diff --git a/.github/workflows/nightly.yml b/.github/workflows/nightly.yml
index aad6fe9b..ad473795 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/nightly.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/nightly.yml
@@ -25,71 +25,71 @@ jobs:
       flags_features: ${{ inputs.flags_features}}
     secrets: inherit
-  # with-wallet-aave-ethereum-tests:
-  #   name: 'With wallet - Aave - Ethereum'
-  #   runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-  #   env:
-  #     TENDERLY_USER: ${{ secrets.TENDERLY_USER }}
-  #   container:
-  #     image: synthetixio/docker-node:18.16-ubuntu
-  #   steps:
-  #     - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-  #     - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
-  #       with:
-  #         node-version: 18
-  #     - name: Install dependencies
-  #       run: yarn
-  #     - name: Install playwright
-  #       run: npx playwright install && npx playwright install-deps
-  #     - name: Install xvfb
-  #       run: apt-get update -y && apt-get -y install xvfb && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/cache/apt/*
-  #     - name: Run With wallet Aave Ethereum tests
-  #       run: |
-  #         TENDERLY_PROJECT=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_PROJECT }} \
-  #         TENDERLY_USER=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_USER }} \
-  #         TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY }} \
-  #         yarn nightly:with-wallet:aave:ethereum
-  #     - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
-  #       if: always()
-  #       with:
-  #         name: playwright-report-with-wallet-aave-ethereum
-  #         path: playwright-reports/with-wallet-aave-ethereum
-  #         retention-days: 30
+  with-wallet-aave-ethereum-tests:
+    name: 'With wallet - Aave - Ethereum'
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    env:
+      TENDERLY_USER: ${{ secrets.TENDERLY_USER }}
+    container:
+      image: synthetixio/docker-node:18.16-ubuntu
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+        with:
+          node-version: 18
+      - name: Install dependencies
+        run: yarn
+      - name: Install playwright
+        run: npx playwright install && npx playwright install-deps
+      - name: Install xvfb
+        run: apt-get update -y && apt-get -y install xvfb && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/cache/apt/*
+      - name: Run With wallet Aave Ethereum tests
+        run: |
+          TENDERLY_PROJECT=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_PROJECT }} \
+          TENDERLY_USER=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_USER }} \
+          yarn nightly:with-wallet:aave:ethereum
+      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        if: always()
+        with:
+          name: playwright-report-with-wallet-aave-ethereum
+          path: playwright-reports/with-wallet-aave-ethereum
+          retention-days: 30
-  # with-wallet-aave-other-tests:
-  #   name: 'With wallet - Aave - Arbitrum, Optimism & Base'
-  #   runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-  #   env:
-  #     TENDERLY_USER: ${{ secrets.TENDERLY_USER }}
-  #   container:
-  #     image: synthetixio/docker-node:18.16-ubuntu
-  #   steps:
-  #     - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-  #     - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
-  #       with:
-  #         node-version: 18
-  #     - name: Install dependencies
-  #       run: yarn
-  #     - name: Install playwright
-  #       run: npx playwright install && npx playwright install-deps
-  #     - name: Install xvfb
-  #       run: apt-get update -y && apt-get -y install xvfb && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/cache/apt/*
-  #     - name: Run With wallet Aave Arbitrum, Optimism and Base tests
-  #       run: |
-  #         TENDERLY_PROJECT=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_PROJECT }} \
-  #         TENDERLY_USER=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_USER }} \
-  #         TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY }} \
-  #         yarn nightly:with-wallet:aave:other
-  #     - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
-  #       if: always()
-  #       with:
-  #         name: playwright-report-with-wallet-aave-other
-  #         path: playwright-reports/with-wallet-aave-other
-  #         retention-days: 30
+  with-wallet-aave-other-tests:
+    name: 'With wallet - Aave - Arbitrum, Optimism & Base'
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    env:
+      TENDERLY_USER: ${{ secrets.TENDERLY_USER }}
+    container:
+      image: synthetixio/docker-node:18.16-ubuntu
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+        with:
+          node-version: 18
+      - name: Install dependencies
+        run: yarn
+      - name: Install playwright
+        run: npx playwright install && npx playwright install-deps
+      - name: Install xvfb
+        run: apt-get update -y && apt-get -y install xvfb && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/cache/apt/*
+      - name: Run With wallet Aave Arbitrum, Optimism and Base tests
+        run: |
+          TENDERLY_PROJECT=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_PROJECT }} \
+          TENDERLY_USER=${{ secrets.TENDERLY_USER }} \
+          yarn nightly:with-wallet:aave:other
+      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        if: always()
+        with:
+          name: playwright-report-with-wallet-aave-other
+          path: playwright-reports/with-wallet-aave-other
+          retention-days: 30
   # with-wallet-ajna-and-morphoblue-tests:
   #   name: 'With wallet - Ajna & Morpho Blue'
diff --git a/tests/sharedTestSteps/positionManagement.ts b/tests/sharedTestSteps/positionManagement.ts
index 4aa4f4ab..8c5e438a 100644
--- a/tests/sharedTestSteps/positionManagement.ts
+++ b/tests/sharedTestSteps/positionManagement.ts
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ export const openPosition = async ({
 		if (buttonLabel === `Set ${deposit.token} allowance` || ajnaExistingDpm) {
 			await app.position.setup.setTokenAllowance(deposit.token);
 		// Setting up allowance  randomly fails - Retry until it's set.
