From d713bffd64ab6a45fc22d5397eec35d0baf500d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 13:13:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Localisation updates from --- locales/ast_ES.json | 2 +- locales/ca.json | 2 +- locales/cs.json | 2 +- locales/cy.json | 2 +- locales/da.json | 2 +- locales/de.json | 2 +- locales/el.json | 2 +- locales/en_GB.json | 2 +- locales/eo.json | 2 +- locales/es.json | 2 +- locales/et.json | 2 +- locales/fa.json | 2 +- locales/fr.json | 2 +- locales/gl.json | 2 +- locales/hr.json | 2 +- locales/hu.json | 2 +- locales/ia.json | 2 +- locales/is.json | 2 +- locales/it.json | 2 +- locales/ja.json | 2 +- locales/ko.json | 2 +- locales/lv.json | 2 +- locales/mr.json | 2 +- locales/nl.json | 2 +- locales/no.json | 2 +- locales/pl.json | 2 +- locales/pt-PT.json | 2 +- locales/pt_BR.json | 2 +- locales/ro.json | 2 +- locales/ru.json | 2 +- locales/sl.json | 2 +- locales/zh_TW.json | 2 +- 32 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/ast_ES.json b/locales/ast_ES.json index 932fec3c..9a561465 100644 --- a/locales/ast_ES.json +++ b/locales/ast_ES.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/ca.json b/locales/ca.json index 3a8fb5da..42c5cb77 100644 --- a/locales/ca.json +++ b/locales/ca.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Aquesta consulta no ha retornat cap node. En l'OHM, només els nodes contenen coordenades. Per exemple, una via no es pot mostrar sense els seus nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Si això no és el que volíeu obtenir, l'overpass turbo us pot ajudar a autocompletar la consulta seleccionant l'opció «repara la consulta» següent. Altrament podeu continuar amb les dades.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "no mostris més aquest missatge.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Sembla que aquesta consulta no retorna dades OSM en format XML amb metadades. Els editors com el JOSM requereixen que les dades estiguin en aquest format.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Sembla que aquesta consulta no retorna dades OSM en format XML amb metadades. Els editors com el JOHM requereixen que les dades estiguin en aquest format.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "L'overpass turbo us pot ajudar a corregir la consulta si seleccioneu «repara la consulta» següent.", "warning.share.long": "Atenció: aquest enllaç de compartició és molt llarg. Potser no funcioni en algunes circumstàncies", "warning.share.very_long": "Atenció: aquest enllaç de compartició és molt llarg. Potser no funcioni en algunes circumstàncies (p. e. navegadors o servidors web). Useu-lo amb precaució!", diff --git a/locales/cs.json b/locales/cs.json index 60d4cb71..d20fd4fc 100644 --- a/locales/cs.json +++ b/locales/cs.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Tento databázový dotaz nevrátil žádné uzly. V OHM obsahují souřadnice pouze uzly. Například cestu nelze zobrazit bez jejích uzlů.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Pokud to není to, co jste chtěli získat, overpass turbo vám může pomoci opravit (auto-dokončením) databázový dotaz výběrem \"opravit dotaz\" níže. Jinak můžete pokračovat k datům.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "už nezobrazovat tuto zprávu.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Vypadá to, že tento dotaz nevrátí data OSM ve formátu XML s metadaty. Software jako JOSM však vyžadují, aby data byla v tomto formátu.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Vypadá to, že tento dotaz nevrátí data OSM ve formátu XML s metadaty. Software jako JOHM však vyžadují, aby data byla v tomto formátu.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo vám pomůže opravit dotaz výběrem \"opravit dotaz\" níže.", "warning.share.long": "Upozornění: Tento odkaz na sdílení je poměrně dlouhý. Za určitých okolností nemusí fungovat", "warning.share.very_long": "Upozornění: Tento odkaz na sdílení je velmi dlouhý. Za normálních okolností (prohlížeče, webové servery) pravděpodobně selže. Používejte opatrně!", diff --git a/locales/cy.json b/locales/cy.json index dcb155a8..92026c4f 100644 --- a/locales/cy.json +++ b/locales/cy.