Updated 2017-12-31
We have two discords dedicated to OAA. The OAA Dev server is a structured work environment where OAA contributors discuss various aspects of the project. Stop by and drop us a line in #general and we'll help you get started contributing! Help channels are for everyone so feel free to stop in and talk shop. These public Help channels are a great community resource. Feel free to ask project related questions - you're likely to get answers to your questions within a few minutes. Please do not DM or @ members you do not know (creeping) keep it in the public chat and you're more likely to get help!
The OAA Player server is where players meet to find lobbies and play OAA, discuss strategies and share ideas, as well as report bugs. We're always looking for new teams for tournaments, more players for scrims, and welcome any and all constructive feedback. If you do submit a bug report, remember we have a bug report template that makes it easier for coders to troubleshoot the issue quickly.
See you there!