 		await expect(async () => {
 			await app.position.setup.approveAllowanceOrRetry();
@@ -108,7 +107,6 @@ export const openPosition = async ({
 			await app.position.setup.continueShouldBeVisible();
 		}).toPass({ timeout: longTestTimeout });
 		await app.position.setup.continue();
@@ -458,7 +456,11 @@ export const manageDebtOrCollateral = async ({
 	// =================
 	// Recently added for Arbitrum Borrow ETH/USDC
-	await app.position.setup.confirm();
+	const manageHeader = app.page.getByText('Manage your ');
+	const confirmButton = app.page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Confirm' });
+	if ((await manageHeader.isVisible()) && (await confirmButton.isVisible())) {
+		await app.position.setup.confirm();
+	}
 	// =================
 	// Position creation randomly fails - Retry until it's created.
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3BorrowBase_1.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3BorrowBase_1.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3BorrowBase_1.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3BorrowBase_1.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3EarnBase.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3EarnBase.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3EarnBase.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3EarnBase.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3MultiplyBase.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3MultiplyBase.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3MultiplyBase.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3MultiplyBase.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3MultiplyBaseAutomations_1.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3MultiplyBaseAutomations_1.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3MultiplyBaseAutomations_1.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3MultiplyBaseAutomations_1.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3MultiplyBaseAutomations_2.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3MultiplyBaseAutomations_2.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base/aaveV3MultiplyBaseAutomations_2.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/base-old/aaveV3MultiplyBaseAutomations_2.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/aaveV3BorrowEthereum.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/aaveV3BorrowEthereum.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6f8c7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/aaveV3BorrowEthereum.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import { BrowserContext, test } from '@playwright/test';
+import { metamaskSetUp } from 'utils/setup';
+import { resetState } from '@synthetixio/synpress/commands/synpress';
+import * as tenderly from 'utils/tenderly';
+import { setup } from 'utils/setup';
+import { extremelyLongTestTimeout, longTestTimeout } from 'utils/config';
+import { App } from 'src/app';
+import {
+	close,
+	manageDebtOrCollateral,
+	openPosition,
+} from 'tests/sharedTestSteps/positionManagement';
+let context: BrowserContext;
+let app: App;
+let forkId: string;
+let walletAddress: string;
+test.describe.configure({ mode: 'serial' });
+test.describe('Aave V3 Borrow - Ethereum - Wallet connected', async () => {
+	test.afterAll(async () => {
+		await tenderly.deleteFork(forkId);
+		await app.page.close();
+		await context.close();
+		await resetState();
+	});
+	test('It should open an Aave V3 Borrow Ethereum position - WSTETH/USDT @regression', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: '11682',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(extremelyLongTestTimeout);
+		({ context } = await metamaskSetUp({ network: 'mainnet' }));
+		let page = await context.newPage();
+		app = new App(page);
+		({ forkId, walletAddress } = await setup({ app, network: 'mainnet' }));
+		await tenderly.setTokenBalance({
+			forkId,
+			network: 'mainnet',
+			walletAddress,
+			token: 'WSTETH',
+			balance: '50',
+		});
+		await app.page.goto('/ethereum/aave/v3/borrow/WSTETH-USDT#setup');
+		await openPosition({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '7.5' },
+			borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '3000' },
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should Deposit and Borrow in a single tx from an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Borrow position @regression', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: 'xxxxx',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
+		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			allowanceNotNeeded: true,
+			deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '1.5' },
+			borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '1000' },
+			expectedCollateralDeposited: {
+				amount: '9.00',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+			},
+			expectedDebt: { amount: '4,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
+			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should Withdraw and Pay back in a single tx from an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Borrow position @regression', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: 'xxxxx',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
+		await app.position.manage.withdrawCollateral();
+		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '2' },
+			payBack: { token: 'USDT', amount: '2000' },
+			expectedCollateralDeposited: {
+				amount: '7.00',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+			},
