
---@type string
hl = "@punctuation.brackets"
--- LaTeX blocks renderer
block = {
enable = true,
--- Highlight group for the block
---@type string
hl = "Code",
--- Virtual text to show on the bottom
--- right.
--- First value is the text and second value
--- is the highlight group.
---@type string[]
text = { " LaTeX ", "Special" }
--- Configuration for inline LaTeX maths
inline = {
enable = true
--- Configuration for operators(e.g. "\frac{1}{2}")
operators = {
enable = true,
configs = {
sin = {
--- Configuration for the extmark added
--- to the name of the operator(e.g. "\sin").
--- see `nvim_buf_set_extmark()` for all the
--- options.
---@type table
operator = {
conceal = "",
virt_text = { { "𝚜𝚒𝚗", "Special" } }
--- Configuration for the arguments of this
--- operator.
--- Item index is used to apply the configuration
--- to a specific argument
---@type table[]
args = {
--- Extmarks are only added
--- if a config for it exists.
--- Configuration for the extmark
--- added before this argument.
--- see `nvim_buf_set_extmark` for more.
before = {},
--- Configuration for the extmark
--- added after this argument.
--- see `nvim_buf_set_extmark` for more.
after = {},
--- Configuration for the extmark
--- added to the range of text of
--- this argument.
--- see `nvim_buf_set_extmark` for more.
scope = {}
--- Configuration for LaTeX symbols.
symbols = {
enable = true,
--- Highlight group for the symbols.
---@type string?
hl = "@operator.latex",
--- Allows adding/modifying symbol definitions.
overwrite = {
--- Symbols can either be strings or functions.
--- When the value is a function it receives the buffer
--- id as the parameter.
--- The resulting string is then used.
---@param buffer integer.
today = function (buffer)
return os.date("%d %B, %Y");
--- Create groups of symbols to only change their
--- appearance.
groups = {
--- Matcher for this group.
--- Can be a list of symbols or a function
--- that takes the symbol as the parameter
--- and either returns true or false.
---@type string[] | fun(symbol: string): boolean
match = { "lim", "today" },
--- Highlight group for this group.
---@type string
hl = "Special"
subscript = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewLatexSubscript"
superscript = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewLatexSuperscript"
links = {
enable = true,
--- Configuration for normal links
hyperlinks = {
enable = true,
--- When true, link texts that start with an emoji
--- won't have an icon in front of them.
---@type boolean
__emoji_link_compatability = true,
--- Icon to show.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the "icon".
---@type string?
hl = "MarkviewHyperlink",
--- Configuration for custom links.
custom = {
--- Pattern of the address.
---@type string
match_string = "stackoverflow%.com",
--- Icon to show.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the icon
---@type string?
hl = nil
{ match_string = "stackexchange%.com", icon = " " },
images = {
enable = true,
--- When true, link texts that start with an emoji
--- won't have an icon in front of them.
---@type boolean
__emoji_link_compatability = true,
--- Icon to show.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the "icon".
---@type string?
hl = "MarkviewImageLink",
--- Configuration for custom image links.
custom = {
--- Pattern of the address.
---@type string
match_string = "%.svg$",
--- Icon to show.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the icon
---@type string?
hl = nil
emails = {
enable = true,
--- Icon to show.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the "icon".
---@type string?
hl = "MarkviewEmail"
--- Configuration for custom emails
custom = {}
internal_links = {
enable = true,
--- When true, link texts that start with an emoji
--- won't have an icon in front of them.
__emoji_link_compatability = true,
--- Icon to show.
---@type string?
icon = " ",
--- Highlight group for the "icon".
---@type string?
hl = "MarkviewHyperlink",
--- Configuration for custom internal links
custom = {}
list_items = {
enable = true,
--- Amount of spaces that defines an indent
--- level of the list item.
---@type integer
indent_size = 2,
--- Amount of spaces to add per indent level
--- of the list item.
---@type integer
shift_width = 4,
marker_minus = {
add_padding = true,
text = "",
hl = "MarkviewListItemMinus"
marker_plus = {
add_padding = true,
text = "",
hl = "MarkviewListItemPlus"
marker_star = {
add_padding = true,
text = "",
hl = "MarkviewListItemStar"
--- These items do NOT have a text or
--- a hl property!
--- n. Items
marker_dot = {
add_padding = true
--- n) Items
marker_parenthesis = {
add_padding = true
tables = {
enable = true,
--- Parts for the table border.
---@type { [string]: string[] }
text = {
top = { "╭", "─", "╮", "┬" },
header = { "│", "│", "│" },
separator = { "├", "┼", "┤", "─" },
row = { "│", "│", "│" },
bottom = { "╰", "─", "╯", "┴" },
align_left = "╼",
align_right = "╾",
align_center = { "╴", "╶",}
--- Highlight groups for the "parts".
---@type { [string]: string[] }
hls = {
top = { "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader" },
header = { "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader" },
separator = { "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader" },
row = { "TableBorder", "TableBorder", "TableBorder" },
bottom = { "TableBorder", "TableBorder", "TableBorder", "TableBorder" },
align_left = "TableAlignLeft",
align_right = "TableAlignRight",
align_center = { "TableAlignCenter", "TableAlignCenter",}
--- Minimum width of a table cell
---@type integer?
col_min_width = 5,
--- When true, top & bottom borders aren't drawn
---@type boolean
block_decorator = true,
--- When true, top & bottom borders are made with
--- virtual lines instead of virtual text.
---@type boolean
use_virt_lines = true