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External Tutorial

hao edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 6 revisions

This tutorial will focus on how to create an app on top of OneLedger blockchain protocol. This app will be referred as "external app" in this tutorial.


Blockchain is a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), that abstracts away trust among 2 or more parties by introducing a technology that is unhackable, immutable and trusted. Any use case that involves trust between 2 or more parties, is where blockchain can be applied, and so it’s thought of regularly in Supply Chain and Logistics, Finance, Insurance, Litigation, Health Care and many others.

Technically blockchain is a state machine running on different nodes that under a consensus mechanism.

An external app will contains 3 layers in total to utilize the OneLedger blockchain network.

  • Data Layer: stores data that will be used in the app
  • Transaction Layer: any actions in the blockchain system will be executed as a transaction, each and every node in the blockchain network will run a transaction in the same order to reach a consensus state.
  • RPC Layer: in order to interact with blockchain network, for example, trigger the transactions in transaction layer, or query data from data layer, we need RPC layer to be able to make RPC requests to block chain network.

💡Simply put, an external app will use different transactions to perform corresponding actions that deal with data in store(s) to achieve certain functionalities. We provide rpc functions to support querying result from outside of blockchain.

💡And once our app is finished, a typical workflow we will see when testing it:

  1. Store the data into blockchain network
    1. Use sdk to generate and sign the transaction.
    2. Use sdk to broadcast the transaction to one fullnode in the blockchain network
    3. This fullnode will do the basic validation first to ensure the signature and address is correct.
    4. Then the transaction will be broadcasted to the blockchain network todo explain process check and process deliver
    5. Once the blockchain consensus is reached, this transaction will be committed into a block.
  2. Retrieve the data
    • Use sdk to call rpc query service and get data from data store

todo check the links

0. Pre-Start

System Requirements

Ensure your system meets the following requirements:

Operating System must be one of the following:

  • macOS
    • Ensure Xcode Developer Tools is installed(only command line version is needed)
  • A Debian-based Linux distribution
    • Ubuntu is recommended for the smoothest install, otherwise you will have to set up your distribution for installing PPAs
  • Go version 1.11 or higher
  • git


Setup Environment Variables

Use which go to check where Golang is installed

In your .bashrc or .zshrc file, set up environment variables as below:

export GOPATH="folder for all your Golang project"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export GO111MODULE=auto
export GOROOT="folder where Golang is installed"
export OLROOT="$GOPATH/src/"
export OLTEST="$OLROOT/protocol/node/scripts"
export OLSCRIPT="$OLROOT/protocol/node/scripts"
export OLSETUP="$OLROOT/protocol/node/setup"
export OLDATA="$GOPATH/test"

and source it(choose .bashrc or .zshrc that you are using)

source ~/.bashrc

Install ClevelDB

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install build-essential

sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev

wget && \
  tar -zxvf v1.20.tar.gz && \
  cd leveldb-1.20/ && \
  make && \
  sudo cp -r out-static/lib* out-shared/lib* /usr/local/lib/ && \
  cd include/ && \
  sudo cp -r leveldb /usr/local/include/ && \
  sudo ldconfig && \
  rm -f v1.20.tar.gz

For MacOS:

brew install leveldb

Clone the repo

git clone

Install the required dependencies

cd ./protocol
git checkout develop
git checkout -b name-of-your-branch
make update
make install_c

If no error occurs, you are good to go.

Choose your IDE

You can use Goland or VScode. For Goland, it comes with a 30-day trial.

Steps to create an external app

It takes 6 major steps to create an external app:

  • Create your external app folder
  • Create error codes package
  • Create data package
  • Create action(transaction) package
  • Create RPC package
  • Register the app into OneLedger Blockchain

This tutorial will use an example app called "farm_produce" to show the steps you need to take to build an external app.

This example app will provide the functionality of

  1. Insert data belongs to a batch of produce into the blockchain network
  2. Query data by batch ID

1. Create your external app folder

Inside protocol folder, there is a folder named external_apps, everything that needs to be done will be in this folder.

The structure inside external_apps is shown in the below, which includes a common utility folder, an example project folder and an initialization file.

├── bid(example project folder)
├── common(common utility folder)
└── init.go

The first step for external app is to create your own external app folder, just like bid as the example. Let's create a folder called farm_produce

├── bid(example project folder)
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce <---
└── init.go

2. Create error codes package

Create error package and error codes file to define all the error codes used in your external app, you will be provided a range of error codes that are pre-allocated to this external app to avoid conflict.

