Data Guard is a TypeScript library for validating and sanitizing data, inspired by Django Rest Serializer. It helps ensure the integrity of your API data by applying validation rules and cleaning unnecessary fields.
- Flexible Validation Rules: Validate various data types including strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays, and dates.
- Nested Rules: Apply validation rules to nested structures and arrays.
- Customizable: Define your own validation rules and customize the behavior.
- TypeScript Support: Strong typing ensures better development experience and fewer runtime errors.
You can install Data Guard via npm:
npm install @omerbhatti/data-guard
Here's a basic example of how to use Data Guard:
- Define Your Rules Create a set of validation rules for your API data:
import {
StringRule, IntegerRule, FloatRule, BooleanRule, ArrayRule, DateRule, JSONRule, FileRule
} from '@omerbhatti/data-guard';
const USER_API_RULES = {
username: new StringRule(true, null, 20, new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$')),
age: new IntegerRule(false),
salary: new FloatRule(true, 2),
active: new BooleanRule(),
ids: new ArrayRule(new ArrayRule(new ArrayRule(new FloatRule()))),
startDate: new DateRule(true),
endDate: new DateRule(true, new Date('2021-01-01'), new Date('2021-01-30')),
status: new StringRule(true, null, null, null, ['draft', 'pending', 'in progress']),
dict: new JSONRule(true, {
email: new StringRule(false, null, 20, new RegExp('^[a-z]+@(gmail|xyz).com$')),
age: new IntegerRule(false),
data: new JSONRule(false, {}),
image: new FileRule(true, 2048 * 2048 * 5, ['image/png', 'image/jpeg']),
- Create a Validator Instance
import Validator from '@omerbhatti/data-guard';
const validator = new Validator(USER_API_RULES, {
username: 'test_user',
extra: 'data: [1, 2, 3, 4]',
dangerousField: 'Virus Code Here !!!',
salary: '12000.2378787878',
active: true,
ids: [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1]],
startDate: '2024-09-05',
endDate: new Date('2021-01-30'),
status: 'draft',
dict: {
email: '[email protected]',
age: 23,
image: new File([fs.readFileSync('./test.png')], 'test.png', { type: 'image/png' }),
- Validate Data
try {
console.log("errors: " + validator.validate(true)); // Outputs validation results
console.log("cleanedData: " + validator.cleanedData()); // Outputs cleaned data
} catch (exc) {
console.error(exc); // Handle validation errors
errors: {}
cleanedData: {
username: 'testuser',
salary: 12000.24,
active: true,
ids: [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1 ] ],
startDate: 2024-09-05T00:00:00.000Z,
endDate: 2021-01-30T00:00:00.000Z,
status: 'draft',
dict: { email: '[email protected]', age: 23 },
image: File {
size: 1409,
type: 'image/png',
name: 'test.png',
lastModified: 1725876450393
Validates strings with optional length and regex constraints.
Validates integers.
Validates floating-point numbers with optional precision.
Validates boolean values.
Validates arrays with optional nested rules.
Validates date values with optional min and max constraints.
Validates JSON objects with optional schema validation.
Validates file type / size and other validations
For any inquiries, please reach out to [email protected]
- Pull a branch from master named
- Do the required changes
- Push the changes and create a pull request