The Docker configuration settings allows you to deploy it fast. With docker
and docker-compose
installed, copy the env.example
to .env
, configure it with
your settings and execute the following commands:
You can access your osmcha-django
instance in http://localhost/ at your browser.
It is also possible to deploy to Heroku or to your own server by using Dokku, an open source Heroku clone.
To put celery in production we need a celeryd and a celery beat services running on the machine. More information:
And we also need to set periodic tasks to import the changesets daily or hourly:
If you find any issue, please report. We didn't test it in Heroku and Dokku
Run these commands to deploy the project to Heroku:
heroku create --buildpack
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku pg:backups schedule --at '02:00 America/Los_Angeles' DATABASE_URL
heroku pg:promote DATABASE_URL
heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev
heroku config:set DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=`openssl rand -base64 32`
heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='config.settings.production'
heroku config:set POSTGRES_USER='postgresuser'
heroku config:set POSTGRES_PASSWORD='mysecretpass'
heroku config:set OAUTH_OSM_KEY='your_osm_oauth_key'
heroku config:set OAUTH_OSM_SECRET='your_osm_oauth_secret'
heroku config:set PYTHONHASHSEED=random
git push heroku master
heroku run python migrate
heroku run python check --deploy
heroku run python createsuperuser
heroku open
You need to make sure you have a server running Dokku with at least 1GB of RAM. Backing services are added just like in Heroku however you must ensure you have the relevant Dokku plugins installed.
cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone link
git clone redis
git clone postgres
dokku plugins-install
You can specify the buildpack you wish to use by creating a file name .env containing the following.
export BUILDPACK_URL=<repository>
You can then deploy by running the following commands.
git remote add dokku [email protected]:osmcha-django
git push dokku master
ssh -t [email protected] dokku redis:create osmcha-django-redis
ssh -t [email protected] dokku redis:link osmcha-django-redis osmcha-django
ssh -t [email protected] dokku postgres:create osmcha-django-postgres
ssh -t [email protected] dokku postgres:link osmcha-django-postgres osmcha-django
ssh -t [email protected] dokku config:set osmcha-django DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=RANDOM_SECRET_KEY_HERE
ssh -t [email protected] dokku config:set osmcha-django DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='config.settings.production'
ssh -t [email protected] dokku config:set osmcha-django POSTGRES_USER='postgresuser'
ssh -t [email protected] dokku config:set osmcha-django POSTGRES_PASSWORD='mysecretpass'
ssh -t [email protected] dokku config:set osmcha-django OAUTH_OSM_KEY='your_osm_oauth_key'
ssh -t [email protected] dokku config:set osmcha-django OAUTH_OSM_SECRET='your_osm_oauth_secret'
ssh -t [email protected] dokku run osmcha-django python migrate
ssh -t [email protected] dokku run osmcha-django python createsuperuser
When deploying via Dokku make sure you backup your database in some fashion as it is NOT done automatically.