All external app error codes will be a six digit number starts with 99, and for each external app, there are 100 error codes available. For example, 990100 to 990199.

All packages inside your app folder should follow the naming convention of app name + underscore + package name, such as farm_error.

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   └── farm_error
│       └── codes.go <---
└── init.go

Later on we will be adding error codes into this file as below. (with your dedicated error codes)

const (
	ErrFailedInSerialization      = 990101
	ErrFailedInDeserialization    = 990102

3. Create data package

Data package takes care of the functionality to store, and get data related to your external app. There will be data structs to represent single entry of data object, and there will be data stores to hold the data. You can use multiple data structs or stores if needed.

Data in all stores is saved in a non-relational key-value(leveldb) database universally, with different prefix in the key we can differentiate data entries in different stores.

Create data folder as below

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_data <---
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

Define constants and other components in init.go file

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_data
│   │   ├── init.go <---
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

We will define some constants as below, they will be used in the id length verification.

const (

Define basic data types that will be used in the external app

Create a new file called types.go in your data package.

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_data
│   │   ├── init.go
│   │   └── types.go <---
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

This file will store basic types that on which you want to build up some method, such is a simple validation method to check if the value is valid.

type (
	BatchID string
	FarmID string

Here we check if the length of them is correct

func (id BatchID) Err() error {
	switch {
	case len(id) == 0:
		return errors.New("BatchID is empty")
	case len(id) != BATCHIDLENGTH:
		return errors.New("BatchID length is incorrect")
	return nil

func (id FarmID) Err() error {
	switch {
	case len(id) == 0:
		return errors.New("FarmID is empty")
	case len(id) != FARMIDLENGTH:
		return errors.New("FarmID length is incorrect")
	return nil

Define data layer errors

Create a new file called errors.go

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_data
│   │   ├── errors.go <---
│   │   ├── init.go
│   │   └── types.go
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

Inside this file, we will define errors that potentially can be triggered in data layer.

var (
	ErrFailedInSerialization   = codes.ProtocolError{farm_error.ErrFailedInSerialization, "failed to serialize"}

Here we define errors using the error code from farm_error package in the last step, and combine it with an error message.

Later on we can add more errors to this file.

Define structs that will be used in the external app

This is the structs that you want to utilize to represent single entry of data object in the external app.

For example, this is a note if your app is a notebook, a product if your app is a product management system.

In our farm produce app, this will be the information of a batch of produce. Let's create a file called produce.go

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_data
│   │   ├── errors.go
│   │   ├── init.go
│   │   ├── produce.go <---
│   │   └── types.go
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

This file will at least contains a struct definition and a constructor as below.

⚠️ Remember to use proper json tag so that it can be successfully serialized and deserialized. The naming convention we use for json tag is camel style.

type Produce struct {
	BatchID         BatchID `json:"batchId"`
	ItemType        string  `json:"itemType"`
	FarmID          FarmID  `json:"farmId"`
	FarmName        string  `json:"farmName"`
	HarvestLocation string  `json:"harvestLocation"`
	HarvestDate     int64   `json:"harvestDate"`
	Classification  string  `json:"classification"`
	Quantity        int     `json:"quantity"`
	Description     string  `json:"description"`

func NewProduce(batchID BatchID, itemType string, farmID FarmID, farmName string, harvestLocation string, harvestDate int64, classification string, quantity int, description string) *Produce {
	return &Produce{BatchID: batchID, ItemType: itemType, FarmID: farmID, FarmName: farmName, HarvestLocation: harvestLocation, HarvestDate: harvestDate, Classification: classification, Quantity: quantity, Description: description}

Batch ID is the only factor that can differentiate different batches of produce, this value need to be unique.

And there are some other fields that describe the batch in different perspective.

🛠If your data object is an entity that designed to be owned by or traded/exchanged among users, you can use keys.Address as data type for that field. This represents an address on the OneLedger blockchain network. The String() method for address will return the string value for that address.

Define data stores that will be used in the external app

This the storage struct that you want to store you data entries from above step.

In farm produce example app, we will have produce store as our data store.