+			expectedDebt: { amount: '2,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
+			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should Borrow and Deposit in a single tx on an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Borrow position @regression', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: 'xxxx',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
+		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'WSTETH' });
+		await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
+		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			allowanceNotNeeded: true,
+			borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '3000' },
+			deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '3' },
+			expectedCollateralDeposited: {
+				amount: '10.00',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+			},
+			expectedDebt: { amount: '5,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
+			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should Pay back and Withdraw in a single tx on an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Borrow position @regression', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: 'xxxx',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
+		// Reload page to avoid random fails
+		await app.page.reload();
+		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'WSTETH' });
+		await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
+		await app.position.manage.payBackDebt();
+		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			payBack: { token: 'USDT', amount: '4000' },
+			withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '1.5' },
+			expectedCollateralDeposited: {
+				amount: '8.50',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+			},
+			expectedDebt: { amount: '1,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
+			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			allowanceNotNeeded: true,
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should close an existent Aave V3 Borrow Ethereum position - Close to collateral token (WSTETH)', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: '12060',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
+		// Pause and relaod to avoid random fails
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(1000);
+		await app.page.reload();
+		await close({
+			forkId,
+			app,
+			positionType: 'Borrow',
+			closeTo: 'collateral',
+			collateralToken: 'WSTETH',
+			debtToken: 'USDT',
+			tokenAmountAfterClosing: '[4-8].[0-9]{3,4}',
+		});
+	});
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum1.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum1.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1546756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum1.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+import { BrowserContext, test } from '@playwright/test';
+import { metamaskSetUp } from 'utils/setup';
+import { resetState } from '@synthetixio/synpress/commands/synpress';
+import * as tenderly from 'utils/tenderly';
+import { setup } from 'utils/setup';
+import { extremelyLongTestTimeout, positionTimeout, veryLongTestTimeout } from 'utils/config';
+import { App } from 'src/app';
+import { manageDebtOrCollateral, openPosition } from 'tests/sharedTestSteps/positionManagement';
+import { reloadUntilCorrect } from 'utils/general';
+let context: BrowserContext;
+let app: App;
+let forkId: string;
+let walletAddress: string;
+test.describe.configure({ mode: 'serial' });
+test.describe('Aave V3 Earn - Ethereum - Wallet connected', async () => {
+	test.afterAll(async () => {
+		await tenderly.deleteFork(forkId);
+		await app.page.close();
+		await context.close();
+		await resetState();
+	});
+	test('It should open an Aave V3 Earn Ethereum position - WSTETH-ETH @regression', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: '11672',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(extremelyLongTestTimeout);
+		await test.step('Test setup', async () => {
+			({ context } = await metamaskSetUp({ network: 'mainnet' }));
+			let page = await context.newPage();
+			app = new App(page);
+			({ forkId, walletAddress } = await setup({ app, network: 'mainnet' }));
+			await tenderly.setTokenBalance({
+				forkId,
+				walletAddress,
+				network: 'mainnet',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+				balance: '50',
+			});
+		});
+		await app.position.openPage('/ethereum/aave/v3/earn/wsteth-eth#simulate');
+		await openPosition({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			deposit: { token: 'ETH', amount: '10' },
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should Deposit extra collateral on an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Earn position', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: 'xxxxx',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(veryLongTestTimeout);
+		await app.position.overview.shouldHaveExposure({
+			amount: '9.[0-9]{4}',
+			token: 'WSTETH',
+			timeout: positionTimeout,
+		});
+		await app.position.overview.shouldHaveDebt({
+			amount: '1.[0-9]{4}',
+			token: 'ETH',
+		});
+		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
+		await app.position.manage.select('Manage collateral');
+		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '20' },
+			expectedCollateralExposure: {
+				amount: '29.[0-9]{2}',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+			},
+			expectedDebt: {
+				amount: '1.[0-9]{4}',
+				token: 'ETH',
+			},
