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gfranzini edited this page Jun 16, 2014 · 11 revisions

**Welcome to csel-dev! **

Here you'll find information regarding the production and current limitations of the XML versions of the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (CSEL) contained in this repository, as well as suggestions for improvement.

These XML files were produced by data entry company Jouve, who OCR'd, corrected and encoded each volume of CSEL in accordance with the latest EpiDoc standards (see the EpiDoc page of this wiki).

Our contractual obligation to produce a large amount of data in a limited time-period on a budget, meant that a compromise had to be made. The current status of these files is the result of that compromise and, while adequate, more can and should be done to improve the XML.

Due to copyright restrictions, we can't publish all 99 volumes. The Volumes page lists all CSEL volumes with details about their copyright status.

Unless otherwise indicated, all contents of this repository are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You must offer Open Greek and Latin any modifications you make. Open Greek and Latin provides credit for all accepted changes.

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