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Constructors Cont.

A Prototype In JS

Review and Motivation

In javascript we previosly learned about the constructor pattern, which allowed us to do the following:

  function Person(first, last){
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
    this.greet = function () {
      return "Hello, my name is " + this.firstName;
  var tSwift = new Person("Taylor", "Swift");
  // => Hello, my name is Taylor
  // OMG!!!

We can also make another person.

 var lana = new Person("Lana", "Del Rey");

We see that both lana and tSwift have the same greet functionality, but if we compare their greet methods we get a surprise.

lana.greet == tSwift.greet
// => false

This is because each time we run the new Person(...) command we create a new object using the first and last name passed in, and we then set greet to a newly created function. Basically, we create a new greet function every time we create a new Person. That can't be good.


Luckily we have an efficient way of creating methods that doesn't require us to waste memory re-creating functions for every new object.



Now we refactor our Person to use a Prototype and we will explain more about it in a moment.

  function Person(first, last){
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
    this.greet = function () {
      return "Hello, my name is " + this.firstName;


  function Person(first, last){
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;

  Person.prototype.greet = function () {
    return "Hello, my name is " + this.firstName;

This changes nothing about how we create a person. The following works as expected.

var tSwift = new Person("Taylor", "Swift");

Behind the scenes javascript has moved the greet method onto a shared property called the prototype. Now the greet function isn't created with every new person.

lana = new Person("Lana", "Del Rey");
lana.greet == tSwift.greet
// returns true

We can check if a method or property belongs to an object or on a prototype by using hasOwnProperty

// returns true
// returns false


  • Why do we use the prototype?
    • It is an efficient way of creating methods on an object.
  • What is a hasOwnProperty?
    • It is property that belongs directly on object not in it's prototype.
  • What is a prototype property/method?
    • Any property that is in the object, but not a hasOwnProperty.
  • How do we create a new Person?
    • the same way we create a person using just constructors from earlier.

Exercises Using Prototype

Please use the prototype for creating methods.

  • Create a constructor for a superHero that takes a firstName and lastName. Give each superHero a superPunch method that returns "WHAM!".
  • Create a constructor for a robot that takes name and purpose. Give each robot a greet method that returns "beep boop"

Object Oriented Programming

We haven't really created very advanced methods to interact with our objects. Our methods mostly return strings. In reality there are two main types of methods on an object.


A getter method returns some information about associated with our object

  function Person (first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;

  // A Getter for the firstName
  Person.prototype.getFirstName = function () {
    return this.firstName;

  // A Getter for the lastName
  Person.prototype.getLastName = function () {
    return this.lastName;

  // A Getter for the fullName
  Person.prototype.fullName = function () {
    return this.lastName + ", " + this.firstName;


A setter method changes one or more properties associated with an object.

  function Person (first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;

  // A setter for the firstName
  Person.prototype.setFirstName = function (newFirst) {
    this.firstName = newFirst;

  // A setter for the lastName
  Person.prototype.changeLastName = function (newLast) {
    this.lastName = newLast;

  // A setter for the fullName
  Person.prototype.changeFullName = function (newFirst, newLast) {
    this.firstName = newFirst;
    this.lastName = newLast;

Properties associated with any object have getter and setters built-in to the same key.

var friend = {name: "joe"};

// we can get name using
// so is also a getter

// we also set name using = "josh";
// so is also a setter

That's kinda cool, so we won't typically have to worry too much about getters and setters.

Exercises/More Homework

  • Make a Starship constructor that takes a model and ownerName.
    • Give your StarShip a setTopSpeed method and a getTopSpeedMethod that let you change and read the topSpeed. Assume topSpeed is just a number.
    • Give your Starship an accelerateTo method that sets currentSpeed to some number, unless that number is greater than its topSpeed.
  • Make a Dice constructor that takes a numberOfSides. Add a method called getSide or roll that randomly returns a number from 1 up to the numberOfSides.
    • Modify your getSide method to record the returned side in a lastRoll property.
  • Make a Radio constructor that takes in an ownerName and a signalType ("AM" or "FM").
    • Add a setStation method to your radio that allows the following ranges:
      • 535 to 1705 for "AM".
      • 88 to 108 for "FM".
    • Add a listen method that returns the following:
      • "distorted music" for "AM".
      • "clear music" for "FM".
  • Make a Mailer constructor that takes a from email address, and has currentMessage set to an empty object, as well as a sentMessages array.
    • Add a setSendTo method that sets currentMessage.sendTo to be a specified email.
    • Add a setSubject method that sets currentMessage.subject to be a specified subject.
    • Add a send method that sets currentMessage.from to be this.from, pushes currentMessage into sentMessages, and sets currentMessage to be a new object.
      • Modify send so that it checks if currentMessage has both a sendTo and subject before pushing to sentMessages.