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_data
│   │   ├── errors.go
│   │   ├── init.go
│   │   ├── produce.go
│   │   ├── produce_store.go <---
│   │   └── types.go
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

Inside produce_store.go, we first define our data store

type ProduceStore struct {
	state  *storage.State
	szlr   serialize.Serializer
	prefix []byte
  • state As mentioned before, the blockchain network is a state machine that runs on different node. Data in every store is saved in a key-value database in the state. We need this state to put our data stores.
  • szlr is the serializer we used to handle (de)serialization. This is needed since we are transmitting data from/to sdk and different nodes. A serializer will serialize the objects into json(or other standard) string when transmitting it and deserialize the string to the original objects when receiving it.
  • prefix is a string that stays at the beginning of the keys in this store, it's used to differentiate this store and others.
    • You can define your own prefix value as you want.

And we add the constructor for this store:

func NewProduceStore(state *storage.State, prefix string) *ProduceStore {
	return &ProduceStore{
		state:  state,
		szlr:   serialize.GetSerializer(serialize.PERSISTENT),
		prefix: []byte(prefix),

For serializer, we can just use serialize.PERSISTENT, which will do the (de)serialization using JSON standard.

Method GetState and WithState are used to correctly pass/get the state to/from the store.

func (ps *ProduceStore) GetState() *storage.State {
	return ps.state

func (ps *ProduceStore) WithState(state *storage.State) data.ExtStore {
	ps.state = state
	return ps

Method Set is to set data into the store

func (ps *ProduceStore) Set(produce *Produce) error {
	prefixed := append(ps.prefix, produce.BatchID...)
	data, err := ps.szlr.Serialize(produce)
	if err != nil {
		return ErrFailedInSerialization.Wrap(err)

	err = ps.state.Set(prefixed, data)

	if err != nil {
		return ErrSettingRecord.Wrap(err)
	return nil

Here we first append the produce batch id as a part of the prefixed key, and serialize the produce batch into the store. You can design your own key pattern.

⚠️ When we design the key pattern, the most important point is to create every data entry with a unique key. In this example, this is achieved by appending batch id to the prefixed key.

Method Get is to get data from the store

func (ps *ProduceStore) Get(batchId BatchID) (*Produce, error) {
	produce := &Produce{}
	prefixed := append(ps.prefix, []byte(batchId)...)
	data, err := ps.state.Get(prefixed)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, ErrGettingRecord.Wrap(err)
	err = ps.szlr.Deserialize(data, produce)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, ErrFailedInDeserialization.Wrap(err)

	return produce, nil

First we create empty produce batch object and construct our key, and get the corresponding data from the state. After this, we deserialize data into our object.

Method Exist will be able to tell if a data entry can be found in the data store.

func (ps *ProduceStore) Exists(key BatchID) bool {
	prefix := append(ps.prefix, key...)
	return ps.state.Exists(prefix)

Method Delete is to delete data from the store

func (ps *ProduceStore) Delete(batchId BatchID) (bool, error) {
	prefixed := append(ps.prefix, batchId...)
	res, err := ps.state.Delete(prefixed)
	if err != nil {
		return false, ErrDeletingRecord.Wrap(err)
	return res, err

4. Create action package

Action pacakge handles all the transactions in the app. In the blockchain network, every action is achieved by a transaction, such as sending tokens to another address, creating a domain, adding data to stores...

When a fullnode in the blockchain network receives a transaction, it will first do basic validation, then it will be passed into the network. Since blockchain network is a decentralized system, the consensus established among all the nodes is essential.

After this transaction is passed into the network, it will be executed in different nodes to achieve the consensus. That means EVERYTHING in the transaction should be deterministic, everything should follow the same step for one transaction in multiple nodes. No random number, no random sequence and so on.

Create action folder as below

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   │   └── init.go <---
│   ├── farm_data
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

Inside this init.go, first we will define some constants as the action type. You will be provided with 6-digit action type codes with the same range as the error codes, such as 990100 to 990199.

const (
	FARM_INSERT_PRODUCE action.Type = 990101

And we need to register our action types in the init function.

func init() {

Define action layer errors

Create a new file called errors.go

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   │   ├── errors.go <---
│   │   └── init.go
│   ├── farm_data
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

Inside this file, we will define errors that potentially can be triggered in action layer.

var (
    ErrFailedToUnmarshal = codes.ProtocolError{farm_error.ErrFailedToUnmarshal, "failed to unmarshal"}

Here we define errors using the error code from farm_error package, and combine it with an error message.