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "Peidiwch â dangos y neges hwn eto.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/da.json b/locales/da.json index e6e50736..72a63a6a 100644 --- a/locales/da.json +++ b/locales/da.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Denne søgning gav ingen punkter retur, kun punkter indeholder koordinater. For eksempel en vej/polygon kan ikke blive vist uden punkterne der hører til.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Hvis dette ikke var hvad du forventede at få, kan overpass turbo hjælpe dig med at reparere (auto-fuldføre) forespørgslen ved at vælge \"reparerer søgning\" nedenfor. Ellers kan du fortsætte til data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "vis ikke denne besked igen.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Det ser ud til at denne søgning ikke vil sende OSM Geodata i et XML format med metadata. Editorer som JOSM kræver at geodata er i det format.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Det ser ud til at denne søgning ikke vil sende OSM Geodata i et XML format med metadata. Editorer som JOHM kræver at geodata er i det format.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo kan hjælpe dig med rette søgningen ved at vælge \"reparerer søgning\" nedenfor.", "warning.share.long": "Advarsel: Dele linket er meget langt. Det vil nok ikke virke under nogle betingelser", "warning.share.very_long": "Advarsel: Dele linket er meget langt. Det vil temmeligt sikkert nok fejle under normale betingelser (browsere, webservere). Brug med forsigtighed!", diff --git a/locales/de.json b/locales/de.json index 5b423373..9d439feb 100644 --- a/locales/de.json +++ b/locales/de.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Diese Abfrage hat keine Punkte zurückgeliefert. In OHM werden Koordinaten nur in den Punkten gespeichert. Das heißt, dass ein Weg ohne seine Punkte auf der Karte nicht angezeigt werden kann.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Wenn aber gewünscht ist, dass diese Daten auch angezeigt werden, kann overpass turbo dabei helfen, die Abfrage automatisch zu vervollständigen (zu \"reparieren\"). Anderenfalls wird zur Datenansicht gewechselt.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "Diese Meldung nicht wieder anzeigen.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Diese Abfrage wird wahrscheinlich keine gültigen XML-Daten mit Metadaten liefern. Editoren wie JOSM benötigen dieses Format aber, um Bearbeitungen vornehmen zu können.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Diese Abfrage wird wahrscheinlich keine gültigen XML-Daten mit Metadaten liefern. Editoren wie JOHM benötigen dieses Format aber, um Bearbeitungen vornehmen zu können.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo kann helfen, die Abfrage entsprechend zu korrigieren.", "warning.share.long": "Warnung: Dieser Permalink ist recht lang. Es kann sein, dass er unter bestimmten Umständen nicht wie gewünscht funktioniert.", "warning.share.very_long": "Warnung: Dieser Permalink ist sehr lang. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass er unter normalen Umständen (Browser, Webserver) nicht funktioniert. Nur unter Vorbehalt verwenden!", diff --git a/locales/el.json b/locales/el.json index 34eb044d..e48e3ba4 100644 --- a/locales/el.json +++ b/locales/el.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Αυτό το ερώτημα δεν επέστρεψε κόμβους. Στο OHM μόνο οι κόμβοι περιέχουν συντεταγμένες. Για παράδειγμα, ένας δρόμος δεν μπορεί να προβληθεί χωρίς τους κόμβους του.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Αν δεν πήρατε αυτό που θέλατε, το overpass turbo μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να διορθώσετε (αυτόματη-συμπλήρωση) το ερώτημα, επιλέγοντας \"διόρθωση ερωτήματος\" παρακάτω. Διαφορετικά μπορείτε να συνεχίσετε στα δεδομένα.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "να μην εμφανιστεί αυτό το μήνυμα ξανά.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Φαίνεται ότι αυτό το ερώτημα δεν επιστρέφει δεδομένα OSM σε μορφή XML μαζί με μεταδεδομένα. Διορθωτές σαν τον JOSM απαιτούν τα δεδομένα να είναι σε αυτή τη μορφή.