+			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should Withdraw from an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Earn position', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: 'xxxxx',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(veryLongTestTimeout);
+		// Pause and Reload page to avoid random fails
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
+		await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
+		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
+		await app.position.manage.select('Manage collateral');
+		await app.position.manage.withdrawCollateral();
+		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '10' },
+			expectedCollateralExposure: {
+				amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+			},
+			expectedDebt: {
+				amount: '1.[0-9]{2}',
+				token: 'ETH',
+			},
+			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should Borrow from an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Earn position', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: 'xxxx',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(veryLongTestTimeout);
+		// Pause and Reload page to avoid random fails
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
+		await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
+		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
+		await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
+		await app.position.manage.withdrawDebt();
+		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			borrow: { token: 'ETH', amount: '10' },
+			expectedCollateralExposure: {
+				amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+			},
+			expectedDebt: {
+				amount: '11.[0-9]{2}',
+				token: 'ETH',
+			},
+			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		});
+	});
+	test('It should Pay back on an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Earn position', async () => {
+		test.info().annotations.push({
+			type: 'Test case',
+			description: 'xxxx',
+		});
+		test.setTimeout(veryLongTestTimeout);
+		// Pause and Reload page to avoid random fails
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
+		await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
+		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
+		await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
+		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+			app,
+			forkId,
+			payBack: { token: 'ETH', amount: '5' },
+			expectedCollateralExposure: {
+				amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
+				token: 'WSTETH',
+			},
+			expectedDebt: {
+				amount: '6.[0-9]{2}',
+				token: 'ETH',
+			},
+			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		});
+	});
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum2.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum2.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum2.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum2.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum3.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum3.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum3.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum3.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/Multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereum1.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereum1.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/Multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereum1.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereum1.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/Multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereum2.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereum2.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/Multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereum2.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereum2.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/Multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereumAutomations.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereumAutomations.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/Multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereumAutomations.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/multiply/aaveV3MultiplyEthereumAutomations.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/borrEthUsdcToAny.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/borrEthUsdcToAny.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/borrEthUsdcToAny.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/borrEthUsdcToAny.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/borrWbtcDaiToAny.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/borrWbtcDaiToAny.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/borrWbtcDaiToAny.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/borrWbtcDaiToAny.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/multEthDaiToAny.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/multEthDaiToAny.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/multEthDaiToAny.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/multEthDaiToAny.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/multUsdcEthToAny.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/multUsdcEthToAny.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/multUsdcEthToAny.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/multUsdcEthToAny.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/multWbtcUsdcToAny.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/multWbtcUsdcToAny.