Later on we can add more errors to this file.

Create a transaction

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   │   ├── errors.go
│   │   ├── init.go
│   │   └── insert_batch.go <---
│   ├── farm_data
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go

First let's create a file called insert_batch.go. Inside this file we will create one transaction.

As mentioned before, a transaction will be validated first when received by a fullnode, then broadcasted into the blockchain network. This requires the transaction to be written following a specific pattern.

There will be two objects for this transaction, remember to put correct json tag for deserialization.

type InsertProduce struct {
	BatchId         farm_data.BatchID `json:"batchId"`
	ItemType        string            `json:"itemType"`
	FarmID          farm_data.FarmID  `json:"farmId"`
	FarmName        string            `json:"farmName"`
	HarvestLocation string            `json:"harvestLocation"`
	HarvestDate     int64             `json:"harvestDate"`
	Classification  string            `json:"classification"`
	Quantity        int               `json:"quantity"`
	Description     string            `json:"description"`
	Operator        keys.Address      `json:"operator"`

type InsertProduceTx struct {

var _ action.Msg = &InsertProduce{}

var _ action.Tx = &InsertProduceTx{}

We use var _ action.Msg = &CreateBid{} and var _ action.Tx = &CreateBidTx{} to check if these two objects implement action.Msg and action.Tx interface respectively. Right now there will be compiling errors saying the lack of methods, we will add them below.

Method Signer will specify the signer of this transaction. Every transaction needs to be signed by an address, and the address needs to pay a small amount of fee in OLT token to the support the network. That means in the InsertProduce struct, there must be at least one parameter of keys.Address type. Here we use Operator as the signer.

func (i InsertProduce) Signers() []action.Address {
	return []action.Address{i.Operator}

Method Type will return the action type we created for this transaction.

func (i InsertProduce) Type() action.Type {

Method Tag will return a list of key-value pairs that contains some of the chosen parameters, this list will be included in the transaction events for future use.

func (i InsertProduce) Tags() kv.Pairs {
	tags := make([]kv.Pair, 0)

	tag := kv.Pair{
		Key:   []byte("tx.batchId"),
		Value: []byte(i.BatchId),
	tag1 := kv.Pair{
		Key:   []byte("tx.type"),
		Value: []byte(i.Type().String()),

	tags = append(tags, tag, tag1)
	return tags

Method Marshal and Unmarshal will provide the functionalities of (de)serialization in action layer.

func (c CreateBid) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
	return json.Marshal(c)

func (c *CreateBid) Unmarshal(bytes []byte) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(bytes, c)

Method Validate is needed to do basic validation when a fullnode receives the transaction. The receiver of this method is CreateBidTx.

func (i InsertProduceTx) Validate(ctx *action.Context, signedTx action.SignedTx) (bool, error) {
	insertProduce := InsertProduce{}
	err := insertproduce.Unmarshal(signedTx.Data)
	if err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(ErrFailedToUnmarshal, err.Error())

	//validate basic signature
	err = action.ValidateBasic(signedTx.RawBytes(), insertProduce.Signers(), signedTx.Signatures)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	err = action.ValidateFee(ctx.FeePool.GetOpt(), signedTx.Fee)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	//Check if batch ID is valid
	err = insertProduce.BatchId.Err()
	if err != nil {
		return false, farm_data.ErrInvalidBatchID.Wrap(err)

	//Check if farm ID is valid
	err = insertProduce.FarmID.Err()
	if err != nil {
		return false, farm_data.ErrInvalidFarmID.Wrap(err)

	//Check if operator address is valid oneLedger address
	err = insertProduce.Operator.Err()
	if err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(action.ErrInvalidAddress, err.Error())
	return true, nil

In the Validate method, we first create an object of type InsertProduce, and deserialize the transaction data into this object.

Then we validate basic signatures so that the we are sure this transaction is properly signed by the signer.

After that, we need to make sure the currency for this transaction should be OLT.

At the end, we do some basic validation related to our app logic, such as the address validation and batch/farm ID validation

⚠️ Do not do any complex validation that involves accessing data store in the Validate method, it will raise concurrency problem in the app.