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Φαίνεται ότι αυτό το ερώτημα δεν επιστρέφει δεδομένα OSM σε μορφή XML μαζί με μεταδεδομένα. Διορθωτές σαν τον JOHM απαιτούν τα δεδομένα να είναι σε αυτή τη μορφή.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "Το overpass turbo μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να διορθώσετε το ερώτημα, επιλέγοντας \"διόρθωση ερωτήματος\" παρακάτω.", "warning.share.long": "Προειδοποίηση: Αυτός ο σύνδεσμος-μοιράσματος είναι αρκετά μακρύς. Μπορεί να μην λειτουργήσε κάτω από κάποιες συνθήκες", "warning.share.very_long": "Προειδοποίηση: Αυτός ο σύνδεσμος-μοιράσματος είναι πολύ μακρύς. Είναι πιθανό να αποτύχει κάτω από κανονικές συνθήκες (περιηγητές, εξυπηρετητές ιστού). Χρησιμοποιήστε τον με προσοχή!", diff --git a/locales/en_GB.json b/locales/en_GB.json index 459b98d5..41aea4be 100644 --- a/locales/en_GB.json +++ b/locales/en_GB.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you were meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (autocomplete) the query by choosing 'repair query' below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This sharelink is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/eo.json b/locales/eo.json index d2a153b6..94a3ee66 100644 --- a/locales/eo.json +++ b/locales/eo.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Ĉi tiu informpeto liveris neniujn datumojn. En OHM nur nodoj enhavas koordinatoj. Ekzemple linio ne povas esti montrata sen ĝiaj nodoj.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Se ĉi tio ne estas esperita rezulto, overpass turbo povas helpi al vi ripari (mem-kompletigi) la informpeton per elekti \"ripari informpeton\" sube. Aliokaze vi povas pluigi al datumoj.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "ne montri ĉi tiun mesaĝon denove", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Ŝajnas, ke ĉi tiu informpeto ne liveros OSM-datumojn en XML formo kun metadatumoj. Redaktiloj kiel JOSM postulas por ke datumoj estu en tiu formo.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Ŝajnas, ke ĉi tiu informpeto ne liveros OSM-datumojn en XML formo kun metadatumoj. Redaktiloj kiel JOHM postulas por ke datumoj estu en tiu formo.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo povas helpi al vi korekti la informpeton oer elekti \"ripari informpeton\" sube.", "warning.share.long": "Averto: ĉi tiu por-diskoniga ligilo estas eĉ longa. Ĝi povas ne funkcii.", "warning.share.very_long": "Averto: ĉi tiu por-diskoniga ligilo estas tre longa. Ĝi probable ne funkcios dum kutimaj situacioj (foliumiloj, ret-serviloj). Uzu ĝin singarde!", diff --git a/locales/es.json b/locales/es.json index 20607e28..0aab8c5c 100644 --- a/locales/es.json +++ b/locales/es.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Esta consulta no devolvió ningún nodo. En OHM, sólo los nodos contienen coordenadas. Por ejemplo, una vía no se puede visualizar sin sus nodos.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Si esto no es lo que quería obtener, overpass turbo puede ayudarle a reparar (auto-completar) la consulta eligiendo a continuación «reparar consulta». De lo contrario, puede continuar a los datos.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "no mostrar este mensaje de nuevo.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Parece como si esta consulta no devolviera los datos de OSM en formato XML con los metadatos. Sin embargo, editores como JOSM requieren que los datos estén en ese formato.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Parece como si esta consulta no devolviera los datos de OSM en formato XML con los metadatos. Sin embargo, editores como JOHM requieren que los datos estén en ese formato.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo te puede ayudar a corregir la consulta seleccionando «reparar consulta» a continuación.", "warning.share.long": "Advertencia: Este enlace compartido es bastante largo. Puede no funcionar en determinadas circunstancias", "warning.share.very_long": "Advertencia: ¡Este enlace compartido es muy largo. Probablemente falle en circunstancias normales (navegadores, servidores web). Utilice con precaución!", diff --git a/locales/et.json b/locales/et.json index ffa129fd..08eb6570 100644 --- a/locales/et.json +++ b/locales/et.