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Rob Austin edited this page Aug 7, 2014 · 139 revisions

Chronicle Map


Performance Topics

Should I use Chronicle Queue or Chronicle Map

Chronicle queue is designed to send every update. If your network can't do this something has to give. You could compress the data but at some point you have to work within the limits of your hardware or get more hardware. Chronicle Map on the other hand sends the latest value only. This will naturally drop updates and is a more natural choice for low bandwidth connections.

What is the difference between SharedHashMap and Chronicle Map

The only difference is Chronicle Map targets java 8, and SharedHashMap targets java 7. Effectively SharedHashMap has just been renamed to ChronicleMap, to further enrich the Chronicle product suite. In addition, The original Chronicle has been renamed to Chronicle Queue.


A Chronicle Map implements the java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap, so on the face of it it works just like any other java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap, however there are a few differences.


One of the main differences is how you go about creating an instance of the Chronicle Map.

Simple Construction

To download the JAR which contains Chronicle Map, we recommend you use maven, which will download it from Maven Central, once you have installed maven, all you have to do is add the following to your projects pom.xml :

Maven Artifact Download


when you add ( the above dependency ) to your pom maven will usually attempt to download the release artefacts from:

Maven Snapshot Download

If you want to try out the latest pre-release code, you can download the snapshot artefacts manually from:

a better way is to add the following to your setting.xml, to allow maven to download snapshots :

    <id>Snapshot Repository</id>
    <name>Snapshot Repository</name>

and define the snapshot version in your pom.xml, for example:


Java Class Construction

Creating an instance of Chronicle Map is a little more complexed than just calling a constructor. To create an instance you have to use the ChronicleMapBuilder.


try {

    final String tmp = System.getProperty("");
    final String pathname = tmp + "/shm-test/myfile.dat";

    File file = new File(pathname);
    ChronicleMapBuilder chronicleMapBuilder = new ChronicleMapBuilder();

    ChronicleMapBuilder chronicleMapBuilder = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class);
    map = chronicleMapBuilder.create();
} catch (IOException e) {

Chronicle Map stores its data off the java heap, If you wish to share this off-heap memory between processes on the same server, you must provide a "file", this file must be the same "file" for all the instances of Chronicle Map on the same server. The name and location of the "file" is entirely up to you. For the best performance on many unix systems we recommend using tmpfs.

If instead, you do not wish to replicated between process on the same server or if you are only using TCP replication to replicate between servers, you do not have to provide the "file", so you can excluded this line:


Flow interface

If you prefer using the flow interface style you can also create the chronicle map in the following way

   ConcurrentMap<Integer, CharSequence> map;
   map = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class).file(file).create();

Sharing Data Between Two or More Maps

Since this file is memory mapped, if you were to create another instance of the Chronicle Map, pointing to the same file, both Chronicle Maps use this file as a common memory store, which they both read and write into. The good thing about this is the two ( or more instances of the Chronicle Map ) don't have to be running in the same java process. Ideally and for best performance, the two processes should be running on the same server. Since the file is memory mapped, ( in most cases ) the read and writes to the file are hitting the disk cache. Allowing the chronicle map to exchange data between processes by just using memory and in around 40 nano seconds.

ConcurrentMap<Integer, CharSequence> map1, map2;

// this could could be on one process
map1 = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class).file(file).create();

// this could be on the other process
map2 = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class).file(file).create();

Note: In order to share data between map1 and map2, the file has to point to the same file location on your server.


One of the differences with Chronicle Map against ConcurrentHashMap, is that it does not have to be resized, unlike the ConcurrentHashMap, Chronicle Map is not limited to the available on heap memory. Resizing is a very expensive operation for Hash Maps, as it can stall your application, so as such we don't do it. When you are building a Chronicle Map you can set the maximum number of entries that you are ever likely to support, its ok to over exaggerate this number. As the Chronicle Map is not limited to your available memory, At worst you will end up having a very large file on disk.

You set the maximum number of entries by the builder:

ConcurrentMap<Integer, CharSequence> map;
map = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class)

In this example above we have set 1000 entries.