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToMorpho/multWbtcUsdcToAny.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToMorpho/multWbtcUsdcToAny.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToSpark/borrEthDaiToAny.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToSpark/borrEthDaiToAny.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToSpark/borrEthDaiToAny.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToSpark/borrEthDaiToAny.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToSpark/multWstethUsdcToAny.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToSpark/multWstethUsdcToAny.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/swap/aaveToSpark/multWstethUsdcToAny.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum-old/swap/aaveToSpark/multWstethUsdcToAny.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/aaveV3BorrowEthereum.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/aaveV3BorrowEthereum.spec.ts
index f6f8c7a7..050168e8 100644
--- a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/aaveV3BorrowEthereum.spec.ts
+++ b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/aaveV3BorrowEthereum.spec.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { BrowserContext, test } from '@playwright/test';
-import { metamaskSetUp } from 'utils/setup';
-import { resetState } from '@synthetixio/synpress/commands/synpress';
-import * as tenderly from 'utils/tenderly';
+import { testWithSynpress } from '@synthetixio/synpress';
+import { metaMaskFixtures } from '@synthetixio/synpress/playwright';
+import basicSetup from 'utils/synpress/test-wallet-setup/basic.setup';
 import { setup } from 'utils/setup';
+import * as tenderly from 'utils/tenderly';
 import { extremelyLongTestTimeout, longTestTimeout } from 'utils/config';
 import { App } from 'src/app';
 import {
@@ -11,37 +11,18 @@ import {
 } from 'tests/sharedTestSteps/positionManagement';
-let context: BrowserContext;
 let app: App;
 let forkId: string;
 let walletAddress: string;
-test.describe.configure({ mode: 'serial' });
+const test = testWithSynpress(metaMaskFixtures(basicSetup));
 test.describe('Aave V3 Borrow - Ethereum - Wallet connected', async () => {
-	test.afterAll(async () => {
-		await tenderly.deleteFork(forkId);
-		await app.page.close();
-		await context.close();
-		await resetState();
-	});
-	test('It should open an Aave V3 Borrow Ethereum position - WSTETH/USDT @regression', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: '11682',
-		});
-		test.setTimeout(extremelyLongTestTimeout);
+	test.beforeEach(async ({ metamask, page }) => {
+		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
-		({ context } = await metamaskSetUp({ network: 'mainnet' }));
-		let page = await context.newPage();
 		app = new App(page);
-		({ forkId, walletAddress } = await setup({ app, network: 'mainnet' }));
+		({ forkId, walletAddress } = await setup({ metamask, app, network: 'mainnet' }));
 		await tenderly.setTokenBalance({
@@ -50,140 +31,142 @@ test.describe('Aave V3 Borrow - Ethereum - Wallet connected', async () => {
 			token: 'WSTETH',
 			balance: '50',
-		await app.page.goto('/ethereum/aave/v3/borrow/WSTETH-USDT#setup');
-		await openPosition({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '7.5' },
-			borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '3000' },
-		});
-	test('It should Deposit and Borrow in a single tx from an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Borrow position @regression', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: 'xxxxx',
-		});
-		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
-		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			allowanceNotNeeded: true,
-			deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '1.5' },
-			borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '1000' },
-			expectedCollateralDeposited: {
-				amount: '9.00',
-				token: 'WSTETH',
-			},
-			expectedDebt: { amount: '4,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
-			protocol: 'Aave V3',
-		});
+	test.afterEach(async () => {
+		await tenderly.deleteFork(forkId);
+		await app.page.close();
-	test('It should Withdraw and Pay back in a single tx from an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Borrow position @regression', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: 'xxxxx',
-		});
-		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
+	test('It should open and manage an Aave V3 Borrow Ethereum position - WSTETH/USDT @regression', async ({
+		metamask,
+	}) => {
+		test.setTimeout(extremelyLongTestTimeout);
-		await app.position.manage.withdrawCollateral();
+		await app.page.goto('/ethereum/aave/v3/borrow/WSTETH-USDT#setup');
-		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '2' },
-			payBack: { token: 'USDT', amount: '2000' },
-			expectedCollateralDeposited: {
-				amount: '7.00',
-				token: 'WSTETH',
-			},
-			expectedDebt: { amount: '2,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
-			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		await test.step('It should open a position', async () => {
+			// Pause to avoid flakiness
+			await app.page.waitForTimeout(2_000);
+			await openPosition({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '7.5' },
+				borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '3000' },
+			});
-	});
-	test('It should Borrow and Deposit in a single tx on an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Borrow position @regression', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: 'xxxx',
+		// Pause to avoid flakiness