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "See päring ei andnud tulemuseks sõlmi. OHMis saavad ainult sõlmed omada koordinaate. Näiteks joont ei saa kuvada ilma selle sõlmedeta.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Kui see pole see, mida ootasid, siis võib overpass turbo aidata sul päringut parandada (automaatse lõpetada) valides allpool \"paranda päring\". Vastasel juhul võid aga jätkata avades andmed.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "ära näita rohkem.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Paistab, et see päring ei anna tulemuseks OSM andmeid XML vormingus koos metaandmetega. Ent JOSM redaktor nõuab, et need andmed oleksid antud vormingus.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Paistab, et see päring ei anna tulemuseks OSM andmeid XML vormingus koos metaandmetega. Ent JOHM redaktor nõuab, et need andmed oleksid antud vormingus.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo võib aidata sul seda päringut parandada, valides allpool \"paranda päring\".", "warning.share.long": "Hoiatus: see jagamislink on üsna pikk. See ei pruugi teatud juhtudel töötada.", "warning.share.very_long": "Hoiatus: see jagamislink on väga pikk. On tõenäoline, et see ei tööta tavatingimustes (sirvikutes, veebiserverites). Kasuta ettevaatlikult!", diff --git a/locales/fa.json b/locales/fa.json index d372eeaa..c19632ce 100644 --- a/locales/fa.json +++ b/locales/fa.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "این پرس‌وجو هیچ گِرهی برنگرداند. در OHM، فقط گره‌ها هستند که مختصات دارند. برای مثال، یک راه بدون گره‌هایش قابل‌نمایش نیست.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "اگر چیزی که می‌خواستید این نیست، با انتخاب «اصلاح پرس‌وجو» overpass turbo کمکتان خواهد کرد تا پرس‌وجو درست شود (تکمیل خودکار). در غیر این صورت می‌توانید سراغ داده‌ها بروید.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "دوباره این پیام را نشان نده.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "به‌نظر می‌رسد این پرس‌وجو داده‌های OSM را در قالب XML همراه با فراداده برنمی‌گرداند. به هر حال، برای ویرایشگرهایی مانند JOSM ضروری است داده‌ها در این قالب باشند.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "به‌نظر می‌رسد این پرس‌وجو داده‌های OSM را در قالب XML همراه با فراداده برنمی‌گرداند. به هر حال، برای ویرایشگرهایی مانند JOHM ضروری است داده‌ها در این قالب باشند.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "با انتخاب «اصلاح پرس‌وجو» overpass turbo کمکتان می‌کند تا پرس‌وجو را درست کنید.", "warning.share.long": "هشدار: این پیوندِ هم‌رسانی نسبتاً طولانی است. شاید در شرایط خاصی کار نکند", "warning.share.very_long": "هشدار: این پیوندِ هم‌رسانی خیلی طولانی است. احتمالاً در شرایط عادی (مرورگرها، وب‌سرورها) به شکست بینجامد. با احتیاط استفاده کنید!", diff --git a/locales/fr.json b/locales/fr.json index 50fdfc70..a17e1ab5 100644 --- a/locales/fr.json +++ b/locales/fr.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Cette requête n'a retourné aucun nœud. Dans OHM, seuls les nœuds contiennent des coordonnées. Par exemple, un chemin ne peut pas être affiché sans ses nœuds.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Si ce n'est pas le résultat auquel vous vous attendiez, overpass turbo peut vous aider à réparer (auto-complétion) la requête en sélectionnant \"réparer la requête\" ci-dessous. Sinon, vous pouvez continuer vers les données.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "Ne plus afficher ce message.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Il semble que la requête ne retournera pas les données OSM au format XML avec métadonnées. Les éditeurs comme JOSM nécessitent des données dans ce format.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Il semble que la requête ne retournera pas les données OSM au format XML avec métadonnées. Les éditeurs comme JOHM nécessitent des données dans ce format.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo peut vous aider à corriger la requête et choisissant \"réparer la requête\" ci-dessous.", "warning.share.long": "Attention : ce permalien est plutôt long. Il peut ne pas fonctionner dans certains cas.", "warning.share.very_long": "Attention : ce permalien est très long. Il a des chances de ne pas fonctionner (dans le serveur web ou le navigateur). Utilisez-le avec prudence !", diff --git a/locales/gl.json b/locales/gl.json index e72aded6..d6320adb 100644 --- a/locales/gl.json +++ b/locales/gl.