Chronicle Map Interface

The Chronicle Map interface adds a few methods above an beyond the standard ConcurrentMap, The ChronicleMapBuilder can also be used to return the ChronicleMap, see the example below :

ChronicleMap<Integer, CharSequence> chronicleMap;
chronicleMap = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class).file(file).create();

One way to achieve good performance is to focus on unnecessary object creation as this reduces the amount of work that has to be carried out by the Garbage Collector. As such ChronicleMap supports the following methods :

 * Get a value for a key if available.  If the value is Byteable, it will be assigned to
 * reference the value, instead of copying the data for zero copy access to the collection.
 * @param key   to lookup.
 * @param value to reuse if possible. If null, a new object will be created.
 * @return value found or null if not.
V getUsing(K key, V value);

 * Acquire a value for a key, creating if absent. If the value is Byteable, it will be assigned
 * to reference the value, instead of copying the data.
 * @param key   to lookup.
 * @param value to reuse if possible. If null, a new object will be created.
 * @return value created or found.
V acquireUsing(K key, V value);

These methods let you provide the object which the data will be written to, even if the object it immutable. For example

StringBuilder myString = new StringBuilder(); 
StringBuilder myResult = map.getUsing("key", myString);
// at this point the myString and myResult will both point to the same object

The map.getUsing() method is similar to get, but because Chronicle Map stores its data off heap, if you were to call get("key"), a new object would be created each time, map.getUsing() works by reusing the heap memory which was used by the original Object "myString". This technique provides you with better control over your object creation.

Exactly like map.getUsing(), acquireUsing() will give you back a reference to an value based on a key, but unlike getUsing() if there is not an entry in the map for this key the entry will be added and the value return will we the same value which you provided.


Chronicle Map stores your data into off heap memory, so when you give it a Key or Value, it will will serialise these objects into bytes.

Simple Types

If you are using simple auto boxed objects based on the primitive types, Chronicle Map will automatically handle the serialisation for you.

Complex Types

For anything other than the standard object, the Objects either have to :

  • implement "" ( which we don't recommend as this can be slow )
  • we also support "", we recommend this over Serializable as its usually faster.
  • or for the best performance implement, an example of how to do this can be found at "IntValue$$Native"
  • alternatively, you could write a "Custom Marshaller", the custom marshaller can be implemented for a single type or a number of types.


Unlike ConcurrentHashMap, chronicle map stores its data off heap, often in a memory mapped file. Its recommended that you call close() once you have finished working with a Chronicle Map.


WARNING : If you call close too early before you have finished working with the map, this can cause your JVM to crash. Close MUST BE the last thing that you do with the map.

TCP / UDP Replication

Chronicle Hash Map supports both TCP and UDP replication

TCP / UDP Background.

TCP/IP is a reliable protocol, what this means is unless you have a network failure or hardware outage the data is guaranteed to arrive. TCP/IP provides point to point connectivity. So in effect ( over simplified ), if the message was sent to 100 hosts, The message would have to be sent 100 times. With UDP, the message is only sent once. This is ideal if you have a large number of hosts and you wish to broadcast the same data to each off them. However, one of the big drawbacks with UDP is its not a reliable protocol. This means, if the UDP message is Broadcast onto the network, The hosts are not guaranteed to receive it, so they can miss data. Some solutions attempt to build resilience into UDP, but arguably, this is in effect reinventing TCP/IP.

How to setup UDP Replication

In reality on a good quality wired LAN, when using UDP, you will rarely miss messages, this is a risk that we suggest you don't take. We suggest that whenever you use UDP replication you use it in conjunction with a throttled TCP replication, therefore if a host misses a message over UDP, they will later pick it up via TCP/IP.

TCP/IP Throttling

We are careful not to swamp your network with too much TCP/IP traffic, We do this by providing a throttled version of TCP replication. This works because Chronicle Map only broadcasts the latest update of each entry.

Replication How it works

Chronicle Map provides multi master hash map replication, What this means, is that each remote hash-map, mirrors its changes over to another remote hash map, neither hash map is considered the master store of data, each hash map uses timestamps to reconcile changes. We refer to in instance of a remote hash-map as a node. A node can be connected to up to 128 other nodes. The data that is stored locally in each node becomes eventually consistent. So changes made to one node, for example by calling put() will be replicated over to the other node. To achieve a high level of performance and throughput, the call to put() won’t block, With concurrentHashMap, It is typical to check the return code of some methods to obtain the old value for example remove(). Due to the loose coupling and lock free nature of this multi master implementation, this return value is only the old value on the nodes local data store. In other words the nodes are only concurrent locally. Its worth realising that another node performing exactly the same operation may return a different value. However reconciliation will ensure the maps themselves become eventually consistent.