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(2_000);
+		await test.step('It should Deposit and Borrow in a single tx', async () => {
+			await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				allowanceNotNeeded: true,
+				deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '1.5' },
+				borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '1000' },
+				expectedCollateralDeposited: {
+					amount: '9.00',
+					token: 'WSTETH',
+				},
+				expectedDebt: { amount: '4,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
+				protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			});
-		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
-		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'WSTETH' });
-		await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
-		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			allowanceNotNeeded: true,
-			borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '3000' },
-			deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '3' },
-			expectedCollateralDeposited: {
-				amount: '10.00',
-				token: 'WSTETH',
-			},
-			expectedDebt: { amount: '5,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
-			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+		// Pause to avoid flakiness
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(2_000);
+		await test.step('It should Withdraw and Pay back in a single tx', async () => {
+			await app.position.manage.withdrawCollateral();
+			await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '2' },
+				payBack: { token: 'USDT', amount: '2000' },
+				expectedCollateralDeposited: {
+					amount: '7.00',
+					token: 'WSTETH',
+				},
+				expectedDebt: { amount: '2,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
+				protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			});
-	});
-	test('It should Pay back and Withdraw in a single tx on an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Borrow position @regression', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: 'xxxx',
+		// Pause to avoid flakiness
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(2_000);
+		await test.step('It should Borrow and Deposit in a single tx', async () => {
+			await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'WSTETH' });
+			await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
+			await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				allowanceNotNeeded: true,
+				borrow: { token: 'USDT', amount: '3000' },
+				deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '3' },
+				expectedCollateralDeposited: {
+					amount: '10.00',
+					token: 'WSTETH',
+				},
+				expectedDebt: { amount: '5,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
+				protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			});
-		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
-		// Reload page to avoid random fails
-		await app.page.reload();
-		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'WSTETH' });
-		await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
-		await app.position.manage.payBackDebt();
-		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			payBack: { token: 'USDT', amount: '4000' },
-			withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '1.5' },
-			expectedCollateralDeposited: {
-				amount: '8.50',
-				token: 'WSTETH',
-			},
-			expectedDebt: { amount: '1,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
-			protocol: 'Aave V3',
-			allowanceNotNeeded: true,
-		});
-	});
-	test('It should close an existent Aave V3 Borrow Ethereum position - Close to collateral token (WSTETH)', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: '12060',
+		// Pause to avoid flakiness
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(2_000);
+		await test.step('It should Pay back and Withdraw in a single tx', async () => {
+			// Reload page to avoid random fails
+			await app.page.reload();
+			await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'WSTETH' });
+			await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
+			await app.position.manage.payBackDebt();
+			await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				payBack: { token: 'USDT', amount: '4000' },
+				withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '1.5' },
+				expectedCollateralDeposited: {
+					amount: '8.50',
+					token: 'WSTETH',
+				},
+				expectedDebt: { amount: '1,[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}([0-9]{1,2})?', token: 'USDT' },
+				protocol: 'Aave V3',
+				allowanceNotNeeded: true,
+			});
-		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
-		// Pause and relaod to avoid random fails
-		await app.page.waitForTimeout(1000);
-		await app.page.reload();
-		await close({
-			forkId,
-			app,
-			positionType: 'Borrow',
-			closeTo: 'collateral',
-			collateralToken: 'WSTETH',
-			debtToken: 'USDT',
-			tokenAmountAfterClosing: '[4-8].[0-9]{3,4}',
+		// Pause to avoid flakiness
+		await app.page.waitForTimeout(2_000);
+		await test.step('It should close a position', async () => {
+			// Pause and relaod to avoid random fails
+			await app.page.waitForTimeout(1000);
+			await app.page.reload();
+			await close({
+				metamask,
+				forkId,
+				app,
+				positionType: 'Borrow',
+				closeTo: 'collateral',
+				collateralToken: 'WSTETH',
+				debtToken: 'USDT',
+				tokenAmountAfterClosing: '[4-8].[0-9]{3,4}',
+			});
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum1.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum1.spec.ts