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Esta consulta non devolveu ningún nó. No OHM, só os nós conteñen coordenadas. Por exemplo, unha vía non se pode amosar sen os seus nós.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Se isto non é o que desexabas obter, o overpass turbo pode axudarche a arranxar (autocompletar) a consulta escollendo deseguido \"arranxar consulta\". Pola contra, podes continuar cos datos.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "non amosar esta mensaxe de novo.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Semella como se esta consulta non devolvera os datos do OSM no formato XML cos metadatos. Porén, os editores coma o JOSM requiren que os datos estean nese formato.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Semella como se esta consulta non devolvera os datos do OSM no formato XML cos metadatos. Porén, os editores coma o JOHM requiren que os datos estean nese formato.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "O overpass turbo pódeche axudar a corrixir a consulta escollendo \"arranxar consulta\" deseguido.", "warning.share.long": "Aviso: Esta ligazón compartida é moi longa. Pode non funcionar nunhas circunstancias determinadas", "warning.share.very_long": "Aviso: Esta ligazón compartida é moi longa. Probábelmente falle en circunstancias normais (navegadores, servidores web). Empregaa con coidado!", diff --git a/locales/hr.json b/locales/hr.json index 90d71fe2..e352f4ce 100644 --- a/locales/hr.json +++ b/locales/hr.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/hu.json b/locales/hu.json index 001ca754..139ac8a3 100644 --- a/locales/hu.json +++ b/locales/hu.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "A lekérdezés nem adott vissza pontokat. Az OHM-ben csak a pontoknak van koordinátája. Egy vonal például nem jeleníthető meg a pontjai nélkül.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Ha nem ezt szerette volna, az overpass turbo segít kijavítani (kiegészíteni) a lekérdezést a „lekérdezés javítása” gombra nyomva. Ellenkező esetben folytathatja az adatok megtekintésével.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "ne mutassa újra ezt az üzenetet.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Úgy tűnik, ez a lekérdezés az OSM adatokat nem XML formában fogja visszaadni metaadatokkal. A szerkesztőprogramok, mint a JOSM az adatokat ilyen formában várják.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Úgy tűnik, ez a lekérdezés az OSM adatokat nem XML formában fogja visszaadni metaadatokkal. A szerkesztőprogramok, mint a JOHM az adatokat ilyen formában várják.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "Az overpass turbo segít helyesbíteni a lekérdezést a „lekérdezés javítása” gombra nyomva", "warning.share.long": "Figyelmeztetés: Ez a megosztási link elég hosszú. Nem biztos, hogy minden körülmények közt működni fog", "warning.share.very_long": "Figyelmeztetés: Ez a megosztási link nagyon hosszú. Normál körülmények között (böngésző, webszerver) nem fog működni. Használja óvatosan!", diff --git a/locales/ia.json b/locales/ia.json index 0f098517..c9ff13a1 100644 --- a/locales/ia.json +++ b/locales/ia.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/is.json b/locales/is.json index 49269eba..3198a927 100644 --- a/locales/is.json +++ b/locales/is.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "ekki sýna þessi skilaboð aftur", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/it.json b/locales/it.json index 53e015d5..f6d1d84b 100644 --- a/locales/it.json +++ b/locales/it.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "La query non ha restituito alcun node. In OHM, solo i nodi contengono coordinate. Ad esempio, una linea (way) non può essere rappresentata senza i suoi nodi.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Se questo non è il risultato che ti attendevi, overpass turbo può aiutarti a sistemare (auto-completare) la query selezionando sotto \"ripara query\". In alternativa puoi andare direttamente ai dati.