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Python 中的遗传编程:背包问题


使用遗传编程解决背包问题:Python 实现

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编辑注释: 正如读者 Monem 在下面的评论中指出的,这是使用 遗传算法 来解决背包问题的一个例子,而不是遗传编程。我参与了文章的制作,并犯了一个非常基本的错误,一直延续到现在。为了透明起见,我保留了原文,并附上此更正说明。对引起的困惑表示歉意。

在这篇文章中,我们将探讨背包问题,这是计算机科学中的经典问题。我们将解释为什么使用传统计算方法很难解决这一问题,以及遗传编程如何帮助找到“足够好”的解决方案。之后,我们将查看一个 Python 实现的具体解决方案,并亲自测试一下。



背包问题的难点在于它是一个 NP 完全问题,这意味着没有已知的解决方案可以保证全局最优解。因此,该问题难以处理,无法使用传统方法快速解决。解决背包问题的最佳已知算法涉及使用暴力搜索或启发式方法,这些方法可能会有较长的运行时间,并且可能无法保证最优解。






现在我们已经了解了背包问题是什么,遗传编程是什么,以及为什么我们要使用后者来尝试解决前者,让我们来看一下上述描述的 Python 实现。


该程序使用 Python 实现,未使用任何第三方库。


此函数生成给定大小的随机种群。它使用 for 循环遍历给定的大小,并为每次迭代创建一个染色体。这个染色体是由 0 和 1 组成的列表,使用 random.choice()函数生成。然后将染色体附加到种群列表中。最后,函数打印出一条消息并返回种群列表。此函数对于创建遗传算法的个体种群非常有用。

def generate_population(size):
	population = []
	for _ in range(size):
		genes = [0, 1]
		chromosome = []
		for _ in range(len(items)):
	print("Generated a random population of size", size)
	return population


此函数用于计算染色体的适应度。它以染色体作为参数,并对其进行迭代。如果染色体在给定索引处的值为 1,它就将对应项的重量和值分别添加到总重量和总值中。如果总重量超过最大重量,则适应度设置为 0\。否则,适应度设置为总值。该函数在遗传算法中用于确定给定染色体的适应度。

def calculate_fitness(chromosome):
	total_weight = 0
	total_value = 0
	for i in range(len(chromosome)):
		if chromosome[i] == 1:
			total_weight += items[i][0]
			total_value += items[i][1]
	if total_weight > max_weight:
		return 0
		return total_value


这个函数用于从一个种群中选择两个染色体进行交叉操作。它首先使用 calculate_fitness() 函数计算种群中每个染色体的适应度值。然后,它通过将每个值除以所有适应度值的总和来对适应度值进行归一化。最后,它使用 random.choices() 函数根据归一化的适应度值随机选择两个染色体。然后,这两个选择的染色体作为交叉操作的父代染色体返回。

def select_chromosomes(population):
	fitness_values = []
	for chromosome in population:

	fitness_values = [float(i)/sum(fitness_values) for i in fitness_values]

	parent1 = random.choices(population, weights=fitness_values, k=1)[0]
	parent2 = random.choices(population, weights=fitness_values, k=1)[0]

	print("Selected two chromosomes for crossover")
	return parent1, parent2



def crossover(parent1, parent2):
	crossover_point = random.randint(0, len(items)-1)
	child1 = parent1[0:crossover_point] + parent2[crossover_point:]
	child2 = parent2[0:crossover_point] + parent1[crossover_point:]

	print("Performed crossover between two chromosomes")
	return child1, child2


这个函数对染色体进行突变。它接受一个染色体作为参数,并使用 random 模块生成一个介于 0 和染色体长度之间的随机数。如果突变点的值是 0,它将被更改为 1;如果是 1,它将被更改为 0。然后,函数打印一条消息并返回突变后的染色体。这个函数可以用来模拟生物种群中的基因突变。

def mutate(chromosome):
	mutation_point = random.randint(0, len(items)-1)
	if chromosome[mutation_point] == 0:
		chromosome[mutation_point] = 1
		chromosome[mutation_point] = 0
	print("Performed mutation on a chromosome")
	return chromosome



def get_best(population):
	fitness_values = []
	for chromosome in population:

	max_value = max(fitness_values)
	max_index = fitness_values.index(max_value)
	return population[max_index]



for _ in range(generations):
	# select two chromosomes for crossover
	parent1, parent2 = select_chromosomes(population)

	# perform crossover to generate two new chromosomes
	child1, child2 = crossover(parent1, parent2)

	# perform mutation on the two new chromosomes
	if random.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_probability:
		child1 = mutate(child1)
	if random.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_probability:
		child2 = mutate(child2)

