These are some of the articles and videos, from where you can learn flutter that too free of cost and then start contributing to this project.
The official the flutter docs are the best place if you want to learn flutter.
Tutorials Point Website also containes a detailed and well structed content for flutter.
The Net Ninja Flutter Playlist.
M-tech viral Flutter Playlist.
You can follow any of the above to learn flutter, even if you have no prior experience with flutter. These tutorials are beginner-friendly.
Before you start contributing to the repository understand collaborating with issues and pull requests
To start commiting changes to your projects
To understand how GitHub flow:octocat: actually look like refer the GitHub Flow Documentation.
To write a seamless documentation refer Markdown syntax description and Github flavoured Markdown
If you want to add emojis refer GitHub Markdown emojis.
Some Interesting articles and videos for learning Git.
Udacity free course for learning Git and Version Control
Youtube Videos for learning Git
Tutorials from official Adobe Website
A detailed youtube playlist on Adobe XD
A 4 hrs Crash Course on Adobe XD