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "non mostrare di nuovo questo messaggio", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Sembra che questa query non restituirà i dati OSM nel formato XML con metadati. Editor come JOSM richiedono però che i dati siano in quel formato.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Sembra che questa query non restituirà i dati OSM nel formato XML con metadati. Editor come JOHM richiedono però che i dati siano in quel formato.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo può aiutare correggendo la query selezionando \"ripara query\" qui sotto.", "warning.share.long": "Attenzione: questo link di condivisione è abbastanza lungo e quindi non potrebbe funzionare in alcune circostanze", "warning.share.very_long": "Attenzione: questo link è molto lungo. E' probabile che possa creare problemi in circostanze normali (browser, server web). Utilizzare con cautela.", diff --git a/locales/ja.json b/locales/ja.json index 3d6af4fb..bd1d3757 100644 --- a/locales/ja.json +++ b/locales/ja.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "クエリ結果がありません。OHMで位置座標情報を持っているのはノードだけです。例えば、ウェイを表示するにはそのウェイを形成しているノードが必要となります。", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "検索結果に誤りがある場合、\"クエリを修復\"を選択することで overpass turboは (自動的に) クエリの修復を試みます。もし不要の場合はそのまま続行することも可能です。", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "このメッセージを表示しない。", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "クエリ結果のXML形式OSMデータにメタデータが含まれていないようです。JOSMなどのエディタで編集を行うにはメタデータが含まれている必要があります。", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "クエリ結果のXML形式OSMデータにメタデータが含まれていないようです。JOHMなどのエディタで編集を行うにはメタデータが含まれている必要があります。", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "\"クエリの修復\"を選択するとoverpass turboによって自動的にクエリの修正が行われます。", "warning.share.long": "警告: この共有リンクURLは長すぎます。環境によっては正しく処理できない場合があります。", "warning.share.very_long": "警告: この共有リンクURLは長すぎます。通常の利用方法(ブラウザやWebサーバ)では処理に失敗する可能性があります。注意してお使いください。", diff --git a/locales/ko.json b/locales/ko.json index 5268ed63..8e85b4ee 100644 --- a/locales/ko.json +++ b/locales/ko.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "이 질의는 아무 마디도 반환하지 않았습니다. 오픈스트리트맵에서는 마디에만 좌표가 부여됩니다. 따라서 마디를 갖고 있지 않은 길은 지도에 표시할 수 없습니다.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "원하는 데이터를 얻지 못했다면 아래에 있는 '질의문 복구하기'를 선택하세요. 그러면 overpass turbo가 질의문을 복구(자동 완성)하는 일을 도와 줍니다. 복구를 원치 않는다면 현재 데이터로 작업을 계속할 수 있습니다.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "이 메시지를 다시 띄우지 않습니다.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "이 질의문은 OSM 데이터를 메타데이터가 포함된 XML 형식으로 반환하지 않는 것 같습니다. JOSM과 같은 편집기에서 데이터를 활용하려면 메타데이터가 포함된 XML 형식으로 데이터를 반환해야 합니다.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "이 질의문은 OSM 데이터를 메타데이터가 포함된 XML 형식으로 반환하지 않는 것 같습니다. JOHM과 같은 편집기에서 데이터를 활용하려면 메타데이터가 포함된 XML 형식으로 데이터를 반환해야 합니다.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "원하는 데이터를 얻지 못했다면 아래에 있는 '질의문 복구하기'를 선택하세요. 그러면 overpass turbo가 질의문을 교정해 줍니다.", "warning.share.long": "경고: 이 공유 링크는 꽤 깁니다. 특정 상황에서 링크가 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.", "warning.share.very_long": "경고: 이 공유 링크는 매우 깁니다. 일반적인 상황(브라우저, 웹 서버)에서 링크가 작동하지 않을 가능성이 높습니다. 주의해서 사용하세요!", diff --git a/locales/lv.json b/locales/lv.json index b60e04ad..8b89663d 100644 --- a/locales/lv.json +++ b/locales/lv.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/mr.json b/locales/mr.json index fba2a4ad..5d644ffd 100644 --- a/locales/mr.json +++ b/locales/mr.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "\"विचारणा दुरुस्त करा\" हे निवडून overpass turbo तुम्हाला विचारणा दुरुस्त करण्यात मदत करू शकते.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/nl.json b/locales/nl.json index 90534179..4a8d121d 100644 --- a/locales/nl.json +++ b/locales/nl.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "Deze boodschap niet meer weergeven", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Waarschuwing: Deze doorverwijzing is bijzonder lang. In de meeste gevallen zal deze niet ondersteund worden in webbrowsers en servers.", diff --git a/locales/no.json b/locales/no.json index 1a57495c..6fc7a582 100644 --- a/locales/no.json +++ b/locales/no.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Dette søker returnerte ingen noder. I OHM kan bare noder inneholde koordinater, og en strekning kan derfor ikke vises uten tilhørende noder.