If two ( or more nodes ) receive a change to their maps for the same key but different values, say by a user of the maps, calling the put(key,value). Then, initially each node will update its local store and each local store will hold a different value, but the aim of multi master replication is to provide eventual consistency across the nodes. So, with multi master when ever a node is changed it will notify the other nodes of its change. We will refer to this notification as an event. The event will hold a timestamp indicating the time the change occurred, it will also hold the state transition, in this case it was a put with a key and value. Eventual consistency is achieved by looking at the timestamp from the remote node, if for a given key, the remote nodes timestamp is newer than the local nodes timestamp, then the event from the remote node will be applied to the local node, otherwise the event will be ignored. Since none of the nodes is a primary, each node holds information about the other nodes. For this node its own identifier is referred to as its 'localIdentifier', the identifiers of other nodes are the 'remoteIdentifiers'. On an update or insert of a key/value, this node pushes the information of the change to the remote nodes. The nodes use non-blocking java NIO I/O and all replication is done on a single thread. However there is an edge case, If two nodes update their map at the same time with different values, we had to deterministically resolve which update wins, because of eventual consistency both nodes should end up locally holding the same data. Although it is rare two remote nodes could receive an update to their maps at exactly the same time for the same key, we had to handle this edge case, its therefore important not to rely on timestamps alone to reconcile the updates. Typically the update with the newest timestamp should win, but in this example both timestamps are the same, and the decision made to one node should be identical to the decision made to the other. This dilemma is resolved by using a node identifier, the node identifier is a unique 'byte' value that is assigned to each node, So when the time stamps are the same if the remoteNodes identifier is smaller than the local nodes identifier, this update will be accepted otherwise it will be ignored.

Multiple Chronicle Maps on a the same server with Replication

If two or more Chronicle Maps are on the same server, they exchange data via shared memory rather than TCP or UDP replication. So if a Chronicle Map which is not performing TCP Replication is updated, this update can be picked up by another Chronicle Map, this other Chronicle Hash Map could be a TCP replicated Chronicle Map, In this example the TCP replicated Chronicle Map would then push the update to the remote nodes.

Likewise, If the TCP replicated Chronicle Map was to received an update from a remote node, then this update would be immediately available to all the Chronicle Maps on the server.

Identifier for Replication

If all you are doing is replicating your chronicle maps on the same server you don't have to set up TCP and UDP replication. You also don't have to set the identifiers.

If however you wish to replicate data between 2 or more servers, then ALL of the Chronicle Maps including those not actively participating in TCP or UDP replication must have the identifier set. The identifier must be unique to each server. Each Chronicle Map on the same server must have the same identifier. The reason that all Chronicle Maps must have the identifier set, is because the memory is laid out slightly differently when using replication, so even if a Map is not actively performing TCP or UDP replication its self, if it wishes to replicate with one that is, it must have its memory laid out the same way to be compatible.

If the identifiers are not set up uniquely then the updates will be ignored, as for example a Chronicle Map set up with the identifiers equals '1', will ignore all events which contain the remote identifier of '1', in other words Chronicle Map replication is set up to ignore updates which have originated from itself. This is to avoid the circularity of events.

When setting up the identifier you can use values from 1 to 127. ( see the section above for more information on identifiers and how they are used in replication. )

The identifier is setup on the builder as follows.

map = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class)


When a node is connected over the network to an active grid of nodes. It must first receive any data that it does not have from the other nodes. Eventually, all the nodes in the grid have to hold a copy of exactly the same data. We refer to this initial data load phase as bootstrapping. Bootstrapping by its very nature is point to point, so it is only performed over TCP replication. For architectures that wish to use UDP replication it is advised you use TCP Replication as well. A grid which only uses UDP replication will miss out on the bootstrapping, possibly leaving the nodes in an inconsistent state. To avoid this, if you would rather reduce the amount of TCP traffic on your network, we suggest you consider using a throttle TCP replication along with UDP replication. Bootstrapping is not used when the nodes are on the same server, so for this case, TCP replication is not required.

Example : Replicating data between process on different servers

Lets assume that we had two server, lets call them server1 and server2, if we wished to share a map between them, this is how we could set it up

import org.junit.Test;

import net.openhft.collections.*;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


//  ----------  SERVER 1 ----------

// we connect the maps via a TCP socket connection on port 8077
final TcpReplicatorBuilder tcpReplicatorBuilder1 =
new TcpReplicatorBuilder(8076, 
new InetSocketAddress[]{new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8077)})
.heartBeatInterval(1, SECONDS);

ChronicleMap<Integer, CharSequence> map1;

map1 = (ChronicleMap<Integer, CharSequence>) ChronicleMapBuilder
.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class)
.identifier((byte) 1)

//  ----------  SERVER 2 ----------

final TcpReplicatorBuilder tcpReplicatorBuilder =
new TcpReplicatorBuilder(8077, new InetSocketAddress[]{})
.heartBeatInterval(1, SECONDS);

ChronicleMap<Integer, CharSequence> map2;
map2 = (ChronicleMap<Integer, CharSequence>) ChronicleMapBuilder
.of(Integer.class, CharSequence.class)
.identifier((byte) 2)

// we will stores some data into one map here
map2.put(5, "EXAMPLE");

//  ----------  CHECK ----------

// we are now going to check that the two maps contain the same data

// allow time for the recompilation to resolve
int t = 0;
for (; t < 5000; t++) {
  if (map1.equals(map2))

assertEquals(map1, map2);


Each map is allocated a unique identifier

Server 1 has:

.identifier((byte) 1)

Server 2 has:

.identifier((byte) 2)

If you fail to allocate a unique identifier replication will not work correctly.