Method ProcessFee will process the amount of fee payed by the transaction signer.

func (c CreateBidTx) ProcessFee(ctx *action.Context, signedTx action.SignedTx, start action.Gas, size action.Gas) (bool, action.Response) {
	return action.BasicFeeHandling(ctx, signedTx, start, size, 1)

Method ProcessCheck and ProcessDeliver represent different stages of including the transaction into the network. As mentioned before, to achieve consensus, a transaction will be executed in different nodes.

func (i InsertProduceTx) ProcessCheck(ctx *action.Context, tx action.RawTx) (bool, action.Response) {
	ctx.Logger.Debug("ProcessCheck CancelProposalTx transaction for CheckTx", tx)
	return runInsertProduce(ctx, tx)

func (i InsertProduceTx) ProcessDeliver(ctx *action.Context, tx action.RawTx) (bool, action.Response) {
	ctx.Logger.Debug("ProcessDeliver CancelProposalTx transaction for DeliverTx", tx)
	return runInsertProduce(ctx, tx)

Inside these two methods, we will use function runInsertProduce to perform the actual transaction logic.

func runInsertProduce(ctx *action.Context, tx action.RawTx) (bool, action.Response) {
	insertProduce := InsertProduce{}
	err := insertProduce.Unmarshal(tx.Data)
	if err != nil {
		return helpers.LogAndReturnFalse(ctx.Logger, ErrFailedToUnmarshal, insertProduce.Tags(), err)

	//1. get produce store
	produceStore, err := GetProduceStore(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return helpers.LogAndReturnFalse(ctx.Logger, farm_data.ErrGettingProduceStore, insertProduce.Tags(), err)

	//2. check if there is produce batch with same batch ID
	if produceStore.Exists(insertProduce.BatchId) {
		return helpers.LogAndReturnFalse(ctx.Logger, farm_data.ErrBatchIDAlreadyExists, insertProduce.Tags(), err)

	//3. construct new produce batch
	produceBatch := farm_data.NewProduce(

	//4. insert the produce batch
	err = produceStore.Set(produceBatch)
	if err != nil {
		return helpers.LogAndReturnFalse(ctx.Logger, farm_data.ErrInsertingProduce, insertProduce.Tags(), err)

	return helpers.LogAndReturnTrue(ctx.Logger, insertProduce.Tags(), "insert_produce_success")

First we deserialize the transaction into InsertProduce type struct as done in Validate method.

🛠 To return error or info in run function, we can utilize LogAndReturnFalse and LogAndReturnTrue functions from helpers package.

After this we will get our store from context, this part is wrapped in GetProduceStore function in helper.go, you can follow the logic in this function to get your external data store.

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   │   ├── errors.go
│   │   ├── helper.go <---
│   │   ├── init.go
│   │   └── insert_batch.go
│   ├── farm_data
│   └── farm_error
└── init.go
func GetProduceStore(ctx *action.Context) (*farm_data.ProduceStore, error) {
	store, err := ctx.ExtStores.Get("extProduceStore")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	produceStore, ok := store.(*farm_data.ProduceStore)
	if ok == false {
		return nil, err

	return produceStore, nil

Store name for external app will start with ext, this will be elaborated in step 7 later when we register the external app into OneLedger blockchain main application.

Then we assert it to the our store type.

After this, let's come back to runInsertProduce, we will check if there is already any batch with the same ID. If there is, the transaction will be aborted.

Then we construct our new batch object, and insert it into the store.

5. Create RPC package

RPC pacakge will handle all the query requests that pointing to supported query services. We will add one query service in this package for our app.

Create RPC folder

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   ├── farm_data
│   ├── farm_error
│   └── farm_rpc <---
└── init.go

Define your request types

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   ├── farm_data
│   ├── farm_error
│   └── farm_rpc
│       └── farm_request_types.go <---
└── init.go

Inside this file you can define your request and reply types.

type GetBatchByIDRequest struct {
	BatchID farm_data.BatchID `json:"batchId"`

type GetBatchByIDReply struct {
	ProduceBatch farm_data.Produce `json:"produceBatch"`
	Height       int64             `json:"height"`

⚠️ These json tags must match what sdk is using later when we testing.

Here we use batch ID to query the information about specific batch. And return that along with current block height.