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "ikke vis denne meldingen igjen", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Søket vil tilsynelatende ikke returnere OSM data i XML format med metadata. Editorer som JOSM krever at dataene er i det formatet.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Søket vil tilsynelatende ikke returnere OSM data i XML format med metadata. Editorer som JOHM krever at dataene er i det formatet.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo kan hjelpe deg med å fikse søket ved å velge \"reparer søk\" nedenfor.", "warning.share.long": "Advarsel: Denne lenken er lang. Det kan feile under bestemte omstendigheter", "warning.share.very_long": "Advarsel: Denne lenken er veldig lang. Det er sannsynlig at den vil feile under normale omstendigheter (nettlesere, webservere). Bruk med forsiktighet!", diff --git a/locales/pl.json b/locales/pl.json index 7cb49611..e51179d4 100644 --- a/locales/pl.json +++ b/locales/pl.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Ta kwerenda nie zwróciła węzłów. W OHM tylko węzły posiadają współrzędne geograficzne. Przykładowo, nie da się wyświetlić linii bez jej węzłów.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Jeśli to nie jest to, o co ci chodziło, overpass turbo może pomóc ci naprawić (automatycznie skompletować) kwerendę poprzez wybór opcji \"napraw kwerendę\" poniżej. W innym wypadku możesz kontynuować i przejść do danych.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "nie pokazuj ponownie tej wiadomości", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Wygląda na to, że ta kwerenda nie zwróci danych OSM w formacie XML z metadanymi. Edytory takie jak JOSM wymagają danych w tym formacie.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Wygląda na to, że ta kwerenda nie zwróci danych OSM w formacie XML z metadanymi. Edytory takie jak JOHM wymagają danych w tym formacie.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo może pomóc ci poprawić kwerendę po wybraniu opcji \"napraw kwerendę\" poniżej.", "warning.share.long": "Uwaga: ten link do udostępnienia jest długi. Może on nie działać w pewnych warunkach.", "warning.share.very_long": "Uwaga: ten link do udostępnienia jest bardzo długi. Najpewniej nie zadziała on w normalnych warunkach (przeglądarki, serwery). Używaj ostrożnie!", diff --git a/locales/pt-PT.json b/locales/pt-PT.json index f0616b58..6bca57be 100644 --- a/locales/pt-PT.json +++ b/locales/pt-PT.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Esta consulta não retornou nenhum nó. Em OHM, apenas nós contêm coordenadas. Por exemplo, uma via não pode ser exibida sem seus nós.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Parece que essa consulta não retornará dados OSM em formato XML com metadados. Editores como o JOSM exigem que os dados estejam nesse formato, no entanto.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Parece que essa consulta não retornará dados OSM em formato XML com metadados. Editores como o JOHM exigem que os dados estejam nesse formato, no entanto.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/pt_BR.json b/locales/pt_BR.json index c08434d0..5df45f60 100644 --- a/locales/pt_BR.json +++ b/locales/pt_BR.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "A consulta não retornou nenhum ponto. No OHM, somente pontos possuem coordenadas. Por exemplo, uma linha não pode ser exibida sem os seus pontos.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Se não é isso que você pretende obter, overpass turbo pode ajudá-lo a reparar (preencher automaticamente) a consulta, escolhendo \"reparar consulta\" abaixo. Caso contrário, você pode continuar com os dados.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "não mostre essa menssagem novamente", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Parece que essa consulta não retornará dados do OSM em formato XML com metadados. Editores como JOSM requerem que os dados estejam nesse formato.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Parece que essa consulta não retornará dados do OSM em formato XML com metadados. Editores como JOHM requerem que os dados estejam nesse formato.