	# replace the old population with the new population
	population = [child1, child2] + population[2:]

完整的 Python 实现

如果我们将上述函数和控制循环,加上一个项目列表以及一些参数和控制台输出,我们将得到以下完整的 Python 实现。


import random

# function to generate a random population
def generate_population(size):
	population = []
	for _ in range(size):
		genes = [0, 1]
		chromosome = []
		for _ in range(len(items)):
	print("Generated a random population of size", size)
	return population

# function to calculate the fitness of a chromosome
def calculate_fitness(chromosome):
	total_weight = 0
	total_value = 0
	for i in range(len(chromosome)):
		if chromosome[i] == 1:
			total_weight += items[i][0]
			total_value += items[i][1]
	if total_weight > max_weight:
		return 0
		return total_value

# function to select two chromosomes for crossover
def select_chromosomes(population):
	fitness_values = []
	for chromosome in population:

	fitness_values = [float(i)/sum(fitness_values) for i in fitness_values]

	parent1 = random.choices(population, weights=fitness_values, k=1)[0]
	parent2 = random.choices(population, weights=fitness_values, k=1)[0]

	print("Selected two chromosomes for crossover")
	return parent1, parent2

# function to perform crossover between two chromosomes
def crossover(parent1, parent2):
	crossover_point = random.randint(0, len(items)-1)
	child1 = parent1[0:crossover_point] + parent2[crossover_point:]
	child2 = parent2[0:crossover_point] + parent1[crossover_point:]

	print("Performed crossover between two chromosomes")
	return child1, child2

# function to perform mutation on a chromosome
def mutate(chromosome):
	mutation_point = random.randint(0, len(items)-1)
	if chromosome[mutation_point] == 0:
		chromosome[mutation_point] = 1
		chromosome[mutation_point] = 0
	print("Performed mutation on a chromosome")
	return chromosome

# function to get the best chromosome from the population
def get_best(population):
	fitness_values = []
	for chromosome in population:

	max_value = max(fitness_values)
	max_index = fitness_values.index(max_value)
	return population[max_index]

# items that can be put in the knapsack
items = [
		[1, 2],
		[2, 4],
		[3, 4],
		[4, 5],
		[5, 7],
		[6, 9]

# print available items
print("Available items:\n", items)

# parameters for genetic algorithm
max_weight = 10
population_size = 10
mutation_probability = 0.2
generations = 10

print("\nGenetic algorithm parameters:")
print("Max weight:", max_weight)
print("Population:", population_size)
print("Mutation probability:", mutation_probability)
print("Generations:", generations, "\n")
print("Performing genetic evolution:")

# generate a random population
population = generate_population(population_size)

# evolve the population for specified number of generations
for _ in range(generations):
	# select two chromosomes for crossover
	parent1, parent2 = select_chromosomes(population)

	# perform crossover to generate two new chromosomes
	child1, child2 = crossover(parent1, parent2)

	# perform mutation on the two new chromosomes
	if random.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_probability:
		child1 = mutate(child1)
	if random.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_probability:
		child2 = mutate(child2)

	# replace the old population with the new population
	population = [child1, child2] + population[2:]

# get the best chromosome from the population
best = get_best(population)

# get the weight and value of the best solution
total_weight = 0
total_value = 0
for i in range(len(best)):
	if best[i] == 1:
		total_weight += items[i][0]
		total_value += items[i][1]

# print the best solution
print("\nThe best solution:")
print("Weight:", total_weight)
print("Value:", total_value)

将上述代码保存到文件knapsack_ga.py中,然后通过输入python knapsack_ga.py来运行它。


Available items:
[[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 7], [6, 9]]

Genetic algorithm parameters:
Max weight: 10
Population: 10
Mutation probability: 0.2
Generations: 10 

Performing genetic evolution:
Generated a random population of size 10
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Performed mutation on a chromosome
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Performed mutation on a chromosome
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Performed mutation on a chromosome
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Selected two chromosomes for crossover
Performed crossover between two chromosomes
Performed mutation on a chromosome

The best solution:
Weight: 10
Value: 14



本文的部分内容是在 GPT-3 的协助下进行规划和/或编写的。

马修·梅奥 (@mattmayo13) 是数据科学家,也是 KDnuggets 的主编,这是一个开创性的在线数据科学和机器学习资源。他的兴趣包括自然语言处理、算法设计与优化、无监督学习、神经网络以及机器学习的自动化方法。马修拥有计算机科学硕士学位和数据挖掘研究生文凭。他可以通过 editor1 at kdnuggets[dot]com 联系到。