Define your rpc service errors

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   ├── farm_data
│   ├── farm_error
│   └── farm_rpc
│       ├── errors.go
│       └── farm_request_types.go <---
└── init.go

Inside this file you can define your rpc service errors similar as in other layers.

Create RPC query file

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   ├── farm_data
│   ├── farm_error
│   └── farm_rpc
│       ├── errors.go
│       ├── farm_request_types.go
│       └── farm_rpc_query.go <---
└── init.go

In this farm_rpc_query.go file, first we need to define our service and its constructor, also Name function, which will be used in the registration part in step 6.

type Service struct {
	balances     *balance.Store
	currencies   *balance.CurrencySet
	ons          *ons.DomainStore
	logger       *log.Logger
	produceStore *farm_data.ProduceStore

func Name() string {
	return "farm_query"

func NewService(balances *balance.Store, currencies *balance.CurrencySet,
	domains *ons.DomainStore, logger *log.Logger, produceStore *farm_data.ProduceStore) *Service {
	return &Service{
		currencies:   currencies,
		balances:     balances,
		ons:          domains,
		logger:       logger,
		produceStore: produceStore,

And we will create our query service.

func (svc *Service) GetBatchByID(req GetBatchByIDRequest, reply *GetBatchByIDReply) error {
	batch, err := svc.produceStore.Get(req.BatchID)
	if err != nil {
		return ErrGettingProduceBatchInQuery.Wrap(err)

	*reply = GetBatchByIDReply{
		ProduceBatch: *batch,
		Height:       svc.produceStore.GetState().Version(),
	return nil

In both services above, we use svc.produceStore.GetState().Version() to get the current height and put it into the reply.

When we call our services using customQuery supported by sdk, the custom method will be farm_query.GetBatchByID.

6. Register the app into OneLedger blockchain

At this point, all the functionalities are done, but they are not connected with the main application yet. We need to register all the layers into it.

Create init.go file in our farm app folder

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   ├── farm_data
│   ├── farm_error
│   ├── farm_rpc
│   └── init.go <---
└── init.go

Inside this init.go (under farm_produce directory) we will add a function called LoadAppData

func LoadAppData(appData *common.ExtAppData) {
	logWriter := os.Stdout
	logger := log.NewLoggerWithPrefix(logWriter, "extApp").WithLevel(log.Level(4))
	//load txs
	insertProduce := common.ExtTx{
		Tx:  farm_action.InsertProduceTx{},
		Msg: &farm_action.InsertProduce{},
	appData.ExtTxs = append(appData.ExtTxs, insertProduce)

	//load stores
	if dupName, ok := appData.ExtStores["extProduceStore"]; ok {
		logger.Errorf("Trying to register external store %s failed, same name already exists", dupName)
	} else {
		appData.ExtStores["extProduceStore"] = farm_data.NewProduceStore(storage.NewState(appData.ChainState), "extFarmPrefix")

	//load services
	balances := balance.NewStore("b", storage.NewState(appData.ChainState))
	olt := balance.Currency{Id: 0, Name: "OLT", Chain: chain.ONELEDGER, Decimal: 18, Unit: "nue"}
	currencies := balance.NewCurrencySet()
	err := currencies.Register(olt)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("failed to register currency %s", olt.Name, err)
	appData.ExtServiceMap[farm_rpc.Name()] = farm_rpc.NewService(balances, currencies, logger, farm_data.NewProduceStore(storage.NewState(appData.ChainState), "extFarmPrefix"))

First we create a log writer and include it into a logger, so that we can use it to log info and errors in the app.

Then we create objects of transactions, and wrap each pair of them into the common.ExtTx struct. And add them to appData.ExtTxs.

After this we load all our external stores into appData.ExtStores map, the key will start with ext as mentioned before.

Next is to load our rpc services.

if your app needs to check balance in query part, you can pull those stores from chainstate using balances := balance.NewStore("b", storage.NewState(appData.ChainState)). Here b is fixed prefix for balance store.

And we need to put OLT as our currency in the external app.

And finally in the init.go of external_apps, we need to add one line into the init function, common.Handlers.Register(bid.LoadAppData). This way the registration part is finished.

├── bid(example project folder) 
├── common(common utility folder)
├── farm_produce
│   ├── farm_action
│   ├── farm_data
│   ├── farm_error
│   ├── farm_rpc
│   └── init.go
└── init.go <---
func init() {
	//register new external app handler function in the last line