index a1546756..e44630a7 100644
--- a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum1.spec.ts
+++ b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/ethereum/earn/aaveV3EarnEthereum1.spec.ts
@@ -1,193 +1,168 @@
-import { BrowserContext, test } from '@playwright/test';
-import { metamaskSetUp } from 'utils/setup';
-import { resetState } from '@synthetixio/synpress/commands/synpress';
-import * as tenderly from 'utils/tenderly';
+import { testWithSynpress } from '@synthetixio/synpress';
+import { metaMaskFixtures } from '@synthetixio/synpress/playwright';
+import basicSetup from 'utils/synpress/test-wallet-setup/basic.setup';
 import { setup } from 'utils/setup';
-import { extremelyLongTestTimeout, positionTimeout, veryLongTestTimeout } from 'utils/config';
+import * as tenderly from 'utils/tenderly';
+import { extremelyLongTestTimeout, longTestTimeout, positionTimeout } from 'utils/config';
 import { App } from 'src/app';
 import { manageDebtOrCollateral, openPosition } from 'tests/sharedTestSteps/positionManagement';
 import { reloadUntilCorrect } from 'utils/general';
-let context: BrowserContext;
 let app: App;
 let forkId: string;
 let walletAddress: string;
-test.describe.configure({ mode: 'serial' });
+const test = testWithSynpress(metaMaskFixtures(basicSetup));
 test.describe('Aave V3 Earn - Ethereum - Wallet connected', async () => {
-	test.afterAll(async () => {
-		await tenderly.deleteFork(forkId);
-		await app.page.close();
+	test.beforeEach(async ({ metamask, page }) => {
+		test.setTimeout(longTestTimeout);
-		await context.close();
+		app = new App(page);
+		({ forkId, walletAddress } = await setup({ metamask, app, network: 'mainnet' }));
-		await resetState();
+		await tenderly.setTokenBalance({
+			forkId,
+			network: 'mainnet',
+			walletAddress,
+			token: 'WSTETH',
+			balance: '50',
+		});
-	test('It should open an Aave V3 Earn Ethereum position - WSTETH-ETH @regression', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: '11672',
-		});
+	test.afterEach(async () => {
+		await tenderly.deleteFork(forkId);
+		await app.page.close();
+	});
+	test('It should open and manage an Aave V3 Earn Ethereum position - WSTETH-ETH @regression', async ({
+		metamask,
+	}) => {
-		await test.step('Test setup', async () => {
-			({ context } = await metamaskSetUp({ network: 'mainnet' }));
-			let page = await context.newPage();
-			app = new App(page);
+		await app.page.goto('/ethereum/aave/v3/earn/wsteth-eth#simulate');
-			({ forkId, walletAddress } = await setup({ app, network: 'mainnet' }));
+		await test.step('It should Open a position', async () => {
+			// Pause to avoid flakiness
+			await app.page.waitForTimeout(2_000);
-			await tenderly.setTokenBalance({
+			await openPosition({
+				metamask,
+				app,
-				walletAddress,
-				network: 'mainnet',
-				token: 'WSTETH',
-				balance: '50',
+				deposit: { token: 'ETH', amount: '10' },
-		await app.position.openPage('/ethereum/aave/v3/earn/wsteth-eth#simulate');
+		await test.step('It should Deposti extra collateral', async () => {
+			// Pause to avoid flakiness
+			await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
-		await openPosition({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			deposit: { token: 'ETH', amount: '10' },
-		});
-	});
-	test('It should Deposit extra collateral on an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Earn position', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: 'xxxxx',
-		});
-		test.setTimeout(veryLongTestTimeout);
-		await app.position.overview.shouldHaveExposure({
-			amount: '9.[0-9]{4}',
-			token: 'WSTETH',
-			timeout: positionTimeout,
-		});
-		await app.position.overview.shouldHaveDebt({
-			amount: '1.[0-9]{4}',
-			token: 'ETH',
-		});
-		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
-		await app.position.manage.select('Manage collateral');
-		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '20' },
-			expectedCollateralExposure: {
-				amount: '29.[0-9]{2}',
+			await app.position.overview.shouldHaveExposure({
+				amount: '9.[0-9]{4}',
 				token: 'WSTETH',
-			},
-			expectedDebt: {
+				timeout: positionTimeout,
+			});
+			await app.position.overview.shouldHaveDebt({
 				amount: '1.[0-9]{4}',
 				token: 'ETH',
-			},
-			protocol: 'Aave V3',
-		});
-	});
-	test('It should Withdraw from an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Earn position', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: 'xxxxx',
-		});
-		test.setTimeout(veryLongTestTimeout);
-		// Pause and Reload page to avoid random fails
-		await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
-		await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
+			});
-		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
-		await app.position.manage.select('Manage collateral');
-		await app.position.manage.withdrawCollateral();
+			await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
+			await app.position.manage.select('Manage collateral');
-		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '10' },
-			expectedCollateralExposure: {
-				amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
-				token: 'WSTETH',
-			},
-			expectedDebt: {
-				amount: '1.[0-9]{2}',
-				token: 'ETH',
-			},
-			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				deposit: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '20' },
+				expectedCollateralExposure: {
+					amount: '29.[0-9]{2}',
+					token: 'WSTETH',
+				},
+				expectedDebt: {
+					amount: '1.[0-9]{4}',
+					token: 'ETH',
+				},
