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190 lines (149 loc) · 6.87 KB


Counter-Strike Hide'n'Seek Match System plugins



  • Public / DeathMatch / Knife / Captain mode
  • MR / Wintime match system
  • Watcher (admin) menu (N)
  • System is admin dependent
  • Surrender
  • AFK, Player leave contol


  1. Compile the plugin.

  2. Copy the compiled .amxx file to the directory: amxmodx / plugins /

  3. Copy the contents of the configs/ folder to the directory: amxmodx/configs/

  4. Copy the contents of the data/lang/ folder to the directory: amxmodx/data/lang/

  5. Copy the contents of the modules/ folder (If you have a server on Linux, then we take the .so file, if the Windows .dll) into the directory: amxmodx/modules/

  6. Add .amxx in the file amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini

  7. Restart the server or change the map.


  • Configuring pts

    1. open the file configs/mixsystem/hnsmatch-sql.cfg.
    2. Write the data for the database there
    3. Change the map.
  • Customizing the configs for the map

    1. Go to the configs/mixsystem/mapcfg/ folder.

    2. Create a file with the name of the map (rayish_brick-world.cfg)

    3. Write the necessary settings in the file:

       mp_roundtime "2.5"
       mp_freezetime "5" 
       hns_flash "1"
       hns_smoke "1"
    4. Save. Now we will have the settings automatically set on the rayish_brick-world map when the mix starts.

  • Knife map

    1. open the file configs/mixsystem/matchsystem.cfg.
    2. Change the hns_knifemap quark to your knife map.
    3. All, now on the map you specified will be held captain and knaif mods, I recommend to put the knife map first in the list of maps maps.ini.
  • Watcher

    For watcher configs/cmdaccess.ini must be configured, namely to make the following commands available for flag f:

      "amx_slay" "f" ; admincmd.amxx
      "amx_slap" "f" ; admincmd.amxx.
      "amx_map" "f" ; admincmd.amxx.
      "amx_slapmenu" "f" ; plmenu.amxx.
      "amx_teammenu" "f" ; plmenu.amxx.
      "amx_mapmenu" "f" ; mapsmenu.amxx


  • Watcher The system is not automatic, in order for players to start mixes, there is a plugin 'HnsMatchWatcher.amxx'.

    Watcher is the player who starts the mixes.

  • Starting a mix

    In order to start a match game, you need to change the map to a knife map, start the captain mod and select 2 captains.

    Then the captains play a knife round and select players to teams.

    After the knife round is played and the winners of the knife round must choose a map and Watcher or Admin must change the map.

    After changing the map, the system will wait for the players and start the mix.

  • Match - Maxround mode

    The game has a total of even number of rounds (14) (hns_rounds * 2). Teams are given a timer which is 00:00.

    The timer is increased for the team playing for terrorists. Teams change each round.

    At the end of the rounds (14), the team with the higher timer wins.

  • Match - Wintime mode

    Teams are given a certain amount of time (15). The team that plays for the terrorists has their time taken away. The team that runs out of time wins.


  • HnsMatchSystem.sma - Main mod plugin
  • HnsMatchStats.sma - Mix statistics plugin
  • HnsMatchPlayerInfo.sma - Hud player info
  • HnsMatchSql.sma - Plugin for interacting with the database
  • HnsMatchPts.sma - Plugin for PTS (does not work without Sql plugin)
  • HnsMatchOwnage.sma - Plugin for calculating Ownage (does not work without Sql plugin)
  • HnsMatchChatmanager.sma - Modified HM, shows rank (skill) prefix.
  • HnsMatchHideKnife.sma - Show/hide knife
  • HnsMatchMaps.sma - List of maps for players (/maps)
  • HnsMatchTraining.sma - Training menu (Checkpoints)
  • HnsMatchWatcher.sma - Watcher system, allows players to become/vote for watcher


Cvar Default Description
hns_rules 0 Match rules (0 - MR 1 - Timer)
hns_wintime 15 Time to win
hns_rounds 6 rounds to win
hns_boost 0 Enable/Disable Boost Mode
hns_onehpmode 0 Enable/Disable 1hpmode
hns_flash 1 Number of flash drives (plugin changes itself)
hns_smoke 1 smoke packs (plugin modifies itself)
hns_last 1 Enable/disable grenades to the last TT
hns_dmrespawn 3 Time (in seconds) for the player to revive in DM mode
hns_survotetime 10 Time (in seconds) for surrender
hns_randompick 1 Enable/disable random player selection
hns_knifemap 35hp_2 Knifemap
hns_prefix MATCH System prefix
hns_gamename Hide'n'Seek GameName server


  • Chat commands

  • Watcher (ADMIN_MAP)

Commands Description
mix admin menu
mode / type mod menu
timer / wintime Change the mix mode to Timer
mr / maxround Change the mix mode to MR
training training menu
pub / public public
dm / deathmatch DM mod
specall move everyone behind the observers
ttall move everyone to ttall
ctall move all for CT
startmix / start start the match
kniferound / kf start a knife round
captain / cap start captain mod
stop / cancel stop the current mode
skill skill
boost boost mod
rr / restart restart round
swap / swap swap
pause / ps pause
live / unpause start
mr Set the number of rounds
  • Player
Commands Description
hideknife / showknife / knife hide, show knife
surrender / sur vote to surrender
score / s score
pick pick menu
back / spec jump or go back for observers
np / noplay not playing
ip / play play
checkpoint / cp checkpoint
teleport / tp teleport to a checkpoint
checkpoint gocheck / gc
showdmg / showdamade Damage
noclip / clip noclip
respawn / resp respawn
top / tops top players per match
map / maps show map list
rank / me Show your pts stats
pts / ptstop Show top players by pts
hud / hudinfo disable/enable hud
rnw / rocknewwatcher vote for new watcher
wt / watcher transfer/assign a new watcher
speclist / showspec Enable/Disable speclist
spechide / hidespec Enable/Disable spechide

Acknowledgments / Authors of other plugins