Each map must be allocated a unique port, the port has to be unique per server, if the maps are running on different hosts they could be allocated the same port, but in our example we allocated them different ports, we allocated map1 port 8076 and map2 port 8077. Currently we don't support data forwarding, so it important to connect every remote map, to every other remote map, in other words you can't have a hub configuration where all the data passes through a single map which every other map is connected to. So currently, if you had 4 servers each with a Chronicle Map, you would require 6 connections.

In our case we are only using 2 maps, this is how we connected map1 to map 2.

new TcpReplicatorBuilder(8076, new InetSocketAddress[]{new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8077)})
.heartBeatInterval(1, SECONDS);

you could have put this instruction on map2 instead, like this

new TcpReplicatorBuilder(8077, new InetSocketAddress[]{new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8076)})
.heartBeatInterval(1, SECONDS);

even though data flows from map1 to map2 and map2 to map1 it doesn't matter which way you connected this, in other words its a bidirectional connection.

Heart Beat Interval

We set a heartBeatInterval, in our example to 1 second

 heartBeatInterval(1, SECONDS)

A heartbeat will only be send if no data is transmitted, if the maps are constantly exchanging data no heartbeat message is sent. If a map does not receive either data of a heartbeat the connection is dropped and re-established.

Performance Topics

Chronicle Map with Large Data

Chronicle Map makes heavy use of the OS to perform the memory management and writing to disk. How it behaves is very dependant on how you tune the kernel and what hardware you are using. You may get bad behaviour when the kernel forces a very large amount of data to disk after letting a lot of uncommited data build up. In the worst case scenario the OS will stop the process for tens of seconds at a time ( even up to 40 seconds) rather than let the program continue. However, to get into that state you have to be loading a lot of data which exceeds main memory with very little rest (e.g. cpu processing). There are good use cases for bulk data loads, but you have to be careful how this is done if you also want good worst case latency characteristics. (the throughput should be much the same)

When you create a Chronicle Map, it has many segments. By default it has a minimum of 128, but one for every 32 K entries. e.g. for 500M entries you can expect ~16K segments (being the next power of 2). With so many segments, the chances of a perfect hash distribution is low and so the Chronicle Map allows for double what you asked for but is designed to do this with almost no extra main memory (only extra virtual memory). This means when you ask for 500M * 256 bytes entries you actually get 1 BN possible entries (assuming a perfect hash distribution between segments) There is a small overhead per entry of 16 - 24 bytes adding another 20 GB.

So while the virtual memory is 270 GB, it is expected that for 500 M entries you will be trying to use no more than 20 GB (overhead/hash tables) + ~120 GB (entries)

When Chronicle Map has exhausted all the memory on your server, its not going to be so fast, for a random access pattern you are entirely dependant on how fast your underlying disk is. If your home directory is an HDD and its performance is around 125 IOPS (I/Os per second). Each lookup takes two memory accesses so you might get around 65 lookups per second. For 100-200K operations you can expect around 1600 seconds or 25-50 minutes. If you use an SSD, it can get around 230 K IOPS, or about 115 K Chronicle Map lookups per second.

Better to use small keys

If you put() a small number of large entries into Chronicle Map, you are unlikely to see any performance gains over a standard map, So we recommend you use a standard ConcurrentHashMap, unless you need Chronicle Maps other features.

Chronicle Map gives better performance for smaller keys and values due to the low overhead per entry. It can use 1/5th the memory of ConcurrentHashMap. When you have larger entries, the overhead per entry doesn't matter so much and the relative waste per entry starts to matter. For Example, Chronicle Map assumes every entry is the same size and if you have 10kB-20kB entries the 10K entries can be using 20 kB of virtual memory or at least 12 KB of actual memory (since virtual memory turns into physical memory in multiples of a page)

As the Chronicle Map gets larger the most important factor is the use of CPU cache rather than main memory, performance is constrained by the number of cache lines you have to touch to update/read an entry. For large entries this is much the same as ConcurrentHashMap. In this case, Chronicle Map is not worse than ConcurrentHashMap but not much better.

For large key/values it is not total memory use but other factors which matter such as;

  • how compact each entry is. Less memory used makes better use of the L3 cache and memory bus which is often a bottleneck in highly concurrent applications.
  • reduce the impact on GCs. The time to perform GC and its impact is linear. Moving the bulk of your data off heap can dramatically improve throughput not to mention worst case latency.
  • Large data structures take a long time to reload and having a persisted store significantly reduces restart times.
  • data can be shared between processes. This gives you more design options to share between JVMS and support short lived tasks without having to use TCP.
  • data can be replicated across machines.
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