+				protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			});
-	});
-	test('It should Borrow from an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Earn position', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: 'xxxx',
-		});
+		await test.step('It should Withdraw collateral', async () => {
+			// Pause to avoid flakiness
+			await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
+			await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
-		test.setTimeout(veryLongTestTimeout);
+			await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
+			await app.position.manage.select('Manage collateral');
+			await app.position.manage.withdrawCollateral();
-		// Pause and Reload page to avoid random fails
-		await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
-		await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
+			await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				withdraw: { token: 'WSTETH', amount: '10' },
+				expectedCollateralExposure: {
+					amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
+					token: 'WSTETH',
+				},
+				expectedDebt: {
+					amount: '1.[0-9]{2}',
+					token: 'ETH',
+				},
+				protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			});
+		});
-		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
-		await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
-		await app.position.manage.withdrawDebt();
+		await test.step('It should Borrow', async () => {
+			// Pause to avoid flakiness
+			await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
+			await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
-		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			borrow: { token: 'ETH', amount: '10' },
-			expectedCollateralExposure: {
-				amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
-				token: 'WSTETH',
-			},
-			expectedDebt: {
-				amount: '11.[0-9]{2}',
-				token: 'ETH',
-			},
-			protocol: 'Aave V3',
-		});
-	});
+			await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
+			await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
+			await app.position.manage.withdrawDebt();
-	test('It should Pay back on an existing Aave V3 Ethereum Earn position', async () => {
-		test.info().annotations.push({
-			type: 'Test case',
-			description: 'xxxx',
+			await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				borrow: { token: 'ETH', amount: '10' },
+				expectedCollateralExposure: {
+					amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
+					token: 'WSTETH',
+				},
+				expectedDebt: {
+					amount: '11.[0-9]{2}',
+					token: 'ETH',
+				},
+				protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			});
-		test.setTimeout(veryLongTestTimeout);
-		// Pause and Reload page to avoid random fails
-		await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
-		await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
+		await test.step('It should Pay back', async () => {
+			// Pause to avoid flakiness
+			await app.page.waitForTimeout(1_000);
+			await reloadUntilCorrect(app);
-		await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
-		await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
+			await app.position.manage.openManageOptions({ currentLabel: 'Adjust' });
+			await app.position.manage.select('Manage debt');
-		await manageDebtOrCollateral({
-			app,
-			forkId,
-			payBack: { token: 'ETH', amount: '5' },
-			expectedCollateralExposure: {
-				amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
-				token: 'WSTETH',
-			},
-			expectedDebt: {
-				amount: '6.[0-9]{2}',
-				token: 'ETH',
-			},
-			protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			await manageDebtOrCollateral({
+				metamask,
+				app,
+				forkId,
+				payBack: { token: 'ETH', amount: '5' },
+				expectedCollateralExposure: {
+					amount: '19.[0-9]{2}',
+					token: 'WSTETH',
+				},
+				expectedDebt: {
+					amount: '6.[0-9]{2}',
+					token: 'ETH',
+				},
+				protocol: 'Aave V3',
+			});
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aavV3MultOptAutomations_1.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aavV3MultOptAutomations_1.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aavV3MultOptAutomations_1.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aavV3MultOptAutomations_1.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aavV3MultOptAutomations_2.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aavV3MultOptAutomations_2.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aavV3MultOptAutomations_2.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aavV3MultOptAutomations_2.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aaveV3BorrowOptimism1.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aaveV3BorrowOptimism1.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aaveV3BorrowOptimism1.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aaveV3BorrowOptimism1.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aaveV3BorrowOptimism2.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aaveV3BorrowOptimism2.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aaveV3BorrowOptimism2.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aaveV3BorrowOptimism2.spec.ts
diff --git a/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aaveV3MultiplyOptimism.spec.ts b/tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aaveV3MultiplyOptimism.spec.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism/aaveV3MultiplyOptimism.spec.ts
rename to tests/withWallet/aaveV3/optimism-old/aaveV3MultiplyOptimism.spec.ts