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo pode ajudar você a consertar a consultar selecionando \"reparar consulta\" abaixo.", "warning.share.long": "Aviso: Este link de compartilhamento é bastante longo. Pode não funcionar em certas circunstâncias", "warning.share.very_long": "Aviso: Este link de compartilhamento é muito longo. É provável que falhe em circunstâncias normais (navegadores, servidores da web). Use com cautela!", diff --git a/locales/ro.json b/locales/ro.json index c608f20f..0bdf0448 100644 --- a/locales/ro.json +++ b/locales/ro.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/ru.json b/locales/ru.json index a9c3aca3..012f6720 100644 --- a/locales/ru.json +++ b/locales/ru.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "Этот запрос не вернул точек. В OHM только у точек есть координаты. Например, без информации о точках линию нельзя нарисовать на карте.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "Если это не то, что вы ожидали, overpass turbo может помочь в починке (или автодополнении) запроса — нажмите «починить запрос» внизу. Или перейдите к данным.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "больше не показывать это сообщение.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Похоже, этот запрос не вернёт данные OSM в формате XML с метаданными. Редакторы вроде JOSM требуют данных именно в таком формате.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "Похоже, этот запрос не вернёт данные OSM в формате XML с метаданными. Редакторы вроде JOHM требуют данных именно в таком формате.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo может помочь в починке запроса — нажмите «починить запрос» внизу.", "warning.share.long": "Внимание: эта ссылка очень длинна. Она может не сработать в некоторых браузерах.", "warning.share.very_long": "Внимание: эта ссылка очень длинна, и с большой вероятностью не сработает в обычных условиях (из-за браузеров или серверов). Используйте осторожно!", diff --git a/locales/sl.json b/locales/sl.json index c4f59462..5cfc4261 100644 --- a/locales/sl.json +++ b/locales/sl.json @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "This query returned no nodes. In OHM, only nodes contain coordinates. For example, a way cannot be displayed without its nodes.", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "If this is not what you meant to get, overpass turbo can help you to repair (auto-complete) the query by choosing \"repair query\" below. Otherwise you can continue to the data.", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "do not show this message again.", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOSM require the data to be in that format, though.", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "It looks like if this query will not return OSM data in XML format with metadata. Editors like JOHM require the data to be in that format, though.", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "overpass turbo can help you to correct the query by choosing \"repair query\" below.", "warning.share.long": "Warning: This share-link is quite long. It may not work under certain circumstances", "warning.share.very_long": "Warning: This share-link is very long. It is likely to fail under normal circumstances (browsers, webservers). Use with caution!", diff --git a/locales/zh_TW.json b/locales/zh_TW.json index 6016fdf8..8a08045e 100644 --- a/locales/zh_TW.json +++ b/locales/zh_TW.json @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ "warning.incomplete.expl.1": "這次檢索並未回傳節點。在OHM,只有節點才有座標資訊。舉例來說,你無法在沒有節點的情況下顯示路徑。", "warning.incomplete.expl.2": "如果這不是你要的結果,overpass turbo能藉由選擇下面的 \"修復檢索\" 選項幫助你修復 (自動完成) 檢索。不然你也可以繼續原來原來選項檢索資料。", "warning.incomplete.not_again": "別再顯示這項訊息", - "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "看起來這次檢索不會回傳任何有metadata XML格式的OSM圖資。然後,像JOSM這類編輯器需要這種格式的資料。", + "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.1": "看起來這次檢索不會回傳任何有metadata XML格式的OSM圖資。然後,像JOHM這類編輯器需要這種格式的資料。", "warning.incomplete.remote.expl.2": "透過下面的\"修復檢索\"功能,Overpass Turbo幫你修正檢索。", "warning.share.long": "注意: 分享連結有點長,在某些程式中可能無法正常使用", "warning.share.very_long": "注意: 分享連結非常長,一般(瀏覽器、網站)很可能無法正常使用, 請特別留意!",